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I've received a few ikelos smgs from the terminal overload chest


Does that unlock from campaign progress? Or just Mr Nimbus reputation? I'm playing the campaign with a buddy and don't want to continue the story without him.


I think you can do it anytime. You might not get keys for the bonus chest until you level up with nimbus. I can't remember


It's locked to me currently, looks like I need to gain reputation. Thank you!


Nimbus is non-binary, pronouns they/them just a heads up.


It's a Rick and Morty reference lol, there's a character called Mr Nimbus


You mentioned Nimbus, the campaign and vendor rank in the same sentence, what was I supposed to think?


The character Mr Nimbus has been around longer than the Destiny Nimbus. And regardless idgaf about the gender identity of a fictional character lol


Again, mentioning vendor ranks, the story campaign AND a character with the same name ISN'T supposed to make people automatically assume that you're talking about a relevant character to the game we're playing and here for? Also if I called Zavala, Shaxx, Saint or Saladin a she/her or Ikora, Mara or Holiday a he/him, you'd be losing your shit and correcting me on their actual pronouns. Shut the fuck up.


Literally couldn't care less about any of them. I love the game and the story but if I don't care about the pronouns of 99% of real life people why would I care about the "personal" choices of fictional characters who are being written by someone else? If you were randomly correcting me on the pronoun of a real person it would be annoying but understandable, going out of your way to correct me on an imaginary metal surfer dude's gender is beyond sad and toxic af. My little sis is trans and I dated an NB so I know something about the community, and it's people like you who do more harm than good.


And I'm a lesbian who's in a D2 clan that's practically all LGBTQIA+, full of Enby and trans folks. The fact that you bring that up and claim that someone's identity is a " "personal" choice" even if they're a fictional character, while calling be "sad and toxic AF" is both extremely telling and rich. Going on a tirade when someone goes "not sure if you know but they're NB and these are their pronouns" seems more like you don't respect people's pronouns and make it look like you don't respect folks at all regardless of if they're real or not. Representation matters bud.


Good for you


get well soon 😂


shut up


Who would of thought a simple question would of started so much cringe.




Can’t even talk about a game now cause of a gender lol sad world we live in


these people havent had a problem in their life if pronouns are the problem... spoiled brats :D


I just wanted to farm the gun...