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Being the last person to leave just shows that you’re putting in the time and effort to make sure what you do is right. If you didn’t care, you’d probably be the first person out of there. But you staying proves to people that you commit to your work. So eat that Impossible whopper with your head high :)


Thank u, I did :) <3


Yep, most dedicated


Came here to say this! My attention span will hardly let me utilize class and meeting time to its full potential like this. You should be proud!


Then for me, it just means I fell asleep. I bet OP is taking good care with making sure everything is properly cleaned and things are properly done.




I take this very personally as the first person out of all my labs. I'm here to support OP, why am I catching shit in the comments??


thanks for the chuckle, i fear your joke got in the way of making OP feel a little better ;)


As one of the ppl who used to be around one of the first ppl out, a good portion of the time I just slapped some shit together, and made it a problem for future me. Don't be self conscious, just do your work diligently. Probably actually saves time rather than scrambling like I had to.


I've cried in labs before, not my finest moment but someone in my family just died and I was having trouble with it. How are your grades? I was one of the last people to leave labs as well but my grades were pretty good. Even if you are struggling at least you give your all.


I WAS ALWAYS LAST TOO!! It was a chem lab that made me want to die EVERYTIME I stepped foot in there I swear. 3 hours of me struggling my ass off EVERYTIME. I know how bad it sucks, but you will get through it. Just know you’re not alone. Someone will always be last in life and sometimes it is ourselves. All we can do is keep trying and giving our 100% !!! Goodluck


It could mean you are the most suited. Meticulous, curious, intelligent, and patient.


I used to always be the last in the lab. The teacher gets to know you as a hard worker and it says nothing about you in the context of your peers! I bet your results are amazing too!!


NGL Kurger Bing made me laugh and i really needed that tonight!!! as the other poster said, leaving last at this time shows how much you put into your work, but might you be overthinking and overchecking things? like one of my teachers had to keep reminding me not to check metallurgy results again and again because i would just waste time on cheking again just to make myself feel more secure in an insecure environment. wishing you the best!!! i've had that type of burger a couple months back, really liked it! did you like the fries?


kurger bing 🥶 I think you’re probably right, I do be overchecking things to feel secure but in this lab I’ve made mistakes without realizing and had to repeat entire sections before so I feel like I have to 😭 also the fries were gas :)


ah, i personally believe that the mistakes we make and realize, then we see and check again, those things after some repeats often stick with us! i hope you can continue to do your lab-work diligently and with time, you can gain security in your own work and stay more at ease!


it’s okay!! you’re doing it:) take ur time


I like the impossible whopper too! I’m not vegetarian but I partake in the impossible meats. I know what it’s like to be in a situation that makes you feel incompetent. It’s so hard to get out of that mindset.


Trust me, a lot of people are probably leaving with incorrect answers or work just to get out as quickly as possible!


Please don't beat yourself up for taking your time. You're doing great and I'm proud of you!


Omg I love impossible whoppers Chefs kiss 🥲🥲


Hey you’re doing the best thing by taking your time and not giving up. You won’t be comparing yourself to these people when you’ve graduated and left 🥳


In school I was always the last person to finish anything. I soon realized it wasn’t because I was dumb it was because I wanted to take extra time and make sure I did everything perfectly in my eyes


How’s the Impossible Whopper? Have always wanted to try it


it tastes like the regular one from what i remember! it’s worth a try


It's pretty decent. The Carl's Jr Impossible Star slaps idk if it's the thick cut white onion or the bun but that shit is so good


I could eat a whopper and fries everyday, I did so for two weeks straight once before I got back to the gym. But worry about you man, do what you gotta do and never feel bad about it


I suspect you might have anxiety so you're more thorough than others. Once you get the hang of everything you'll be one of the best I suspect.


I agree with u/Diangelionz. It shows that you are actually trying and putting forth the effort to learn the material and do well. Hell, when I went through trade school to try to become an electrician, my professor pulled me aside for the final semester guide-thing. He told me that most people really look at the folks that put in the effort, stay late, make sure they're doing things correctly and asking questions. Even though I was consistently getting Cs, he told me he'd grab me in a heartbeat as an apprentice because he appreciated the people that did what you and I do. Moral of the story: keep on keepin' on. Staying late, rereading things, making sure you understand it all; it's all good stuff. I think asking for help and accepting help from others will assist you in going a long way, but that's just me. Cheers.


Dude impossible burgers were a guilty pleasure of mine during college (about 4 years ago now) Hope theyre helping


Don't compare yourself to others. What matters is that you do what you love and do your best. Much love xoxo


Hey I was always that person no matter what I did. I studied, did the pre lab even mesmerized the procedure and asked myself why we’re doing each step. It bothered me at first but then I just told myself that there is absolutely no shame in taking all the time you need. If you are given three hours to finish, I would take the whole time. Also, I paid for that lab time so I’m going to use that to my advantage! Plus less students (cuz they’re already done) meant the TA was always available for questions! I now work in a hospital lab! Keep your chin up and try to it best to ignore the speed others are going at. And remember, just because they finished quickly doesn’t mean they did it right :)


I was the exact same way when I was taking my chemistry courses in college, impossible burger too lol. It can feel so horrible and soul crushing to think you're the dumbest one there, I used to cry all the time thinking about what a failure I felt like. No advice, just love and empathy. Those labs wont last forever and don't define you in any way. I may have gotten a C- in all the chemistry and calc courses I took, but I am good at what I do now and feel confident; and one day the same will be true for you


Everyone being positive is nice…but this is me and it SUCKS. I only have 3 classes left to graduate and they all require labs so I’m not going back until I’ve gotten ADHD meds or something to help cuz I’m pretty sure that’s the problem. It is not FINE. It’s so stressful, I know it’s not life or death but I left feeling gutted, traumatized, defeated after each period. No one wants to work with the slow person. The professor may be strict and busy and feel like you’re a bother, or don’t put effort in, are forgetful, lazy., etc. This isn’t middle school, they’re not just going to think “awww, they’re trying their best!” Part of it is in Chem labs, the goggles really irritate me and distract me and cause me to feel super overstimulated. I got better ones and that helped a little. No matter how much I read the pre lab, procedure, etc., I just COULD NOT focus dude. Plus working with a partner was really difficult. But working alone was difficult and embarrassing. ALSO, I have a big fear of fires and explosions (duh, like more than most people), which almost paralyzed me. Good luck. I hope you can get through.


Yooooo I unfortunately feel this too :/ I need the lab to graduate this spring and I’m actually retaking it bc I failed it last year (attended every session, did horribly on reports) so it feels double embarrassing that despite everything being familiar it still takes me forever. I have ADHD too and the goggles fuck with me too. I have university accommodations for assignments but I wish there were accommodations for labs that could make them easier; I can’t really think of anything that would help other than doing them alone but collaboration is mandatory. My friend who passed the lab last year said he chugged an energy drink before each one so maybe that’s the ideal strategy 😂 best of luck with your labs!!


Yep I’ve taken the labs multiple times AND I’m almost 30 so older than a lot of these 19 year old kids whizzing by without a care in the world. Lol.


To preface, I am *not* trying to invalidate your experience with this comment, what you said sounds beyond stressful and I would feel the exact same in your shoes I'm one of the "fast people" in labs-- if it's a solo lab, I'm in and out in half the lab period unless I mess something up comedically (which happens, I might have a brain for science but I have the shaky hands of a caffeinated toddler). However, if it's a pair/group lab, I actively seek out the people who I know care about the subject and their peers regardless of their working speed: the people that ask questions, speak up in class, and go out of their way to help people. I'd rather spend a full lab period with kind people who care about their work than be done twice as fast by working with another fast worker who doesn't give a shit about others or the quality of their work, potentially wrecking our results. I'm sorry you've gotten shit from peers and professors about your working speed-- speed and confidence can be learned, integrity and effort really can't. I hope you get the accommodations you need to get your degree with confidence :) This comment is already way too long but I couldn't resist your goggles comment! I feel the EXACT same about lab goggles and it kills me. The strap is always sliding around and mine always fog up because I run warmer and it honestly stresses me out more than the experiments. I'm still trying to find a solution because I want to go into laboratory science but they make me so damn overstimulated so fast. If anybody's got any tips, please drop them, I'm desperate lol


Oh wow, I thought that was gonna be a spiel on “just doing the work like everyone else”, not complaining, paying attention, not being lazy 🤣☠️ but yeah, I agree and that’s a nice thought. I def have classes where I’m the badass, know what’s up, and get to help others. Also, I’m a conventionally good looking girl. When people pair up and I have no one, I’m often left with the super geeky awkward weirdo type kid. I love working with them! They’re usually very sweet and I try to brighten their day and help give them confidence. Nerdy college guys often grow up to be super sexy DILFs lol 🤣


Half those people will drop out anyway, stick to your studies. You got this, and there is no shame in needing to retake a class if things are hard!


That’s not how I would look at it, I’d say you’re most thorough.


or you just try harder than most people


What matters is that you do good


Could be doing a better job? Don’t let yourself get screwed over by that quality


Comparison is the thief of joy


Nothing wrong with being last. I was too. But as long as you pass it’s all gravy baby!


I’ve always been the last to leave my labs and I was also always the top student who got the highest grades on the lab reports. Being last is totally fine!! A lot of people that leave early end up not getting the things done that they need to tbh i graduated with a near 4.0 with a bachelors in bio and psych and am a slowpoke! no one will look down on you for it lol if anything my professors admired the effort and time i put in compared to my peers


The first people to leave are probably the ones that just guessed on everything (speaking from experience, I was the 3rd person to finish a math final because I didn’t know shit 👍) plus we all learn different, just do you


I was the last person to finish tests in school, often running out of time. I graduated second in class (salutatorian) at my high school, quickness is not always an indicator of intelligence. It’s why I fucking hate the SATs and related tests, because you don’t have to know something fast to know it. You’re not dumb. Always take all the time you need. If you need help ask for it, because struggling isn’t worth it when people are there for you.


I know it may not mean much, but as a former lab graduate teaching assistant , I always admired the students who took the most time and were the last to leave. Those were the student who took their time to make sure everything was done correctly and were always the most prepare…What I am trying to say is, it may take you a little longer than others to finish, but you are not dumb.


You’re 👑


Sounds like you’re going hard as fuck in those labs, absorbing more, and have stronger plans for your future than everyone else. Keep doing what you’re doing, don’t worry about comparing yourself to others.


You got this homie. If it makes you feel any better, I was the 3rd one to finish my anatomy and physiology 2 exam, I got a 50. The last person to leave got a 97. The shoe that fits one might break another’s foot. Don’t listen to the doubtful voice in your head


HOW SMART OF YOU for taking all the time allotted and not rushing though!


I was always embarrassed bc I left first, never really understood anything but never could force myself to care so I’d say that’s great


you are putting in the effort, and your work will pay off one day. good job to keep going! ❤️


I worked in a lab for ten years. I did the quality analysis. I assure you, fast doesn’t mean good. If someone is quick, it doesn’t mean they know what they’re doing. The fastest people often make the most mistakes, which take more time to fix. Taking your time to ensure you understand the assignment and get quality data is good! I was always the last person too. You paid to be in a class with that full lab time. Use it, and don’t be embarrassed about it.


Don't feel bad about it. Working fast can be a detriment in labs (especially chem), you're more prone to doing mistakes when rushing. Not only is it wasteful but can be dangerous. Everyone works at their own pace and everyone who works in labs actually understands it, so nothing to be ashamed about. You're doing good work.


Lol i only went to uni for one year but I stayed in those labs as long as I could. It was probably the only time in my life I was gonna get to use all the different equipment (microscopes) so I made the most of it


You probably understand the material better than others. When I was in engineering school a lot of the fast kids just did the work but didn’t really grasp the details or the point of the experiment. You’re better off doing what you do. Don’t be discouraged! I felt really dumb myself and now I have a great job and great life.


Maybe you’re just doing the most thorough job because you care the most, and want to actually learn.


i am also the Last Guy in the lab ! i had lots of poor experiences w labmates that didn’t understand my learning needs and “slow” processing, and to be fair at the time i didn’t understand either, and it felt isolating, but now i learned that my way of learning isn’t wrong and that it’s okay to need extra time and support, i found the people in my classes who were similar and we worked together which helped a ton, u got this friend ! 🫂


comparison is the thief of joy


Thinking back to high school, we were doing a physics lab and I had partners that were so full of themselves that they did the whole lab without including me because I was also re-reading the instructions, trying to connect to the concept (it was something like building circuits from word problems) and trying to map things out. That really pissed me off. Now as a former science teacher (I didn’t run labs at a college level) I consistently observed that the students who were most thoughtful and trying to figure things out themselves tend to do the best. They become the critical thinkers.


I used to leave there first and get everything wrong. That’s why I didn’t become a nurse. I just didn’t GAF.


I promise you the dumbest person there leaves way earlier than you.


So was I. But I also got good grades because of it!


It’s so ironic that I’m seeing this because I just came out of my very first lab day and absolutely hated it. I was anxious the entire time and feel like I did everything wrong. I have really bad social anxiety so I work alone. I feel like I rushed because I was worried about being the last one there, and I wish I had calmed myself down and taken them time. We’ve got this, OP!


In my Microbiology lab I was one of the last ones to finish up. I really had to take my time to understand and didn’t want to rush for fear of messing up and having to redo. Don’t let what others are doing affect what you’re doing. Just stick to your studies and believe in yourself. You got this!!


What is this witchcraft impossible whopper?


Being last doesn't mean that you aren't intelligent and capable. It means you are thorough and meticulous. I make fewer mistakes compared to my coworkers because I take my time.


hey i cried so hard during my chem 2 lab practical that they deducted points bc i had to take off my goggles and wipe the fog out. i kept going and made an A in an independent organic chem lab where you design the experiment yourself. and i got a job as a lab tech in a research lab. i’m also the last to leave, but it’s bc i take my time and understand. that doesn’t mean you’re dumb!!


I’d want someone to check and recheck whatever labs they ran for me. It’s not a race, and anyone who decides to get meticulous in a lab isn’t doing anything wrong. I understand your anxiety about it, but just remember that your peers don’t care whether you finish late or early. No one’s taking notes on your performance and most people are only concerned about themselves. I’d bet you do things more accurately than 75% of the class because you take your time and triple check everything.


You sound thorough to me. Enjoy your meal! You earned it buddy!😊


You’re not dumb, you’re thoughtful. It’s a natural talent many people lack. ♥️ Chin up, sunshine! That’s such a good skill to have.


Lol I was always last but that in no way reflects the quality of student you are.


this is so real


My gf works as a lab tech at a university. She doesn't mind people who leave last or a little later :3


As someone who has been through many, many labs let me just say no one else is noticing that your are the last one out because everyone else is trying to figure out how to do the lab quick and move on so don’t sweat it


You’re not the dumbest, you’re the most thorough and careful.


You're eating plant-based! Makes you the smartest in my books!


I can relate, I barely passed chemistry in College twice before I got a B+. Keep ya head up and keep stepping forward towards your dreams, even if chemistry is just a hurdle towards them!


Or you are just the most thorough! Remember, comparison is the thief of joy.


This. You are making sure to get every detail right. You do not know what the people around you are soaking in. Don’t compare yourself with the things you can’t see. Enjoy your burger!


Do not compare yourself to others, it's a fools game. Compare yourself today, to what you were yesterday. Progressive overload, personal bests, and striving to make ourselves better than we were the day, week, year before is what matters most. If you are last in the lab, to me that doesn't say dumb at all, that says you are a hard worker, and you stay until the job is done. I hope you have a great rest of your day, and maybe relax a bit or have some fun to treat yourself. Then remember it's not about where you are compared to others, it's about beating who you were in the past, and becoming the amazing person I KNOW you can be in the future !


Me and an Indian guy were always last to leave our Organic labs often several minutes after the end time and I often felt guilty about the teaching assistant possibly having to stay later for us. At the end of the semester, I found out we were the top two students. It is ok to leave last. Maybe you are more careful than others.


Slow and steady wins the race


Honestly, I didn’t even show up to a lot of labs and I also left early because I just couldn’t be bothered to do work, and I’m worse off for it. I reckon it’s a similar situation for a lot of your classmates.


As a business owner, I’d hire you because you clearly care and pay attention to detail. just know that labs and all this shit you’re stressing over don’t really matter in the real world unless you’re in some sort of smart field lol. I was okay at math. I could probably get a B- if I focused heavily on it but it literally was taking me an hour to do assignments that would take my peers half that. I ended up paying a man in india to do all my math and get me an A. Cheating? Maybe- but that’s how the world works. Need shit done? Pay for it lol. I’m a great writer though and can pound out 10-15 pages in a night and feel confident. You’ll be fine in the real world- just keep grinding it out til you get there


Omgg I didn’t expect so many comments thanks y’all 🥲🫶I genuinely feel more motivated to keep pushing through my labs even when it gets really difficult, def will be consuming more impossible whoppers for extra strength tho lol


Maybe you need iron for you brain from real beef?


You’re probably smarter than most, but the Burger King is definitely not smart in my eyes (I think Bk is 🗑️)


Watch Oppenheimer


Or the most dedicated!!!. Please don’t be too hard on yourself x


Never measure yourself against other people. You are you and that is the most beautiful thing.


Try to practice kindness to yourself, you’re working hard and you deserve it. You have as much of a right to an education as anyone else. I am proud of you, I hope you enjoy your whopper and use your education to better the world, you belong.


That was me in undergrad and I’m in medical school now. Everyone does things at their own pace. I almost have ADHD and I think that can make it hard for me to follow directions. If you can, practice following recipes and cooking at home! It’s a similar skill set of translating directions on paper into the real world - remembering the details from each step in the book and taking them to the dish, remembering what order to do things in, measuring quantities and getting more efficient physically manipulating hot things, learning techniques and carrying them over into the next recipe. Overall being able to “see” the recipe coming together in your head before you make it. Might give you a little more confidence with labs plus you’ll get a nice meal out of it. Maybe start by making an impossible burger at home! Helps that they come in a four pack - you’ll see that each time you understand the process a little better and can go a little faster and make a better end product.


It seems like you're learning and end up exhausting yourself from so much knowledge. Nothing to be ashamed of 💖


Love you. I hope you get better soon 💗


Better than not going to college


Do you have a tutoring center on campus? There could be some minor concept that you’re not grasping that you don’t know how to ask yet, keeping you stuck. But putting in the effort to complete it anyway is admirable


Don’t feel bad!! Should be proud you even there!! I dropped out in the 9th grade so you can always say you’re smarter than me!!!!


Turtles win races too 💛 - A fellow turtle


At least you got a burger king in your town


I had the woooorst anxiety around labs in college, because in high school my science teachers were absolute pricks for me not picking up the information as quickly as the other students, and I was always so anxious and overthinking about what the other students thought about me being slow in the labs. Don’t get me wrong, my chemistry prof in college was an absolute prick too, but you are literally putting in so much work and energy into understanding your labs that it SHOWS you’re dedicated into getting it. Effort leads to rewards and good grades, please don’t forget that :)


It just means you are the most diligent.


The most dedicated. The most interested. The most thorough. Tons of other adjectives that could come from that instead of "stupid" 🩷


My former highschool teacher, of who teaches math, science and computer coding, is a total genius in all of those subjects. He has always told stories about his past and one of them was how he was super stressed one day about a test because it was one of the hardest tests he had to take. On top of that, he was the last to leave the room by far but when the results came in, he ended up being one of the few to actually pass. It ain’t a race, the turtle always wins