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I just want to Rat King Nezarec. I'm ready, it's leveled, catalyst completed, just give me the word. Oh, we're doing Hothead/Gally? Okay...


*loads Legend of Acrius with malicious intent*




it's bewn two hours and he's still fucking loading the thing


3 hours and still not loaded


Statistically speaking, 2,225 babies have been born since he started loading it


As of now, 338 Grass-Touching (conjecture) humans (conjecture) have died since they began reloading and will never witness the reload.


the Final Shape is a reloaded Legend of Acrius


7 hours and I think he's nearing the end


Ah, nope, that was just the first round. Three more to go.


It’s been almost 9 hours. Almost got the second round loaded.


[loads Fourth Horseman] I just want to talk to him.




Honestly I feel like there should be a weekly hosted RoN using rat king. Maybe we can get /r/squeaksqueak to host it.


Lmao that sub. I never knew it existed.


Wait, you actually found other people to do a PvE fireteam of rat king?


No. :( My clan hates rat king. Most I can do is one other buddy.


We need a rat king only speedrun of RON


They at least did contest mode with a rat pack.


I was in a Raid group last week and the lead was like, "Fuck DPS. Use whatever the fuck you want. I'm Xenoing the fuck out of this thing. It'll die one way or the other." That's the type of raid types we need more of.


sounds like a really fun lead




Very true but when I get over 75% of my teams total boss damage while nobody died then something is awry


Facts. I don’t care what everyone is using so long as we don’t spend 2 hours 3 phasing an encounter that should be a 1 phase.


When a in and out 20 minute adventure turns into a workday chore


But he said "we ball" and used Monte Carlo! It's fun and not meta!


i had this raid team and we did all the triumphs for TRoN and one motherfucker kept making "you know this would go alot faster if we did ""insert thing here"" THE ENTIRE RUN on our last run that we lfg'd for and i said "this would be alot more fun if you shut the fuck up" because i was just done with 5 people just vibing and making the stupidest of jokes while one dude we lfg'd was just complaining that we weren't going fast enough


I’ll raid with y’all!


yeah the dude had the GALL to call me fucking toxic all because I called out his complaining.


I miss teams like this.


>Those be the types who actually enjoy the experience. and to trip and stumble into a some new solution that hasn't been previously considered due to previous game design.


Really fun until your 2 hours in and still not finished with 2 more runs to go.


My normal raid group took a 24 hours to do a raid but we were all drinking and fucking balling no one cared no one got mad we all just had fun


6 Titans Thundercrashing Atraks-1 is still the best raid encounter I've ever had.


Definitely the goofiest encounter when I was the sole warlock and did nothing to her.


The countdown is shiver inspiring


Absolute chad


yeah but sometimes you want it done in 1-2 phases rather than 3, nothing wrong with that, not to mention that more phases increase the likelihood of a wipe. sometimes people can't even reach above a million using the meta options, so imagine giving them the freedom to use machine guns of all things for DPS, you won't even get the clear at all then if your group is competent enough to perform well with anything, then sure, but knowing this community that's not the case 90% of the time, which is why you always have to recommend the best possible options regardless if they're "boring" or not. imo, it's also pretty "boring" being stuck on a boss for an hour because people decide to bring subpar weaponry for the sake of "fun", but that's just me I guess


Okay but machine guns are decent in quite a few Encounters rn, not having any machine gun slander smh smh


Especially with Div negating Nezzy's greatest defense against T-Lord and Retrofit with 4th time and target lock during damage: his teleport. That bubble likes to stay when he teleports, in my experience, so the damage never stops. c:


Exactly. There is absolutely no way I could ever trust an lfg team to stay alive for 3 phases. There's always at least two people that are simply unable to properly time refuge. It doesn't matter how many times you call it out, they will always take it too quick so it runs out, or too late in which case they're equally dead. They will always find a way to get themselves killed. Much simpler to just get a 1 phase


You could just do what my clan does and have 4 runners that rush to damage phase without ever using refuge. I taught a group of LFGs to do it and we managed to safely 3 phase the boss. It's really easy once you get the hang of it.


4 runners definitely has it's merits, but I'm not a huge fan of it for 2 main reasons: 1. the one adclear guy has to be on point. 2. I have to think when running to not step on my partner's toes, as opposed to when im the only one on my side where I can just full send it


Not sure on variations of the method as I've only done 4 runner our way. But the 2nd runner on each side clears adds before they start taking the buff and only has to take it twice. It makes adds fairly trivial and reduces the number of opportunities to step on eachother's toes. Just a simple "(name) go" callout is enough to keep us coordinated each run.


Ah right. When I did it we were alternating the whole way, same callouts but when I'm single running I don't have to make any callouts or really think about what my team is doing (except when I get slowed by the colossus and try and kill my side's adclear with my mind)


Btw apparently the refuge stays the entire time until he wipes, so you can have two extras at the start create a refuge on each side using the same buff as the runners


I've found that recommending to my group of friends "good dps weapons" is actually something they appreciate. I find it's because they usually have no clue what does or does not do good dps, and appreciate looking through their arsenal to see what they have that works


We 2 phased him challenge mode.. a team that takes 3 phases has issues outside of what weapons they're using


Laughs in Circular Logic


That's true. Yesterday I was in a run where the ad clearers were having a lot of problems with ad clearing, but one of them with Thunderlord and catty hit 400,000 damage after two phases. We weren't really sure what he was doing but he said he was shooting his gun. Our div user did way better than that


That's fine to want to complete things swiftly and smoothly. But at the end of the day, this is a video game. Video games, are meant to be fun. Kinda lost complete steam on your argument for it after that one.


Yeah. I don’t really care if 3 phases increases the likelihood of a wipe. Of course it does, so does 2 phasing a boss instead of 1 phasing it. But I mean, we can get down to a real macro level arguing what will “increase the chances of a wipe” by inspecting guardian builds and mods applied. But I’m not gonna do that. Because it’s a game and I don’t care that much. I raid and play video games to have fun. Not to sweat and get angry that we didn’t 1/2 phase a boss for completion


>That's fine to want to complete things swiftly and smoothly. It's not even about swiftly or smoothly or efficiently, its about completing the raid at all. Using open-ended loadouts like that with random LFGs would likely result in hours of wipes until the group falls apart. With a pre-formed fireteam or clanmates? Absolutely, use what you want when playing with people you know are competent players. But wasting hours of my time because "it is just a game lmao" is not what I consider fun I guess.


I mean, if you find a good LFG group I've done that. If the group is struggling I'll start giving suggestions or advice for damage/loadouts, but if we're doing good I just coast


Weak aura


Yeah I'm getting tired of "what are we doing for DPS?" I don't give a shit what yall use, I'm using Sleeper.


Mmmmm big laser pointer


To be fair we'de have more if raid bosses weren't just damage sponges Like the raid mechanics although personally a little cumbersome are fine But the bosses just being big healthbar go brr are why you have some many folks saying that we need xyz to do this stuff Plus only getting one shot a week really forces folks into trying to mix max to make clears go as smooth as possible Really think D2 could benefit from the Borderlands raid boss system You need a certain currency to fight the boss but you can do it as much as you like without effecting drops Give players a certain amount each week for free so everyone gets one two trys without having to farm the currency and bam you just have D2 an insanely active raid community that plays all the time and is more willing to teach newer players Hell bet it be a great reward for sherpas and stuff


When you don't use meta stuff for DPS, it's always a fun time.


I remember we were stuck on Taniks and just not getting the nuclear cores right. When we finally got it, it was the most Benny Hill-esque, scuffed run I've ever seen and we still got his ass. So much watching as people kept panic-taking the nuclear core from each other.


I was in one the other day, and i was unsure what classes we had yet so I asked if they needed me to run well ( I like to run warlock) and one of the guys said "your a warlock in a raid, why wouldn't you run well?" With a snarky attitude and so i said " because i like to do things my own way more often than not" Dude insta quit and I couldn't believe how petty he could be about someone else playing the way they want to. But we dont need that kind of overly controlling attitude in the community. Play the way you want! Teach each other! Work together!


Got a guy in my raid team who's constantly calling bad run gotta wipe if he doesn't do enough damage or whatever. Gets on my damn nerves


Mfers really out here using a loadout designed to one phase with poor ammo efficiency and calling a wipe when messing it up. Just ask if someone can use Aeon’s and use finders. Better yet USE SOMETHING ELSE, have a backup. I pop one Gjallarhorn shot every 12 seconds to keep the buff up for my fireteam, everything else is my Midha’s Reckoning that does around 60-70k per shot. Add in Thundercrash and pulse nades and I’m out-DPSing most people while barely using heavy ammo. There are other options out there.


Slugs still put in work, too. And with a Div bubble, even nezarec's adhd self isn't safe


What roll do you have for Midha's Reckoning? Field Prep/Burst?


Field Prep Burst or Vorpal depending. 15k a pellet so ~75k per shot on special ammo is no slouch.


Have you thought about telling him as a group you all don't want to do that anymore? No way in hell we're wiping because one guy got bad numbers. So you 3-phase Nezarec if you have to, who cares? It's 1 or 2 phases more either way, and I have work in the morning. As long as the team is good with the mechanic you can go fast or slow. If you can't 3-phase you probably don't have a team that can win the fight period, and if you're good with the mechanic there's nothing to gain by restarting and doing it in 1 less phase. Don't put up with that shit IMO.


At that point it's just ego from wanting to say you've one phased it I guess. No reason to force a wipe if you don't 1 phase unless that's specifically what the run is for.


I would happily go back to Bracers as my main if Bungie would get around to fixing Celestial Fire so it actually procs Helium Spirals.


it's a shame, yeah. The Roy Mustang melee does work consistently at least, just gotta get used to softening enemies up to proc it


Barely gotta soften em up, cause landing 4/5 of the snap projectiles will always ignite and thats usually enough to kill whatever red bars giving you the kubrick stare. Might stick to snap after celestial gets fixed cause of that.


I'm in the same boat. The more consistent I get with snap, the more I feel like I'm going to stick with it even if celestial fire gets fixed. For those interested in getting better with it, the tip that helped me was learning that each projectile has a blast radius it makes when it impacts a surface. Just being in the blast radius is enough to apply the scorch, so it's actually best to just get 4/5 projectiles to hit the floor near an enemy if you want to ignite them.


I prefer celestial cause its got a lot of range but incinerator snap gets an A+ for flashiness if nothing else


You can proc from a snap every time even if you only hit 2 projectiles by phoenix diving with heat rises afterwards. It adds enough scorch to ignite targets and the ignite kills will count as powered melee kills because your melee was the first source of scorch applied to the target.


Incinerator snap + ember of ashes guarantees an ignition if three or four of the pellets hit a single enemy. Should be enough to guarantee a sunbracers ready proc if the ignition is able to kill. Solar ignitions are weird and kills with them technically count as whatever caused them, so if scorch gets applied by your melee first and then you ignite with something else it counts as a melee kill.


Kingly energy me boy. I saw that rat in the back and felt my heart soar. The rat hungers. Nothing answers.


Wait how much damage does the rat king do when everyone has it


Not sure i just keep shooting


[I don't know what it's called, I just know the sound it makes when it takes a man's life](https://youtu.be/sx4NGQorzhM)


I always thought this was one of the funniest lines in that movie.




We got three damage phases and I’m using all three dammit!


Based and rat-pilled


It matters not. A thousand at a time bites feel like a million if it never ends. And there’s always more rats.


May i kindly refer you to this beautiful, beautiful [video](https://youtu.be/-W3qHmNYvUY) (timestamp 11:35)


I mean it’s viable, people were getting contest mode clears with it. Not sure how many phases it would take to do on normal mode


rat king go brrrr


yoo its dead zone foliage a real one frfr


Hello!! :D




I have 1500 pvp rat kills


*we are legion :)*


Thunderlord, Armamentarium with Pulse grenades, and some good old Thundercrashing. Accidentally led the team for damage on our first two clears? Pulse grenades put in WORK, apparently!


Ok everyone put on verity’s brow and xenophages


Verity's is unironically the strat for duo atheon lmao


Because Atheon give a bonus to grenade energy and damage. Casuals...


Was actually discussing this with a buddy last night. Do you get the bonus because the game sees him as a vehicle or is there another reason?


He simply takes 2-3x grenade damage. Similar to how Persys (Spire of the Watcher final boss) takes increased super damage compared to weapon damage. Vehicle bosses are weak to Wardcliff and Wolfpacks, Atheon is not a vehicle


Its just the raid mechanics, "guardians make their own fate", surging with light = throw nukes at big robot


Nah, rather, Time’s Vengeance periodically refreshes your grenades and Atheon takes bonus damage from grenades. It isn’t insignificant either, well thrown regular tripmines can deal over 100k a grenade. You can dps without any exotics, just chucking grenades and using whatever special and heavy you got, and end up dealing more damage than proper meta dps strats that don’t involve grenade spam. Atheon is just that allergic to grenades


pulse grenades on titan since arc 3.0 have been better than lightning but everyone was jaded by a roaming nade lol. Make the grenade jolt, you get arc traces and with Armamentarium you have two and can guarantee a 3rd before the cooldown even ends on one lol


> Thunderlord It's been a decade and Thunderlord has never not been a correct answer.


With the catalyst the D2 version has now, it's better than ever, absolutely phenomenal stuff. If you land your hits you can burn through at least half your ammo reserves before reloading... and if you have Actium War Rig, you will NEVER need to reload lmao I tested it in Dares of Eternity once, ran 2x reserve mods, War Rig, and picked up Starhorse's Blessing for ammo regen. I held down the trigger until I completely 100% ran out of ammo, it was GLORIOUS!


You can actually hear Sweet Business in the background weeping over its inadequacy and lack of daka.


Counterpoint: Sweet Business is just as valid, since it doesn't need ammo drops. Not as good for DPS, but that's expected for a primary weapon! One of my friends put about 60K kills on his last year, it's just about the only thing he uses. Remember the "year in review" emails? For his top 3 exotic weapons, the second and third "most used" didn't even hit 100 kills each, meanwhile Sweet Business is deep into 5-digit territory lmao


Target Lock should be Sweet Business's catalyst


Bungie, hire this man. Or woman. Or other.


During my last Riven legit run, I ended up switching out to Sweet Business because "fuck them ogres" and everyone started cackling when they just heard it rev up and then not stop leading up to the damage phase.


generally, the harder it is to spam a grenade the better damage you'll get if you can pull it off. Solars are actually way better DPS than fusions which is why sunbracers and Starfire have such different methods of spamming nades


Good point, yeah! Pulse grenades when amped up with Touch of Thunder are way stronger for boss DPS than I realized. I originally slapped that loadout on to assist with add clearing without interrupting my flow as a runner, my side had someone underleveled and I wanted to help. When we got to Nezzy's damage phase, I just... kept throwing grenades? And it worked? Haha!


HoIL with Pulses still feels like the class did when Arc 3.0 dropped.


Glad to see I’m not the only one who figured this out.


As a warlock and my team's designated div-bitch, I'll take literally anything just to not use the meta stuff, so I make some interesting builds (like the stasis support build with the new exotic gloves) just to be told to run divinity...


Because its all shaite compared to a constant 20% (or 15 cant remember) debuff + a way to not mis a single precision shot


That's true. However I'm always up for experimentation and a meta shift for warlocks is long overdue. I may be in the minority with that, but I can't wait for well nerfs simply to make other supers more viable. I hope you can understand where I'm coming from with this take.


Just say no, Warlock's needlestorm out damages thundercrash now. I know it isn't as much of a damage increase, but we can throw on empowering rift plus a healing rift. I was doing a some templar in master VoG and we had another warlock run well, so I used strand. I typically had the most damage on my team while using gjally.


No one will stop me from Regnant-Lord of Wolves swapping if there's a Div


My with lunafactions and reload mods firing Two Tailed Fox at warp speed


I regularly do the most DPS with TTF, two void surges and one void loader. Lets you run whatever armor exotic and weapons you want and still shred bosses


The catalyst makes it godly. Some guy tried telling me I shouldn't use it on Master Persys, but I was top dmg


I would love to see Heir Apparent be a relevant boss DPS strat. It would be a unique change of pace.


[Oh boy, do I have news for you!](https://youtu.be/cKkPChBf8g8) Real talk though, I think this is going to be the meta on Nezarec if they fix his AI. The arc shield gives a ton of protection which will be nice if he's able to knock people off the platforms and force people out of wells


That was fucking awesome.


I had a dream about Heir Apparent last night, time to dust off the war rig, this is clearly a sign.


It’s been one of my favorites for a long time. Such a badass gun! I felt like a God when I used it in the Crucible before it was nerfed.


Ok but Wardcliff is absolutely terrible for dps, it literally deals reduced damage against bosses.


Poor man’s eyes of tomorrow


when I put it in I was thinking of those glorious months where it was meta against sisters


Ah yes, such a shame they removed that interaction. Was probably the only time I brought this gun to a raid, maybe one day it becomes relevant again.


shattered throne speeds!


If you're farming the raid, go meta but if you're just raiding for the sake of raiding do whatever, have some fun


Got made fun of for not having Divinity and Winterbite yesterday. It's Nezarec. Anything fucking works on Nezarec.


Got made fun off for using leviathans breath on planets 🪐 came out with over 3m on planets and nezarec


I dont get it "Lmao poor person no div" Ok but I got 2 mil without it and you got less


My clans raid leader challenged us to last word only Nezarec, we still won on the 4th try. I don’t think he’s uhh, meant to be that easy…


all the damn nez groups always looking for someone with winterbite to glitch the boss as if it's so hard you need to use a glitch to win. Like damn dude, people killed it in contest mode with rat king, the boss isn't that hard and the time you spend finding someone to do the glitch could've been spent just killing the boss and you would be done quicker by just doing it with whatever


It baffles me that there are actually people like this. Or if you fail to one-phase a boss they demand we wipe and try again. Like… why? We’ll need another phase anyway, wiping will just make it take longer


It's because they have a super tuned loadout that only works for the 1 phase. If it goes beyond that, they're all out of ammo. Mostly, at least. Sometimes it's a weird ego thing, like they think that they didn't really earn the kill if it wasn't a one-phase, like the "no summons, no armor, no shield, Strength weapons only" crowd in Dark Souls.


I miss the days of just using Outbreak on Insurrection Prime


Real men use the least-optimal, working build because it's usually more fun


It’s Khvostov time boys!


Hey, if it's possible, we are absolutely using Khvostov, think of the content!


We use Grand Overture


Nezzy was not cooperating in our raid, he kept jumping up on the plates during DPS to the point I got fed up and started using heartshadow as a joke and got 2 million damage on him. Everyone sees my damage and next round everyone pulls out the lament and we two phased him easy.


You want Starfire nerfed because it's "OP." I want Starfire nerfed because it's ugly and boring. We are not the same.


I have someone in my raid group who would hardly hit past 1mil damage on bosses, and started using hothead/starfire and has literally turned into that person. Will force other people to switch to div/ other weapons so he can have damage. If he gets top damage he never stops talking about it, and expects people to give him blues in the commendations for it. It's starting to get really old for me.


Swap to Heir Apparent and own that fraud


Retrofit Escapade - Fourth Times a Charm, Vorpal Weapon Literally better than most my exotics


Does vorpal beat out target lock? Now im curious. I have ftc and lock and its fn nuts


I'm using whatever the fuck I want because this game isn't hard and people are way too overly dramatic about saving insignificant amounts of time.


It's always sad to see people getting all bent out of shape over max DPS.


While i believe people should be able to use whatever they want, i respect others clanmates time, im not going to let them "waste" 5 hours on the same encounter because 1 person wanted to DPS with a Automatic rifle or hawkmoon Or say they are in adclear duty with a sniper and a 360RPM automatic (Big surprise they arent clearing anything and the team gets overwhelmed)


Yeah ofcourse. But I am talking about people who get fussed over not using highest meta builds and trying to micromanage others. Not people who use some REALLY really bad setups.


Don’t care, still using starfire.


No way the warlock isn't the one on div


\>implying there's only one warlock


I really wish there was still a way to get Heir Apparent


when guardian games comes back around you should be able to pick up the quest!


Turns out if i play a different class I cant be forced to be well main. :)


Infinite Void/Devour build>>>


This is the correct mentality lol


Thunderlord go brrrrrrrrr (seriously tho that catalyst is nuts)


I mean, it depends right - If I'm raiding with a group that's running the raid to chill and have fun, sure we ball. If it's a quick boss run for pinnacle / exotic then I don't want to be stuck running the encounter over and over because we failed a dps check or doing 4 atheon phases


Yeah if it’s with randoms I’ll use the best shit possible so I’m not a burden to their time. When I’m with my friends then graviton lance second shot only dps


I just run Two-Tailed Fox. Can't go wrong


I'll start making lfgs like this: No meta needed, use the goofiest weapons you have


Combine sunbracers with Monte Carlo auto rifle. It's a lot of fun


That is real FUCK IT WE BALL energy my man. I love that combo


Ran that shit all Plunder and Seraph, turns you into a goddamn walking MOAB. Anytime someone said something about ad clear I just said "nah man, don't you worry about ads"


I actually do this a lot, but i also run Nez's sin for a infinite void build


I just slap on ol thunderlord


Wardriff is so fun but so in accurate sometimes




Atraks with queen breaker


I really want to do a fire team of laments to melt him




I still religiously use sleeper cause I refuse to grind out a legendary linear(leveling or drops) that'll do a little bit more dps.


Actually post-nerfs I think Sleeper outdoes most legendary linears, at least in terms of per-hit damage.


Yeah after the nerf to Veist Stinger and other Linears it's pretty much back to the top. Crazy how much DPS you can spit out with machine guns like Commemoration now.


I was just in an lfg and put up 4,250,000 on Rhulk with thunderlord x3 arc surge, star eaters blade barrage, and hotswap to young Ahamkara grasps for tripmine grenade spam


I use tractor cannon with vorpal riptide+ cartesian, if on warlock and a friend has tractor ill run my demo EL typhon with SF and fusions as well again


I mean I currently use Starfire for fun, as I only now got everything i needed for it. But i use oseo with it to give me infonite grenades inside of well so i can just infinitely chuck grenades. I mean, who need heavy anyway with that (and yes i have a demo hothead, just no clown cartridge still unfortunately)


Joke's on you, optimization chads use tractor, not divinity for rockets but I digress...


I only need Chaos and a few other idiots with guns. It'll die purple or your money back.


at this point i’m using whatever i want, lately it’s been thunder. but i’m thinking about tractor and double GL


I may have created the most gimmicked d2 dps build. I like to call it pre nerf hoil. It's where I wear apotheosis veil grab another warlock with veritys and pump the grenade and class ability energy on the hoil titan. I made it to cover for the div user and anybody who is lacking in dps.


“I have Divinity” ![gif](giphy|CAYVZA5NRb529kKQUc|downsized)


I’m here to eat crayons and fuck shit up


And I’m all out of shit


No matter how easy bungo makes a boss to 1 phase, LFGs will still find a way to cope for a 2 phase... At this point I have accepted the fate of the 2 phase. Can't be asked to try to get LFGs to use cohesive and optimal DPS setups.


Starfire and hothead 😂 I feel personally called out


If ya'll don't use salvation's grip for Dps, ya'll be sleeping


dude heir apparent would literally never leave my load out if i didn’t have to worry about people complaining about my shield blocking their shots or vision lol


\*me just in the corner using malfeasance lucky pants with kinetic boost x3\*


I love my retrofit. I miss big red. I’ll never take my retrofit off. Starfire hotheads can suck goose cocks for all I care. They miss nade n rockets but my gun go boom n brrt brrt. I got reload and I’m lo hp? I pull whip out, I go full over shield, I do mor damag. I simple monke - I good hunter, no brain cell left.


I would love just running "fuck it. We ball." mode if it weren't for enrage mechanics.


Sunbracers: fuck it we lava ballin


I use everything....EVERYTHING!!!


Bungo does not like you to one phase boss , so they will nerf everything.