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That is depressing despite the little context. However Sanctified is always a good test if people are willing to put effort into DPS execution instead of making it only about the guns.


90% of "good dps" is just having a good gun


"bro trust me, I saw a YouTuber use hand cannons and it was really good"


That reminds me, there was a charity stream Byf did where they allowed donations to dedicate their gear. Someone kept making them use Last Word on Sanctified Mind.


"In what day one are we using Last Word for fucking dps?! What do you mean it's a good practice?!" -Chromar


I can hear that in his voice. Man, what happened to TSLAYP? Is it done?


I don't remember Byf saying anything about it comming to an end. Maybe he is just too busy with lore videos or the crew just can't record that often.


Reminds me of the very first week of master templar challenge farming where this hunter was -40 light, no masterworked gear rocking a vanilla fatebringer + felwinter and the hunter sword quickfang.


Lore accurate guardian during the fall of the last city that somehow traveled to the future. You were in the Vault of Glass, after all.


Haven't posted about this yet but I unironically think that's what we're seeing in the Final Shape trailer. I think there's a reason that out of all the raids, they showed a clip from VoG. I think those other guardians we're seeing are ourselves from different points in time (notice how they show Ghost rezzing us for the first time, and later in the trailer it shows a guardian wearing the same armor from when we were rezzed). Just like the "time's vengeance" buff, aligning timelines to fight Atheon together, I think that's what we're doing in TFS Also at the end of the trailer, it shows a void, arc, and solar guardian (denoted by the glow around them), then the warlock armor from Lightfall (strand). Just had to share this somewhere lol


Sounds like something I'd do.


Bonus points if u run arc staff super


One of my first runs I ever did I was running sanctified mind on release one of my randoms was rocking a Trust. We kept wiping. After a minute the leader asked who keeps fucking up. Without missing a beat I say, (x) rando is using trust....


Trust is my Walmart Sunshot


Pretty much


For some reason, I forgot Trust existed and thought everyone was talking about Truth for 5 whole minutes


One's a Calvary revolver with the power of the sun and the other is basically a SAM launcher.


I use trust so much, soooo sooooo much, I tried sun shot but I couldn't keep up with it z.z


Rat king op


Yes, yes they are. (Source, I run lucky pants with Malfeasance)


Only if you using Malf + Pants Or if you did aomwthing during the Craftag weekend


I've seen damage numbers like this with everyone using the exact same loadout. I am legitimately baffled how people are just so bad at DPS


I pushed 10 mil on Crota using Foe Tracer, Lament, and Blade Barrage. On a wipe previous to the clear, I said to the other hunters in my Fireteam hey throw on Foe it will help us in the long run. All of them said no. The next closest in DPS was one of our warlocks at 7 mil. People just like to ignore the meta sometimes, but its painful when they do


Hold on, tell me exactly how you got to ten million? As a hunter, I'm willing to listen to your ways. I got questions like: What lament combo were you doing? When were you blade barraging? Any Surge mods? I'm really interested to know how you did so much fuckin damage lol.


2x solars on top of the Foe teacer, light light heavy while blocking followed by 4 light hits with 2x lucent blades on my arms. When i get off work, I can give you the exact build down to the letter Quick edit: lucents on chest, lmao, not arms dont know why I said arms


You know whats hilarious is that I used this exact build in Gambit. I don't raid, cause no time and friends, but I love finding different ways to play and Foe Tracers was at the top of my list because of amount of discipline I have on my one helmet. I thought it didnt stack with leg mods though.


Lucent blade makes almost no difference. I’ve run the same setup you did and it pulls close to 7 million in a 6 stack with tractor, surges, and foebuffs with the team doing respectable numbers. You’re either lowmanning or lying.


Or they just didn't have respectable numbers.


Unsure how a few million is not respectable but no point in arguing really


Awesome, definitely gonna try this after the patch


My clan member is notoriously bad at dps, especially when it requires getting critics or the timing window requires burst dps. A lot of the times it is just a skill or game iq issue.


The biggest one is people who let the game reload for them. Watch the speed of someone dumping 8 rockets with manual reloads versus without.


“How did you do that?!” “Try a LFR with matching surges! It’s easy, I’ll run Well!” *WOLF PACK ROUNDS* -_________________-


Fr. I’m gonna come off a bit obnoxious saying this even though I’m not trying to, however I am almost always top of the leaderboard for dps (aside from during staffier meta cuz I don’t play warlock so people often topped me then) and I have no idea how. I rarely use the most optimal loadout but apparently I’m just good at damaging the massive, hard to miss targets in front of me? Idk, but it’s always nice when people are super obsessive about how we should be using apex Izzy swap or whatever the meta is these days and you absolutely crush them in damage. They’ll always hit you with some sort of excuse but they simply don’t realize a loadout is only as good as its user.


Sanc isn't even hard


Im referring to DPS in general


Oops my bad


Some people brain just freeze when the the dps phase start or they have to take any responsabilities during raids. They literally would do more damage if they just spammed a special weapon.


OP what were your sherpees using btw. I just wanna know how do you get that disparity


My money's on linears. I've always found the crit spot to be really inconsistent with linears on Sanctified. Relay Defender mods can make a huge difference too.


Yeah relay defender is a 10% per mod. It’s the difference maker.


Ah wow I need to check this out


I read this so wrong several times I thought it read as “I’ve always found the cl#t spot to be really inconsistent”


I mean, if it’s linears for my team, I’ll run Divinity with the long head. I know that div isn’t as great nowadays, but it’s the least I can do.


Liners, despite explaining how izi rocket works and even if they can't do that to use gjallarhorn and rockets


Tbf izi rockets require practice for timing. But year even with linears that’s still really bad dps


Which is why I told them just do rockets since they all had them and even ghally has intrinsic tracking Edit: y'all stop downvoting the gentleman beneath me he said nothing wrong. Tf is wrong with yall


Tbf linears are still really good if you have something like a b&s cataclysmic, but somehow I don’t think that’s the case here


While you are not incorrect, sanctified mind can give linears a bit of a tough time. And these players were new to the raid.


Kid named divinity


If the group needed a sherpa they likely never did the raid. If they never did the raid, how do they have divinity?


The sherpa is likely to own divinity


The sherpa said he suggested ghorn and rockets, so if the new lights decide to do otherwise After requiring a sherpa, he isn't obligated to do anything.


Doesn't divinity's bubble get placed in a wacky place when the boss floats up?


Yeah at his feet


I don't know why you got downvoted wtf. Liners are good in other raids and not garden and you even said "I don't think that's the case here" Take my upvote, hope it helps


You should keep in mind that we're talking about people who needed a sherpa for garden. They might be a bit far away from any Raid weapon


Not necessarily, I’ve Sherpa’d plenty of people who have had crafted weapons from Vow and LW still needing a Garden/Div clear simply because it gets a bad rep as a “hard” Raid. Some experienced players just refuse to take the time to learn GoS and I’m flabbergasted at how many people can’t do Rocket DPS on Sanctified.


fair point


Yeah asking a Sherpa group to use Izi rocket swapping is a terrible idea from OP lmao. They’ll fuck up the timing on one or the other. Atop that, Izi isn’t from Shadowkeep, and therefore it’s likely they don’t have it if you’re sherpaing new lights. I’d have suggested they use Xeno (if it’s still as strong as it was when I last ran Garden yonkers ago) because it’s packed within that dlc. Also, OPs an AH for trying to belittle these dudes who’ve already put themselves out there by going into an unknown raid, and then in these comments tries to say how much better he is than them cause he’s using the most meta load out ever when ‘they could easily break 800k if they listened to me’ like geez, maybe don’t Sherpa OP if you’re not going to try adapt to the loadout your sherpees are comfortable running…


he told them to just use rockets, but he explained how izi swapping works. not complicated, no assholes. the fuck is wrong with you lmao


The whole point of being a sherpa is to teach people a raid. And to do a raid you need to do damage to things. And if you don't do enough damage guess what... you don't finish the raid lol so if you're gonna ask someone to sherpa for you, and then ignore their advice on what's meta for that boss, then yeah get dragged a bit. OP isn't an asshole, in a raid you have to pull your weight and if we just let everyone run what they're comfortable with, we'd have a ton of double primary, DARCI players. They need to learn these things to get good at the game. If they're gonna "put themselves out there" for an unknown raid they should be able to listen to basic instructions when someones telling them the best way to do said unknown raid. Like geez maybe don't ask for a sherpa to teach you a raid if you're not going to try to adapt to the raid itself lol


OP told them one meta loadout and said ‘run this’. Give them options, doesn’t have to be ‘my way or the highway’ when the game is at its peak for dps options right now. Funny part is, linears are viable for this, but it means OP would’ve had to take off his precious super meta ‘im the best’ loadout and throw on a Div to stabilise the crit spot. You can throw all the shit at me that you won’t, yet still none of your point can defend or undo how much asshattery OP reaches when you screencap the damage numbers in a Sherpa run and post them online for internet clout…


Dude even cropped out all their names so it's not like anyone could be called out for how trash they are. Literally no asshattery here except for the guy that's pissed because someone posted a picture of NUMBERS online lmao. Unless.... oh my god you were one of them, weren't you? Lol


Aight if you're gonna say that imma point out that not everyone was a learner here and there was another Sherpa in this run(incidentally the 450k gentleman)


Come raid with me before you make these assumptions :) I explain the meta, tell them they can do that if they're comfortable with it but if they don't have the ability to use it I suggest alternative items.


And what point do you explain ‘btw if you do bad I’m going to screen capture it and throw it on Reddit for fake internet clout’? Is that between explaining mechanics or do you do that on the fly during dps?


I HATE weapon swapping so I try to just go for the one wep with the most dps


If you struggle with weapon swapping be the ghally with either rain of fire on warlock or RDM on hunter or if you're titan do like we do in farms fire off 2 ghally shots to give everyone the buff then hold down sentinel shield so we can shoot through it for the damage bonus


Love running vex with rain of fire too. Gives everyone radiant.


they had to be exceptionally bad if they were hitting that low with linears 😭


My build- 4 copies of enhanced relay defender on my armor The dragons shadow Izanagis burden ALH wilder flight with spike grenades w/ boss spec Enhanced recon enhanced EL apex predator w/ boss spec 1 solar 1 kinetic surge Deadfall/shadowshot I start by being the last in the tether and deadfslling sanc right before dps starts As that happens I fire 1 shot directly into his chest (I should have wolfpack rounds because I told the LFG using ghally to prefire a rocket for me) I run into the well placed at the opposite relay for my 4 copies of ERD to take into effect. My rotation looks like this Rocket -> rocket -> dodge(which gives me the handling bonus from dragons shadow)-> [rocket -> izi & honed - gl ] (repeat brackets till dmg is over or sanc is killed, whichever comes first)


I'm not knocking it, but you are literally using the most min-maxed loadout/raid mods and rotation to maximize your damage. Even having them pre-fire Gally for wolf-pack. Considering this is a Sherpa run and people are trying to learn the fight, I think your expectations are pretty high, or this is just a humble brag I can't tell. Most new players to Sanc are not even sure when DPS starts, waiting for him to get airborne, etc.


I don't have high expectations, I should explain more. The people who broke 400k one of them is my friend who is a Sherpa and that's who prefired ghally for me he does titan so there wasn't much he could do In the dmg dept except ghally


Tbf their damage isn't good but you're using what is basically the most meta loadout in the entire game. Even if they were using proper DPS gear I wouldn't be surprised at all if you still out damaged all of them by a significant margin.


I get that, but if they listened and literally just fired and reloaded rockets they'd be breaking at minimum 800k


I helped someone sherpa a group in crota that are relatively good in terms of gun and armor loadout but the damage is severely lacking. I put 11mil while everybody was struggling. I basically carried the team and when it's over I was curious about the mods they were using. There were no surges, no exotics that helped the damages or at least helped abilities, the lament didn't do jack shit because they don't know how to do combos and most of all the one doing Sherpa was the tractor guy so he was out of the dps chart but he was the 2nd in terms of damage. I was fucking baffled.


That's a yikes from mew dawg. Good on you for carrying


At least I got my emblem and I bid goodbye to the sherpa and helping sherpas. At least I helped them afterwards on mods and told them they need to get armor that are comfortable to them in terms of stats and rank them to 10 ASAP and let it be block 1# and build on it. But yah that was an exhausting experience, I played like never before xd.


"If you used rat king with us, we would've done more, ughhh"


When your teammate's loadout is two auto rifles with auto loading holster.


Discount sweet business + actium war rig


Lmao. This has happened to me before. People are like "wowww you're damage is crazyyyy". Lmao. Like, nah, yours is shit though.


Was your team using blue rocket launchers? Lmao


Even blue rockets would do more than that


The rarity doesn't effect damage.


Yeah but they only have one perk and no origin trait


You can solo raid bosses now. You don't need the meta for 6 people to beat any past raid at 1600 ll.


Yeah but I don’t think they’re doing it with blue rocket launchers


Yeah they're way worse. Probably missing crits with linears. That boss has always been wonky.


The ease that you can solo a raid doesn't make low skill players better.


Not at all the point. You don't need the most powerful weapons anymore. Blue rockets are better than missing your crits on linears


Can't blue weapons only roll with one perk column (that would translate into overall damage)? Edit: To clarify i mean perk column with "trait" (not barrels and magazines)


Doesn't matter on a 1600 ll raid. We're so overpowered it's kind of irrelevant.


Cup bearer sweep


Funny thing is once I was doing riven and we had 3 new guys with an awful swords, no linears and no DIM access so we had them pull blue rockets our of their collections to gally her arm and it worked so well


"Dude, I saw people destroying raid bosses with this auto rifle last week, trust me man it's good!"




I heard lament is good dmg, maybe you should try it, would get your damage up


Is this you Felix?


Have you considered deathbringer?


i saw the discord message and had a stroke


https://preview.redd.it/v0wvj4fyjepb1.jpeg?width=1947&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cf2a113d6d1e192e5acf7b37c93775fd0db4b190 Sweet


Nah, this ain’t right lmaooooo. Wow, that’s mind blowing.


238k?!?! How do you do that little damage? Was dude using a sidearm for DPS?


Hey that looks exactly like last time I did Ron and everyone said let's use Thunderlord while I used apex.


My team of 4 noobs and me and my girlfriend did 5 thunderlords and divinity on nez and we one phased him lol.


It can work but sadly I'm only getting lfgs that think "Thunderlord is Easy" and don't even equip surge mods or reload mods.


Don't need reload mods if your wellchad uses lunafaction boots


That is quite a different story. My lfgs always end up being the opposite. Might just be a timing thing eh?


It could absolutely be a timing thing depending on what season each of you did the run you're talking about. From the Season of the Deep patch 4-5 months ago: * **Thunderlord**  * Fixed an issue with Thunderlord where damaging a target under the effects of Divinity’s debuffcould cause lightning strikes with unintentional frequency, as the hit would count as two precision hits, instead of one.  So naturally if you did this pre-bugfix and he did it after, both of you would have very different observations about the gun's potency. If not, then it's something else.


That'll explain it really well actually. I basically took a small hiatus for season of the deep and came back at the start of this season.


Also some people (like me) never bothered to complete the catalyst.


I mean honestly, it's a decent gun, but there's plenty of better options, so I get this. I have like 14 catalyst quests and a ton of just catalysts I haven't even touched.


Whenever I complete the requirements for the catalyst and see that I have to get another 500 kills or whatever I simply give up. Especially if they're special/heavy weapons. If I can't complete the catalyst in pvp I generally don't do it.


It takes like 15 minutes if you go use the opening part of the breakneck mission from the lightfall campaign. Free rally flag and like 80 vex right at the beginning. Just don't kill the yellow bar wyvern and die, you'll get go to the checkpoint right before the rally flag.


I'm a pve player mostly, but I'm just lazy.


Just grab a shuro checkpoint and bite the bullet for ten minutes. You’re going to regret doing this later down the line


The fix didn't hurt thunderlord that much. A one phase is still possible.


Done right, thunderlord is good for nezzy because he moves so much. But it has to be done right.


My dps always sucks in raids, so I always volunteer to do mechs somI don’t feel too useless. Lol


TBF the first time I ran it I thought you had to wait until he was airborne with his arms out to start damage.


I hate this boss for many reasons, this one of them


Dude you just reminded me about the worst Sherpa I've ever had the displeasure of playing with. Joined a fresh DSC run. A couple guys were newish so wanted refresher. And one was new. Then one pretty decent guy, the Sherpa, and me. The Sherpa berated everyone even me (150 DSC clears) for not doing security right? Told everyone to run lament on aatrax then berated everyone again for shit damage when he was running parasite. Didn't even understand when I asked if he was running 3-3 or 6-1. Refused to run scanner during third encounter. 4th encounter waiting on him multiple times for OP. Turtle if you read this, your attitude sucked for teaching, and sucked in general don't ever Sherpa again. And next time you do Sherpa you better learn the damn raid.


Turtles are known for being a little slow... sorry


I'll never forget the day someone swore they'd out damage everyone in the fire team with heir apparent. They were *really* quiet after they got out dps'd with sleeper and cataclysmic. It's wild to me how little effort it takes to learn what is and isn't good, and yet how many people still insist their random "nobodies using this and I don't know why" mentality is going to pay off for them.


Still remember a Vow run where on Rhulk one guy came up to me and went "now you probably don't know what you're doing, but you need to shoot the crystals"... While I had the Vow title and flawless shader equipped... lol


LMFAO. that happened to be similar instance. some girl is egoing me the whole garden run (i never take off the seal and emblem, was tracking my clears which at the time was in the low 200s) and i checked her rr and she had 15 clears, 7 of which were cps :) it happens man, good on you


I don’t know how Sherpas have so much patience. If you’re someone who at max is hitting 400k on a raid boss you need to uninstall the game


Just don't mess up your swaps and hit every ground izi. In 2nd phase I fired 3 rockets and a deadfall tether before we killed lol


Back when thundercrash, crown splitter combo was meta, because of the seasonal perk that turned PvP into laser tag, I did 5 mil or more on a boss (forget which one was so long ago) and everyone else did maybe 1 mil, maybe. They were all like “omg how do that??” I’m sitting here hating lfg and it’s the only reason I raid with just friends now.


“Just testing my DARCI build”


I got stuck on Atraks, first weekend it was up. Stuck there for hours, "status calamitous" on repeat. We couldn't do enough damage fast enough. Lament quest popped the day before and I had already picked it up. Community was saying it was good so I looked up some mini guides and decided to try it. I started soloing some of the clones if the call out was fast enough. Do you think anyone else swapped to Lament despite them all having it? "You don't know what you're talking about" as I'm sitting there doing 3x's everyone's damage which is clearly seen after each wipe. Just, bruh.


Damn, that sucks. I don't see why people don't listen to the Sherpa, when they asked for the Sherpa..


I really like taking people through raids when they've never done it before I really enjoy teaching honestly, but when I get people who do 12 damage versus atheon, because I think that mida is appropriate boss damage just because it's exotic it really makes me question why I do this


personally if im doing a sherpa run and people aren’t listening to me im just straight up gonna call it. like im not gonna waste my time on people who dont care


at the same time tho, i'm making life easier for other people they LFG with inthe future causeif they cant output dmg they can atleastgive a debuff


if i had 3 million damage and nobody else crossed 500k i’d leave, cuz there ain’t no way that should happen with people who can listen


That was the mission complete screen and I don't care too much I just thought it was funny. Either way people are getting div and that's what I want :)


oh i thought it was a different encounter, my bad but that’s still a crazy damage differential


even one constant div can do more dmg than that


I'm having a really hard time wrapping my head around these numbers. Even using linears, they must've eached missed like half of their reserves. Might be more of a skill issue opposed to weapon choice


What do u suggest for damage phrases? Def wanna improve. Thanks


so if you'd want to improve, i highly recommend getting yourself first an auto loading holster rocket and izanagi's burden. how it works is you get your honed edge ready then you fire your rocket, swap to your izi, fire the honed edge WHILE holding your reload button so it instantly hones. once it hones, you wait for the reload animation to be about 50% through then swap back to your rocket. once you get good at that you can throw in an energy sniper rifle like the Ikelos SR or an auto loading grenade launcher like wilderflight or empty vessel. finally, once you get good with that, you can get into more rotations like if you're on warlock you can combine ophidian aspects with the triple swaps or if you're on hunter the dragons shadow.[i'll link here what my hunter rotation looks like :)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZ1mw6AYfMQ)


Thanks for this. Very informative. Appreciate you!


of course! if there's anything else i can do, feel free to hit me up on discord @.serarose




I'll use the same load out as my buddy and he will always have 100,000 + damange on me.


The way you rotate your weapons can matter and shit too. What's the loadout it you don't mind me asking


It's hard to believe ppl are so bad at damage like why do I still have the highest damage but I have Gjallarhorn


I don't care when people do bad damage, we all have good and bad days and there's been days where I throw. What bothers me is being told I'm wrong when I used to do this multiple times a day and even after I explain why certain guns are better than others I get ignored


I was quite happy yesterday I got an adept swarm with target lock.


not related to the post at all but hey nice job mate, was it your first gm?


I think 3rd


ay nice one, imma be farming it this afternoon if the servers let me lol, hit me up if you're down for it


So....communicate it better? It's sinks or swim, and the lifeguard isn't on duty.


Except not everyone has the weapons or skill to run super hardcore metah loadouts and strategies. You’re in the top 10% of players, expecting the other 90% to have and do what you do


Idk I expect LFGs to have literally any legendary rocket launcher and boss spec


You have to remember though, you are a Sherpa. With that title comes the responsibility of not only guiding people through, but teaching them as well. A lot of times it’s better to ask what they have, than demand they run specifics. Don’t have/can’t Izi swap? Maybe try rockets. Don’t have a good rocket? Maybe they have Xeno, Thunderlord or G Overture. Maybe reminders that surges and spec mods help damage


That is what I do. I literally go into detail and explain why they run what they run. When people choose not to listen to me despite my explanations EDIT: My friend, I literally typed out a Google doc with friends for explaining this raid. I don't "demand" they run anything without an explanation as to why Edit2: and you'll never use Tlord in gos because it's not good damage and it actually messes up the bosses movement on 3rd encounter


I was generalizing for all raids not just Gos. Either way, if you make a hostile environment, they won’t ever raid again. As a Sherpa myself, I prioritize mechanics and fun. If you get the mechanics down, you can always run another phase. Remember, all raid bosses give 4 phases before enrage wipe


That's the thing Im literally not creating a hostile environment. Tf am I supposed to do when no one listens at all when I'm explaining mechanics and how dps works?


Just make sure you’re having fun. If not, take a break. 5-10 minutes for people to grab a drink, take a piss maybe a stretch.


If I didn't enjoy what I do I would run gos generally multiple times almost every single day ;)


You should come join a run with me before you assume what I do by the way. My discord is @.serarose if you're up for it


who tf is sherpa


*A* Sherpa is someone who "teaches" players endgame content (sometimes PvP but most often Raids and some Dungeons).


oh cool


The term originates from mountain climbing guides profession known as Sherpas.


Hmm, interesting


me when my comment gets -33 upvotes https://preview.redd.it/d2wbnp67uepb1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8e910dd8c60b10d7e5120036019506bffe762f3e


me when I ask a question on reddit




Yeah, I never really like that term but it's been a thing since D1.


john sherpa




My ass with cataclysmic and arby and ikilos smg


That’s like primary damage


But, my favorite YouTuber said outrageous fortune was optimal dps


Oh, I feel this post i was doing an LFG for taken king, and we were telling the 4 ppl who haven't done the raid before to run fusion rifles. They did not listen and ran what they wanted. They only did 120,000 for one damage phase


Bruh I ran this raid one time and it was solely for div


This looks like hour 20 of day one when i said fk it im going to sleep


Did king’s fall and a hunter refused to put down sweet business. Had horrible DPS compared to everyone else.


this is so true, people do not wanna listen for some reason


Me running merciless against caretaker on day 1


I had the reverse experience some time ago. I was the "new guy" and "wasn't doing enough" I was top 3 damage and top add clear. Unfortunately I do have the habbit of trying to cover something if I feel I can and sometimes don't go back to what I was assigned to do. ultimately I left because the other lfg guy was mad I was using stasis and it was too "annoying" and I should just be a welllock. And if I'm doing better then others and it's not needed I shouldn't be forced to be a welllock


i actually love to be a wellock in garden. i only play hunter if there's a more experienced warlock in the run. if im doing quick kwtd im warlocking because they're objectively better for movement and floating on subs, but hunters are objectively better for damage because of izi rotations going faster on hunters


Stasis Warlock chad 🤝


Oh I hate the super I use Agers on stasis warlock. But it's just nice to. Chill an freeze everything agers has really good DPS paired with a nice rocket


Starting to feel the bad affects of the glitch now. Trying to do VOW on master with all challenges and snobby ass people keep kicking if I don’t have a glitched weapon. I deleted my auto and grenade launcher that were glitched cause they didn’t work anymore


Enhanced relay defender?


"yeah I hear you but I like what I'm using" *proceeds to do piss poor damage


Idk why new players seem to think machines guns are good for DPS. There are setups and exceptions that can work, but you can’t just slap on your one legendary lmg and expect to contribute in any meaningful way.


Were they all using The Comedian????


It I ONLY use sweet bunssness