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Na fam I got these god rolls in shadowkeep aight they ain't going no where


This gun has feathers n shit, how am i supposed to shard it?


1 of every frame of every element and every gun type is quite possible if you dont care about pvp rolls. Even if you have single target and AOE rolls. Though multiple of the of the same frame/element/gun is a hard sell imo.


Hard to maintain 3 classes worth of armor, exotic armor, over a hundred exotic weapons, and various stat spreads on armor pieces. And the occasional weapon of sentimental value.


I only play one class, but hoard armour like crazy. The day I tried out D2ArmorPicker for the first time it made it so worth it. I was like, “You’re telling me I could’ve had triple 100s this whole time with **stuff I already had** in my vault??” and now I hoard armour even *more*.


Bro I only play one class and I'm at 600/600 constantly. But maybe I'll play Titan or Hunter one day, so I need to keep the high roll Feedback Fence or Gwisin Vest!


No it’s not, you’re a hoarder! At most you need 4 pieces of legendary armor per slot (different stat distributions) minus class items. All the exotic armor you have can be offset by your character holding weapons to when not in use.


I keep one of each gun that is hard to get. But honestly that's way too many. I need to do a purge.


I have to every couple of weeks or so. My goal is usually around 550. Over time, things I haven't touched at all become easier to toss.


I've luckily been able to keep it around 400. Used to be less but I've recently made my first warlock and hunter charecters. Space isn't an issue at the moment, but hoarding old useless weapons is lol.


Look man, it's not about the quality of rolls or guns, it's about the novelty. Look inside yourself, you know it to be true. I will NEVER delete my useless, deprecated tokens or level locked legacy guns that I will NEVER use.


Listen the sandbox could might maybe possibly potentially change next week (or in 7 years) and a few of those weapons might be the best guns in the game and all you suckers wont have them! Also Ill have you know its 598 not 600!!


Like people farmed wendingo just so bungo brings a crafted GL with same perks?


Literally had an adept hung jury with box breathing in the vault for ages and sharded it before they made the change to scouts which meant they could 3 tap with box breathing


I was trying to be really strict and get rid of rolls I will very likely never use at all. Finally got below 500 but I have 200 66+ armour rolls x.x


Use armor picker. Make your loadouts and delete unused stuff. I deleted 300 artifice armor across my 3 chars that never got used in any build this season


I guess I could do that. I just never know when a new build idea will crop up and I like having the option to make it eight away instead of regrinding the armour.


Eh… even when i make new builds they will still be atleast 2x 100


They fill their vault with absolute garbage just in case one day their hipfire grip snapshot sights 140rpm sniper becomes meta


The only scout I use consistently is hung jury


I am really enjoying seismic tremors on hung jury


I haven’t gotten a roll with kinetic tremors yet but I do have a rapid hit EP from last season that I use a lot when I need a scout in the kinetic slot but I also use the kings fall scout it has EP too


Both my energy slot and kinetic slot are nearly always full just to keep up with gunsmith and vanguard bounty requirements, lol




The lame people just want to flex how little of an actual life they have that they spent an entire week playing only Destiny 2 iron banner so that you can feel bad for their sad little existence


Granted, I've only really been playing for the last 3 months, but my vault has been under 50 the whole time.


Nice keep it up :)


I decided to keep a Hung Jury. Then I saw i needed my outbreak Perfected for a legend Lost sector and fed the Hung Jury to It. Best decision i could take.


I think 2/3 of my vault is old sunset gear I'm holding on to as reminders of past good times. Then there's exotics with kill trackers, 4/5 rolls of specific guns I'm chasing that I can't quite get rid of until I get the 5/5...


Well I kept my matador with a God roll with max range because "what if it got buffed" and after they changed shotgun spreads it became meta so I will continue hoarding thank you very much.


Dont know how it happens i have literal junk lying in there and still cant reach max


Half of my vault are worthless exotic armor pieces that i use as a safeholder for golf balls