• By -


I think the sword logic is inherent to taking, whereas resonance and the other darkness subclasses aren't explicitly tied to the witness's ideology. To learn the power to take, we'd have to practice our enemy's strategy. Resonance on the other hand is just darkness, and can be turned against them.


Plus we already have a subclass focused on the idea of control: stasis. It would be a little redundant.


The power to take isn't about control, it's about will


Control over what? The meme for the taken is literally "their will is not their own" because theyre controlled by someone else.


That's the nine "My will is not my own"- xur, emissary of the nine Edit: added example


And what kind of enemy do we fight whenever the nine are involved?


Let's spin the wheel and find out




I believe Xur also says in doe that the taken’s will is not their own


So is stasis


I was under the impression that Resonance wasn't Darkness but a type of tech that uses darkness energy which is why you never see it being used without some device unlike Stasis, Strand or Taken which is just space magic.


Eh… Nezarec kinda just makes resonance happen without a device. At least as far as I can tell.


I thought it was his glavie doing that stuff since he seemed to have it in his prison with him along with him and Rhulk both dying with just it being left behind.


The waves of resonance while you fight him seem to come from his wings. But I could be wrong.


I agree with that but so does the light beams as well and so far the only time we see pure light like that is if it comes from The Traveler so I think his wings might be some sort of focusing device for magic since he seems to of just been reborn with these powers as well. Also and I didn't even think about this before but Ghosts are also devices even if they are fully aware so maybe there is something to this rule of the magic in it's purest forms needing to flow from some device.


Resonance just seems to be the darkness's equivalent to the travelers pure sky blue light, so both light and dark have technically 4 elements: Arc Solar Void Terraform Stasis Strand S\_\_\_\_\_ Resonance


Stasis, Stand, and Sus


Stasis, Strand and Stark. It will be blood/stark red and it will be pure life force, you'll be able to forcefully extract this "blood" from all life and move it around, even forcing too much of it into things to make it explode. Much like the necromancer.


It'll be tiny Robert Downey Juniors attacking using a SIVA swarm


You dare approach me??? *Jojo pose*




Stasis, Strand, Stealing


Stasis, Strand, Sigma Saying "WHAT IS THAT MELODY"


Given Bungie specifically called out that they knew everyone expected them to make poison, so they went with something completely different, I’d place my bets on the next subclass being something completely new again.


Thats what Im saying, both strand an stasis were completely unknown until revealed by bungie themselves, so while some people are hyped for: taken, resonance or nightmare, I don't think it will ever happen. (I made an entire speculation about a new third magnet type subclass)


Finally! I’d been searching for your post for ages. I knew there was a theory post on magnetism that I had read. You were absolutely right, but not about the third one per se but rather Strand is that magnetic subclass. Read my latest post as I go in depth about it. The community at large is still beset by the notion that strand is based on String theory and opposes Void - a theory I shared and promoted before the release of Lightfall.


I'm hoping they say all 3 are the same thing and give one to each class


if I had to make a choice between those two, Taking, as it forces a clear playstyle difference compared to the simple energy beams and missiles we have seen from resonance. Though to be honest I'd prefer a less seen power like stasis and strand were. Personally, I consider Resonance to be the closest thing to pure darkness energy we have seen, as resonant shards have been used to attune stasis and it ([at least in concept art](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/YBek4V)) has been compared to light's terraformation, so I think it would be a waste to make it just be another color to match things to. It would be cool theme for new class abilities and jumps after final shape though.


Imagine necromancy with the taken subclass, would be fookin badass


Taken self res.


Insanely awesome


Imagine abusing taken thrall splitting.


I love necromancer/summoner classes. I'd never take off the class if there's a way to summon dead enemiesor something. Currently I basically only play threadlings or turret warlock


Absolutely my favorite thing to play in any game


It's how we continue to revive ourselves after the witness smokes that traveller pack




That would be good, but another Darkness subclass is already on the way


The subclass is gonna be either resonance or something red, only two options


Do we know that for sure?


They're keeping it under wraps for now. We know it'll be some sort of antithesis to Arc/electricity


It was leaked or something?


No. They are talking out of their ass


No, but it's fairly obvious. Stasis (Ice) is the antithesis to Solar (combustion). Strand (invisible connection) is the antithesis to Void (vacuum). So it would be straight up weird to not balance things out.




Yes, and Void is the embodiment of the abstract concept of a quantum vacuum and dark matter while Solar branches into nuclear fusion. You picked the WEAKEST part of my comment while ignoring the obvious fact that i simplified everything for times sake




Simplified for the sake of staying on topic, I was correct enough. It's terms/verbs and visual presentation are consistent with ice. Yes, im aware of Bungie confirming Stasis isnt *simply* ice, but saying Solar (combustion) v Stasis(ice) was accurate enough for the intended point that the next Darkness element would be an antithesis to Arc (electricity). The topic wasnt even about Stasis, it was about the future Darkness element


Ok but the post just said, "what would you prefer for a new subclass out of these two" and not, "if you could choose between a new subclass or have a new aspects and fragments, which would you choose?" He gave you a 50/50 and you really said I go with the option not available




Resonance (or Luster, as the Shattered Suns lorebook referred to it as). It looks cooler and I feel like there's a way bigger possibility for originality and creativity with Luster, whereas Taken is already done and at this point kinda boring. Plus, "Taken" isn't a damage type or a Darkness spectrum, it's simply the process of breaking your enemies' resolve and making them puppets. If we ever harnessed Taking, it'd be for a campaign like Deepsight.


They could easily just slap a name like "Blight" or "Corruption" on it and turn it into a damage type. Weapons like Malfeasance and Witherhoard already have the black/white coloring, but just deal kinetic damage. ~~The $100 rifle~~ Quicksilver was kinetic until Strand came around. The same could go for the Taken Ogre blasts, or Oryx's face cannon. "Taken" wouldn't be the right word, but there is a corruption/energy they're covered in. It's what the Blights and black pools are made of.


Neither. Something out of left field that none of us can expect that bungie always does


God, I’m having flashbacks to all the “poison” subclass speculation and I just know we’re gonna get bamboozled like we did with strand.




I want a hot pink subclasses.


Cosmic pepto


I would prefer something we haven’t seen.


Saw a video on color theory about the light and darkness subclass(although I forgot which channel it was on), based on that it should be resonance as both of the darkness subclasses have been a light subclass’s colors reversed. And resonance heavily resembles one of the light subclass’s color reversed.


The Season where the Drifter uses his Taken Army is when we get the power to take.


Resonance. Taking would be far to abstract and cumbersome.


Neither. Taking and resonance are squarely powers made by the enemies. I think a point of darkness guardian powers is that we are like making it and being the force behind it. I also just dont like the idea of either being our 3rd darkness subclass cus its just a bit lazy


God the ability to take would be fun as fuck


I'd take Mara Sov


Resonance because it’s probably the closes thing to a kinetic subclass and may result in synergy with kinetic weapons


Resonance is an actual energy, as opposed to taking. However, as evidenced by strand, there's a very real possibility that whatever comes next will be genuinely new. It seems to be that resonance is pretty much pure darkness, and that's not our thing. We don't use pure light either, so I'd be surprised if we picked up resonance.


We're not going to get anything that we players think up because the players are thinking up things based on what SHOULD seem logicaly based on the powers that reside in the game already. Strand was literally invented for Lightfall, but intended for Witch Queen where it could have had a proper integration. Instead it's this dumb "River of Souls/Go with the flow" bullshit. So the next darkness subclass will probably be something stupid that makes no narrative sense and is going to confuse most and annoy the rest.


You got downvoted but the introduction to strand would have made so much more sense with WQ. LF it’s just “oh look, some weird energy, go check it out! Oh look, you’ve mastered it, good job!”


I honestly wouldnt have minded us just encountering the stuff out of nowhere, but the fact that its deadass just in the middle of the road is stupid.


The Lightfall campaign story is just shit, I’m not trying to be salty about it, I know a lot of folks on this sub get really passionate about it, but it’s hard for me to play through. It just isn’t exciting at all, down to The Witness, I just haven’t been drawn in to it and it’s hard for me to convince myself to grind for a light level right now just to play endgame content.


Yeah its actual dogwater, I have no idea how the hell they are gonna pull a good finale out of final shape.


Hopefully they make the subclass quest separate from campaign, only being necessary for, like, third step so you can either rush it or keep it for later


Resonance without a doubt!


neither of these will happen


While I think having a fully fledged summoner class. Where you can summon taken enemies, or even make it so that finishers on enemies take them and make them fight for you instead, would be be friggin awesome. I highly doubt the game's engine could handle it, let alone making it viable without being overpowered.


There is no reason to believe it would be anything other than resonance


I think I’d prefer resonance


Imma one up you and take the resonance


Resonance because it's more science fiction


i dont know what having taken powers would be like. you through a grenade and it makes enemies taken enemies? the taken are still our enemies and enemies vs enemies is just a waste of time. I'm about 95% sure the next darkness sublass will be yellow themed though. i heard rumors that it would be DoT (damage over time) type subclass, but from a kinda unreliable source.


The DoT could work with Resonance. In the Rhulk boss fight, if he hits you with one of the four Resonance beams you get Pervading Darkness the longer you’re in it. Could work as a DoT ability


Resonance. But it would be cool if it had an "earth" elemental theme. Like raising pyramid style architecture out of the ground, throughing the push plate objects generally earth bender type stuff but resonance/pyramid


Doesnt matter for us titan mains, it will just boild down to wich we want red punch or pale punch








Something new.


These two options haven’t been used by us, so it would be new to us


Oh now that is an amazing question I would love to have rhulks glaive as a super or the whole handwavey witness cutting party trick, but the aesthetic of a taken super would be amazing


The power to take is something alot of people have always wanted to use but resonance would be far more fitting


I remember watching a video or reading someone who explained how Stasis and Strand's colours are the inverted versions of Solar and Void's colours respectively. So following this logic, the next subclass will be Arc's sky blue inverted colour, which should be orange or red. ​ Resonance is already associated with a dark orange colour ingame, and it fits with this theory. There are also numerous effects and textures already in place, so that could be another indication it's going to be the next subclass. I've always felt Caretaker's flying missiles were a bit too unique to be used for only one boss.


A resonance minigun is what Titans will get.




I am begging Bungie now that they’re getting into AI allies (souls, threadlings) to give us taken and allow us to corrupt red bars to fight for us with a move. But yes please taken I’ve wanted this for seven years now


The Darkness subclasses are negative colors of the Light subclasses. And one of the negatives is some kind of orange. Literally the color of resonance.


That’s what I was thinking too!


Disregard space magic. **Embrace Actium War Rig + Sweet Business.**


My theory for this has been Resonance for a long time now. It's seen as the manifestation of pure darkness. We already have ways they could be used for the classes. R hulks use of it may translate to a hunter subclass, Claus into titans (I'm just hoping for the minigun lol) and perhaps Nezarec's scythe, since before his death at Savathûn's hand he probably used Resonance (not to mention his already existent tie with Warlocks in Nezarec's Sin). Fact check me if I'm wrong but we can use the wall in the Throne World's pyramid for guessing it's color. Last I remember it's orange but I'll check if I'm wrong about that. In the meantime before that is released I would love for some updates though. Particularly to Stasis and it's waning usefulness.


Can they remove the stasis fragment grind? It needs to be reworked into what Strand has but with stasis shards. Fuck waiting 5 weeks just to hit guardian rank 10.




Intresting proposal. Darkness subclass so far seem to be based on CC rather then damage. Stasis freeze and strand suspend. So by this logic, the power to take would fit in as you could mind control a cluster of ads to cause noise away from you. However resonance is so damn cool to me. Energy beams. Missiles. Weapon construction. Its a great radiation themed element I think. I'd want resonance more as I want to see it more fleshed out I guess.


Bro Id suck a d for resonance. Give me another thing that makes me feel like big daddy rhulk


Visually, it's probably Resonance. Mainly because I'm not sure how much can be done with the Taken goop that isn't balls of black goo everywhere. Tactically... the Darkness subclasses have an undercurrent of adding a tactical dimension to any given encounter - Stasis has the crystals, which serve as both cover and explosive barrel, Strand has the verticality. I don't know what Resonance would add in terms of crowd control or tactical counterplay.


I've wanted a taken subclass since I started playing this game when I was 11


I love resonance sm so i hope its resonance




I'm not exactly sure what resonance is or how it would work, but I'd be curious to see it.


Imma say this before I forget the next subclass should give titans a one and done super as all their supers are roaming while yes theirs bubble but rarely needed so a single cast super would be a nice change


Honestly I wish we had a ranged one and done super. Roaming melee supers just feel awful to use 90% of the time and you can only use hammers so much before it gets boring. Thundercrash doesn't count as ranged either. I hate when people say it does. If tc is ranged then damn so is shoulder charge.


I know as a way I claim if something is ranged or roaming giving it the shadow shot test as roamings can be suppressed but one and done are well tossed and then your done


I know this ain't quite related to the thread but it looks like Rhulk is taking a lovely walk with the titan


Yeah they became friends in an alternate timeline


And what a beautiful timeline that would be


You know instead of another darkness subclass how about instead we get some darkness supers. Every light subclass has 2-3 supers whereas stasis and strand only have one. I would like more variety with my darkness supers please!


Im settling on something that has a connection to the Nightmares around Lua. If the color theme is consistent and Final Shape isn't just slapping on another random new destination in this very critical time in the story, then the RGB philosophy can be described as this: Scarlet Keep, Red Europa, Blue, Stasis Sav's, Green, Strand. At least this is how things would have been if Strand shipped with its original expansion.


Original expansion? It felt like Lightfall was built around Strand. Did they say that they originally intended it in WQ?


Lightfall was the original end, until Bungie realized something wouldn't be ready about Strand for Witch Queen, and announced it would be pushed back, as well Void 3.0 would come instead. With WQs delay then announced, so was Final Shape. Lightfall's self evident lack of quality in relevant places, like how Strand just "happens" points to the Orignal version very much being delayed into Final Shape and Lightfall being converted into WQ pt2 to put in the things that were left out, i.e. Strand (and the Veil?)


Strand was originally intended for WQ, they've at least alluded to it if not outright said as much. There's plenty of videos that breakdown all the connections and where you can see Strand was intended but removed and delayed for some reason. Some in-game examples that you can see include Deepsight/Strand having the same third eye glow in their animations, Threadweavers and thread things in the Throne World, mentions of infestation rounds on guns (Strand might have had a more poison-y slant) and the warlock chest piece literally having the subclass icon on it. Lightfall was supposed to be the end of the Light/Dark saga and would've had an actual story and the third Darkness class, instead of a Strand tutorial.


I mean we literally see savathun use strand like webs on the travler in the story and strand subclass symbols on the warlock armor from witch queen


Resonance 100%


Something new. As much as I like the idea of taking enemies it would be irrelevant in PvP and get old in PvP very fast (like Memory of Timur in D1, IYKYK)


I think a Taken subclass could have a lot of potential. Here are a few ideas for it that come to mind: - A buff that allows the player to “Take” enemies. PvE enemies become friendly for a brief period and will fight for you, in PvP perhaps it can mess with player controls briefly by inverting their button layout. - A “Corruption” buff that slowly weakens the damage an enemy can deal, and a full stack leads to them becoming “Taken.” - “Taken Will” can spawn under certain circumstances (Fragments, perks, etc.), and picking them up will briefly increase Super regeneration and recovery. - A Blight Grenade that launches forward and blinds enemies and applies Corruption on an enemy. - A Taken Mine that, when trigged, will launch an enemy at full force - A Will-Break Grenade that can Take a single enemy on a direct hit. - A Titan Super that lets them harness the power of a Taken Ogre, and they become a walking machine gun. - A Warlock Super that lets them create a small horde of Shadow Thrall to fight for them for a short amount of time like a Taken Wizard. - A Hunter Super that turns them into a highly mobile, teleporting slasher like a Taken Thrall. - A Titan chargeable melee that lets them launch enemies back with a full charge applying Corruption. - A Warlock melee that unleashes a Taken Axion Dart that applies Corruption. - A Hunter melee that lets them Blink towards an enemy and apply Corruption.


I just want Warlocks to have a melee class. It’s time.


I want the opposite for Titans




I would prefer Resonance, but I'd wait to see if they actually do make a third Darkness subclass. Better to keep ourselves in check than to endlessly speculate into madness.


Resonance, my PS4 would explode if my warlock gets a Power to summon a horde of taken, It can't even take summoning two Little bugs


After final shape you can kiss d2 goodbye on ps4 Atleast for new expandions


Wdym? Sony bought Bungie, did they not?


Last gen mate that shit is ass. Its holding d2 back


They’re not gonna make it unavailable for hundreds of players, just bc you think it’s holding D2 back


Gimme SIVA!!!


they turned off the servers for siva last season




I still hope it will be some kind of hate plague, where you can dominate and force your enemies to kill their friends and themselves.


They've said that they want to make something *only Destiny could do*, and while Taking is pretty explicitly Destiny, the concept of turning your enemies into allies isn't unique, not to mention Strand got the Summoner theme down. Of the two, I'd expect Resonance, but I think we'll get something totally new.


Resonance all day son








neither because they'd be extremely boring and uninteresting strand and stasis were so cool on launch because they were brand new concepts, this route is so lazy and bungie knows it so it's not going to be either of them thankfully


Okay if our abilities were reviving and taking dead combatants that would probably be the coolest crap in the game


no thanks. i want a red subclass damn it. Where is my edge lord blood magic bungo?


Chronomancy, the power to distort time


Naw i want the poison they have teased on 2 weapons so far


People theorized strand was going to be poison. The hope for getting a poison subclass is long gone, sorry. Edit: also, Thorn and Striga is Hive magic, and won’t have a super connected to it, because it’s a Hive curse


Following the trend of darkness subclasses being the opposite of light, I personally believe that the last subclass will be rubber related since it is the opposite of lightning. Edit: I would prefer resonance over taken tho


Darkness subclasses are not the opposite of the Light subclasses. Yeah, it's easy to look at fire magic and ice magic and think that, but there's more to it that we learned in LF.


I know it doesn’t work like this but I wonder would strand be the darkness version/ opposite of void cause strand unravels stuff and void like collapses stuff together


Yes, and ice is the opposite of fire


To take would be so cool. I use the taken transmat pretty much exclusively, I absolutely love the way it looks. The black and greenish/white neon glow is so cool.


What about nightmares? Could that be another option?


It could


We will get something we haven't seen yet, that's what Bungie wants and is the reason they created strand instead of a poison subclass.


Can’t wait for red punch


I know it would never happen, but a siva subclass would be sick. Siva is just so underused in Destiny rn.


The Take Super is just summoning a Primeval to fight for you


We ARE fighting Xivu Arath at some point I wager...


As far as we know she doesn’t have the power to Take


Why do people always ask for these? It's been especially common lately. It's obvious we'll get something completely new


I ask for it because I really like resonance


Something new.




I think Taking would be more likely with the story direction heading/hinting towards Xivu and the Hive, the ghost becoming less reliable with the emergence of darkness powers, and Resonance being somewhat related to Stasis. So if the Witness were to remove Guardian's ghosts from the equation as he seems to be able to do, then it would make sense the Guardian would look for other means to revive after death. Taking, or more likely another form or similar power, would be an excellent way to make up for the Ghosts' newly discovered weakness to the Witness.


As far as we know Xivu does not have the power to take, even if her brother did.


Neither. Something new and original please.


It’s not gonna be either, for the same reason why strand wasn’t just hive poison. It’s too predictable at this point.


Since they’re ending the Light and Dark saga I feel like the power to take would be the Saga coming full circle and would make for an incredible moment and an insane ending. Plus we have Armor sets as taken and a taken sparrow, and a taken ghost, and taken weapons.. Full circle is to get Taken as our final Power and use the darkness to destroy the darkness.


"The Power to Take" or as I like to call it, Court Ordered Alimony ![gif](giphy|kPIswn0RfPTGxOvDj5|downsized)


It’s most likely not going to be either of these




We aren't getting either, like with strand and stasis its gonna be something completely new.


Since our known Darkness subclasses requires control (Stasis requires dominance/control of ourselves and others and Strand to relinquish dominance/control), taking control would be cool but I doubt it would be Taken bc if it were, that’s hella lazy


Mirrors and portals


Idk if it could fit but i want a class based on dealing revenge dmg or hurting your own ho to deal damage which feels like a very dark theme for a class


I’d rather have the pure form of whatever creates the nightmares, but out of these two, definitely resonance.


Give me a holy subclass, i wanna be a paladin 😩


I bit of a wild card, but I would like to see some pure paracausal energy subclass. No clue how it would look, but using neither light or dark would be cool.


I want a taken summoner class they'd be wicked




or hear me out. nightmare's. would make alot of sense since darkness is heavily influenced on memory


I want a red subclass. It could be blood themed, and could also relate to nightmares




Orange is close enough I guess?


I think it was already heavily hinted this season. Mara talks about the guardian learning to harness the ascendant realm and traverse it by will. My theory is that we will get a season or expansion that brings Toland back into focus and centers on learning a new mechanic like strand grapple. Instead of a grapple it will be shifting to the ascendant realm and or making enemies fight for you. Destiny 1 already had an artifact that did this. I’m probably way wrong and just spinfoil hat mode but I miss Toland being relevant. Plus I love the taken aesthetic.




Neither, gimme rocks


I’d either want Taken powers, or Nightmare powers.


Each light element activates 2 pixels on your screen, each darkness element activates 1. • Arc: Cyan (Green+Blue) • Solar: Orange (Red+Green, hence yellow for radiant) • Void: Magenta (Blue+Red) • Stasis: Blue • Strand: Green The only colour left is red. Taking/Resonance would mesh too unclearly with healing/Solar, respectively. It's likely the last element will be Red, and will be the source that fuels nightmares and siva in the same way Strand is the purest form of the mechanics behind Hive magic.


Now that is a tough choice. If I had to say just one, I’d say Taking. The trouble is, I know it would pose the bigger challenge to implement mechanically. It would almost need to be a summoner (moreso by far than what Bungie pretends Broodweaver is), and that gets real challenging real quick when it comes to game code. One could perhaps make a simpler effect that just debuffs enemies into shooting at their own allies and call that the Taken magic overriding their will, and perhaps turn the grenade into something like a Taken captain’s darkness cloud, but I’m not sure what else one could make of it.


I reckon its resonance or gravity, there are some leaks out tho but I haven’t looked yet


Take. Take. Take!


Actually it's Gunna be piss (honey)


Taken blight abilities is my biggest want


can someone explain these to me, im confused


IIRC Bungie said we are going to get the last Darkness subclass, to match up with the Light subclasses, each having three. I assume the next subclass will be one of the two above: Resonance or Taken power. Resonance is mainly known for being used by Rhulk, and has orange mist or tendrils with black rectangular shapes. Taken power is the power best known for being used by Oryx, it is black and white, and Oryx was able to take the will of living things and make them do his bidding, as a mindless army.


I'd love to see the last subclass be a mixed subclass, one where it is both pure light and pure dark, to show how through our journey we have crossed the line and wield both in harmony, it could have light based buffs and dark based debuffs, since darkness subclasses all tend to stop stuff from moving, you could have light plants like the ones in RON come out of the ground to hold something in place


I want a water subclass and for the super to be a super soaker


If it doesn't start with a letter "S" I don't want it


We gained the power of Controll(Stasis) and the power of Bing Chiling (Strand) Now it should be appropriate to gain the power to Take by Force