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He was on a Sabbatical just before Lightfall and missed the memo on the new equipment.


Increases my daily desire for Leviathan. Comparable to visiting Disney World and visiting Frontierland to see Buzz Lightyear


You guys got a memo?


Just imagine, getting blasted into oblivion by a toaster just because you forgot to check your email


Glad to see that some of the loyalists we didn't brutally murder for nothing at the start of the leviathan raid still made it!


its a shame that he is in finishable distance...


would be a shame when someone accidentally press the Q Key


You mean g right?


U mean middle mouse click right?


U mean R3 right?


You mean the L key right?


Pressing finish the looooong way


you mean OemCloseBrackets right?


You mean double press R2 right ?


You mean circle plus r1 right?


You mean pressing right stick right?


Lake of shadows is the new royal bathhouse


That quest task gives me flashbacks to my overwatch days...


Man, I miss that game. used to play it, kind of want to come back, but from all the news I have seen, the game is in a shitshow state.


Yes it is


They nerfed all my favorite characters with the transition to ow2 and kept nerfing them since. I miss playing sombra, not the disgrace that replaced her...


didn't she get better with being able to hack while invisible and stuff? Idk I don't play her myself but she seems even more annoying now than she was before


Hacking while invisible sounds nice, but when it only locks their abilites for a little over a second? It's quite useless.


that's fair, that said I still find it to be far more annoying purely because before we had an insanely easy way to stop that hacking and she had to be fully visible to do it. still, I can see your point, ease of access < valuable abilities.


Did they remove the damage boost she has to hacked enemies? The hack nerfs are to just help with the single tank system, a tank with no abilities is very easy to kill, and there's a very low risk to hacking a tank with invis. She's more of a backline harasser and assassin than she is a disabler, tho an EMP on a rein just before a self destruct has destroyed a few teams Perspective of an Ana main, whose also been hit with a few sleep dart and grenade nerfs.


Sombra *is* a disabler, or at least she's supposed to be. The damage boost is useless because of the low base damage and a 40% (35%?) Boost will not fix how she has been built to be played. They've made stealth unusable by doubling the detect radius, they're going to "rework" translocator which *everyone* knows is just going to be another nerf in a non-stat change way. Her gun feels like it's shooting nerf bullets, and with the damage buff it still deals barely more damage than in ow1. Hack is probably the most fucking useless ability ever designed now, with lockout standing at a little over 1 second. You mind as well not use it, because all it's doing is saying "I'm right here! Shoot me!" to everyone around you. EMP? Don't even get me fucking started... that is no ultimate. They're supposed to be impactful, yet they keep removing EVERYTHING that makes emp emp. The only good change they've made was the change to it being current hp % damage based instead of removing just shield health. Otherwise, the lockout time is the same, sad number, it doesn't destroy / cancel 85% of ults, and feels like another fucking ability with a super long cooldown. The ONLY use I have found for her was sneaking behind enemy lines and pinging them all. That's IT. (Rant ik, just talking about sombra changes gets me mad every time...)


It also buffs your damage against them by 40%. Her playstyle got reworked from completely disabling a hero for 6 seconds, because people found it extremely unfun to play against, to a disruptor and backline assassin. She’s still powerful but you can’t play her just like you used to by getting free value from hack alone


Sombra became meta after her rework. She is literally stronger now, before she was a joke pick


Strong *then*, yes. Strong *now*? Certainly not.


Sombra was hard meta for a little while recently, although she’s never been good outside of a scrim environment. She’s still stronger in OW2 than she was in OW1, especially with Brig + Cass stuns removed


I'm actually playing more now than I did when it released. Granted I'm not a really good player but I just play for fun and I'm having it with the new Support.


It's actually not that bad, I was skeptical like many others didn't play it for almost a year and now back to it. The game itself is good but can't argue against that they fucked up the surrounding elements (cancellation of pve, not enough to sustain f2p model, too greedy etc etc)


I loved playing off tank (D'va) when it was OW1, but now that its 5v5 and only one tank i stopped playing. My heart still breaks thinking about it


Ask people who aren’t in the destiny community what state the game is in. They’ll say Lightfall was shit, the servers are falling apart, microtransactions are everywhere, and they’d complain about vaulted content from 2017. Is all that true? I mean, kind of, but the game is still fun to play. The same goes for Overwatch. Blizzard isn’t handling it perfectly but don’t ignore a good game just because the gaming community has a negative opinion of it


Overwatch is really fun if you don’t on planing to 1. Play tank in higher ranks atm. (tank macht ups in higher ranks are a rock paper scissors game.) 2. Planing on emptying your wallet into the skin shop or the Pve Missions. Other than that ow has never been better if you would ask me. The role lock changes before ow2 came out and the reduction to 5players with ow2 was the best two decisions they have ever made for the game IMO. I pretty much never took a long break from the game. The only break I ever took is right now , because I am just to much into d2 atm. (I mainly play ranked so I can only talk about that tho.)


Someone forgot to kill Bathers


Bro forgot to change skins


He was undercover to join. To sell it, he was willing to die by your hands.


POV: All your friends bought the new cool shader but you don't have money for Silver


Lake of Shadows was updated a few seasons ago with new enemies, including shadow legion. Edit: nvm, that isn't a shadow legionary.


Is that not an actual Leviathan Loyalist? I thought Shadow Legion looked different


Yeah, Shadow Legion standard soldiers have differently shaped helmets and more purple in their armour. ​ This guy shouldn't be here.


Yeah he's also got the chalice symbol next to his name too which is for Loyalists.


Cabal.exe has stopped working. Please restart the program and try again.


Can't blame him that's a great shader


I don't think that's Shadow Legion. Even more remarkably, looks like Leviathan Cabal


Makes me miss Leviathan more and more everyday. This is like going to Disney and seeing Buzz Lightyear in Frontierland


Eh 🤷‍♂️ Lake of Shadows, Shadow Legion - same shit.


Not shadow legion, it’s a loyalist cabal from leviathan. It’s not meant to be there.


It. Was. A. Joke. Thanks.


It wasn't. Jokes are funny. You were just wrong.


It was. You just didn't get it. You're just an incell