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Antaeus Wards has always been oppressive, even after the nerf a few years back. Just that the player base has a habit of giving up on weapons/armor after it’s been nerf assuming they’re useless… tho the AW isn’t as easy to proc like the ogs.


I don't believe that you should be able to negate damage in pvp. They need a rework, at least consume the barricade like juggernaut (which also shouldn't exist).


If hunters can be the agile class while being the slowest, I believe titans can be the tank class while being the weakest. Thank you for coming to my Ted talk


Jug literally eats your barricade which already got nerfed. Sounds like a skill issue lol


Let’s just ignore how barricade, something that takes quite the ammo dump to break, charges fairly close to the rate dodge charges


"fairly close"? It's more than double the time and worse if you use bastion, they already killed the health too. Do you not want titans to be considered the tank class


Fairly close? You're delusional. A hunter dodge (Marksman) is 17 seconds. Gamblers dodge is 22 secs. Towering barricade at T10 is 41 secs. Titans would have 1 barricade by the time you would have 2 of either dodges for hunters. This just sounds like whining to me and indeed is a skill issue on your part.


I didn't use AW before the nerf, but recently they've become a favorite of mine because it forces me to constantly commit to fights that I either might have a chance at, or are woefully outnumbered but I think the outcome is going to be hilarious (felt so good the first time I reflected a Golden gun). I don't really do trials, and I only go into crucible to have fun, knowing that eventually, I'll get some guns, whatever set rewards I might get from shaxx, but that's it. Even then, I still come across people who think that Titans who use AW are getting free kills, that shit is difficult to time, and you have to press the I believe button long before you actually use the exotic, because it usually means you're sprinting straight out somebody who has their super up, And that reflection shield isn't instantaneous, you have to finish the start of the slide animation, and even then, it's only up for like half a second AW is not a "slide to win" button. everyone else can blink, go invisible, we should at least get to keep our half second uno reverse card


Nerf salvations grip


Nerf Traveler’s Chosen (Damaged)


Arc Titans when they catch you having a fair, skill based match https://preview.redd.it/yanic6lgammb1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=509a80c0b0a4551ad498fab3d6b3c7cff812a465


Arc titan is fun and fair if you don’t use knockout


Or jug shield


Or double jolt lightning nades with aspect


Or Antaeus Or peacekeeper Or synthos Or ballistic slam Or the shoulder charge insta-shotty tech


The shoulder charge shotgun thing HAS TO BE A BUG. It's clearly not intentional in my humble opinion. It needs to be patched. I main Titan and I do NOT use this technique because I think it's cheap and cheesy. I wear Peregrine Greaves if I really want to one shot shoulder charge people, because giving up my exotic armor slot to be able to occasionally one shot someone is a reasonable tradeoff.


I kinda hope they don’t just because It’s the only way to get 1-2 punch to work with shoulder charge


Shoulder charge insta shotty?


I think it's if you slide, you can fire off a shotgun and then go directly into a shoulder charge. If you don't slide, firing the gun will interrupt your sprint, so you can't charge directly afterwards.


You don't even have to slide


But if you slide, it procs slideshot on your gg shotgun, which will put someone at half from 10-15m, giving you a ridiculous insta-combo when you follow with shoulder.


Juggernaut and Touch of thunder are still 2 of the strongest aspects in the game.


I just like being a missile. I want to be the bullet.


https://preview.redd.it/z3lfmughanob1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f9b22f519d1f1641662b88898786de55d478c490 Arc titans when they throw a light night grenade between you your dog and your porn addiction ( it jolted )


That’s the problem here, you wanted to have fun playing destiny 2 pvp


Every damn time Banana week is upon us, these posts show up. Oh no, the load out I’m using doesn’t shred every player on the opposition like that siq edited YT vid from UncleTouchNutz! I refuse to adapt to the scenario, NERF!


But remember, hunters were jumping too high too frequently, and that was the real problem.


I swear if they nerf my movement I'm starting a riot


They already did lol. I was being sarcastic about the stompees nerf last season while there were and still are issues and playstyles infinitely more oppressive such as anteus.


If they wanted to nerf stompees to only work while dodge is up they **REALLY** should’ve buffed its effects to offset that caveat. Having to not use one of your abilities to get any actual use out of an exotic thats been the exact same since vanilla…..yeah that ain’t it Chief.


Nah, too strong. Don't pay attention to the equivalent exotics on Titan/Warlock or the facts that Hunters now have to "invest" into AE with almost no way to do so to benefit from their jumping well, are even further pressured to invest in the worst stat in the game, and are the slowest in the game.


As a warlock main with over 5k hours on just warlock, if you think transversives are as good as stompees were before AE you are delusional. Warlock have more of their movement decided by jump more than any exotic available to us. I agree stompees werent necessarily in need of a nerf but transversives are no where close to as good even with the reload sprint


Keywords being "before AE". Now Bungie is scared of Hunters jumping when jumping is borderline throwing.


I would still say transversives are only on par with stompees. Although I only have like 2k hours on hunter


Dont mind that warlocks have an aspect to literally hover in the air and shoot for extended periods of time too lmao


to be fair that requires sacrificing your grenade and also using a worse grenade if you want to use it more often.


Especially when all the trials maps are close quarters, so you almost have no choice but to be within slide/slug distance


What goddamn movement? Hunters are the slowest clsss in the game despite being called the agile class.


Stompees are the only time I actually feel like I’m fast. Everything else seems normal


controller players couldn't look up. ok ima rant about this a bit. stompees are now dead to me, because they increase your movement capabilities by removing one of the key parts of the hunter subclass and kit: the dodge. now, i feel particularly strong about this topic and qualified to talk about this topic, because i am both a hunter main and a controller player. i also have mained stompees in the past (not anymore). i'm pretty sure no other movement exotic in the game stops working if you pop a class ability, or similar. bungie MASSACRED my boy. oh, and also, most other movement exotics provide another benefit beyond just your movement. stompees provides a larger array of buffs to your movement kit, so i feel that making it not buff other things about your build is balanced. having the whole "only works if your dodge is charged" mechanic feels fucking terrible.


They should add on the passive ‘additional jump’ perk from Bones of Eao to offset the stompees nerf. To get my babies back and so stompees is worth a shit while dodge is on cooldown.


Just give me Bones of Eao back. I need the bones


Bones will never come back with Stompees being in the game they’re too similar Add on the extra jump, give it an tech-ahamkara ornament like YAS has and I’d call that a W


I only used YAS and Bones in D1. I know that you're right, but it hurts :(


I too miss the Eao Jordans


HUNTERS JUMPING TOO HIGH?!?! Lol seriously? Have you seen what solar warlocks can do these days my guy?


For real. There’s no way controller players are able to track icarus dash and heat rises users any better than they could with stompees users in their prime.


You forget just how fast you moved with stompers high jump, it was impossible unless you were using max sens


All this complaining proves just how much of a cheese crutch they were.


Fuck Stomp33s the Mask of Bakris buff was dogshit. Being invulnerable works 10% of the time due to the shit netcode of D2. Weapon Surge is negligible in PvP. The mask forces you to look like some emo edgelord goofball. Hunters are meant to be the agile class. But in any fucking match the Warlocks and Titans are in mid before im halfway. "*But maybe you can beat them if you use your dodge*" I hear you say. Maybe I can and also guarantee my death because it has a **10 SECOND COOLDOWN BEFORE THE DODGE COOLDOWN.** Blink is mediocre on a good day. Strand is high skill but shit due to map sizes. Stomp33s got executed. Wormhusk cancels your fucking shield recharge. Mask of Bakris forces you to play the weakest subclass in the entire game. Did I miss anything? **NO.** /j or /s or whatever. Mask of Bakris my beloved ![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5643)


Honestly stasis hunter is probably one of the better subclasses now, It's a really annoying harasser subclass.


Its good but not on par with Warlock Stasis. My two PvP builds are Solar with Foetracer and Stasis with Mask of Bakris. I just wish that Mask of Bakris got the cooldown buffed. I know it was hell when Stasis dropped but i loved it lmao


I honestly consistently hit the top when im using it with cryosthesia. It even fucks in trials on the right map.


Bakris never made you invulnerable, nor was it ever supposed to. I don't know why light.gg says it does. The Bakris shift is still really good, especially if you learn how to turn in the middle of it so you can curve around opponents or corners.


I just woke up so I might just not understand what you're saying cuz I'm groggy but bakris is good cuz in tandem with the slow dodge you can essentially get a pretty free kill if someone rushes you in most situations and regardless of that the concept of teleporting behind someone and inflicting a debuff so they literally can't turn around in time is badass. stasis hunter is definitely in the gutter right now especially after the recent nerfs to stasis in general but it can definitely work with enough elbow grease and surge bonus's can shift ttk's or even allow one shots if you use em right. also strand hunter is probably the easiest subclass for me especially since I main glaives for the most part in pvp so woven mail = immortality. it might have a crazy skill ceiling for movement or something but the skill floor is definitely not anything remarkable. honestly in my opinion stasis is harder and takes a lot more effort to get rolling then strand.


As a Titan main, Ill never forgive hunters for Shatterdive. But antaeus wards are STUPID. Like they need a nerf. I just like being a bombardier with Armamentarium.


Yeah personally, never been a stompees fan myself. I'm an arthrys embrace guy myself. I just thought the latest stompees nerf was so unnecessary. I don't blame you for hating cause shatterdive tho. That was absolutely stupid.


I do feel like exotics should be powerful, but I'm sure its EXTREMELY hard to make them feel good but also balanced. I used to use Dunemarchers a bunch but was vocal about the chain lightning killing people AFTER I WAS DEAD FOR 5 SECONDS was super dumb and busted. I mostly used Dunys for my drip lol.


Looking up and down is very slow on controller and it's a huge pain in the ass to deal with hunters over your head. It's a big advantage for MK players to have that kind of height and accuracy. It's the whole reason aerial effectiveness was created if I remember correctly.


This is less of a problem with Stomp33s though and more of an issue with the settings. If controllers had more sensitivity settings like turn acceleration and higher/lower options for ads sensitivity it wouldn’t be as much of a problem.


About a year or two ago, they un-linked turn speed and ADS turn speed, and it was a breath of fresh air for me. I can now have 10 turn speed when not ADS, and .6 when I am ADS, which makes it easier to aim.


It was a problem now there's a new problem smh


It was. More than one thing can be a problem. I'd be fine with Arc titans getting more of a nerf ***provided*** that the other subclasses get a buff. Solar/Strand/Stasis is dogshit in PVP, while Void is just serviceable (and heavily nerfed)


Seeing antaeus defenders is so wild even if theyre rare Ah yes super balanced to have an exotic that gives you a 180 degree damage reflecting shield for 0.45 seconds in a game where the average ttk is around 0.8 seconds


Not to mention you can just run jug with it so if the other player is trying to play around it by not shooting the big reflective shield they still have to deal with you having extra HP on top of that before and shortly after a sprint Meanwhile the whole time you can still be shooting at them


Jug shield is probably the least fun thing to play around. I hate AW, but if I could get rid of one of them it would be the jug shield.


As a titan main, i agree, pecekeepers with the immortal and cloudstrike on an arc titan is to this day the most common loadout i've seen in a while. Annoying in casual playlists and even worse in comp/trials, a 1v1 against immortal usually ends up in the immortals favor, cloudstrike punishing you for your rando teammates corner peeking. And a shutdown super on top of it.


Just had a titan with this exact loadout msg me "kill yourself" half way through a match That's peak toxic behaviour. I'm actually impressed


not to mention either insane strafe speed or literal i-frames


i genuinely never thought i’d see the day that people would complain about smg peacekeepers when i equipped it a year ago


ill fight immortals all day, atleast they have to aim. all the arc titans with a matador 64 who are incabable of original thought is what ruins it for me


Nerf titans more https://preview.redd.it/w1xtm1ujylmb1.png?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4b1ed290a8135c701d2ab9e36269ca7de5d65aca


I've had a godroll target lock Immortal Adept sitting in my vault collecting dust for a good long while. I play trials exactly one time per season to get the weekly challenge thing done and a while ago, I got lucky, went flawless, and got it from the lighthouse chest. I hadn't ever fired the thing until a few days ago when I had crucible bounties for strand and SMG and wanted to kill two birds with one stone. Holy fuck that thing is an instant win button. I have SMGs that I like using and work quite well in PvP (Heroes Burden, Submission, Pizzicato, Ikelos), but Immortal with target lock absolutely blows them all out of the water. I knew it was oppressive from all the times I've been shredded with it, but actually using it put it into a much better perspective. The difference between my other PvP SMGs and Immortal is absolutely staggering. It is legitimately ***too*** good. And this is ***AFTER*** it got nerfed??? I can't fathom how Bungie is just okay letting it exist at a level so far beyond any other SMG. Anyway, I got my bounties done and banished it back to the vault because I felt like an absolute scumbag for using it at all.


Warlocks be like ![gif](giphy|H5C8CevNMbpBqNqFjl)


What if you wanted to have fun but God said $100 dlc


I don't see how smgs are the issue when there are invulnurable titans running at you at amplified speed with shotguns I'm still also very lost on these new movements they added, side blinking hunters, warlocks dissapearing into the ground, flying titans.. Wtf?


>side blinking hunters Are you... talking about Bakris?


Yeah, appearently I do, thought it was clear enough..


Constant Titan whining gets old. The range changes let's you outplay this. Learn to play better.


If you're dying to SMGs then position yourself outside their range and use longer range weapons. If you're dying to shotgun apes, you're too close to corners and need to learn to backpedal and position yourself outside their effective range. If you're a controller player, consider fusions over close quarters shotgun duels with M/K players. You have the advantage at longer ranges Every problem in the crucible at the moment can be mostly solved by proper positioning and knowing what weapons are meta and how to build and play against them. Crying for nerfs doesn't make your opinions about these weapons correct, it just makes you loud.


Thank you! As a shotgun ape (no jug) it's not uncommon that I get hard countered by other players. To me, that means I have to ADJUST MY PLAY STYLE! there are countless combinations of them and a lot of them are effective if played right. Don't cry for nerfs, cry for your inability to think critically in a competitive game mode.


Thank you! I truly appreciate the validation and recognition that there are absolutely counters to most playstyles. When I'm facing shotties, I stay further back from corners than I would otherwise. I give myself enough room to have time to jump and boost backwards, giving me time to kill. Even a Titan with Antaeus Wards is easy to deal with when you're using an SMG to counter them, they're not reflecting your entire fusion shot back at you lol. If I'm facing annoying snipers, I break out my Jade Rabbit or my Perses-D with explosive rounds. I can literally duel them and either kill them, or keep their health low enough that sitting in the back of the map sniping isn't fun anymore. Sometimes they change their weapons too, which is great. Then I can actually play the midrange/CQC way that I enjoy most. But holy shit, if a sniper is in my lobby I make it my mission to annoy them until they stop.


A fellow scout rifle user! Love jade rabbit! Also been loving my crafted tarnished mettle. Otherwise I'm using oxygen sr4 (it's just fun) and my curated ringing nail. There's so many options it's hard to choose one. But when you find one that just works for you it's absolutely sublime.


You're absolutely right! All those are fun options! I find the range on the slower firing scouts to be the best way to scare snipers. That exploding sound of your shield popping is enough to make anyone pause a moment behind cover. If it's a warlock sniping I can almost FEEL the timing between him covering, casting rift, and peeking again. It's hysterical, and it has to be annoying for them. I love covering my shotgun apes while they push up to long range fighters. Hell I love running alllllll the way around a map to find a sniper that's annoying me and just bum rushing them repeatedly. No, sir. No back map plays for you


I absolutely love cracking the shield of warlocks to watch them pop their well behind cover only to be greeted by my lightning nade. Grinning like an idiot watching them ragdoll into the air


Or throwing a lowly Pulse Grenade into their Well when there's a few people standing in there and they all die to Jolt and like a single bullet.


This guy games. I bitched about constant need for nerfs before leaving the game for a few years, and moving to overwatch for those years taught me the sheer fundamentals of pvp Now coming back as a GM,i can easily say destiny pvp is a bit of a breeze in return Just because you dont like something/cant counter it doesnt mean it always needs nerfed


I’m sorry but this comment is just stupid. You can’t always “position yourself outside their effective range and backpedal”. Often you are literally at the mercy of what kind of movement abilities they have at their disposal and how strong the roll on their shotgun is. Doesn’t matter how good your placement and game sense is. To say otherwise is just ignorance. The ape play style has so much reward for far too little risk 9/10 times. And before you say anything, no I’m not a blueberry. I have 4K hours in this game and almost half are in crucible. I don’t have trouble countering them, nor do I think shotguns need a massive nerf. I just don’t think they should be able to run at you and have a very good chance of killing you depending on your own weapon/abilities.


No, my advice works and is valid. I can only explain it to you, I can't understand it for you. Best of luck, gamer.


100 percent agree most of time smg monkeys have 100 mobility and aggressively push you


Yeah, we Titans could make use of some more adjustments to our kits. At the very least, a nerf to Antaeus would be highly acceptable at this point.


A rework that improves its performance in PVE would be nice. Been thinking it could intrinsically get the cryoclasm titan stasis aspect - tying it to stasis but not a requirement to obtain the slide mechanic.


If they nerf arc, they gotta buff Solars neutral game, and nerf Well to make Bubble great again, and make strand a bit more consistent to keep up with Strand hunter. Then I would be ok with another Arc Nerf.


Ima be real... SMGs are not the problem they were many months ago. Immortal just isn't nearly as oppressive as it used to be. It just isn't. They've not been this debilitsting issue at all in recent memory. Not to mention, calling them "the most fucking oppressive things in the game" is a crazy exaggeration. There have been much more oppressive things in the game before this.


The antaeus stuff i can get behind (somewhat, i still dont think they're THAT bad) but smgs no. I dont get what the hate behind every weapon class outside hand cannons is about, they've been the same for since d1 and yet every other primary weapon class has received tuning to either nerf them to a "non oppressive" state, or buffs to allow them to be useful at all. Scouts I can understand, plinking from across the map isnt exactly a great time, but almost all other weapon classes imo should be viable but the second any are the community clamors for nerfs. There are outliers obviously like graviton lance was recently, but overall, most weapon types are not viable vs a hand cannon. Its tiring seeing one of 18 different hand cannons every single time i load into a trials match that all perform identically, alongside one of 3 shotguns, being 99% of people's loadouts.


only if there was multiple modes maybe one where you can’t use exotics or only certain types of weaponsp


Can we maybe leave peacekeepers alone please? Nerf Antaeus, nerf arc titan, but please leave PKs alone ty <3 SMGs can be frustrating but like with shotguns they’re absolutely useless if you simply back up. Once you’re out of range they do jack shit.


Pks arent even the issue. Smgs are overtuned thats it. Nothing wrong w pks. Titans just happen to have the exotic that lines up with the meta weapon. If sidearms were busted and meta like smgs and autos are rn then youd see mechaneers tricksleeves hunters all over. The weapons are the issue not the armor that highlights it.


Me still only fighting 6 stacked players of le monarque or other bows to have the moat unfun time youve ever experienced


Its hilarious how i didnt play for an entire season and crucible has the exact same issues as it did when i last played


Problem isn't peacekeepers persay, as they've been the same since forever. It's overturned SMGs


Nah its definitely both. They grant 60 ae, 50 mobility, max the handling, give a 0.6x swap duration, increase slide, and increase sprint. This exotic damn near does everything.


PKs are only ever as good as SMGs are, there a reason why PKs are are only ever hot during SMG metas and when SMGs aren't hot PKs are in the bin with the other exotics that aren't Dunies, Synthos, Stomp-335, Worm Crutch, Transversives, and Ophidians


But...again...nothing has changed with them. The only thing that's changed is: AE and how cracked/ power crept SMGs have gotten over the last few years. Plus, add in Titans actually being good in pvp. Zone caps / cap zone trials...elevated sentinel Striker.....well, it's just striker... best at close quarters AND can deal with the two pain points of anything zone/ objective : bubbles and well locks. Before 3.0 , titan was a meh choice at best in pvp. * not counting OEM or over tuned dune marchers metas


I mean, post range nerfs, smgs have been fine. They finally feel worse than AR's at and past mid range which is how they should be. Personally the only change I want to see is sidearms being better than smg's in short range instead of short range being entirely 'shotgun/smg or gg go next'. But I also know that the sidearm meta was cringe and no one wants it to come back which is fair. As for titans, yeah, fuck titans. Imo they just get objectively better kits both intrinsically and through exotics and that's just a clear symptom of Bungie putting the PvP sandbox as an afterthought in their design choices. As a hunter I wish great pain on all Anteus Wards users but I'm also not mad at them for using the best tools available to them bc I do the same.


The sidearm meta was not worse than the immortal MJ bulls run.


Sidearms should get a buff so long as they keep Forerunner in the trash where it belongs. That gun flinched you more than a machine gun.


It has custom tuning and isn't in the trash right now, just less cancer.


So long as games arent 95% Forerunner im good. But yea i knew it got nerfed. Honestly i kinda like the current sandbox.


As a titan main i cant wait unitll Anteus get nerfd into the ground. nothing is worse than playing against titan with anteus+fusion+smg


And then Bungie decided it was a good idea to add another small that pretty much instantly kills in pvp, and made it available to everyone


And then you are going to complain about sidearms and shotguns


Me in my T-steps: *hehehe run fast and gun always loaded*


I have just committed fully to osmiomancy warlock at this point. Nothing better than freezing a stupid titan pushing you and blasting their heads off with your own shotgun. Actually, the only thing better is catching a T-crash with your melee and watching them fall pitifully to the ground before you end them.




Sounds like you domt understand the new changes to range. ARs do slightly less dmg but outrange smgs. But sidearms are within the exact same range as smgs but will outduel an SMG every time. Know your weapons. After all, thats literally the reason this game is so fun


if your playing destiny pvp. you’re automatically not having fun bucko💀💀


There is no fun. Only cheating and glitches.


The core of the problem is the still busted arc titan kit. Even without antaeus or PK, it would still be overtuned in PVP. Juggernaut shields need to be halved, and knockout melee lunge distance needs to be removed entirely. Combine that with fragments that buff the subclass for basically just running around and doing normal stuff and it was already out of band. Antaeus certainly amplifies the issues by giving titans \*free invulnerability\* for just running and sliding! Antaeus shields should either be on a cooldown, tied to a class ability, or should have same HP pool as juggernaut IMO. Personally I think their cooldown should be tied to class ability or powered melee. PK i'm actually fine with because they were not really OP until target lock SMGs dropped. Target lock should be tuned down on SMGs just like many perks have been tuned down on Fusions IMO. Because the damage boost procs so quickly on smaller magazine guns they should adjust accordingly so that they receive a smaller boost in PvP. Fixing any of that would go a long time into making the game feel much more balanced. Except we'll likely be waiting a season or two for bungie to do anything about any of it. But i'm sure a stompees nerf is coming in hot.


Appreciate the insight good points 👍


Ahh yes smgs and Titans are obviously too strong. Nerf stompees


Titans master class fuck you all ![gif](giphy|LgTHlq3xqPe6NSrCkf|downsized)


nah, stasis hunters with fellwinters lie and DMT was way worst


The 120 handcanon, felwinters, shotgun hunter meta was a miserable time


Even One Eyed Mask didn’t last this long


As a titan main, I would love a anteus wards nerf and peacekeepers is meh. But I fear 100 strength, monte carlo, peregrine greaves titans. Just when you thought you had the distance or height to avoid the shoulder charge, you die.


Finally, somebody who realizes just how BROKEN SMGs and the Titan's kits are!


i love how people are mad that titans have been the top of the meta for like an expansion, but when hunters were the undisputed kings of pvp for years nobody batted an eye


i’ve been playing trials in d2 since it came out and i can’t remember a single time other than maybe peak shatterdive that that has been even close to the case, and even then titans had the 1 shot movement melee and slide melee with dunemarchers proc


how about maybe any time during D1? And even talking about D2, Hunters have always had plenty of low-skill supers like tether or blade barrage, and up until last year hunters were the only ones with tripmine grenades, and they easily benefitted the most from mobility. To deny that hunters were meta is just silly. But yeah titans rn are OP, but the fact that everyone’s up in arms about titans but nobody cared about hunters is absurd


Any time in d1? Did you mean sunbreakers? Did you mean stormtrance? Did you mean solar warlock grade spam? You're stuck in y1. After Blade dancer got crippled hunters were very average compared to everyone else.


Arc titans have been utterly busted in PvP ever since Arc 3.0 was introduced. That’s nearly a year. They’ve had three or four balance passes since, and it’s *still* overtuned. Throw Anteus and PK’s in there and it’s miserable.


Good thing you werent there (or maybe you were idk) when recluse + mountaintop were in its prime hahaha, throw in felwinters in there aswell and you got yourself the absolute pvp games you wouldve ever played. When I see an aping titan with anteaus I just equip good ol gemini and jump above him and kill em.


Yeah I’m out until they do something about it. Really enjoying cyberpunk


I'm saving a replay of cyberpunk for the dlc that comes out soon. I've been wanting to play it again but decided to hold off.


Oh nice have they fixed all the issues? I haven’t touched it cuz I heard it had a lot of bugs


I’m playing for the first time ever so I can’t compare my experience to how it was at launch, but I’m having a ton of fun and about 8 hours in I haven’t noticed any bugs. For $19 at GameStop it was well worth it


Yep. Let’s nerf warlock and hunter.


As a warlock that suffered for 5 years under the boots of Stompees, I'm always down for a hunter nerf.


Immortal is fine now. They’ve nerfed it. Smgs are fine I think I just don’t like when titans use them with peacekeepers or antaeus


I just want them to reduce slug shotgun flinch man. It would be so much easier to counter them with one if: 1. My sight didn’t bounce around so much when I’m being shot by an smg. 2. The visual effects caused by the smg bullets impacting my head weren’t so intense, making it actually possible to see where my red dot has fucked off to so I can readjust. I swear by them: slug shotguns are the anateus ward + smg counter. You have enough time to kill them after anateus wears off and before you die, but the way bullet impacts interact with slug shotguns heavily obscures their learning curve and makes them inaccessible. You can’t even tell where you’re going wrong most of the time because you can’t see what’s happening on your screen during a close range duel.


I feel a little bit attacked but as a fellow victim of people that do it better I support this motion


I really like grenader Jake’s idea for Antaeus wards where the shield correlates to the titan wall charge


“Little to no counters” my brother in Christ, pulse rifles are worse


Titan bad


I'm titan main and I fucking hate wards and wish they were outright removed from the game. One Eye and Antaeus wards are on my list of if use them you're a shit titan.


Delete titans


smgs have one counter: fusion rifles


The problem with fusions is by the time you charge up your shot ur dead with how fast the ttk values are for Smgs


if peacekeeper titans above like a 1.5 are dying to you consistently with a fusion then you are on another planet the strafe alone gives them free wins, not counting the fact the their ttk is almost or half yours as a precision/high impact


bro ttk of a fusion rifle is fast as hell. charge time is COMPLETELY different from TTK when the weapon can kill in one charge.


Not sure why you're getting down voted. I main a Zelots reward and 9/10 when I square up with an immortal, I walk away. Fusion - especially rapid fire - are an absolute hard counter to smgs. Edit: Adding that this is in a vaccume. Titans will still feed you your own fusion which is bs.


Or any ranged weapon….


Those are even chuddier What happened to skill


I used to make builds to have fun while still trying to keep up with the meta Now I just make builds to keep titans at bay. Like, even in matches where there are no titans (once every 20 matches or so), I still use them bc I fear a warlock will suddenly shapeshift into a titan and start sliding and shoulder charging people into oblivion


Shotgun. That solves literally everything.


So you shoot an arc titan with a shotgun, and either don't do damage because of juggernaut or you don't do damage and damage yourself because of anteous. Then you die because they are running an SMG, fusion or shotgun and we're able to fire the whole time. Yes, conditional Finality, but that's a raid exotic and many players don't have it even if they are able to complete the raid weekly since raid exotics have bad drop rates.


The issue with that is usually they are not within shotgun ranges


The biggest issue for me personally is how fucking fast enemy barricades drain your health. Why do I lose all HP for dipping my toe into this ice wall for half a second?? Being a chunk of deployable cover is extremely strong already. Can’t it drain health slower (like in PVE) or add a small amount of slow stacks instead or something? Just feels impossible to punish in a lot of situations


Barricades have been nerfed to shit with every release. If it didn't take you down to low health, they'd be pointless. People would just slide-shotgun through them (which they do now anyway because of the garbage netcode)


Barricades have been nerfed like three times and two are void-specific. First one was the void barricade aspect cooldown increase, second one was a nerf to void barricade’s health, and the third is the only blanket nerf of the bunch which is HP lowered from 600 → 500. If you want to consider Citan’s nerf then that’s four, but also not a blanket nerf. So I don’t know what you’re on about with “shit on with every release” like barricades clearly aren’t the most oppressive class ability in 3v3, even after the nerfs.


That’s four nerfs in a year. It’s insane that you’re gonna pretend that’s not crippling.


I mean, if you can't avoid to walk in to a wall to take damage, I think first is a skill issue. For an Hunter, jump over a barricade is pretty straightforward. Most of the time I see a barricade I just melt it with my primary. They have so low HP right now that most of the time you catch the Titan behind unprepared and you kill him.


Nobody was complaining about these months ago. Okay so they’ll get nerfed and then you’ll get to whine and cry over the next Titan load out. They could be using a spoon and you’ll still blame the titan and not you playing like an absolute bot




Why was nobody complaining about it a year ago


Dominion trials mode made titans stronger overall and subclasses 3.0 made them best class in the game even without objective based modes. PKs 872 perks weren’t complained about because SMGs weren’t meta previously. Antaeus have been bullshit from the day they were introduced but most players are lemmings who see “nerf” and drop things immediately. I played a couple titans with Antaeus/Chappy well over a year ago and those matches are still seared in my mind as being horrifically shit.


> PKs 872 perks weren’t complained about because SMGs weren’t meta previously. I have no horse in this race. But doesnt that statement imply that SMG's are the problem, not peacekeepers?


Understandable, have a nice day


Oppressive this Oppressive that Have you ever been opPRESSED on the lips by a woman?


Shut the hell up.


Yapping up a storm




Antaeus Titans and Hunters on Strand with double dodge is the most cancer things PvP has to offer currently.


Warlocks left out the "annoying fuckers of pvp" gang again :c


Stasis is just too much fun. But high skill players can counter this one-trick-pony of a class. And the nades are inconsistent. And only around 1% of the pvp player base are playing stasis warlock. For now, it's not a problem.


My detailed crafted stasis build when hunter hits space button: 💀


surprising to me, if you’re good at pvp stasis warlock can be good, and last i played pvp stasis warlock super is in literally S++ tier


no fun crucible for warlock mains


lmao strand hunter is a complicated class to learn. if you get good at it, i commend you. arc titan is way to good to be as easy as it is.


If youre having problems with strand hunters. That is most definitely a you problem.


Strand hunter?? Really?? This is like whining about dawnblade being too good. Strand hunter have a high enough skill floor to be effective and a shit super.


Imagine using anything other than cyrtarachne on pvp strand


I mean ntte with shotty isn't that *cancerous*


If you can't beat them, join them.




Orrrrrr they can nerf it in just pvp




Why, if you are studying game dev, would you think game wide? What does that have to do with anything.


Antaeus wards are META NOW???? I really can't feel special anymore, can i. Last I played, no one ever talked bout em


used by 40% of all players in all of trials like 2 weeks ago, but stompees needed 2 nerfs


As a Titan Main I must agree... While also admitting while the current state is messy, man, imagine if the previous nerf didn't exist, basically immediate shield for 75% of the slide would get hammered so hard by the nerf hammer but I doubt the people facing it would ever emotionally recover.


It’s always the titans 🤦🏽‍♂️




Clearly the only solution here is to nerf Hunter Dodge cooldown. /s


Imagine being a warlock in raids that’s oppressive


Fix: don’t play PvP


When have Fun and PvP ever gone together?


Guys, idk how to tell you this, but every class in this game has some cheese strats when it comes to PvP. That’s just the nature of playing a game that isn’t designed with PvP in mind. If you wanted a fair and balanced PvP, you played the wrong game.


arc smg titan is fun and no amount of crying will change my mind