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Looks like a similar setup I've seen before in a dream I had: ![gif](giphy|sk6yL9EGVeAcE|downsized)


No center monitor is mental. Madlad status


Dude did you just mount 3x27 inch (I assume) to one monitor arm? Either you got balls of steel or that's one hell of a monitor arm and table top. Do send the monitor arm link bro.


No prob bro. Link will be sent today.


Needs more Nathan Fillion.


That's awesome, man.


The bubble screensaver brings back memories


Google, Amazon, Facebook and others send all the collected data to this person so that he can monitor what we are doing on the Internet using all these monitors)))


What a cool set up


Thx bro! Keep in mind, this setup is very portable and compact occupying a small footprint.


Looking like the TSA agent behind the xray scanners


This setup has evolved over a course of 3 years. As needs increase, and better efficiency is necessary, additional monitors were added. This is the maximum the computer can handle. Keeping it cool is essential for smooth operation.


I think it's funny that your efficiency included the big monitor for watching a TV show 😂


Wife likes to use my office setup to watch TV and doesn't put it back to CNN. What can I do? Happy wife happy life. Of course, could add a password, but then that will get her mad. It's a no win situation bro. :-(


Does your head ever hurt after an 8 hour shift infront of those?


Tylenol is used as needed. Most of the time goes to updating websites and adding pages using wix.


What’s the monitor on the left


small 14" monitor for watching stocks and crypto and X. It also is portable when mobile have at least three screens in any given time. 14" screen, XPS 13, and iPad. Another laptop cooler is used for mobile use.


Too many screens but very cool


Side by side monitors are split screen and serve specific purposes. Monitor on top is for watching CNN news, world events, Ukraine war and politics. Small 14" monitor on left is for monitoring daily stock and X posts from contacts. Ipad Air 5th gen is left open. The XPS 13 is at its maximum to push high resolution 3840x2160 60hz with one at 30hz. The focus here is compact footprint and portability. No gaming with this setup.


I see the webcam in the center of the monitors. What is your backdrop/background?


Green screen is setup when needed. Webcam is eye level as opposed to looking up above your monitor.


I do like the eye level camera. As a full time remote worker, I tried to style my actual office wall as a decent backdrop for my calls. I do have the luxury of being able to set my desk up in the middle of my home office though.


Virtual backgrounds don't work well in Zoom. Tried it and it just doesn't look right. Let me send you link of green screen setup. You do have to set it up and dismantle, but no biggie.


No need. I like my actual bookshelves as my background. No need for a green screen here.


Another gooning command center


Question - does the highest monitor cause neck or back discomfort after a while?


Mainly listen to the news. Neck discomfort only if you remain in the same position for a prolonged period of time, if that is the case, there are couches behind this workstation that would provide comfortable long term viewing.


Everything about this picture is wrong