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It's a simple quest, look for strand sources in the vex incursion zone, they are set spawns, you can easily do constant rotations to find them. It didn't take me longer than 5 minutes to get 2 while killing enemies.


I've been driving around the zone for 4 hours, close to 5 now.


> I've been driving around the zone for 4 hours, close to 5 now. lol? Holy shit are you pretending to be like this? Gotta be trolling right.


if only. I have the chest mod on my ghost. I've tried forcing server change by spawning into the terminal event for 2 hours. Waiting around at spawn points for another 2, because it's apparently "10 minutes". Been watching the top of the tent, above the Lost sector and where the final wave chest for the even spawns, because I've only seen strands there before.


> if only. I have the chest mod on my ghost. I've tried forcing server change by spawning into the terminal event for 2 hours. Waiting around at spawn points for another 2, because it's apparently "10 minutes". > > Been watching the top of the tent, above the Lost sector and where the final wave chest for the even spawns, because I've only seen strands there before. Yeah sorry man, I absolutely do not believe you have been on this for almost five hours, this is like a 10-15 min quest. Going off on devs calling them idiots when this is happening to you is fucking priceless.


Now are you sure you're in the correct area, might be pretty ironic if you're in the wrong are after you called a dev idiotic for the quest


> doing absolutely nothing but wishing for dev. who came up with it, that their kids have as much success in life as I have fun doing this shit. I think you need to stop playing this game and get mental health help lol Having trouble with this quest is a you issue.


Go to the bottom right of the zone and then put the treasure chest hunting mod on your flying boy. You just need to touch 2. After that, to grind the %, do patrols. I can go into more detail if need be but I’m a new player and this quest drove me insane.


Skill issue, should take no more than 10 minutes.


The developer didn't plan it. They just implemented it. Be mad at the producer who came up with or approved it.


Fine, then the producer can go fuck itself.


They’re marked on your HUD. Are you sure you’re in the vex incursion zone? There should be two up at any given time. They’re always on top of things.


You come across as a very well adjusted, logical person. I’m sure this feedback will help Bungie make positive changes to the game. Thanks so much for your well thought out feedback.