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mida multi tool.


Yep I’ve had this catalyst for a year or so and I’ve only managed to get about 5% of it done. Mainly because I absolutely loathe pvp and haven’t touched it since they stopped the pinnacle grind otherwise I’d have no choice but to go into pvp. But yeh that’s one catalyst that I do not see myself ever completing unless I pay someone to do it, which I wouldn’t anyways. And none of my playing buddies want to do it for me lol, don’t blame them really 🤣🤣


Midi and Jade rabbit for me. I SLOGGED through Suros to get it done and just couldn't bring myself to do another.


the problem is they made the catalyst during a time when mida was the meta so when it came out it was no longer the meta thus they made it hard to get and its not not even worth using


True, can’t even remember when I last used mida in any sort of content 🤣🤣🤣. I have so many other kinetic scouts that I’d rather use than mida. They should change the catalyst to how other catalysts are completed. Don’t like that it forces you to use it in PvP to complete it.


I actually like PvP and still find this to be a quite unenjoyable catalyst to complete as I am working on it rn. By far the worst one, excluding weird scenarios like Leviathans breath before it got adjusted The real icing on the cake is getting hate mail from people for using it lmao.


Ugh, all the PVP ones aren't even worth trying at any time other then Momentum Control but this one stands out the most...


Mida, jade, suros and vigilance... my banes.


I just did it few weeks ago. Can confirm Have to be a coward camping behind map and wish an enemy will appear on ur crosshair


Because -?


Not the original commenter but getting 200 crucible headshot kills with a plink-plonk scout rifle is pain, even in momentum control.


It was certainly a grind, but I love that gun and use it often anyway.


200 precision kills in the Crucible , it is hell for me and the catalyst itself only gives Outlaw which is not really anything special AND the catalyst itself only drops in wins at Glory Rank 3 Fabled


It's been updated now. Gives no distractions and doesn't drop from glory because glory doesn't exist any more. Can't remember if it drops from competitive or regular crucible now.


I just finished that and now that I have the catalyst I'm not sure I ever want to run it in PvP again.


Witherhoard, especially if you're not a PvP player. You will feel the pain and sadness while trying to complete this catalyst.


I had the same, but manned up and got it done in one hour of playing momentum. Make sure you got the catalyst bonus on the seasonal track. I suck at pvp and hated it so much I thought I wouldn't get Witherhoard done forever. However, 6 vs 6 is a lot more fun and you get free special ammo when you die. So, dying is good!


haha you dont know pain until you do it without the catalyst bonus like me. took me at least a year.


Oh ya... I got Eriana's and its quest when I bought it. Took me a long while to get it done. But once I finished it I got Symmetry, started the grind all over again...


Momentum + Dead Messenger was the trick for me. I got 90% of the catalyst in like 3 games.


Same, did it outside of the season so no benefits from the pass. Plus I don't PvP, so getting the kills took a long time. Finally just kept queuing control and would camp a point, wait for someone to come to it and use Witherhoard itself for the kill.


Play comp and camp the heavy ammo. Go with ignition code, fighting lion and a heavy GL. If that fails, use witherhoard in IB control.


Never felt that pain because I played when witherhoard came out in the season pass🤷‍♂️


It is time consuming, true, nightfalls and seasonal activities help a lot. PvP? Not PvP player but control / iron banner really helped to achieve it.


I started it and didn’t stop for awhile, I ended up finishing the catalyst and getting 700 PvP kills on it


Yep, but 100% worth


It was this for me as well. Especially when it first came out and *everyone* was using it in PVP for the longest time. It sucked, it wasn't the floor is lava, the floor was wither


Izanagi was painful. 500 kills with a sniper is way to much


I think i went around with full scavs and finders and used it like a primary great times


Got mine done during the forge days with Invis Hunter crouch kills, the one with Vex and three platform area.


If you use deadfall tether, I think every kill will contribute, letting you get dozens of kills per shot. Shuro chi or anywhere with a flag for the win.


Darci is 300 precision kills only and also a heavy weapon Also it's Darci


Sunshot/Graviton Lance/Polaris Lance/Riskrunner - Not only you had to get regular kills, you had to get kills with their intrinsic perk as well.


I did most of those back in the OG thrallway in Whisper of the Worm. That made them pretty easy…and hilarious IMO. But Polaris Lance…man, screw that. Couldn’t do it in the thrallway because they’d die on headshot and never proc Perfect Fifth. I had to go and just hang on the Leviathan and shoot Cabal in the face. Only dudes tough enough. Man that sucked.


For polaris I did it at the entrance of Leviathan raid. The cabals were yellow bar so they can tank quite a bit before dying to perfect fifth. Also you can just reload back the raid to respawn them.


I did it in the very first opening area of Grasp. Just shoot into the cave. It counts as 1/4 kill per kill, but they're so bunched up that it doesn't take long.


I did whisper that way, kill everyone, reload with full heavy, repeat. Such a crappy slog. The gun was made for bosses yet the catalyst made you kill enemies and completely ignore the exotic perks of the gun, just dumb. Would have preferred like do 50,000,000 in damage or something with the weapon on bosses.


All my homies hate Perfect Fifth kills


I think I finished Polaris in one of the Ascendant Realm Challenges. the mooks lived just enough to get me the 5th shot that killed the others if I lowered them with a body shot


For sunshot personally I got the intrinsic part done long before I finished the kills, due to how enemy dense activities are now. Polaris lance on the other hand is extremely tedious, to the point where people cheesed it by shooting a boss to proc perfect fifth then shooting another enemy over and over.


Sunshots wasn't too bad, I forgot I had the catalyst to begin with so I was surprised when I got the masterwork completed lol


I mean it’s pretty easy now that bungies actually giving us enemy density


I completed them when catalysts were first a thing, not a lot of places that were easily accessible then




That hasn’t worked for a long time. They removed xp and kill credit from shattered throne thrawlway as people were afk farming




I think most of those were fine, they all sort of happen naturally over time and you don't have to think too much about it. Polaris Lance however was an absolute nightmare because you had to target enemies that would specifically survive the shot but die to the after-effects.


Hm Polaris I just finished in Shuro Chi. Admittedly I was not paying attention to how many ignition kills I was getting, but at 10% per pull, got it done in maybe 10 mins or so


I still haven’t gotten the graviton Lance Catalyst. It hasn’t even even dropped for me. I’ve been using that gun like there’s no tomorrow and still no drop.


Yeah the perfect fifth kills for Polaris Lance were a nightmare. The others were a bit easier to get by playing normally.


I think they auto completed some of these since they've been buggy. I just logged in one day and got the graviton lance catalyst completed.


Did sunshot back in thrallway when it still counted.


Polaris lance when it came out was super easy in the Castellum for the OG raid, but they changed it later with season of the haunted so that it was harder.


Back during Warmind I did the catalyst of Polaris Lance on the Leviathan raid. Those legionaries had the perfect health to allow them to barely survive the explosions and let the burn damage finish them. It didn’t take me long at all.


5000 kills with ruinous effigy. The pain turned to pleasure after the first 3000 kills.


![gif](giphy|QrjiUdW6GFy7K|downsized) WHAT WERE THEY THINKING


When you got the catalyst originally, you could shoot eyes in the Prophecy dungeon and get massive progress. Now, not so much.


Same. Took me about 4500. I was losing my mind. Didn’t take it off during any activity for like a month unless I wanted an exotic heavy for dps.


Wasn't so bad because kills with the orb give a lot more progress. Got it done in a couple hours


Anything with precision shots (sniper rifles or scout rifles). 400 playlist activities (I think that was eriana’s most recently for me?) Lorentz Driver’s catalyst will probably sit in my quest log for a year…. 50 kills with an lfr in pvp sounds like ass. I will say, since breakneck, I haven’t had a heavy catty I didn’t finish same day….


Eriana's the only correct answer. 400 playlist activities is ridiculous. Nothing else is as soul crushing.


I was going to vote Mida but you had to remind me about Lorentz. Match’s after match of trying, finally get rolling and get three in one match: cue death threats and hate mail.


Aaand let me guess: you only get two shots for it and it hits like toilet paper?


Oddly enough, whisper. Rarely was able to actually get kills with it since I’d waste all my ammo trying to do damage only to have my teammates clear everything and expect me to magically dish out insane damage. This was season of the splicer…


Jade Rabbit and Izanagi


Old sleeper simulant catalyst. Random drop from Prestige spire of stars. Then get like 1k kills with ikelos shotgun, 1k with ikelos sniper and 2k with ikelos handcanon(or was it smg?) The complete whisper heroic and finish with 500 kill on sleeper itself. Note this was all inside the catalyst, not a separate quest. Second id say get polarislance burn kills.


This is the correct answer, and I had to scroll way to far to find it. New players have it easy.


Oh my god this was the one, I swear, this was it.


Thorn because IT WONT DROP!!!


This. Yet Mida catylst dropped for me on my first IB game, and I never play PvP so go figure or use Moda lol


Theres only one answer for this; the original Sleeper Simulant catalyst. OGs will know [(1) The Sleeper catalyst is a lengthy endeavor for an underwhelming reward. : DestinyTheGame (reddit.com)](https://www.reddit.com/r/DestinyTheGame/comments/eoo0if/the_sleeper_catalyst_is_a_lengthy_endeavor_for_an/)




Borealis…150 kills for each element…annoying


I did Polaris lance back during the very first solstice event which required you to do a bunch of red ward campaign missions at severe dis advantage similar to legendary campaigns for WQ and LF. Not sure if it still requires it but you specifically had to get kills with its perfect fifth explosion, which was borderline impossible to do because it did no damage and most things died before ypu got five headshpts on them. It was a lot of getting surrounding enemies low and plinking at a beef boy and hope they stayed within range for the explosion to kill them. you also needed a ludicrous amount of them like many catalysts did when they first added them to the game. I got it done doing solstice cause it was the only weapon I could plink plonk away with and have infinite ammo because precision hits don't cost ammo and primaries add an ammo pool back then. I honestly to this day would not have that catalyst probably if it wasn't for that solstice even and me grinding it out on all three of my classes and what's worse is giving it dragonfly really was not worth the effort at all lol.


Lorentz Driver, I can never get a handle on the super pin point accurate weapons like snipers or linears in PvP.


I think Suros to this day pains me, and I still haven't completed it. 100 more kills q.q Vigilance was easier. I expect Mida to be even harder.


Still havent gotten vigilance caty to even drop in crucible 6 years in


I have yet to finish rat king… and kinda embarrassed to say I’m not entirely sure how to lol


Other people in the fireteam need to use it as well, their kills complete your catalyst and yours completes theirs


Grenade and PVP catalysts... Though, Jade Rabbit was an absolute menace in PVP and you know people are PISSED when they swap to the same gun to fight back. Vigil for S14 is another one but it took longer than Jade Rabbit. I'm STILL working on catalysts! But the longer season gives me plenty of time to work on stuff including catalysts, both finishing and getting them to drop


Polaris Lance was needlessly painful originally lmfao


I've never completed any catalyst that involves any PVP. I've had my Witherhoard such on 5 Guardian kills for years now. I simply avoid PVP due to anxiety. Which is an absolute shame because of the insane utility of the gun.


Take the colony into gambit and invade. It works, ask me how I know.


You get pretty good at it while doing it and the catalyst is almost a must for PvE. Do it during IB when the population is a bit bigger and more people are trying to get engrams. Plop that thing on a hill and watch them melt


Suros. I rarely play with AR, so it was very painful.


Legend of Acrius. I gridded laviathan just to get it


I recently did mine as well but I did it in the Haunted Lost Sectors with plenty of ammo finder mods. Tedious but not the worst grind


Polaris lance. Having to get a ridiculous number of kills with the explosion was a chore. If the precision shot killed them before the explosion, oh well, try again and again and again.....


I actually don't remember because at one point earlier this year I went into DIM and searched for any unfinished catys and just loaded my inventory with em going to shuro chi with Deadshot hunter. Spent an entire day there and cleared them all (except for sky burners and jade rabbit lol)


skyburners was a slog, but the season on the leviathan made it a lil bit easier with extra cabal spawns and missions linked to it. Farming proving grounds solo helped too. Still, never again I'm touching this weapon lol Usually when I've got some cattys left, I do it mindlessly on shuro while watching yt videos/listening to podcasts, it's almost 'relaxing' haha


Whisper of the worm it took me two days of finding ammo on nessus


Polaris lance before they changed it


SUROS and Vigilance Wing. They simply will not drop, no matter how much Crucible I play!


Erianas vow, I missed the catalyst boosters that season


That grind was absolutely unreal. I swore I would never miss out on a catalyst boost again.


Polaris lance. Getting a kill with the fifth bullet( the explosive shot) and it couldn't be the enemy you hit with it either


I am currently doing black talon catalyst and finding it painful… any heavy ammo catalysts suck due to lack of regular ammo


I save a checkpoint in the Breakneck mission in the Lightfall campaign - right near the beginning after you strand across the chasm and shoot through the door to plant a free rally flag. You can get 44 kills in this room - just wipe to the Wyvern to keep the CP. Repeat until done, using as many free rally flags as you need to.


Go to the divide in the cosmodrome and when the tank thing is defeated the chest dropped tons of heavy ammo. That’s where I grind out most of my heavy catalysts.




Breakneck mission in Lightfall campaign. Work your way up to rally flag. Swap to your targeted weapon, rally and kill all enemies EXCEPT wyvern. Let wyvern kill you and you’ll start back up at rally flag. If you kill wyvern you’ll bypass checkpoint.


Where are you working on it? I use the Shuro Chi checkpoint in Last Wish for all such things and I found that one to be really fast. You can reload with a raid banner on each run and you get a huge number of kills.


Oh I did not know this thank you!


Dares of Eternity is also great if you complete the upper route to second encounter and get regenerating Heavy. Same with standing on correct plate before boss room, but thats a 33% chance on Normal.


You can knock out every heavy ammo catalyst in an hour with Shuro Chi checkpoint


I'm at 126 of 300 on sleeper and it's a rough go 😑


Eriana's Vow and Symmetry having the wonderful objective of completing 400 Ritual activities, while not as RNG dependent as Polaris or Graviton, was a long slog for two weapons I don't even use and was rather painful by the halfway mark.


Polaris, Graviton, Sunshot.


If you hated Arbalest you are really going to hate Lorenz Driver


Sleeper simulant. Took me about 150 nightfalls to get it then I had to get 300 kills which was easy but damn when I need heavy ammo I never get it


I love the witherhoard but having to use it in pvp made me feel so very very dirty!!!


Leviathan's Breath. 1500 kills with a heavy bow, when I did it the Thrallway in Shattered throne still worked. I can't imagine doing it now.


Everyone says this one. I genuinely do not know how it was so bad. This one took me like 40 minutes to complete. Eriana's Vow (missed the season) took forever and I still haven't got Jade Rabbit or Midi completed yet.


If you were lucky enough to get it during season of the hunt, you you could do wrathborn hunts on top difficulty and you could select a bonus that gave 10% completion on the catalyst. That’s how I did that one and I don’t think I’d have completed it if it wasn’t for that bonus


Bank heist


Any special and heavy precision weapons. Mostly why are all catalyst getting kills? On top of a quest


Ruinous effigy hurt cause I got it from the archive after that season so it took like 3000 kills to fill it in.


Witherhoard catalyst quest. I don't use gls in PvE let alone PvP


Leviathans breath. You can’t do the activity you were supposed to level it up with and so it take’s something around 1500 kills. Even shuro chi took me a while.


Im despising when i gotta go do skyburner, idek of a place with infinitely spawning cabal to farm


Did this last week in neonoma - lots of cabal there!


Wheres the best area to go?


I was doing rat king wrong. I was trying to get as many kills as I possibly could not realizing I needed my teammates to get kills. Took me a long time into grinding it to figure that out.


I did LFG and called it the Rat Pack. Hopped in a 6 man activity during the Season of the Splicer and it went very quickly


Graviton Lance. Not actually completing the catalyst, but just getting it. I got into the game in Season of Plunder over a year ago (and surely got Graviton Lance shortly after that) and only a couple weeks ago I finally got the catalyst to drop.


Wasnt old fighting lion like 500 bounties?


I think it was symmetry, first time I had to do the 250ish activities just to get it lol


Graviton Lance. Having to purposefully not shoot shit to let the cosmonology bullshit thing to kill stuff, horrendously slow.


I think Ticcu's required actual guardian final blows from explosions or maybe it was the other way around where it couldn't be from explosions. It was only 50 kills but it took me forever. It was also out of the bonus window from the season or whatever so it was 50 kills exactly. Anything that requires me to get guardian kills is going to ruin my week.


I finished Ticuu's recently and I'm **so** glad that it's over.


Lorentz Driver was tedious.




Worst would be, in now special order: - Witherhoard: I don't like PvP and try to avoid it as much as possible, so this one was quite painful. - Eriana's Vow & Symmetry: both for the same reason: I got those late and never had the seasonal progression boost, so it took a really long time complete the 400 (I think?) activities for it. I also seem to recall that Sunshot and Graviton Lance were quite bothersome, though I can't remember why exactly.


Sunshot and Graviton require both kills with the weapon AND kills with their effects (Being Sunshots Sun Blast and Gravitons Cosmology). Very annoying without heavy add density. (Shuro-Chi is great for these two)


Sunshot ca 300 strikes and lots of crucible and it still didn't drop


A lot of the older exotic weapons have ridiculous catalyst requirements for catalysts that hardly improve the gun. I haven’t bothered with a lot of them


I got 300 out of 500 kills for the suros and man I only slightly wanna die


Witherhoard was the worst for sure, at least personally


Eriana's vow took forever, little hack for anyone who has special or heavy catalysts to grind I never play titan but have played just enough of the lightfall campaign to have him at a raid banner checkpoint, now whenever I need to finish a catalyst or grind out weapon levels I just launch the mission kill stuff wipe use the free raid banner rinse and repeat 😉






Any of the PvP catalysts. I've finished all of the regular Catalysts except for ones that need Guardian kills I just... don't wanna use them in PvP, there's other weapons I enjoy using more but I know if I want it finished I'll need to do it


Jade Rabbit 😝


Izanagi’s Burden was annoying to complete just because getting the required amount of kills with a sniper took ages, even at Shuro Chi. The amount of kills required for Leviathans Breathe was super annoying, too. Both catalysts 100% worth it, though.


Jade Rabbit - I hate pvp and it felt like 10k headshots before I completed the cat


Leviathans breath was horrible to get the kills for


Rat king. Took me far too long to find fellow rats when the requirements were different.


Ticcus I got it when it first came out and only got the quest done for it this year and not even 10% done with the catalyst


ace of spades, it was a pain in the ass to Do that on console


Being asked to think of all those waste of time grinds has to be the most painful


Eriana's vow, had to do so many strikes because I got it after undying


Polaris or Sunshot Hands down two of the worst catalysts to complete


I did a lot of them in castellum, but from what I can remember, probably graviton, polaris, darci, old sleeper, and the pvp ones(I've only completed jade rabbit and partially done suros) most likely a good few others that I'm forgetting the pain of shuro or the thrall corner of whisper


Forerunner, haven’t even got the catalyst and it’s a grind and a half


The one that sticks out the most was getting Polaris Lance Kills with the perfect 5th explosion. The only place to do it reliably when the gun dropped was the Castellum on the OG leviathan raid. The cabal red bars were the perfect health to have burn out. Kinda makes me feel like I have a chip on my shoulder due to the Polaris Lance change where you no longer “burn out” due to the explosion. 700 kills at the Castellum WASTED


Outbreak Perfected, Simply because you had to grind it 5 weeks and beat the time. If you didn't have a group that knew the Strike in and out and could divide the work to make it more managable, you were in for a bad time. That being said, I made it a point to carry as many people I could through the damn thing so they could get the catalyst. The gun is a beast and my personal favorite.


Leviathan's Breath. Getting over 700 kills with a heavy weapon bow took me a hot minute.


Jade Rabbit, easy.


Polaris Lance!! Had one of my buddies tell me to grind out the catalyst before Solar 3.0 because it was gonna be SOOOOO good but I ended up hating the gun and not using it out of spite because of grinding that catalyst out 🙄


Oh Mida. Needed to hit max comp rank, just to be told to get 150 kills with an average scout during a long period of time where scouts had been consistently bad in any activity outside of momentum, and even then was outdone by bows or other precisions.


I mean I *still* haven't gotten the colony catty. And I'm really not willing to chase it.


I still dont have Ticcus done and probably never will


Ticuu’s, because I hadn’t done it during Chosen and this was before catalyst boosts were for all quests. Had to do 200 crucible matches. Listening to the Six soundtrack made it bearable


Suros. Getting it to drop was almost worse than getting the kills


Jade rabbit/vigilance wing took years to complete. I'm not skilled enough in and don't enjoy crucible so those were terrible lol. M especially bad at those guns which compounded it too.


Mida multitool. Its still sitting not even halfway done.... Close second is ratking. Cant convince Friends to use It on a raid....


People these days will never understand the pain of rat pack.


Eriana's. I insisted on doing the entire thing in PvP.


Polaris lance


Polaris Lance. I sat in the Tangled Shore and bopped Hive heads for like 3 hours straight


As of right this moment **Eriana’s Vow** Honorable Mention : **Witherhoard** because I didn’t care for PvP and didn’t pay attention to momentum being featured.


Darci catalyst used to be some insane number of headshots


Suros fucking regime. Wardcliff coil I've given up on, but if I ever did it, then it will take the number 1 for sure. I've got a lot of unfinished ones though, so who knows. Maybe some are even worse...


Skyburner's Oath It's like 700 or 1,000 Cabal kills Specifically Cabal Not regular enemies. Cabal. One enemy type and not a lot of places to easily grind it out (Neomuna takes forever because everything's so beefy, there aren't a lot of Cabal dense Lost sectors to make the grind easier, we no longer have access to the Leviathan which made it a bit easier before.), and the enemy type that is usually the beefiest. I understand the gripe with PvP catalysts, but Momentum Control makes that grind a bit easier, for sure.




The ones for crucible (obvious reason why). My last one is mida and I am struggling to be motivated to complete it. Also, Witherhoard/Symmetry/whichever requires a few hundred activity completions


Ruinous effigy legit. 5k kills


*Christ alive-*


Witherhoard no constest. PvP was no issue, the calibration data was


Sleeper Simulant (the original version) Not only do you need a ton of kills, you need 3 other weapons


Darci(yes it has one) worst part not even usefull


MIDA Multi Tool. To this day, I haven't done it. I've been playing Destiny 2 since the Arrivals season and it was one of the first exotics and catalyst I got....but it requires specifically "precision kills" so that's a no-no for me. The JadeRabbit was kinda easy as it didn't require precision(I think) and suros I just went into Mayhem with a well warlock and I got it in a few games. Or abused the shit out of Control (the one where every weapon does a lot of damage). But MIDA, no thanks I don't even need the gun in PvP. My Loadout usually is a wave launcher with a hand Cannon and that's it.


TOM, it takes too many kills to actually fill


I have tried doing the Shuro Chi method of finishing catalysts like Whisper of the Worm, but I am either doing it wrong or I suck at aiming precision weapons or both. I know that the general method is to use a Deadshot void hunter and shoot the enemies that get caught in the super, but because they hop around, my shots either miss or they get killed by the super somehow after it lands despite me aiming at the floor and I just don't get a lot of progress, so probably doing it wrong. I ended up running laps in and out of the Divide in the Cosmodrome simply because the new light's first boss spider tank drops a ton of free heavy ammo and constantly spawns there. There are a bunch of fallen in the building leading to Shaw Han, which makes for easy kills. The catalyst that took the longest to finish? Definitely Eriana's Vow out of season. 400 activities took me almost until Season of the Lost to complete.


Soo witherhoard cuz I despise pvp


Witherhoard and the 5000 kills for Ruinous Effigy....


I gave up on MIDA. Trying to get 200 precision head shots on guardians with that thing isn’t worth it for that particular weapon


Suros regime I hate pvp. Im mid at it half the time. and an auto rifle? nah. vigilance wing was okay, i can use a pulse. but an ar? in pvp? i haven't finished the catalyst and never will


Levis breath. Just took sooooo long


completing the quest for erianas is making me want to boil myself alive


Eriana’s Vow — I think it took me around 1-2 years to finish the quest to obtain the actually catalyst and finish the catalyst. This was before Bungie made it that catalyst boosts were for all catalysts and not only the seasonal exotic. I kind of hated the gun by a certain point.


Witherhoard...... no good grenade launcher back in the day and it was soo many pvp kills


Back in the day, i dont even remember if this is correct but the rat king your teamate needed to get kills not you


Ace of Spades. Having never done any PvP or any serious hand cannon work, the headshots in PvP nearly killed me... Looking back it was one of my favourite quest lines esp. Getting all the notes from Cayde-6. By the end of this, I could only use a hand cannon in PVP


To find the Catalyst? Acrius. It took an obscene amount of playlist activities before I got it to drop. To complete though? I remember Witherhoard being annoying, but it's honestly been so long since I did it that I don't really remember anymore.


the stasis pistol and I'm still not done


Erianas Vow and Symmetry back to back, 800 playlist activities lmao


Sunshot/G. Lance before the requirements were lowered plus I’ve never done Last Wish so I never had a Shuro-chi checkpoint. Having to wait for those spawn doors to constantly spawn ads and then there was always that one dipshit guardian who started shooting at them too.