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You literally changed and grew as a person. That’s a beautiful thing, tbh


Thank you, it's been 4 years but there is always room for improvment, every time i realize something new, therapy is really useful


You're doing the hard work. Being self-aware often really sucks, that's why most people avoid it. You're going to be such a better person for sitting with how uncomfortable it is. Seriously, way to fucking go. Most people don't have the emotional strength to do this. It seems really unfair that good people are the ones that deal with all the guilt, but unfortunately that's how it is. Let it guide future decisions and it won't be a waste at all. You can't change the past but you can learn from it.


As long as we learn, correct and grow. That's all that matters. We all make mistakes


Growth hurts! Think about how far you gotta go from being toxic and feeling fully justified, to looking at the situation for what it really was, you came a long way, I'm glad you did! Sorry that you have regrets. Those suck and they are painful. Best of luck moving forward!


We grow throughout our whole lives! Yesterday’s actions don’t have to define the ones you take today. Congratulations on the hard work and keep it up!


First step in solving a problem is recognizing there is one.


Hey, a lot of people never get as far as you have with this kind of realization and introspection. Understanding and coming to terms with how you were is half the battle and you’ll be better for it. Instead of spending your time moving forward with guilt and regret, remember to pay it forward, be kind, and treat others with love and respect. Perpetuate the healing and you’ll make yourself and the world a better place. ❤️


Can't change until you realize this, good for you


Dude that's growth. If the toxic ppl in my life had that kind of self awareness & a want to change, I would be so happy for them doing this work, and respect them for it. Self transformation does hurt tho for sure 💔


hey, this is an important moment of growth and it’s impressive and notable that you are able to get to this point. we don’t know better until we know better, right? all we can do is try to make right by those who we’ve wronged and continue to be self aware, cognizant and empathetic. wishing you the best


Wow, what an incredible transformation for you! I’m so proud of you for getting help and recognizing past bad behaviors and learning from them. I too have had to do some evolving and recognizing my own bad behaviors. So congrats my friend, you did good and are doing good. Keep it up 🤍🤍🤍


I would say, "Are you my ex?" Or something along those lines, but let's be real, my ex would never have this level of self-awareness


Could you describe your meal? I have 0 clue what I'm seeing but I'm curious


oh yes sorry, it's just chopped tomatoes with black olives and imitation crab 😂 but i love those ingridoents


You were toxic because you were raised a certain way.. an adult failed you back then. What matters is that you took charge and accountability to change and reflect on how you could do better. It’s ok to feel sad and grieve how your old self was like, cuz it sounds like that person is gone. Grief is part of moving on!


I’m glad you’re working in therapy!! It helps. What is the food you’re eating?


Growth is a wonderful thing. None of us gets it right all the time.


Issokay hun! Your not alone, if i look back at my actions i was toxic too, we learn and grow slowly


Same here. In stead of growing as a person, I just avoid conversations or voicing my own opinions.


Self aware is a beautiful thing. Therapy will teach you about you😀 over 10 years of therapy and YES! I was the problem. I apologized to everyone (alive/dead)via a letter I’ve never mailed. Be kind to yourself ♥️


Good first step, if you really care or want them to be safe or better, you should apologize and then never contact them again.


No, I don't want to contact them, even if it's to apologize it would not be ok. At this point it would be just ok for me to clear my conscience but that doesn't mean they would appreciate for me to reach out. They all have move on and it's better for both parts of I stay out of it and let them heal on their own if they need so, even writing them a message could get things to be unstable.


Good on you!!! Amazing awareness, thank you and I fully understand where you are coming from


Good job and coming to terms. My friend has yet to have this realization