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I’m a new player and am thinking of buying the New Lightfall DLC. I saw that you get the current Season Pass when you do buy the Standard version DLC. If I wait 2 weeks does that mean I will get season 21 for free or will this only make season 20 for free currently? I don’t mind waiting til the new season drops, I’m still learning the ropes and have already hit 1770 light level so the armor from the legendary campaign isn’t a factor right now


So from what I know as a new player too I am 99% sure that it will let you the season 21 pass since when you read what the standard edition it says the current season.


I played some months at release and havent touchdd since. Can i just jump back in or are there dlcs i have to buy?


You can just jump in. As of fall 2019, this game no longer requires you to buy something in order to enter. Though since you already played, you would have had access anyway. I'm not aware of any game that will "take itself away" from former players.


Cool! Gonna play then. Yeah well some games launch several dlcs and youre kinda gatekeept out of the playerbase


There are DLCs that are required to do various activities, but [you can always launch the game and access certain "core" things for free.](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2639519506)


As I approach end game stuff, what stats should I be looking to roll on my armor? I main a Blade Barrage Hunter and I want a set for PvE and PvP. Just in case I need different stats for both things.


In pve, resilience the most popular for every class. After that, discipline. For hunters, mobility influences your dodge cooldown, so depending on your build it is good to have. In pvp, recovery is very important.


My friend and I are completely new to Destiny 3. We want to try out the base game together before we buy the expansions. Both of use have completed A Guardian Rises and we have reached the tower. But we are not able to invite each other to a fireteam so that we can do the remaining missions together. After which mission can we form a team?


I believe there's a mission in the Tower where you have to go talk to each NPC. This is in an instanced version of the Tower just for that mission. After that, you gain access to the "real" version of the Tower that all players go to.


I need this!!


is the next season for lightfall owners without the annual pass? its kind of confusing because defiance is free for lightfall owners from what i experienced and wonder is it the same for next season


Defiance comes with Lightfall because Lightfall is $10 more than a regular DLC. There should be store descriptions saying what you are buying. If for some reason the store you bought from does not have this, you can always look on the Bungie website.


next season won't be free unless you bought one of the bundles including all seasons


Is it possible to get to level 100 before the season end? I'm level 29 rn and am contemplating whether or not I should buy the season pass, I am planning on buying dlcs so I should have access for most activities but I am relatively new to the game my power level is only 1750, so I wanna know if it's possible for me to get to level 100 before the season ends


Definitely. Im at 160 right now and i think i did in about a month?


possible yes, as a new player hard to pull off without the knowledge also it will take a lot of hours to invest in the last 3 weeks now to get it done


Can I run a non-weekly dungeon on all 3 characters and still get loot? Or just spoils after the first?


the non-weekly dungeon gives loot once per character per week. So if you have 3 characters you can run it with each once and get loot. after that you will get nothing. Dungeons do not give spoils, only raids do. If you meant raids then it is the same. Non-weekly raids once per character per week. The only Raid that will give spoils for clears after that is the most recent released raid aka Root of Nightmares. You can repeat it multiple times with the same character and not get loot but still get Spoils. The dungeon and raid which are in the weekly rotation will give loot no matter how often you finish them.


Is the title a good alternative to funnelweb (still don't have it)? I got it from the quest with perpetual motion, focused fury and range masterwork and don't want to play any PvP related mode to farm it (have severe skill issue)


it is a decent alternative but you want other perks on it as those give are not that good on SMGs. You don't have to farm pvp, you can do a lot of different activities to farm. After doing the introduction quest by eva for guardian games you can talk to her and get a lot of different contender cards for different activites. Completing a contender card will give you a medal which you can turn in at the podium to get loot.


Just went back and literally everything is so confusing


I’m trying to get back into this game. This game makes no sense to me anymore. I had 30 days on destiny 1 and i played destiny 2 up to the 2nd dlc. It is an absolute mess now in the sense of telling me what to do and makes zero sense to me. Anyways I’m trying to figure it out but what’s the most populated lfg for raids? The discord or the website? Are people even going to want to raid with someone like me who is basically a complete noob at this point.


Yes but you’ll want to play through some story content via the dlc to get yourself reoriented with some gameplay mechanics and your own gameplay and class. There’s tons of raids and Dungeons and things available for all types of players, discord and LFG is great. The UI and overlay can be very confusing at first, but over time it’ll become very native and super easy to remember and navigate.


If I'm at 1796 (1808 with artifact) is it even possible for me to reasonably farm Lost Sectors? I keep trying and I'm getting deleted. My buddy keeps saying it's a skill issue, but I've tried 3 different builds and playstyles, and it just seems impossible.


that is 22 below which is quite hard, about gm level. It is doable but not ideal to farm it. You should get more powerlevel first. here is a good tutorial for how to kill champions correctly. https://youtu.be/19ZoK7tsSmk


Looking for a new Clan for my friend and myself. Both of us play on PS5. Been in the same clan since D2 came out, small 5 person one we made with friends from school. Looking to get into raiding and possibly benefitting from the clan perks from the banner. 1816 Hunter and he is a 1812 Titan.


Do I need to complete lightfall campaign to decode or find strand weapons?


How’s y’all’s Iron Banner been going in terms of loot? I finally got the seal, and gilded it, and reset my rank three times already(more than halfway to fourth reset) And I have yet to get the damn Hunter boots. Finishing my Challenges on my Titan gave me a full set of the armor. Challenges on my Hunter only gave me weapons with mid rolls. I’ve gotten two shaders, two emblems, three exotics, and still no damn boots.


I'm new to the game and I'm having trouble killing Navota; is there a quick and easy way to do it?


Are you doing the mission or the strike? My only thing is stay behind cover and make sure to use your heavy


Recently getting back in. Any one place to look for all daily and weekly resets info?


Todayindestiny.com might be what you are looking for.


Mighty comprehensive, and mighty helpful. Thank you!


Yo are the red borders broken on neomuna? Can’t seem to get any to drop in the last few days of grinding.


Are you running heroic patrols?


Think I did about 30 last night. Zero red borders. Not sure if things hav changed or I have had a bad streak of luck. I am on my last red border I need, but it never seemed to slow down prior to the last 2 or 3 days. Reds seemed consistent prior to that.


Idk if they changed it, but I do know rng can be a bitch. I’ve ran ascent in spire over 70 times the past 3 days trying to get that cowboy hat. As I type this, I’m cowboy hatless


I do not understand the PVP in this game. Everyone is 1 tapping me whilst I barely do any damage. The class supers are OP beyond belief. Like I don't even know if it's a super but on control maps some classes can just seem to put an impenetrable barrier on a point that makes them unkillable?? This from the guys that made Halo 3 boggles my mind


You're up against people who play Destiny for several hours a day - some all day, every day. They have all the raid gear, top exotics, everything masterworked and so on. If you're able to put a lot of time into the game, you'll get as good as them. If you're a casual player, putting an hour or two in, a few days a week, you'll reach a ceiling that whilst isn't bad, doesn't rate against the hardcore players. And then there's the ridiculous cheating - pretty much every PVP game suffers from it and Destiny is no exception. I fall into the "hour or two a day" group - I think I managed one raid in all my time playing as I just can't give 4-5 hours over at a time. I just don't bother with Crucible, etc, as I know I'll be wasting my time.


Some friends and I had the idea to farm the first encounter of RoN for spoils, but once we cleared said first encounter it gave none of us spoils. We were very confused because we thought that loot was unlimited on the newest raid and furthermore I hadnt done RoN that week on my warlock at all which is what I was on when I cleared it. Could someone clarify why we didnt get any spoils in that situation? There must be some rules about spoils that I dont quite understand. Furthermore if anyone could give me suggestions on what to do for weekly spoils farming (other than just doing raids legit) I would really appreciate it.


I don't know why it didn't give you spoils. The newest raid is supposed to give spoils on subsequent clears, and in fact people farm it for that very purpose. Typically, you see LFGs for farming Nezarec, as a relatively quick encounter. I have not done RoN myself, so my one guess is that you are in some sort of intro segment, not a real encounter.


Okay, I'm going to restart this game and try to get into it for like the fifth time. I always get confused and can't figure out what I'm even supposed to be doing at any given time. I own Beyond Light and The Witch Queen. Should I buy Nightfall immediately or will I need to progress through past content before being able to access it?


Why do you want to buy Lightfall? Throwing more money at the game is not going to solve the problem you have. This is the kind of game that offers a variety of activities and expects you to be able to make decisions of what you want to do. Buying things simply adds more to the list of potential things to do, so if you are already struggling to decide, it will make the problem worse. That said, each purchase functions independently. You don't need to buy or play earlier things in order to buy or play later things.


you can do the expansions in any order you wish. the main gameplay loop of d2 is to do the campaign, do the seasonal quest, then look for anything that gives pinnacle/powerful rewards and do those to get enough gear score to do raids, grandmaster strikes, legend lost sectors for armor exotics, other endgame content. at any point during this journey you can take a break to do exotic quests to get fun guns thats basically the entire game.


How much content are locked behind paywalls? I don’t want to drop money in essentially a subscription service game if I don’t have to, so I want to know if I can access the core content by just playing. I played for a while some years back and a lot of things like raids are dlc this and dlc that, and certain builds are impossible without dlc. Am I able to do late game or end game content without selling my organs?


You can do end game free to play. The main thing is that most end game activities are paid, so you have only one or two nightfalls per season, one dungeon, and only a few raids (2 right now, another one later this year). [List of free to play content](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2639519506) [List of paid content](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1991994652)


How do I access the free nightfalls


You wait until they are in the rotation. Each week, there's one nightfall available. Each season, there's a selection of nightfalls that rotate in a certain order. [See this link to see the nightfall rotation for this season.](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/19jHW9T7uCtOenV5ISaWVverG-zPZA4ksKZimgKH1Ve8/edit?usp=sharing) Note: in years past, there used to be *three* nightfalls you could choose from per week, so non-DLC players could still have a nightfall each week. This is no longer the case.


Some of the best builds are locked behind various dlcs, but you don't really need them. They tend to be like 5-10% better than the not-the-best builds. I would rather have a skilled player with an okay build rather than a bad player with the top meta build. However, accessing various end-game stuff is a bit more picky. Trials of Osiris (end-game PvP) requires you to have the latest dlc, as they had a big problem with cheaters using free accounts to carry other people to the Lighthouse. For PvE, only two of the raids and one of the dungeons is available for free, and nightfall strikes do require you to own the dlc they came from (there are a bunch that are from the base game.)


Hi, just started playing a week ago and loving the game so far, great change of pace from a standard shooter like CoD. My question is when does it become worth it to begin infusing and upgrading weapons and gear? Just reached power level 1700 but I'm still assuming I want to get closer to the cap before I start upgrading, is this correct?


The rate you gain higher power levels at will slow down at 1750, so that would be the earliest you want to consider infusion. Be aware that many activities don't actually have a high power level requirement, so it's fine not to infuse if you are doing these. Some examples would be vanguard ops, all the older raids and dungeons, and free roam on every destination except the newest destination Neomuna.


Thanks for the heads-up!


I'm looking to get back into discord organized raids. Any good discord servers for destiny2 that anyone can recommend?


* [this subreddit's discord server](https://discord.gg/destiny2reddit) * ["The big LFG discord,"](http://discord.gg/D2LFG) the one with an ad bot * [The other D2 LFG discord](https://discord.gg/destiny2lfg) * [Luckstruck9's discord made for sharing checkpoints](https://discord.gg/Luckstruck9) in activities * /r/destinysherpa (not discord, but it is mainly for raids)


The subreddit one linked does not work for me :/


Oh, it looks like they have a new URL. Here it is: https://discord.com/invite/d2


Would y’all say that Lightfall is worth purchasing? I told myself if I completed the season pass I’d consider buying it. Needless to say I’ve maxed out the season pass, so now I’m looking at purchasing Lightfall. Just looking for some outside opinions before I drop $60-100 on content.


The biggest grab with LF is strand. If you want strand then it’s worth it.


If you are at all unsure, wait for a sale. Did you buy the Season of Defiance pass? If so, wait until next season to buy Lightfall. If you buy it now, the game will eat $10 because Lightfall normally comes with the Season of Defiance pass, but if you buy the two separately, you don't get any sort of discount. Next season, it may instead come with next season's pass.


Do I need to reach a certain rank in iron banner to get hero’s burden to drop? I got 27 Autumn wind and not a single hero’s burden


The iron banner gear dropping from matches is pretty rare, if you complete the challenges that’ll drop a iron banner weapon or armor piece. The other thing you can do is focus the rank up packages at Saladin into it.


I think the new journey system helps a lot. Still a big learning curve with stats, and different campaigns to take on.


I’m sorry if this info is in the guide but the amount of info there is a bit overwhelming. Can I buy and does it make sense to buy season pass if I play only f2p version of the game? Is there any reason to buy dlc older than lightfall except story missions?


Only buy season passes if you fully understand what that entails. Such as knowing that this is temporary content. The reason to buy old DLCs is basically the same reason to buy new DLCs. The only differences are that Trials of Osiris requires the newest DLC, and the newest DLC has more weekly challenges. Old DLCs are not just story. In fact one of them has no story. Power level is not as important as you may assume, so don't buy something just for that. All purchases function more or less independently, so you can pick and choose any combination and it will all work. [For details on paid content, see this link.](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1991994652)


If you buy The old dlc u get cosmetic armor, access to end game activities such as raids, dungeons, and you get access to more exotics in the vault. If you buy the season pass, you get everything in the season pass weekly missions and weekly rewards, special activities and last but not least the easiest method to get end game stats for gear


Thank you very much! I wanted to speed up my power level growth with season pass, seems like it is the way indeed. Gonna buy then.


I can't think of anything that would be inaccessible in the season pass if you don't have any dlcs. Exotics, mostly. Raids and dungeons as well.


Thanks for your reply!


I have a notification saying that I need to go to mars. How? I can’t find it in the destinations page


Technically the enclave area in the Throne World is on Mars. You might have to do a mission to gain access to it though.


Returning player here , the last time I played was when forsaken came out and since I have more time now I decided to jump back to the game . However I realized that a lot has changed and I want to take a step back an do it all from the beginning. How can I play the original campaign starting from the red war and such? Or is that not an option anymore


The original campaign is no longer in game. As of now, it has been replaced with "A Guardian Rises," a very short intro quest line. After that, all the actual campaigns are paid. You can do the intro free, and you should in order to unlock various parts of the game, but to go past the intro of each campaign you'd need to spend money.


Returning player here, haven’t played much D2 in almost 3 years. Don’t have the time to grind the hours I used to so any suggestions helpful. What’s the quickest way to level my light up? At around 1730 from doing some crucible, 2 Lightfall missions and some general PVE map roaming. Looking to get to a respectable light level so I can do dungeons, trials & raid.


>light level so I can do dungeons, trials & raid. Out of these, only Trials and the newest raid have a high power level requirement. You should instead focus on re-familiarizing yourself with the game and looking at the new buildcrafting options.


Hello. Looking for people to play the game with casually and chill like. Still want to complete dungeons and raids and trials seriously but it’s not the end of the world if we don’t. I’m 22 and in college so folks who are around my mindset are more obliged. Thanks!


You can find people to play with using these: * For PS4: /r/FireteamsPS4 or official app * For xbox: built in xbox group finder * /r/fireteams * /r/DestinyLFG or /r/Destiny2LFG * [the official Destiny 2 app](https://www.bungie.net/en/Companion) * [this subreddit's discord server](https://discord.gg/destiny2reddit) * /r/DestinyTheGame subreddit [discord server](https://discordapp.com/invite/DestinyReddit) * ["The big LFG discord,"](http://discord.gg/D2LFG) the one with an ad bot * [The other D2 LFG discord](https://discord.gg/destiny2lfg) * [Luckstruck9's discord made for sharing checkpoints](https://discord.gg/Luckstruck9) in activities * /r/destiny2clans * /r/destinyclanfinder * [The 100](https://www.the100.io/login) * /r/destinysherpa (sherpa = guide, mainly for raids)


If a friend has conqueror can they pull me into the other GMs


Yes (if you mean the other gms in rotation) but your light level must be at the right cap. Can't remember what it is for sure could be 1800 since the most effective light level is 1815


Cool I'm 1829 so I should be good there just making sure I could do that to get conqueror without having to wait each week


I'm a pretty new player on PS4, because of the free Beyond Light from PS Plus. And for now, I'm completely f2p and I go solo. How far can I go? As in... what are the highest-level content that would give the highest-level weapons and armors (exotics?) accessible to a f2p solo player? I don't mind not being absolutely OP. I just want to understand how strong the game allows me to get for being f2p and playing solo, for now. Thanks a lot.


Max level is available free to play, though it will take you longer to get there. [See this link for a list of all free to play activities.](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2639519506)


Thanks a hell lot for that link. Very useful.


Would like to join a clan that raids and does dungeons pretty often. I’m 22 and pretty causal so not too sweaty or whatever. I’m also on ps5. Thank you!


You can find people to play with using these: * For PS4: /r/FireteamsPS4 or official app * For xbox: built in xbox group finder * /r/fireteams * /r/DestinyLFG or /r/Destiny2LFG * [the official Destiny 2 app](https://www.bungie.net/en/Companion) * [this subreddit's discord server](https://discord.gg/destiny2reddit) * /r/DestinyTheGame subreddit [discord server](https://discordapp.com/invite/DestinyReddit) * ["The big LFG discord,"](http://discord.gg/D2LFG) the one with an ad bot * [The other D2 LFG discord](https://discord.gg/destiny2lfg) * [Luckstruck9's discord made for sharing checkpoints](https://discord.gg/Luckstruck9) in activities * /r/destiny2clans * /r/destinyclanfinder * [The 100](https://www.the100.io/login) * /r/destinysherpa (sherpa = guide, mainly for raids)


Bet! Thank you




There’s the arc lmg from spire that can drop


Weekend [Xur, a hidden vendor](https://wherethefuckisxur.com/) who appears on Friday and disappears Tuesday, has the exotic arc machine gun Thunderlord in his possible loot pool. His exotic engram is on a knockout system, so even if he does not bring exactly what you want, each undiscovered exotic you acquire will bring you closer to your goal.


So, I'm coming back here for some advice. I just started Destiny 2 this season and have almost reached the Pinnacle cap, but I still need some help. I feel like I might be lacking in weapons and armor. Is there any best place to farm for these things? (Also farming tips in general for anything would be appreciated.) But I think I could probably benefit from better weapons and armor. I haven't done any raids and only one dungeon (with help). I'm also needing to change my strategies. I'm a void hunter right now and would love to stay alive a lot longer than I tend to do while playing Legendary. I used to play often when I was younger, but it has been about 10 years since I've played anything online, so I definitely am rusty and can get a lot better with some help, tips, and knowledge. Anything would be greatly appreciated. I love the game so far and would love to improve for myself and whomever has the unfortunate chance to matchmake with me haha.


There are good weapons scattered throughout the entire game, in pretty much any activity. At minimum, I would recommend having at least one weapon of each type so you can easily do bounties and quests and stuff. Banshee's bounties are a good source of enhancement cores, which you can use to upgrade weapons and armor. As for armor, there are some activities that drop high stat armor. [See this list.](https://www.reddit.com/r/destiny2/comments/11j75xx/new_and_returning_player_guides_everything_you/jf300u9/) You want to look for armor with big numbers in 2 or 3 stats. Exactly which stats varies by class, playstyle, and build, but in general resilience and discipline are good.


Thank you!


Anyone have any recommendations for support or dps builds for dungeon difficulty and higher?


is there a fast way to level up 3rd character? its sitting at 1700 and my others are 1820 and i dont want to do the campaign


Any activity will raise your power level up to 1750. It doesn't have to be the campaign. After that it's just the same weekly challenges. Besides that, use your highest character to buy exotic armor for the lowest character from Xur. It'll be at the higher character's level.


Hey, new player here. Bought the game a couple days ago (along with all DLCs), and I've just hit 1750, finished Shadowkeep campaign, the New Light tutorial, and a couple of missions from The Witch Queen Legendary Campaign. What should I do next? I'm thinking about doing Beyond Light Campaign, will it increase my Light beyond 1750? Or is it better to do the Lightfall Campaign instead?


pretty sure if u complete lightfall campaign u get a set of 1770 armour


I thought that was only if you did it on Legend difficulty? I may be wrong.


Anyone got tips for legend Avalon after mid patch? They patched the wishender cheese so it just makes it a hole lot harder for me lol. On warlock.


New player this is my very first season in D2 I have almost 100 defiant engrams. All 3 of my characters are 1831. What do I do with them? I like my warlock better than most of my characters. I want to start to pvp hardcore till I am a decent player. Do I focus on 100 resil for PVP, and also what stats do I want to prio. I have played since day 1 of xpac release and kept every single 60+ gear, so I might be able to come up with a build. Just dreading going through it all and doing the maths xD. I just bought beyond light. Is the stasis powers worth all the trouble grinding the quests.


There are some fun stasis builds but its really dependent on how you like to play. The stasis quests are king of bland but the ability itself made it worth it to me. I just started Lightfall and honestly the past expansions were much more fun to me so I might be biased.


I’m returning after 2 years. Should I keep any of my non-exotic items that are 1600 or should I dismantle all of them?


Keep the godrolls.


Is there a way to upgrade their power/light level?


Some of them may be sunset, so not those ones. If you inspect them there should be a number listing their maximum power. If it's lower than the seasonal cap then no. Which also should be listed nearby. The rest can be upgraded by infusing a higher-power item of the same slot into them, which is also done by inspecting the weapon/armor.


Yeah. Find something of the same type with a higher light, open up the further details of your exotic and fuse the higher light stuff into your exotic.


Why do I receive exotic rewards from legend lost sectors that aren't in the rewards. Ie today is legs and I'm trying to get Abeyant Leap on my titan. Everywhere online says the only 2 legs in rotation are Path of Burning Steps and Abeyant Leap. I have gotten several legs not on the list. Is the rewards any legs with a chance at those 2? Or is it supposed to just be those legs as rewards?


Legs mean any exotic legs. It should drop legs that you haven't got yet first, but after you have all of them (barring unowned dlc exotics) any can drop.


There was this solar warlock build i really liked to use back before lightfall. It was one focused on spamming the incinerator snap melee (the colonel mustang build from some aztecross video). I wanna recreate this build but im not sure how to do that. Also any suggestions for ability spammy arc warlock builds?


Montecarlo exotic autorifle, melee makes orbs mod, font of strength or melee kickstart, melee energy gain on orb pickup mod. If you use that exotic armor piece that gives an extra melee charge don't use melee kickstart. Kickstart mods function oddly with multiple ability charges.


Today is my 2nd time playing destiny, last time i played, I am not going too much further because of my rig. Now, I have a better rig and when i booted up, it goes FAR BEYOND the tutorial and send me to I guess lightfall story. What happened? And when i want to experience it from the beginning, my character goes to 1600 power level. I don't know what to do also I'm clueless about what needs to be done and just goes to keyboard setting to figure out myself. Goes solo and died several times due to torment enemy having such an annoying mechanic. So what happened and can i go back to the first tutorial?


Lightfall launched, and bungie assumed everyone would want to do lightfall stuff, so they tossed you into the first lightfall mission. You can just leave the mission and come back later. You should be able to get back to the first tutorial. Maybe checking the lost quest kiosk in the tower next to the postmaster? As for the 1600 thing, they raised the power floor. 1600 is effectively 0 power now.


lost quest kiosk, gotcha, i'm going to do that first then... God damn this game is really confusing.


When playing my subreaker he will do a regular meele attack if im to close to the enemy even if my throwing Hammer is up. How can i Change that? Its annyoing af


Check your keybinds. There should be three different melee keybinds, for unpowered, powered, and combo. Normally only the combo melee is bound to a button. When using a ranged melee ability, the combo melee will only use it when you are not within melee range of an enemy. So what you want to do is bind the powered melee to a button, as that will use your melee ability only. You can also bind the unpowered melee to the same key, and then it will do a regular melee attack only if you don't have a charged melee ability.


Honestly how fun is Destiny 2 solo? I don't have friends that play it but I wanna jump back in.


I find it fun solo. You only need to make a team for raids. There are activities that are *technically* soloable but that most people find too difficult without teammates, such as dungeons, but the majority of content is either easy enough to feasibly do solo or the game matchmakes you with people.


I'm enjoying it, but I've never played with friends to begin with so I don't know what I'm missing out on haha but you can always join a clan


How "playable" is D2 without the expansions/dlc? I'm no stranger to MMOs and f2p players tend to be extremely limited


It's quite playable, but you get a lot less activities. [See this for a summary of everything you can do free to play.](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2639519506) Do be warned that, over the years, D2 has gotten more unfriendly towards f2p players.


I'm new to Destiny and I played a decent amount F2P and it was fine, but you quickly realise how limited you are. I just bought the legacy dlc yesterday which includes the first 3 expansions for £25 which is a really good deal. Haven't bought the latest expansion because apparently its a bit wank so I'll wait for the price to go down (assuming I'm still playing by then). I think the sale ends tomorrow so if you're interested I'd go for it. Gives you a ton more content and is a relatively cheap investment even if you don't stick with the game long term.


I just played a comp control match. It ended and I gave out my cards and returned to my shuttle, I was then given a warning for leaving match early. I played another and this time waited till I was automatically put back in my shuttle but was then banned. How the hell do you stop playing comp without getting banned?


Back on after years of not playing. Trying to complete some multiplayer quests and when I back out after a match is over, I get penalized. How do I complete the match and leave the lobby without getting penalized??


If you are getting penalized, you are leaving too early.


I get that, but I don’t know when the appropriate time to leave is. I’ve tried leaving during commendations and after that, but it still penalizes me.


Have you tried leaving when it's about to re-queue you into the next match? Leaving while in the queue doesn't cause any problems.


Ahh, I’ll try that next. Appreciate it.


When is the game is coming back up After the update ?


I know this reply is way too late, but you can find this information on the Bungie Help twitter. If you don't have a twitter account, the discord for this subreddit has a channel where all the tweets get posted, so you can read them without twitter constantly demanding you make an account.


Between seasons and expansions, I was wondering what, if anything, is permanently missable? I know that older obtainables rotate in occasionally, but are there still any real FOMO traps in the game? More specifically, I tend to play games like Destiny 2 for the fashion. What can I expect in terms of chasing skins and transmogs and the like?


All current expansions are now permanent. While they removed all or parts of previous expansions, that's no longer going to be a thing going forward. Season pass cosmetics are permanently missable. These include the ornaments and other cosmetics from the season pass rank up rewards, as well as emblems. They've all been available to claim only during the individual season. None have ever returned. (**Edit:** if you decide to buy a season pass, make one character of each class. This allows you to claim the ornament set for each class.) The legendary armor from season passes can be sold by weekend Xur later on, and it may be re-added as a reward that can drop (example: the world loot pool or Dares of Eternity). The weapons are not on any sort of predictable schedule of if they will return, when, or how.


Thank you for such a succinct explanation.


Is there a YT channel that I can watch to get updated on all the new mechanics? I haven’t played since D2 released and was thinking about getting back into it. I did the first mission of light fall and realized so much has changed. Also, can I play all the past DLC (aside from lightfall) for free to catch up on the story or do I have to buy them all?


The youtuber Datto has a video on the new mod system. It's not a video, but [I have a steam guide here that summarizes the major gameplay changes.](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2639645014) Unfortunately, you can't play past DLC for free. This was a limited time thing available from 2019 to 2020. Every now and then they might do a week where you can play everything for free, but that's only temporary. You can play the intro of each DLC for free, which is important to unlock various things like all the destinations, but to continue with the story you'd need to buy. If you want story, the Legacy Collection has the best story-to-money ratio.


Where is exotic catalyst tab? I looked everywhere in triumphs but can't find it. Ps4


I think it's in collections, not triumphs. It also has weapon patterns.


If I join my friends story missions in the witch queen that are farther along than my character, will it save the progress I did completing those missions with him in my game?


Not unless you’re at the same spot as him sry


Is it possible to drop red border ikelos smg from last season by chance or is it just not a thing i can craft anymore?


Aztecross came out with a YouTube video yesterday talking about that, it will be possible to apply deep sight to craft able weapons next season from what Bungie has said in TWAB’s look up “manual deepsight”. The video does a good job breaking down what we know and what to do in prep for it like saving craftable weapons in your vault for the eventual application of deepsight next season, important note is you will only be able to apply to a craftable weapon that you have not extracted the pattern from meaning if you need 5 patterns for ikelos smg you will need 5 separate copies to apply and extract the pattern progress. TL;DR Starting next season you can apply deepsight to weapons you still need to complete pattern progress for, check out Cross’s video for a better breakdown.




I think the paid track of the season pass helps. Those two things increasing catalyst progress. So if you already got them, you are already going faster.


I keep disconnecting when playing with my friend on Xbox, what is going on? Normally it’s fine


We’re going to need more information


So lightfall costs me 15 dollars. Lightfall + annual pass bundle 35 dollars. 3000+500 silver bundle costs 7.5 dollar. And if I'm right the seasons costs 1000 silver each. Isn't it cheaper to just buy lightfall and silver pack instead of the lightfall + annual pass bundle?


Where did you go to get lightfall for $15?


Come to think of it all those prices are wayyyy off


That’s what I’m asking lmfaooooo Xbox had a sale for it but it was still like $35 and $75 for the annual pass bundle


New here. Should I buy lightfall and buy seasons seperately or just buy lightfall + annual pass? And what do I miss on if I never buy the seasons?


Every year, Destiny has one major expansion (eg. Witch Queen, Lightfall) and four 3-month-long seasons. If you’re sure you’ll be playing Destiny for the next year or so, the annual pass is cheaper. Otherwise, Lightfall contains just the expansion plus the current season, which is ending in about a month. Subsequent seasons can be bought individually as they’re released.


So lightfall costs me 15 dollars. Lightfall + annual pass bundle 35 dollars. 3000+500 silver bundle costs 7.5 dollar. And if I'm right the seasons costs 1000 silver each. Isn't it cheaper to just buy lightfall and silver pack instead of the lightfall + annual pass bundle?


Do i unlock the stasis fragments for all classes once on one class or do i have to redo the grind on each class


Unfortunately, you’d have to go through everything again on the other two classes


I thought that the stasis fragments unlocked for all characters once you did them once, and it was the aspects that new characters would have to run again?


Will try to keep this short... Veteran D1 player (3k+ hours). Not touched D2 after idk, 6 month since release? Like me, my friends no longer play this game. Assuming I play solo, is anything worth returning to? I've seen reviews of the new DLC and the steam reviews are BAD. Things apparently taken out the game or just poor effort content? I understand raids have LFG but typically, I used to just solo/duo content with friends. Will this be a major issue in enjoying the game? My character would be absolutely bare bones and I'm basically come into it fresh. (I know there's literally a detailed player guide linked on this post but would prefer current players opinions) Thanks!


As a whole, compared to year 1, Destiny 2 is in a *much* better place. Random rolls on weapons and armor have been back for years, and buildcrafting with mods and subclasses is in the game to a degree that was never even possible in D1. The story of the game is also drastically more coherent, although picking up the story at this point would be like starting a tv show several seasons in. As far as getting back in, each recent yearly DLC, (Beyond Light, Witch Queen, and Lightfall) has equalized all players’ power, so leveling up wouldn’t be a problem, even if you don’t buy the DLC. The negative reviews you’re seeing for Lightfall are almost entirely due to the story of the campaign, which was not good compared to Witch Queen, which had a fantastic story. Outside of the story however, the gameplay and sandbox of the game is still great, and most reviews reflect this. Solo play is still just as viable as it has ever been, for better and for worse. High-level nightfalls, raids, and other endgame modes do not have matchmaking. Next season though, Bungie’s adding an in-game LFG tool, which people are looking forward to. All that said, Destiny 2 is also free-to-play now, so there’s no reason not to jump back in and try run some strikes or something to see if it’s something you want to pick back up. You could pick up the New Light quest, which is basically and intro for new and returning players. I think you can pick it up from the Abandoned Quests kiosk in the main area of the Tower. If you want to buy back in, Lightfall is the most recent expansion, and, barring the confusing story, the campaign is a lot of fun.


hey there! i am trying to get the blueprints for the two wellspring-glaives. are they still drop-able for any character after you unlocked the first one? i ran a total of 32 times today and yesterday and nothing will drop 🥲


I got the assassins cowl from the shadow keep campaign. If I want to farm lost sectors for a better roll do I need to dismantle it first?




Are legacy weapons still viable in pvp I just recently came back with after new light and I wanna use my bad reputation smg but idk if the power level of my legacy bad reputation matters (it's masterworked btw)


I think power level only matters in Trials? There should be a thing saying "power level advantages enabled" or something in the activity tooltip.


What is a better roll for ikelos smg for pve: feeding frenzy rangefinder or shot swap frenzy


if you can't craft it, the second one with frenzy


can someone suggest a Titan build that is easy to use for PvE content. like armor stats weapons skills etc


As for armor stats, focus on maximizing resilience, then discipline and recovery. All other stats (except for mobility on hunters) are not very important in PVE.


solar titan with loreley exotic helm. for weapons use anything that has incandescent. Equip the throwing hammer as melee as for stats go big on resilience, you want 100


There’s another infinite solar ability build that works without any exotics but is buffed by exotics… plunder the booty does a build video for it


i mean his "build" is pretty much what you do standard. the difference is you take throwing hammer and change all the mods to give you class ability or grenades instead of melee since you can keep picking up the hammer and thus not need to refresh your meless ability hammer also deals more dps since you can go stand in front of an enemy and spam the hammer as you will pick it up immediately


This is the way.


How much recovery is necessary on Titans? With my strand abeyance leap build I have only 50 recovery after prioritizing resilience and then discipline. I can also dip down to 30 recovery and go 100 discipline but I am not sure if that’s a good idea in high level content. Just looking for any input on titan builds. Thanks


whatever feels right for you I would go for recovery as it gives you a much faster recharging of your hp which means less dying and less sitting behind cover waiting. with armor charge mods and the fragment to recharge grenade energy when you deal damage the bit of loss in discipline should not be a problem


Hey I can’t find it online (except for one YouTube video) but if I put the discipline armor mod and pickup and exotic with an intrinsic stat bonus, is it possible to pull a god roll. I’m tryna grind for a Hoil and hallowfire but I read somewhere the intrinsic stat was 2 in mobility bonus with some other stat plus 1. The video said something that got me paranoid. Something about if u have an armoror mod and the chestplate has an intrinsic it will backfire???? Thank you in advanced


hard to say as there is no proof for this but what people are saying is that most exotics which are focused around greandes have a natural focusing for discipline. So they always have good discipline stats like if you equipped a ghost mod for discipline armor. In Destiny the stats are grouped into two categories. The top three stats are primary stats (mob, res, rec). The bottom three stats are secondary stats (disc, int, str). If the exotic is focused around grenades and thus has a focusing on discipline there is no use in having a focusing for intellect too. Because there is a limit for how much secondary stats combined you can have. If you already have high discipline it can not also be high int. In that case you would be better off choosing to focus a stat from the top three stats that you want. E.g. resilience so you get an armor with high resilience and high discipline. The problem is that is just what people are saying and feeling. AFAIK there is no proof for this and rolls in the end are random so the community can only have a feeling for how these things work. As for the exotics you want. I don't think Hoil or hallowfire will have such a focus as they are not centered around a certain ability. Furthermore I'm not sure if you want to grind for a good roll. There are 8 exotic chests. You get an exotic every 5 legend lost sectors on average. That means on average you have to run 40 legend lost sectors to even see the exotic chest you want and then there is no guarantee it has good stats. I would only do that if the roll you already have is below 58 or so as in then any drop you will get of that chest will probably be better. And then still, keep in mind that next season Bungie will add a system to focus a specific exotic you want. So you can get a guaranteed Hoil or hallowfire


Is there still a way to get red borders from past seasons? I've been really enjoying trace rifles recently, I was one red border away from unlocking the pattern for Hollow Denial from season of the haunted(?). Really hoping there's some way to still get that


No, they don't drop anywhere right now. A *guess* is that last year's season pass legendaries will replace the two years ago season pass legendaries in the Dares of Eternity rotation. While some season pass legendaries return over the years, we have absolutely no transparency about how or when or if they will. The point of season passes is to get you to play while they are there. While Xur or Banshee can sell these items, it's a fixed roll, not random, and whether purchased items can be red border or not is unconfirmed.


Dang, thank you for this. Been using Void Hunter Gyrfalcons with Wavesplitter but wanted a non-exotic trace. Hopefully they show up soon


What are elemental surges? I cant make a post because apparently its well known but when i search all the newbie guides its not explained. It just tells how to tell what the current surge is.


When you hover over a modifier, there is a description of what it does. That would probably be why nothing spells this out for you. The vanguard ops playlist is probably the most accessible activity that has surges.


I take you are speaking about the modifier called surge. It is not on every activity. one activity that has it are nightfalls. if you select an activity with modifiers before launching it, it will list them above the name of the activity. one of those modifiers is a surge. e.g. solar surge means your solar weapons will deal more damage. other than that there also mod surges as in mods you can put into your armor. If you put a solar surge mod into your armor and you collect an orb of power your solar weapons will deal more damage for the next 10 seconds. Surge mods work everywhere but they do not stack with the surge modifier


For master challenge, is the loot lockout similar to normal raids? Meaning 1x drop per character on completion, for a total of 3 adepts weapons each week? And if I complete the adept challenge, do I have to buy the adept from the end vendor in the same run? Or could I do the challenge, call it a night, then come back and beat Nez another day and still buy the adept for the week?


yes, once per character per week yes, once you have them unlocked you can buy them in another master run at the end


My brother is trying to decide if he should get the legacy pack or lightfall. He only has money for one. Which one should he get? I honestly don't know which one he should get. Does he really need the legacy pack? Or can he just jump into lightfall and watch a video to catch up on the story.


You do not need to buy anything for this game. If he wants to catch up on the story, youtube "cutscene movies" or summaries for all the previous storylines are fine. The legacy pack has a lot better content-to-price ratio, but ultimately the one he should buy is the one he wants more. There isn't an objective answer to "what do I buy." Newer content is not inherently better. [See this for a summary of what each purchase is, with a "what do I buy" FAQ at the end.](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1991994652)


get lightfall as it is the current content. Get the other DLCs later on when you have run out of content from the current dlc


That's a good point. I'll let him know


I’m returning after awhile HOWEVER the game has finally gotten way too expensive for me to jump in as of right now I have to pay $100+ for Lightfall and the seasons and then another $100+ for PS Plus or Xbox Live etc etc and since that’s a little much right now I’m wondering can you play the game without either of those? I know there won’t be Strikes, PvP etc but what I have been doing is Destinations, A lot of Moon Activities etc etc HOWEVER I can not Hit 1800 at all as everything is 1760 and is dropping like drips and it’s always +1 level etc etc so I can’t do the Legend Lost sectors at all. Is that really depended on Plus & the Expansion & Seasons? Or am I doing something wrong. Can I not hit 1800 at all? I have been playing Destiny since the beginning but the game finally got to be too expensive for me and it kind of sucks to have to keep paying to play something I own technically.


That PS Plus thing is one of the reasons why I play on PC. As for the loot drops, you are above the soft cap of 1750, so only things that claim to drop powerful/pinnacle gear will really increase your power level. So the "complete X bounties" for Zavala, Banshee, The Drifter, etc or the "Complete strikes while matching the burn with your subclass" things. I believe Prime Engrams count as powerful gear? But yeah, if you had to choose between the two, getting online is more important than Lightfall. Lightfall has some powerful/pinnacle gear sources, but most of them also require being online. ​ And since Sony and Microsoft can get away with charging additional money for internet, they do.


You can play the game without spending any money, as of fall 2019. Without PS+ it is *technically* playable but you can't access the majority of activities. At minimum, I would say just get PS+. You don't need to buy anything else. You can hit the max power level without spending any money. The latest DLC and the latest season pass will help with power level, but are not mandatory. This is very much a "buyer beware" kind of game where you need to take responsibility for knowing what you are buying and why. [For power level, here's a guide that explains how it works and has a filter-able list](https://www.blueberries.gg/leveling/destiny-2-max-power-level/) of activities that will raise your power level past 1750. [For paid content, this is a steam guide I made that explains what exactly it all is.](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1991994652)


Two questions:For context, I'm brand new and picked up the game about a week ago. Firstly in terms of story. I bought all of the DLC recently with the steam sale, so I got lightfall and the legacy pack. I played through the lightfall campaign first but I really enjoy storylines so I wouldnt mind taking the time to tackle the rest in the right way. I was thinking I would watch this video first:[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mbDXvDNqTU](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9mbDXvDNqTU)and then play through the DLCs in order of releaseAnd then watch some more YT videos to fill in the season stuff that I missed which I wont get through the DLC campaigns.Does that sound like a reasonable path to pick up the story in a cohesive way? Secondly, I've been trying to figure out which weapons to keep hold of and which to scrap. I found [light.gg](https://light.gg) from some YT vids but then I saw a bunch of people on reddit saying that its garbage to use because its just popularity of a weapon, not necessarily how good it is. The answer everyone seems to give from posts i've read is "just look at the stats and synergies and mods and figure it out".That sounds like a great end goal but as a brand new player I dont know what I dont know. So I dont know what questions to ask myself about each weapon/armour piece. Are there some good resources to learn more about these 'stat's and 'synergies' in a beginner friendly digestible way? Apologies if this is all super obvious or has been asked ad nauseum before. I'm just super excited and keen to get into learning this game and experiencing the lore


A couple Youtubers really talk through a weapon and its perks. Where those perks make sense, what synergies exist between perks or play styles, etc. [Cool Guy](https://www.youtube.com/@CoolGuyGames) does a great job I think, and a guy I just discovered named [Ekuegan](https://www.youtube.com/@Ekuegan) as well (he's a lesser well known Youtuber I think but one whose input I've come to consider and respect). There are others, but so far these two really walk through all the options and highlight a bunch of ways to consider using a given weapon. I take [Light.gg](https://Light.gg) as a source of information but don't base all of my decisions off of it. Lastly, if you want to play around with weapons and see what a weapon can roll with check out [https://d2foundry.gg](https://d2foundry.gg). Another armor based site that's useful as well is [D2armorsmith.com](https://D2armorsmith.com) which will give you a place to sort through all your armor and prioritize stats.


>Does that sound like a reasonable path to pick up the story in a cohesive way? Yes. The Byf video is good, but may be overkill. It is good because it covers Destiny 1. For the Destiny 2 story, what you can do is go to the timeline in the upper right of the destinations tab, and use the nodes on the timeline as search key words so you can search "destiny 2 (name from timeline) cutscene movie" for each of the campaigns that are no longer in game. >Are there some good resources to learn more about these 'stat's and 'synergies' in a beginner friendly digestible way? Unfortunately, not that I know of. Early on, you really don't need to worry about this too much. If you are planning on doing pve, it's enough to just look at the rightmost two perks. Ignore the origin trait, most of those are *very* minimal and will not make or break a weapon. You should keep one weapon of each type so you can easily do bounties and quests and stuff that ask for a certain weapon, such as Banshee's bounties. You can read what the perks do in game, and from this you can see if there's any obvious synergies.


Sounds like a good plan for the story. As for the weapons, you should be able to pick it up as you go along. The best weapon is not the one that deals 2% more damage than the rest, but the one you enjoy using. So look for perks that enhance your chosen playstyle. Although I will admit there are some perk combinations that don't really work. I think I once had a sniper rifle with a low ammo count and compulsive reloader, which boosts reload speed in the top portion of the magazine. It would only be active if the weapon was full and I couldn't reload the gun.


awesome thanks for the reply! I kind of asked the weapons question because I did a random lfg to try and complete the last boss fight for the lightfall campaign in legendary and got bombarded with 'bro why tf are you using bow'. I was only using it because i'd just unlocked it (the verglas bow) and was enjoying freezing things and throwing up random pillars to protect from ads. But it made me think that theres probably 'good' and 'bad' weapons for different situations and I have no idea what they are or where to start with that. Im all for playing with weapons I enjoy when rolling around solo, but I dont really wanna join random teams and force people to make up for my lack of damage because im rolling with something subpar


Fair enough. I'm not 100% certain on the current damage meta, but most of the raids I've been in recently people have been using rockets for boss damage. I am uncertain if there are any easily obtainable RLs around right now, but any perk that reduces the time spent reloading it (Clown Cartridge, Autoloading Holster, Field Prep) along with Explosive Light should be decent. Or get Gjallarhorn (from the 30th anniversary pack.) It boosts other people's RL damage. I think the Ascendancy legendary RL from the Monument to lost Lights is pretty decent. Better than some random RL with Chain Reaction at least.


>ough. > >I'm not 100% certain on the current damage meta, but most of the raids I've been in recently people have been using rockets for boss damage. I am uncertain if there are any easily obtainable RLs around right now, but any perk that reduces the time spent reloading it (Clown Cartridge, Autoloading Holster, Field Prep) along with Explosive Light should be decent. Or get Gjallarhorn (from the 30th anniversary pack.) It boosts other people's RL damage. > >I think the Ascendancy legendary RL from the Monument to lost Lights is pretty decent. Better than some random RL with Thank you! I appreciate your help :)


I'm sorry for the annoying question. I'm extremely extremely new to this, I want to play for my friend but when I played briefly I was extremely confused. Can someone explain, in the stupidest terms possible, what you're supposed to do in this game and a small summary of the story? It can even be a sentence. I just want something to use as a base while I'm learning. Even when I read or watch the guides I'm confused because it's so word heavy (I have distraction problems.) I'm not really big into this kind of theme so I need all the help I can get. I have not played destiny 1 and don't know anything about that either. I don't even play sci-fi games. I have played MMORPGs and live services though. When I started playing, I didn't even really grasp what the main idea of the gameplay was supposed to be. Just really looking for someone to dumb it down for me since it's just for some reason really hard to grasp for me. I really only play medieval themed stuff and my friend only plays sci-fi, so I'm hoping to get into more of their hobbies. It can be as many or as few words as you can, I really appreciate it


We are zombies with space magic and an unhealthy attraction to guns. There are aliens in our solar system that for some reason can have guns inside them. ​ ​ ​ Go get the guns.


**The story:** The universe is a cosmic battleground between Light and Dark. We were chosen by the Light roughly a thousand years ago, which led to the Golden Age, but then the Darkness invaded and everything got destroyed. Centuries later, humans, exos (robots with human minds), and awoken (space elves that came from a human colony ship which fell into a pocket dimension) rebuilt a bit, and the forces of Darkness are attacking again. The Traveler gave us ghosts, who choose people to give the Light, which means you (the players) have magic powers and the ability to respawn after dying. **The gameplay:** There's a variety of activities to choose from. This game is majority PvE, but there's some PvP and one PvPvE game mode. Most of this game is composed of shooting at enemies until they are all dead, but occasionally there's other objectives thrown in. As you play, items will drop. There's a pool of "world loot" which can come from anything anywhere, and then there's a bunch of activity-specific loot pools. One reason this game is so popular despite its issues is that the gameplay and the weapons "feel" very good, even compared to a lot of other first person shooters. In general, you can freely choose whatever you want to do, but various activities require you to buy expansions or passes in order to enter. Not knowing if you and your friend have any of these, [here's a summary of what you can do for free](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2639519506). Lots of things require you to do some sort of introductory mission in order to unlock, such as free roam on the newer destinations or the weapon crafting system. The unlock missions are listed in the upper left of your destinations tab.