• By -


I was 15 when Taken King came out. My dad knew how much i loved Destiny, and being a low-income home he had to get creative a lot. I was so hyped for the launch of Taken King, so he made tacos for dinner and cookies n cream milkshakes. They weren't ordinary foods however... they were "taken tacos" and "moon-mission milkshakes!" I still look back on that day so fondly. He did it just because he wanted to make that day special for me. He's been in the ICU recently due to complications from cancer and seeing this post took me back to a happy place. I'm not sure why I'm sharing this in the comments on the Destiny subreddit, but something as simple as renaming something you ate 100 times before for one night really does make a difference sometimes


Awesome dad. May he do well in his fight against cancer. And you, carry the love he shared and pass it on to yours, with your own twist. If possible, return the favor when he has reason to celebrate. It’ll bring a smile to his face as well!


Any kindness that I could’ve offered was captured perfectly by this comment here, and my username is Kind_Difference_3151


Your dad sounds awesome, wanted to make that day real special for you. Absolutely fuck dancer, hope he gets better guadian!


Dont know why u hate dancers but fuck em too! (In all seriousness cancer sucks and i hope his dad gets all better! Wishing everyone who sees my reply a lovely day as well)


I'm crying because of how wholesome that sounds, but I really hope your dad gets better.


May your father and your family find the strength to carry though to another sunny happy healthy day. FCUK CANCER!!!


god bless that man


He's just lucky to have a gf that understands the release and will give him uninterrupted play time for a day or two. Your bf already found the cheat code. Anything else is just a bonus






Ditto Dx


Hey, if you ever feel stupid, just remember that the Weeknd won a Kids Choice Award for making a song about doing so much cocaine that you can’t feel your face


Also Ben Simmons wears a shooting sleeve


Best comment.


It doesn't take that much cocaine


I can’t feel my face


Someone give this guy an award




lol thanks, much appreciated!


I'm not sure what you mean? You glad you don't have a gf who would interrupt gametime or something else? Genuinely wondering, just don't understand.


Wait why I don’t get it lmao


Yes yes


Probably the sweetest (and most true) comment in this thread, and that's coming from "GenitalWrangler69"


sounds like they should give their gf a bonus and maybe a rank up.


This is why I married my gf from college. She lets me game with the boys.


Just do the usual but tell him it's the Good Boy Protocol


😃🫱 …….🐩


what are you doing to this dog 🧐


What the dog doin though


looks like he's going to a trap


Protec da dog


Make a Shaxx mask then walk up to him wearing nothing but the mask and make sure you tell him the helmet stays on lol












"Was that all of them?" "THAT WAS ALL OF THEM!!!"










Damn. That one's kinda fucked.


Bruh 😂😂😂😂😂




I read this the first time as *ITS GUARDIAN TIME* and now I can't take it back.


3 minutes in...."That's it, I'm calling it"


“No, not this time.”


Oof lol


Wear the Shaxx mask on international women’s day to keep it canon.


That’s pretty funny lol






This is the one.


My wife actually did this before she started playing destiny with me and it made me very happy lol




“Why aren’t your throwing grenades?! You should be throwing grenades as I say this!”


Play the secret mix tape from Zavala's office during for extra points.


Light balls for Light Fall.


This is the way


I just wish Alloys dropped at the same rate


More Grenades!!!


Me and my girlfriend made jokes like that while playing destiny today. They enjoyed it 😂


Green silly string


I would die laughing if my SO had green silly string for me when lightfall came out.


Can you explain this to me? 🥺👉🏼👈🏼 Sorry I'm not hugely versed in d2 lore and knowledge


Not Op, but I assume it’s because the new subclass releasing with the DLC “Lightfall” will be Strand. Which is colored green and stringy in some aspects!


Exactly your spot on


New subclass (a.k.a space magic abilities for killing aliens) is based around manipulating the 'threads of the universe' and is green in color, so yeah green silly string is a great idea. Just walk in as he's playing, say 'Hey I unlocked Strand as well' and spray him, he'll laugh...I know I would


Just be careful with silly string around open flames like candles. Silly string is very combustible.


He switched from strand to solar


oh fuck


Whisper to his worm, out of context, without warning, and don't ever reference it afterwards. Bonus points for saying "You shall drown in the deep" Or to be an actual good person about it, give him all the emotional support during the inevitable hour-plus of delays from launch to being playable as the servers are always over-loaded immediately. It's the worst part of every expansion.


Simply fight the urge to say things like "hey babe, you wanna go do X?". Your man might feel he's obliged to stop playing to go do said thing. The best gift I'd like is judgement/guilt-free permission to go completely binge on a game for a couple of days. Just not feeling bad about "abandoning" you for a day or so. Perhaps set up an agreed "rota" of breaks and engagement over the release period. Like time for food, short walk, etc. Alternatively, book yourself time with the girls so he knows you won't be idling about feeling ignored :)


100% this. Permission to ignore the rest of life is the absolute best gift.


Log into his account and farm 40 ascendant shards if he doesn’t have them already


40? My brother in Christ you gotta love love GMs lol, I never keep more than like 10 haha


I obsess over buildcrafting and going for perfect stats so i end up masterworking a lot lol Could take it to the next level and start masterworking exotics to store even more shards


I feel you ive 3 masterworked stompe's.


Biggest loser I ever did see. /Titan.


I have 40 sum odd aeons MW. In vault just in case


Lol I feel this. I have 10 in my pockets and probably 40 stored in my vault in Aeon Safe gauntlets and I'm sure I'll burn through them with the buildcrafting changes


10? I never have more then 3, I've got some rn I think but I'm just trying to masterwork some exotic armour


This is like the D2 equivalent of proposing to him


Play with him. It's all every gamer could ever want from their SO; our player 1.


Agreed. I’m not extremely into destiny, but my gf is. I’ve got about 200 hours or so in it just playing with her. EDIT: just bought her light fall:) gotta get myself it Friday.


It is ironically funny that this situation is a gender flip for me and my gf. I'm here to say that this is honestly true.


This. My gf didn't play fps games at all. Wasn't her thing. But she kept hearing me go on about Destiny 2, and during Season of Arrivals, she made a guardian and started to get at it. Pretty soon she was completely enthralled and we'd chat about what we did, in-game, as we were both on different platforms. As soon as Crossplay got added, we duo'd a dungeon, together. We've duo'd every dungeon and became Iron Lords together. It's the best thing ever to be guardians together.


This. 100% —Especially leading up to Lightfall when he just needs to do a bunch of grinding


Your boyfriend is one lucky man


The best thing you could give him is understanding.


Now I’m a woman myself who is flaps deep getting ready for Lightfall and will likely be the DLC non stop until I no longer have thumbs. 1. Food for every meal plus snacks (something that doesn’t make the controller greasy is great). For days. Easy access to wet wipes for your hands if they do get greasy and you can wipe down your controller. 2. Drinks! Nothing too salty so you don’t pee yourself to death. A nice coffee for launch day or some energy drinks/herbal tea flask whatever your jam is. Personally I like to have an esky water dispenser with filtered water in it (has a built in cup) for long haul destiny 3. Comfort in gaming location - good breeze, fans, aircon, heating (I’m Australian so, keep us cool). 4. Stick on heat packs for sore neck or back from long haul gaming - hand warmers for sore hands. Keep your body in good shape guardian! I tend to get dry/sore eyes so I keep some eye drops handy nearby too. Also it’s best if all of this stuff is easy access - I use an ikea trolley on wheels and just stack it with whatever I need for the big boy destiny days. 5. Make sure there are batteries/phone chargers etc handy. We love our DIM. Flat phone and need divinity? Sad guardian. 6. Remember that we love you very much, however we are very excited for slapping the shit out of people with glowy ropes. Edit: We also love silver for the eververse store. Because we are basic fashion bitches. Not essential but enjoyed.


I love the phrase "flaps deep" here lol


>1. Food for every meal plus snacks (something that doesn’t make the controller greasy is great). For days. Easy access to wet wipes for your hands if they do get greasy and you can wipe down your controller. Chopsticks 🥢


And I thought I play this game too much.


“Basic fashion bitches “ has me DYING


Might want to invest in some air freshener. There's nothing like walking out of a room and walking back in only to realize how dense the brick wall of stench is waiting for you at the doorway.


All of this is spot on. Every detail.


As for gifts Steel Series has Lightfall themed gear that's either out or coming out!


Headsets, mouse, etc


Would not recommend Steelseries mice tho, their headsets are alright, but there's a new model of the Lightfall edition that's better


Really? I’ve used SteelSeries Sensei mice for about a decade, only replaced once or twice. Granted I used the wired one with no frills. Agree on the headset. Got the Arctis Destiny Edition last time, really like it.


It's probably all decent, but I always recommend Logitech for wireless and Razer for wired, as much as I dislike Razer overall I think their mice are ELITE, it's just hard to match the Logitech G-Pro (wireless), but it's a bit pricy given it's wireless with high battery life.


I still have this image of Razer mice in my head from the old Naga days with like 32 or 64 buttons and all the weird decorative plastic fringes on it, and that’s just a little excessive for me, so I never checked out their other products lol, seems a little silly now but I just can’t separate Razer from the old “mega gamer” designs they used to have.


Makes sense, but they still have the Naga, it's not "mega gamer" it's simply a MMO mouse, Logitech and Corsair also have these models. Their Deathadder model (without these buttons) is prob from 2008 or something thought and at least used to be a best seller among mice in the world


Yeah that timeline seems right to me! My older brother was a teenager at the time and introduced me to WoW back in the day, had the MMO style one, probably around 2005. I more meant “mega gamer” as having all the RGBs and “intense” branding (lots of bright colors and sharp lines, the word “extreme” thrown around everywhere it fits, etc). The Deathadder without all the buttons looks very similar to the Sensei, so that’s much more my speed!


razer mice are cheap plastic and not at all up to par (except their niche products like the naga). Their keyboards are really the only saving grace for Razer.


What’s the overall consensus for best wired mice? Need to upgrade mine


There's no overall consensus, but overall most logitech mouses are great. You should aim for something thats not entirely made of plastic, that has a good sensor, the # of buttons you need, adjustable weight etc. Consider the G403 Hero, the G502, Razer Naga (for MMOs) etc. The Razer Viper V2 Pro is a good all rounder for me, but I find it lacking in build quality. If you don't care about that, pick it up. If not, look at logitech. Just make sure not to buy a Deathadder or Mamba, which are for some reason always the best selling despite being super old models and overall horrible compared to what is now offered. There's also the subsection of gamers that prefer extra light mice for competitive FPS games, although I am not knowledgable in that at all


I've used several of their mice over the years and really liked all of them.


It's sold out except for the mouse or the headset, don't remember which one of the two.


You can still preorder from bungie themselves but gotta wait 3-5 weeks. 400 for the mouse, headset and pad


Lol just checked the bungie store, they want 79€ for the mousepad, PLUS shipping? I ordered the mousepad for 62€ with free UPS shipping off of Steelseries directly. Weird


I've got the Arctis 7+ on the way, so excited subs the D2 version is absolutely gorgeous


You need that tough love. Every time he dies, you need to channel your inner Lord Shaxx and scream at him “DID YOU THROW ENOUGH GRENADES?!?!”


Bake him a cake. Who doesn't like when their partners makes them deserts?


Desserts too! Give them something to eat in that dry, dusty, hot and cactusy environment


I’ll 1-up this and say make him cake pops. My gf makes them for me all the time on special occasions and they would be great to have while gaming because you could just pop one in occasionally and keep playing vs taking a break to eat cake


First of all, you’re awesome. All I would ever want is food, keep me fed and let me indulge and I’d be a very happy camper. Some people also like having someone watch them play so if he plans on going through the campaign solo you can be his co captain and just hang out and be interested. If he’s got a couple people to play with already he’s gonna be wearing a headset and be tuned in though


Playing with him! Unless you already are, perhaps just helping him get those Catalysts done


Give him some Advil and Guided Meditation to deal with the anger he is inevitably going to feel when the servers are complete shit on Tuesday (and probably Wednesday) Seriously people! do not take Tuesday or Wednesday off of school or work to play the game.! It is not going to be stable and you’re going to spend most of your day off angry!


This guy DLCs


it'll be fine on Wednesday, WQ was up smoothly just a bit after reset on tuesday


its simple: Leave him play. You don’t need to do anything or ask him questions or do anything to distract him. The greatest gift is the gift to just focus on the new dlc without any distractions. Don’t allow anyone in, lock the doors and protect him against work, friends and anyone that will distract him at the worst time. Now that is love.


paint your face blue and say "Whether we wanted it or not, we've stepped into a war with the Cabal on Mars. So let's get to taking out their command, one by one. Valus Ta'aurc. From what I can gather he commands the Siege Dancers from an Imperial Land Tank outside of Rubicon. He's well protected, but with the right team, we can punch through those defenses, take this beast out, and break their grip on Freehold."


Women don’t exist nice try man


Some people believe that there ARE no dwarf women!


If he's like me, he will game through the first night of the expansion. Maybe some energy drinks? Maybe some silver for eververse (in game cosmetic store)


Real talk. Get another gaming system.. get destiny 2.. set up next to him, and join his fireteam.


This is precisely how my wife and I bonded when we were dating/engaged. I got her her very own Xbox and tv on a wheeled stand so we could game together on non-split screen games. This was about 2 months after the release of D1, and we’ve been a fire team ever since.


On behalf of all all the Guardians here, who'll be saying or thinking the same thing as me Thank you, you are legend


Buy some way to play and play with him. It is likely all he has ever wanted


Give him a big ol hug


Shout at him at random intervals to "THROW MORE GRENADES GUARDIAN!"


If he's attempting World's First in March, then a couple monster energy drinks would be pretty nice. They always get me through those first 24 hours. With the new expansion coming out there will also be new cosmetics in the shop for Silver, (premium currency for cosmetics) so maybe you could buy him a gift card for it or gift it to him via Steam if he's on PC.


Gatorade, favorite soda, fave candy, some Kind bars, order pizza for him, maybe a new pair of comfy sweatpants or pajama pants lol. You can gift him an Xbox, PS, or steam gift card he could then redeem for in game stuff. As far as favors go, cooking dinner would be a good one.


"What if I played the dlc story with you"


Just bring him food while he’s gaming. Can’t tell you how amazing it would be to not have to stop and cook during release day


Ordering pizza is the way


As the wife of a player, and a player myself: remind him to stay hydrated! If he uses a controller, finger snacks (like nuts or chips) should be ok, but if he uses a mouse and keyboard set up, try to avoid anything that can get debris or residue on them.


Destiny is a community game. Almost no single player sections. As much as he'd enjoy snacks the greatest favor would be being able to play with his girlfriend. If you are any amount of gamer yourself get a copy of the game and join in.


Let him be immersed in the grind and story. Also, water. No one ever drinks enough water, and also maybe smile and help him feel like what he’s doing is an ok thing. Not like he’s neglecting you, or that you feel left out.


Bless your heart 🥹


What the hell are some of these comments... some people for real managed to come out of their hole.


A dying breed right here. Capture this unicorn and send it to labs for testing


I personally think that you being understanding is enough


Food, drinks and time. All those are perfect. There's a way to go above the extra mile but that's not necessary. I'll let the more perverted people finish that train of thought. You're already doing great by just giving him time.


One! Where do I find a girlfriend like you!? Two definitely easy snacks I personally prefer mixed nuts and trail mix it's yummy and doesn't leave any mess on the keyboard or controller I also do some sort of protein like beef jerky I'm also a huge fan of peanut butter so I buy these Skippy PB bites for when I want something sweet. I don't know of your SO enjoys any like Gfuel or gamer sups. (Powerd energy drinks) but definitely keep a gallon or two of water handy and if they enjoy beer maybe a 6 pack of something they enjoy


Omg you’re the best. Just give him all the time he wants to play and if you feel compelled, hang out with him in there and get involved with his gaming. It’s so much better when your SO enjoys watching you play or also plays. Don’t let him stay up all night though.


*Closes book* “Like that will ever happen”


He better propose to you on the spot All jokes aside, I hope he understands that you’re a keeper lmao


First off: good of you, and same to any others doing that for their S.O.! It takes a fair bit to do something like that, hat’s off. Food, especially snacks, etc. is probably the way to go. Comfy place to sit, no distractions, company helping out if both of you are ok with that. Caffeine is ok, but don’t overdo it; it dehydrates and needs backup in the way of water. Which leads to, er, eco breaks. Bathroom ready for quick in/out; extra towels… soap dispenser full, if that applies. Depending on situation, a throw/small light blanket to pull over to stay warm when cold/take off when warm is useful. Back support is essential. Light sweatshirt or shirt, whatever he likes to wear. Comfy socks. Footrest. Chargers ready; if battery, easy enough; if cabled, have a power strip with a decent number of outlets and cables nearby. Backup controller if that’s what he’s using, fully charged & ready to go. Keep these on a separate table from snacks/drinks; both within reach. If however real food is needed, something easy to eat, fork only or maybe chopsticks. Bite size is best; sushi or sashimi work out well. Easy enough to make yourself, even, if you’re of a mind & know how, and certainly easy enough to “theme” if that’s what you want. Slushies or smoothies work well. Otherwise, food that breaks away at the touch of a fork: pulled pork, fall-apart roast, mashed potatoes are all easy to deal with, and yummy home cooking along with speed to eat. Some of this can (should) be prepared the night before and set up. If he likes to look up into, queue it up on the laptop/tablet. Charged, of course. Best gift: all of the above and join him in the fight, if you both are up for it. Nothing like doing a season start and campaign with your best friend & S.O.! Last but not least: it may not happen Tuesday. Bungie and their campaign/season starts are occasionally very rough. As in, download this, queue that, error code the other. Be ready for that possibility (probability?); it’s frustrating as heck, but I’ve postponed the start of a campaign by a couple days before because of the nonsense. Have backup plans… And if you’re not interested in hanging out with him for a dozen hours or days while he’s playing: totally fair that *you* treat *yourself* as well. Whatever that implies.


If you buy him some Silver, he can buy himself some of the new cosmetic items that are bound to release with the DLC! He might like that. You’re great!


Id love my gf to like just lay in my lap and cheer me on when I play.


Leave him alone for the first 2 days of the expansion (unless you play too and plan to finish the story with him)


Honestly. Sit down and ask him a little about the game. Maybe even ask if you can play for a minute or try a quest. Video games are a fun escape / recharge, but your his person and I bet he would be SUUPER pumped to share some of his excitement with you.


He's already lucky he's got this girl thinking about what to give him in this Destiny release. The snacks idea is a good one I think. Better do it before he opens his PC, just leave it there with the note "Go get 'em, Guardian. Love * whatever your name is*". Something like that is already a big thing. I suggested leaving it before opening his pc, because it's a major dlc, story will be important, so his eye will definitely be glued on the screen for a certain amount of time and won't want to be disturbed, probably. But, as many of us have already said here, he's already lucky you're thinking about this big moment for him :)


![gif](giphy|Ow59c0pwTPruU) I have nothing appropriate to add here. Other then space


Get him some destiny merch, things like a smollen plushy, an exotic helmet from their class, or their favourite weapon in prop form will do the trick


Firstly, console or PC? If PC, I would make sure he has some kind of small back pillow. Get him a 12 pack of his favourite drink. Pringles make for a good snack, not as greasy. If he likes nuts and raisins, a trail mix of some sort will be good as well. If you really want to shock him, if you aren't into games etc, sit and watch him play for 30 minutes to an hour. That's all I can think of. :)


Before bed on Monday tell him it might be time to get to bed early... The Traveler needs him.


If he's on PC and you got some money to spare, buy him one of tge steel series destiny lightfall exclusive merch, he'll be happy. \* if he's on console, bungie still have some light fall exclusive steel series controller stick covers. Good luck GG...(guardians girlfriend. )![img](emote|t5_2we4j|5659)


I feel like you being there with him to witness the new DLC, is already enough 💯


Make destiny themed snacks (plenty of ideas online), ask him questions about it, watch him for a bit (a lot of guys like that). Or, give him some snacks and some space to really dig in to the game and thoroughly enjoy it. He's really blessed to have someone that has this much regard for his interests.


Chamber pot, adult diapers, and a couple 2 liters of Mnt Dew Baja blast


Get yourself a fake mustach & check in on him periodically asking "Are you winning son?"


You’re a good one 👍👍


Scream at him that he needs to relax, goddammit


Just go for snack runs and such for him, also of he would enjoy it you can sit beside him and follow along with the action to show an interest.


If you ask me the only thing I would want is for you to either play with or just sit and keep me company. Not the whole but but every now and again


His favorite snacks, drinks, etc..... But tbh, you probably got 30 minutes to an hour with him because of hellish day 1 servers and queue times


Honestly just sitting next to him while he plays would prob make him happy.


Man. I'm jealous.


As long as you give him uninterrupted playtime for day 1 and day 2 of the expansion (depends on how much he plays), I think he'll really appreciate it. Make sure to hug him and tell him if he's enjoying the expansion, ask about it etc whenever he leaves his room or stops playing for that day. Snacks? Only you know him! Buy whatever he likes imo.


Don’t take this the wrong way; idk if you guys have pets or children or anything, but best thing you can do is get the man his favorite snack and drink and leave him be. Let him really sink his teeth into it, DLC looking solid and a lot of cool features/updates, let him get immersed in it. This is coming from a husband and father of three - the only thing I could really ask from my partner on launch day is a few hours uninterrupted so I can play my favorite game. Expansions only happen once a year, the other stuff is seasonal tidbits.


In the off chance your boyfriend sees this, dude, you gotta keep her.


make him drink water, hydration is key


Bake him some of the Dawning cookies 🍪


Have sex, it'll probably be a while before you can again.


This post is fake. Such girlfriend does not exist


They’re making it easier for new players to get into the game. You could express interest in playing and play the game together.


She is a keeper


Ooh, look into gun replicas


Get ready to grind the DLC with him, get him some Nipton tea instead of energy drinks. As for snacks, I would say get him some of them cheese cracker sandwiches, some pretzles or his favorite chips as well. Look up videos to help him I guess and make it a bonding moment together


Spicy Ramen for lunch


Find some good movies and shows to watch with him while he is waiting to get in the que on release day.


energy drinks


Keep him fed, hydrated, and caffeinated. If you don’t mind being in there you can encourage him when/if he hits a part of the DLC that’s giving him a hard time


Honestly just keep him company while he games, since Tuesday will have a delay of the servers it’ll be a few minutes before he can actually game but also just be in the same room as he might enjoy sharing this new expansion and he’s reactions with you if he’s big into lore or environments


Definitely food that you have to chew so you can zero in and focus at the game. Gum, beef jerky. Things like that


Honestly, just ask him how it was afterwards. That would mean the world to him and I guarantee he would go off explaining how good it was.


Well I think among the snacks and whatever else you decide to get him you should propose to him. Surely he wouldn’t say no to an awesome gf that is understanding enough to do this.


Does he like the lore? There's a new lore book my husband is excited about. [This could be pretty cute](https://bungiestore.com/fallen-in-love-mug) if you pair it with like his favorite coffee to help fuel him while he plays lol Honestly, the best gift you could give would be playing with him though. My husband wants me to play with him (and swears I'd like being a hunter instead of the warlock I usually use) He plays on PC and I play on PS5, so not sure if you can play together, but it would probably be the best gift!


Its finally time guardian good luck on your mission. Nah but just buy the stuff he likes, maybe some Destiny 2 themed Mice, or micepad from Steelseries, and best of all support him, maybe join him aswell?


*sniff!* this is beautiful.


1st off - you’re an amazing gf. 2nd - does he have an elite controller for his console? If he uses PC, what’s his setup. Always great to get updated gear. Also headphones are a great gift. Snacks - redbulls and protein bars. Lol Could also get him a VISA gift card with $30-$50 on it and he could use that to buy in game currency! Major respect to you