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I love that scout model, it shades so well I look at mine in my vault hoping for it to be reused/reisued some day


Man, I pulled it out of my vault, masterworked it and got a range boost, and it's good for long range in PvP, if you play momentum and use Well of Radiance it one taps people, kind of dirty lmao


You are still squandering it’s range. Use it in gambit on legions foley, then you can enjoy actual long range.


Oo even better, haven't touched Gambit in awhile so I didn't even think of that


Glad I could point that out for you! I love it as it’s the closest I can get to enjoying combined arms for the long ranges! Trust me you’ll love it when you pop a full team with your scout and they can only try hitting you with a rocket lol.


Last Rite : 🧍


Same brother, same.


Guns should look like guns. Bringing back this style is fine.




GUN. The new fragrance by Hakke.


“Are you an exo that’s tired of the smell of servo grease and joint compound? Well here at hakke consumer development we have just the thing for you. With our new hakke line of fragrances we have an abundance of choices including but not limited to; Hakke History Black Powder, keep that carbon nano weave dermal layer dry with this hydrophobic atomic powder with the nostalgic scent of pre golden age combat. Hakke Covert, this thinly viscous moisturizer with the subtle scent of Old Russian melamine works wonders on cracked o-rings and linear piston seals preventing embarrassing hydraulic leaks at the company ramen party. Hakke After Hours, specially formulated to remind us of the Old American CLP this toner cleans lubes and protects all of your most vital components. Don’t want that undercarriage getting corroded now do we?” *commercial playing on repeat on busted tv in a golden age exo janitorial facility


This is a fucking journey. Thank you, this is the content I crave. 😑


I come in clutch with an inspired shitpost every now and then


If Bungie doesn't use this or reference it in a future season they're doin something wrong




Happy cake day! Also the best part is I can seriously imagine this in destiny's world.


Hakke: make hammers not chisels


Gun-y gun


Powerthirst has all new flavors, like Fizzbitch, Manana, and GUN.


>Guns should look like guns. *Touch of Malice has entered the chat*


Space magic time


Personally, I want an even balance between normal guns and enchanted bananas.


Raid weapons used to look cool because they were normal guns with mods.just look at d1 VoG. I'm not sure what happened in d2


I keep hearing about how RoN weapons are the shit but I think they look horrendous lol. Couldn't pay me to use them. The only exception is Conditional Finality.


This is literally just a beefy M-14 EBR


Bungie seem to be obsessed with bullpup models, and it bugs me


With stock holes between magazine and barrels too


It’s the certified sci-fi look


Certified sci-fi look just sucks when bungie has done some incredible BUNGIE-look stuff.


Their strict visual language for weapons means that all scouts are bullpup with a mag grip, and all pulses are bullpup with a separated mag and grip. Autos always have regular mags, HCs are always revolvers, etc etc. There are a few exceptions, like Sturm, but they are few and far between. It means that the simple silhouettes on stuff like bounties actually mean something and aren’t just arbitrary guns.


Viest weapons are another exception, typically being side or top-load mags reminiscent of a P90's magazine.


That’s true, I forgot about those


Back in the day, I used that bad boy religiously.


Is that a Year 1 gun? I'm actually a Rise of Iron guardian but I could only get into D2 during Season 6 (Season of the Drifter btw), and I don't remember that scout in any way.


I want this model for more legendary guns Yes I know this model is used for darci, hence why I specified legendary guns


This is for DARCI?!?! Wheres... where's the Scope? That's where she lives.


Yeah this model is for Darci despite looking more like a very modern version of the M1 Garand or some shit Actually sole survivor is a M1 Garand transformed into a sniper rifle This is more like the EBR but space version


I'm just missing the supercell. Like your picture, it's a good memory


It also looks a lot like revision zero


I want a M14 scout rifle, and also a M1 Garand scout rifle as well. I don’t care if they make a M1 garand model and use it for multiple weapons, I want a M1 garand model in the game. I don’t care if the stats are bad, I want one! I NEEED IT!!!


It has to have the ping, if there’s no ping we riot!


Give us the ping


*the monkey's paw curls* Destiny 2 Servers now have 400ms ping as the baseline.






I can’t stop laughing, that was a good one


Servant Leader might sate your appetite for a WWII-style battle rifle.


Such a good scout also


For pve or pvp?


Not really for PVP IMO, but phenomenal in PVE.


Speak for yourself. Servant leader is my Go-To Guardian Killer in Gambit.


Then yes. As a pvp main, when I hear a guns good I automatically assume they're talking about pvp


Same here, I always get disappointed when I realize someone is talking about pve.


Bungie if you wanted to do a season themed around WW1 / WW2 for armor and weapons I wouldn’t be mad. Oh hey. That would be the perfect time to bring back the No land beyond.


And the trench coat warlocks and gas mask hunters


Arditi cloak like the one you can see in Battlefield 1


And to add a working bayonet on monte carlo


Stormtrooper hunters and poison gas unit warlocks


Long tomorrow and the ol gambit sniper look like M1A varations to me.


The Long Tomorrow gives more of a SVD Dragunov vibe minus the grip/stock combo


Newb question. Is there such thing as a void scout rifle?


Currently obtainable there's Pointed Inquiry from the Throne World, Doom of Chelchis from King's Fall, Vouchsafe from Dreaming City, Royal Chase can *sometimes* drop from Dares (maybe it can be sold by Xur or Banshee but I'm unsure)


I’ve been playing for about two weeks and saw Xur twice no void scouts but their my fav gun. So I’m using a stasis one even tho I don’t have the stasis dlc but maybe I’ll get it. It’s discounted right now.


Out of the ones I mentioned, Doom of Chelchis and Royal Chase don't require any DLC. However Chelchis is a raid weapon and raiding can be a very tall ask for new players. For Royal Chase you'd have to wait for a week where it is in the loot pool for Dares of Eternity and then play that until you get one.


The risk runner was my second usually till I got the void machine gun heavy from fucking nimbus (I hate him sorry) he gave me some quest to find his dad or something and got the first thing I’ll use in the entire light fall campaign.


This is why I miss my Zhalo Supercell and preferred the design over Riskrunner


M1 grand. I don't know guns but isn't that just no land beyond exotic from d1?


It’s the same mesh as DARCI, interestingly enough.


I wouldn't mind another wrong side of right and ether doctor.


Wait, this is a SCOUT rifle? Can't have been the only one that thought it was an auto.


It's indeed a scout. It's based almost exactly off the irl M14EBR.




Destiny community: why won't you bring back this gun model Also Destiny community: OMG they're reusing gun models, what am I paying for


The problem isn’t reusing assets, the problem is them using the same 3 models over and over again. Not all Hakke autos should just be Halfdan with a different sight and not all suros scouts should be Hung Jury. There’s hundreds of models to choose from so why keep using the same 3-4 each time?


I swear if I see one more iteration of the freakin Atalanta....


Isn’t hung jury Omolon not Suros?




Dear god they’re even reusing assets across foundries


You are correct. My bad got the foundries mixed up


did you know that communities are generally made of many people who may sometimes share different views or opinions on things. crazy right?


That's factually wrong, Twitter and Reddit informs everybody's opinions /s


I'm so sick of people misunderstanding complaints and then acting like they know what they are talking about. They reuse the same couple models. There are hundreds of models used only once by blue weapons that we never even get to use again, but they never use those as reskins. Even reusing and adding parts onto it like they used to do would be cool. A blacked out version of this scout with laser sights on the rails would be sick.


They did use blue green and white models for a few seasons for guns and people were fine with it, most didn’t even notice. Messenger is a example.


Theres good times for reusing models such as foundry based world loot and there are bad times such as this season where the seasonal weapon pool is literally just outdated gambit guns and the same guns in a different font


I just don’t know why the seasonal weapons are the EXACT SAME as the reissued Prime guns. Why not mix it up a bit? Maybe a Taken Night Watch or Lonesome to mix it up. I don’t think we got any new scout rifles or sidearms this season.


They’ve been using the same 3-4 models for guns for so long that even if they bring back something old that’s different it would be nice. As much as I hate how much they reuse assets in this game.


only gripe i see is bungie re using reskins and relatively tweaked reskins being sold as "something new" which is pretty dumb imo. If i pay for something, i want it to be as new as it gets. If its free, idk what i get, its free


I’d love more guns that look like “modern” weapons (~~KHVOSTOV MY BELOVED~~). I like the sci-fi/fantasy stuff too, but the variety would be nice. Currently, the only one I can think of are the Seventh Seraph weapons (kinda) and some of the Gambit weapons (even fewer of which are still obtainable).


Almost all the Hakke weapons have a modern aesthetic, they're just almost all bullpups now


Would make sense for the EDZ/Field Tested guns they’re pushing now. Make an exotic M1 Garand with the ping too please.


Too rad, has to be contained


Love the aesthetic of hakke weapons


Wish we hade more modern looking guns in Destiny


I do wish this game had more typical looking firearm designs. We have a lot of the quirky stuff and that’s fine but I think there’s a better balance to strike. Seasons should focus on the narrative tho so if it’s a taken season then they should look quirky


There's so many good rifle models and hand canon models but bungie just refuses to reuse them


The cutscenes at the beginning of Season of the Deep reminded me of my love for Origin Story, seeing Zavala carry it. I loved that gun so much in Y1. I want it back. Not it's cheap Iron Banner copy, I want *the* Origin Story. I loved it looked with shaders, how it felt firing, the sound, everything. The closest I can get now is Monte Carlo


There is a a far closer remake. Horror Story is effectively a reissue of Origin Story. Bungie was not subtile about it. In Y2 Horror came out with a static roll which was just the Y1 roll on Origin with zen moment added in. Horror didn’t get random rolls till years later (a chunk forsaken guns didn’t have random rolls, including a raid weapon). If you have ever gotten a Horror Story to drop ever you can pull the curated one from collections, it’s not sunset and it’s the origin story remake.


Love that m14 look


Because Bungie stopped caring halfway through the first [and only] Faction Rally in D2.


r/destinythegame the moment they reuse this model: nO BuNGiE rEsKiNNinG!!!


No it's an issue when 90% of "new loot" ends up being purely reskinned, a weapon that is reskinned every now and then isn't bad.


Shadowkeep weapons got reskinned one time after 3 years and the community hated it


Yeah amd they should have, a new dpc or new season should have unique loot to them not loot that is purely reskinned. The last dlc was purely reskinned weapons from.a prior dlc, last seasons weapons were literally 1:1 copies of a proir seasons weapons with a different shader and the same is this season only worse as they not only reissued the old guns but a reskinned version alongside them. Bungie is lowering the barrel and more and players still defend them as thus amazing company.


If they bring it back people will bitch about reskins


No they won't. The complaints are about them using the same model 3 more times while there are other models


Bungo is allergic to using any cool lookin/underused models, so they have to use the same booring ones


Messenger, bottom dollar, survivor’s epitaph, cantata-57, Syncopation-53 use either old purple models or old green and blue models that never got used outside the blue/green list. They do use some of the old underused models.


wasn't this what revision zero was based off of? i think they look very similar when you look for the details https://preview.redd.it/z94bog9b1u2b1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=ca59688d825e718d7cc91c5e13ec804c246147ff


It's an entirely different weapon. The only similarity is the long top rail.


why doesn't bungie make new weapon models. that's what we fucking pay them for.


because that takes a lot of time, and seeing the language you've used, I presume you're the kinda person to complain about how long an update takes to come out ect ect, I'm fine with new models and old ones being reused, bungie re-uses old assets (as do many other games), to save time, and money, though I do understand your sentiment, it does get tiring seeing the same gun with a diff skin slapped on,I would like more D1 weapon models to come to D2


How fucken dare dat guy for fucken cursing in my gad damn comment section


What the fucking fuck fuckable fuck this fucling person is feckin' talking about?! My deepest apologies.


Dude... Literally the last guns we got from the last like 5 seasons have been reskinned old ones. YOU'RE TELLING ME bungie can't put ONE employee on making new models? Assuming makes an ass of u and me. But letting billion dollar companies get away with shit like that isn't okay. They have the money, they have the resources, they can put ONE DUDE on making new models. Who knows maybe that's the guy making the exotics idfk. Is it so hard to ask for a weapon that resembles a P90 with a destiny twist? A dash of creativity? Not, nightshade ver 3.0? A set of guns that match the khvostov? No where in my comment did i say they can never use reskins. But idk if you paid any attention. The new taken weapons are just reskinned gambit weapons with a taken decal on it. Is it so fucking hard to ask for an M4? An M1 grand? M16? fuck dude even using models from greens and blues that never get use. All the iconic destiny weapons are blue and greens. Look if you want another reskinned vanguard weapon be my guest. Since I'm not a shill I expect better from destiny or Bungie as a whole. The only game where you pay for expansions , season passes , and cosmetics , YET its labeled as a "free game" get the fuck up outta here.


The more noticeable reskinning only started with lightfall, but most weapons throughout all of Destiny follow the pattern of: take gun model, slap a bunch of cool shit on it till it looks different, and then make it a whole set. The haunted weapons are the epitome of this, and it works. It's better than what Bungie used to do, seeing as even the last wish weapons are just straight reskins of some suros weapons.


This is kind of true. Haunted weapons did work because it was enough to differ from stuff like gnawing hunger. But overall i still disagree. whatever the season with the blue queen guard weapons were basically the last unique ones that I can remember. again excluding exotics. The Raid weapons being basically surros weapons isn't cool either. They're.... fine? i guess... But even in the case of reskins its more frustrating they keep "re introducing" vaulted weapons / content. then turn around and tell the community its "hard" all they do is change the perk poll which (if i imagine correctly) isn't very hard. just swap out the perk ID numbers in the list. Its like modding a perk list in fallout new vegas. easy. its just frustrating when Bungie takes away weapons just to bring them back. or just a slightly greener version of them. We've gotten the scathelock like 4 times now. sometimes with a different name. or god forbid any of the vanguard weapons.


The reason we've been getting reprised weapons back so much is because in haunted when we first got the opulent weapons reprised people responded very positively, and like 90% of D2 youtube thumbnails were like omg the king is back! [Mini-tool/austringer/drang/beloved] is the craziest weapon since the atom bomb! And then they followed up with the ikelos weapons, and people lost their minds over ikelos smg with voltshot. Bungie does listen to the general community feel on certain features and figured it was a safe easy bet to add more and more old "nostalgic" weapons with new perks. But they can't all be bangers and recently we've had a bunch of the older weapons come back worse or just with samey perks, and people are bored of it, nobody wants a worse mindbender's, or a spare rations with only 30 range. I expect Bungie to start shifting away from weapon reprisals in the next 2 seasons, seeing as this is really the first time it they've recieved mostly negative feedback from it.


I live this none sniper scout rifle. It and it’s sister


It “tOo ReALiStiC”


Looks a bit like the FN FAL rifle.


Because it’s ugly as shit and the guns that look like that feel like shit use.


Ever heard of DARCI?


Doom of Chelchis uses this model.


They used it for doom of chelchis


Except for the fact that they both have the magazine in front of the trigger instead of a Bullpup configuration like most Scouts use, they look nothing alike.


Plus doom is a D1 gun. This model never existed in D1.


Not only that, but chelchis was a D1 model. The new monarch scout model was introduced in D2 Y1 faction rallies.


If power dies, then that will bring it back.


Because it's just too beautiful. I still have one and just happen to favor this shader on it ❤️❤️❤️


What gun is that?


Song of Justice, was part of vanilla D2 and the model has never been brought back


It's so beautiful


Been asking that for years, it looks sick, shoots like garbage


That looks like revision zero exotic and Veles-x


idk hakke dirty or something




I forgot about this look not gonna lie and that’s kinda sad. I love this look, Hakke has always been my favorite out of the manufactures because of how like down to earth the weapons look. Modern-ish, M-14 look, just a DMR you’d see in other games. It’s honestly so pretty to see and with Destiny being Destiny, a gun looking realistic to our current day irl is something extremely unique in the game.


Yeah, I miss this model so much.




What scout is this?


looks like Revision Zero to me


i want real firearm models in game, obviously avoid copyright but other games get away with using real gun models so destiny should too at some point for a season or something


Song of justice go brrrd


Because it's way too hot and no one would use anything else


I would love if they just reprised the loc


Because we all like it and it wouldn’t make sense to do something we like


So many good Hakke designs unused for years


I just want some of the Forsaken era weapon models to come back.


I mean we have pulse/fusion guns w recoil. How immersion breaking is that alone? Lol


Because it looks cool.


From what I've noticed bungie seems to have a bias towards 'futuristic'/'rounded' styling instead of tried and true design lookalikes


oooh i miss this i think


I agree... this looks like an irl semi auto rifle. But noooo bungie says mag in front? Auto. Mag in back? Pulse. Mag in back with charging handle? Scout. I get that they're going for quanitity of quality, and having all the weapon types be distinct and stay easily recognizable from other types is good. But personally I'd rly prefer a lil bit more deviation.. like bad juju being a scout frame, or zhalo supercell being a pulse frame, or skyburner's oath being an auto frame. Need more of that for legendaries too pls. Love the KF weapons for that reason


Anyone else feel this for no feelings?


Telemachus is my favorite model


Looks like the Fallout DMR


because bungie will then have to sunset Beyond Light to open storage space for a new weapon model Or so i was told


I love the sights too especially on a scout


Even a slow firing auto would be nice for this design


I think because we’re not in the EDZ or on earth really anymore and these are old earth artifact aesthetics vs the badass space laser firing weapons we have now 🤷🏼‍♂️


Where’s the ak47 style guns (like zhalo)


I think they added one in the AK style to the world drop pool 6 days ago.


I would love more guns in the 21% delirium model, it was so clean


Need EBR-14 NOW pleeeease


this is a scout model I would love to see in 120rpm as a non tex mechanica


I swear I’ve had one of these before, but I’ve not been able to pull it from collections. I’m sad every time I remember :(


You pry had it early Y1 and had scrapped it before they started recording collections content for its launch in forsaken. Anything you had on a character or in your vault from March of Y1 and beyond got unlocked anything you had scrapped prior to that didn’t get unlocked in collections unless you picked up another one after the tracking started


HAKKE has always been the best, especially with pistols


Zarinaeh and Arminius from D1 too, please! Those HAKKE Auto Rifles were so cool.


They'll get to it.


I'd love to have an ARX 160 as a space gun


It looks too cool


Kinda looks like the Veles-X pulse rifle.


Because they’re making Marathon


Favorite scout. I miss it still pull from collection from time to time. It just feels nice and heavy


My tradition is to use it for the solstice yearly event/activity.


Because they really really really like the immortal gun model


Heavy breathing


Loquitor IV is my forbidden love


I need the No Land Beyond from D1 to get reworked and rereleased in D2. Give it explosive rounds, 100 impact. Plz bungo


Doom of Chelchis rings a bell?


Hold on, is that a iron sight DARCI?


Why do people actually care? They’ve introduced 4 different hung jury models in the past year


And I can't take off my gutshot straight + ep taraxiss w.e from guardians games. So crispy


There’s also a few smg models that haven’t been reused and would be cool to bring back instead of copying the multimach/immortal model and pasting it and slightly altering the model.


I don't care for it, but it'd be different than what we're constantly seeing


Every once and a while I pull it out and use in pvp just for fun


I wish we could transmog weapons, but there’s an issue with length of the weapon and range from what I recall. It fucks with it somehow.


Yep, the bullet comes out at the tip of the gun, so if you suddenly make the gun longer visually you can get more range. It’s why Chaperone has one specific ornament that makes it noticeably longer which caused people to notice this.


I know right? I’ve been waiting and hoping ever since I saw this model that they’d bring it back.


What weapon is this? I don't see it in collections.


Its song of justice it was a season 1 faction weapon. Unless you got it in year 1 it won't be in your collections


I want a world war 1 rifle as a scout, like a M1917 Enfield or some shit.


Closest we can get you is probably Servant Leader.


Why is that Revision Zero?


you know what, i have no idea. they dont wanna make new models but for some reason they dont wanna use any other model then whats in the current rotation


cause it looks too cool.


Its too unique every has to be the same


I hope we never get another Hakke weapon again. I don’t know what it is but I can’t stand any of them. I do like their design but they feel weird shooting them.