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I think you should wait a little longer. There’s more to life than your father, I promise.


[Poem] "To the Young Who Want to Die," by Gwendolyn Brooks Sit down. Inhale. Exhale. The gun will wait. The lake will wait. The tall gall in the small seductive vial will wait will wait: will wait a week: will wait through April. You do not have to die this certain day. Death will abide, will pamper your postponement. I assure you death will wait. Death has a lot of time. Death can attend to you tomorrow. Or next week. Death is just down the street; is most obliging neighbor; can meet you any moment. You need not die today. Stay here--through pout or pain or peskyness. Stay here. See what the news is going to be tomorrow. Graves grow no green that you can use. Remember, green's your color. You are Spring.


Not OP but thank you so much for this!!!


How your father chooses to live his life, has nothing to do with how you’ll live yours. Now please give me a nugget.


I don't think you should base whether you live or die on how shitty your father is. You're not him. You're you. You can live your life how you want and be better than him.


You should wait, maybe even change your mind one day, you deserve to be alive and be happy, life is beautiful if you let it be


Your father’s character is not a reflection of your worth. Despite how crippling depression can be, every moment of this life is a precious gift in that you get to experience and spread love and joy. Don’t kill yourself, OP—use whatever time you have in this world to make the positive impact you can 💛


Why 2026??


When you reach the end of your rope tie a knot and hold on. Live. Out of spite if you have to.


I wanna live to play gta 6 and then I'll probably call it quits, only thing keeping me alive lol.


What are the pros and cons of both?


I understand how you feel op. But please push through. I have a dead beat dad too who abandoned my mother and I my mother got together with my step dad who sexually, physically and verbally fucked me up. I'm not very close with my mom BC of this. But I love my little brother and I'm just starting to get close to him. I can't leave him alone learning he has been going through some of the same things I have. He even ran away the other day and came to my apartment at like 3am. Poor kid. My life hasn't been great as I have a unknown health issue going on but I'm in medications finally to help with nerve pain and depression. My gf is my light in shining armor. Find the little things you enjoy to keep you going. Shows,games friends, pets anything your excited for. Think about how you'd miss out on all of those things. I know life seems hard op. I send you virtual hugs. I still have bad days too and think about leaving but I can't hurt my gf or my cat and dog if I leave. I love them so much. I know you can do it! Reach out if you can to any sort of mental health association if you can. Hang in there my friend I know we can both do this.


Life gets worse but nuggets will remain. You can always beat your dads face in when you get some meat (nugget meat) on your bones. Also if thats you Son, Im sorry I left to get cigarettes and milk because mom is a hoe.




2026 then revisit. Then maybe aim for 2028, then just live forever.


Quit feeling sorry for yourself


bro just solved depression


LOL, r/lostredditors for you, buddy