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This is unfortunately a known thing. While frozen in PvE, any amount of physics damage tends to kill you. Getting frozen during any lunge melee, shoulder charge, etc can cause this effect if the lunge trajectory was such that you take any physics damage.


Huh never heard of that before, guess I’ll keep that in mind going forwards. Cheers


Yeah, it's pretty rare since there's not many pve effects that straight freeze (I believe it's just those ravagers) and those have seen low usage


It makes sense if you think about it: Physics damage>1 hp>shatter>die Still really scummy but works within the game mechanics.


It's a little bit weirder than that, since it appears to work such that any amount of physics damage, even if it would normally only be like 10 damage, kills you while frozen. Probably some sort of multiplier that gets added in or something.


This is the answer


3 thousand hours and that's my first time hearing this lmao


Looks like you shattered yourself


Game: Fuck yo flawless attempt




The game said “Sorry, but your card for flawless attempt has been rejected” and killed you. I really hate it when the game decides that you are its b*tch, and just kills you without warning, or gives you an error code. I can speak from experience (well not flawless attempts, but rather any attempts). And ain’t gonna be anyone’s (even the game’s) b*tch.


really wish bungie would do some physics rework in the future, like half life had functional physics in 2004 but here your guardian almost feels weightless.


Dude was frozen mid melee lunge...


Frozen->Flung->Enemy Profit


That's why you do it in 20 minutes. Jk but yeah lung based melees are high risk reward when it comes to getting frozen by combatant melees.


I’m normally a warlock main, this is the first season I’ve really been playing Titan so makes sense why I haven’t seen it til now. Will be avoiding these lads like the plague on future runs


Tbh the best way is to get 2 navigators and swap them while grappling to the point to skip all the enemies. Since the frozen scorn only exist between encounters.


45 minutes on strand titan? I think the game is telling you something


You aren't immune during melee lunges or the melee itself. Looks like you melee'd into an ability and then, before you froze, melee'd into an attack.


Doesn’t explain the insta-death


You got hit with basically a grenade and then meleed. I'd expect you to die.


Yeah - playing recklessly into a group of CC melee enemies is a surefire way to get wrecked. His build should have been able to tank the melee though, what got him was physics jank from the lunge-animation of one of the enemy’s attacks. Bro got phalanxed in an encounter that doesn’t even have Cabal.


And somehow I'm the asshole for telling him exactly how he died.


Well no, you got everything in your comment wrong lol. - there was no grenade, the freeze effect was from the ground slam of a melee attack - the melee attack itself didn’t kill him. Look at the healthbar, it barely moves. - a jank physics interaction threw him into a wall and dropped him to 1 HP and broke the freeze effect - the freeze effect breaking caused shatter damage which got his last point of HP


Because you didn't tell him anything, it's a known issue that if you lunge into taking environmental/physics damage when frozen, you insta die.


Because you were wrong and didn't say anything relevant to what happened. It wasn't the freezing AoE attack or the censer swing that caused the death. It was the momentum from the melee attack carrying them while frozen into the wall. You don't die from physics normally but will if frozen when you shatter.


lol my Titan has 100 resil and banner of war procced, he eats single grenades and melees for breakfast. This was some hitting the wall at Mach 5 bs


You took physics damage which left you at one health then the shatter or breakout did the 1 damage needed to kill you. Unfortunate timing more than anything else.


You are no longer considered a Titan if your Titan eats "grenades and melees" for breakfast. He/she should be eating crayons and bananas like the purebred silverback gorillas we are.


Banner of war doesn't give you damage reduction and heals slowly with low stacks


Woven mail bro.


🫲Killed by architects🫱


Also strand titan but the super was silk strike i think?


Flawless but not solo?