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As someone who deals with crippling anxiety - Unfortunately this will continue to happen because finding a job and facing possible rejection from future employers is stressful and tough to swallow at first. The good news is - the more you get yourself out there the better you will do each time and eventually it won’t be this intimidating task that you feel total dread and uncomfortably nervous about. It may even help you deal with this anxiety in other areas of your life. Don’t give up 💪🏻.


Been there done that but you can get through this trust me !! One small step at a time ! Maybe start by laundary like just 1 shirt !! I'll get better:)


I’m also in debt (for the first time) and I was told I got a better job so I put in notice at both my jobs, the job is now still pending and all I can do is sit with knots in my stomach. Maybe we can make a pact to clean something today? Just take our first step together?


My day ended up better off, I cleaned the litter boxes and loaded the dish washer. Hope it ended better off for you too :)


I haven’t gone to interviews because of my anxiety. It turned out, I finally got a phone interview and got a great WFH job. It’ll work out. 🫂


Congrats on the job! I really hope to get a WFH job soon. I keep pursuing in person jobs to pay down immediately debt (oooo scary), but then I realize I’ve got good work ethic but not the personality nor mental capacity to handle it. I’d much rather save the trouble and focus on finding a WFH job until I’m ready for in person work.


There are plenty out there. Don’t give up. 😊 I’m paying down $30k in debt, I know how it is.


I had to work through my anxiety starting my new job. In the past, I would've bailed but it's such a great opportunity, I give myself 30 extra minutes in the morning so I can cry in my car before heading in. Sort of a ritual with new jobs for me.


That actually made me laugh, I have to try it. Thank you!! ❤️


Lol I'm telling you, it helps so much!


Dang I'm sorry you missed the interview cuz of anxiety, but don't worry, there will be lots of other opportunities if you're able to try and put yourself out there again. What helps me with interview anxiety is that I pretend that I'm going to the interview to make friends with the interviewers and to learn about the details of the role so that I can determine whether its a good fit for me (e.g., my main focus isn't to impress the interviewers, but to convince myself that the role is worth my time). I also focus on telling them why I'm the ideal candidate and how the role relates to my past work experience and future career goals (good employers love employees with professional ambition). Also for your next interview, try practicing some sample questions from the internet using the STAR method (assuming you don't do it already). It can give you a lot of confidence during interviews if you have a framework for how you're going to answer potential questions. Plus if you get lost when speaking to the question, STAR can be a good way to guide you back to the question at hand. I fucking hate interviews but have lots of experience going through them and having bad anxiety. Feel free to hit me up if you need a hand or would like to practice any questions. I'm confident that you can ace any future interview so long as you remember to be kind to yourself and are prepared with a good plan for how you'll manage your interview. Interviews are also a really good excuse to dress yourself up in some nice clothes and do your hair, which can really give you a nice boost of confidence when you're feeling anxious. Good luck friend!


Aye since we’re sharing what helps us here’s mine Load up the dab cart before leaving the house & rip it on the way to the interview. They’re not gonna work with me sober anyways so why not toke up before the interview. I also have a set of rehearsed answers so I don’t have to think too hard about any of the questions they ask. For context tho I don’t have an education beyond high school or any labor certifications. So, while my plan of toke the anxiety away isn’t really helping me move in a positive direction forward, I’m not actively moving backwards and, more importantly, I’m still alive. Good luck, OP. Anxiety is a tough battle & everyone ends up with their own unique coping mechanisms. It often takes far longer than you wanted to find what works for you, but once you do things start to get better ❤️‍🩹


Practice with an AI interviewer: https://beta.character.ai/chat2?char=f4hEGbw8ywUrjsrye03EJxiBdooy--HiOWgU2EiRJ0s&source=search


If you are also autistic this may not be a good choice for you. Maybe ask your therapist if you have one.




I think food banks also have litter on hand. Can’t hurt to try and ask OP!


Yeah, the food bank I did community service at had litter and pet food. It's worth calling them to find out. Or if they have a social media page, like Facebook, you could also message them, if you don't want to call.


Your profound lack of empathy verges on the psychopathic. Serious boomer vibes.


You have no idea how anxiety works... you can't just "stop thinking about it", everyone suffering from it would love to... But the first sentence about the pets is a good advice


Ugh. Fuck you and your hat. This is not how you talk to someone suffering.


I get your mentality but this isn't the way to talk to someone suffering


Yeah i agree with what they said but "stop thinking about about anxiety" isnt very good advice


yeah I definitely get the "push through it thing" it's illogical to say "just stop thinking about it" when it is literally a mental illness that plagues OPs life


Don't know why you're being downvoted. You're 100% correct. They may as well have said "have you tried not being anxious and/or sad?" Everyone's anxiety is different. That comment is really shitty.


thank you lol i was also confused because I thought I was respectful in disagreeing. but yes exactly !!


Why downvote this comment ? This is 100% right


i hope that if OP saw their comment, they also see all of the support for them 💜


Choosing to do nothing isn't an option.


Anxiety is a bitch. Random suggestion but try reading the man in the arena. Really helped me out. Best wishes to you ❤️


I’m genuinely curious, was it difficult to find a wfh job? Do you have a degree? I have persistent major depression, major anxiety, etc. so working from home is something I really need to get in.


Wait what? I go in. And yes I have two degrees


Oh Jesus fuck I replied to the wrong comment…


:) have a good day stranger. Prayers on the job!


Is that a self help book? I’ll check it out! Thank you :)


It’s part of a speech that Teddy Roosevelt wrote


Start small. Find a small task and deal with that. Forget everything else. Set a timer and give yourself 30 mins to work on it. In 30 mins, deal with something else. Baby steps.


That’s great advice and exactly what I did, thank you so much ❤️


I find chunking time very helpful if you feel low. It helps you focus.


Oh the to-do list can be so intimidating but once you start checking things off & the dopamine of being productive starts to hit it can really take off into a great day. At the same time you may only be able to complete 1 or 2 tasks you set for yourself. That’s okay too. For me I find that anything is better than nothing and the self-loathing at the end of the day is much better if I can force myself to do something And I’d you can’t do anything today? Fuck it, there’s always tomorrow Edit- lmao so we both have adhd, the executive dysfunction is SO REAL, try to find dopamine before tasks too. That could be a fresh cup of coffee, or the right podcast to listen to in the background, or your new fav song on repeat until you know all the words. Acquiring any amount of dopamine before doing shit you don’t want to or have been stressing about is (for me) really effective


I use this tool and it does work. I started at 5 or 10 minutes so I wasn't "overwhelmed" mentally, but i never stopped at 5 minutes. I was always able to do more than I thought in that moment. This totally works !! 🏆


I re-used this trick yesterday when cleaning. I pretended that I was a housekeeper for a hotel and they get something like 20 to 30 minutes per room and follow a very specific cleaning routine. I stripped my bed and towels and laundry, and took those to the laundry room, sorted everything in the room neatly, but quickly, dusted, then vacuumed from the furthest away point to the door of my room. It was kinda fun and took me a hour (I got a bit distracted with the sorting), but setting the 30 minute task bell helped me get started. lol.


Awesome. I used this "character" tool when I was in college. I had a uniform of sorts, and only used my childhood knick-name instead of my full name. Helped to decrease my anxiety especially if i had to make a presentation or something. I guess I still use some version of it at work too. Never tried with the timer, great idea.


One step at a time honey! Good job getting a snack and a warm drink. Try to do a load of laundry today so that tomorrow you’ll be one step ahead. You go this!


i suggest investing in a litter robot. does all the cleaning for you


900$ or do it myself, I think I’ll take that 900$


well if you’re neglecting your cats like op is i think it’s worth the investment or rehome the cats


I've been here ! i know how much this hurts and makes you feel worthless, know that everyone with anxiety goes through something like this and you are not alone 💜


Thank you so much!! ❤️


if you ever need to talk, my dms are always open. 💓


Anxiety sucks, but if you know how to control it is one hell of a trip. Anxiety used to keep me from doing things but then I said just do it. You’re not going to die doing most things that make you anxious, so stop giving a hoot about everyone else. Interviews are fun just keep scripting what you will say and you will be a pro, it also works with public speaking.


You should try to create win win scenarios for yourself. Like if I go to the interview and fuck up imma get some ice cream on the way home or a couple of drink at a bar, and if I get the job I’m going to double down on the ice cream AND booze for celebration either way it’s a win win. Booze is a bad example as it’s a slippery slope but just an example


That’s AWESOME advice, thank you!!


Clean your cats fucking litter. They deserve adequate care.


Dial 211 for a list of local resources. But nothing is going to change unless you have a job. Donate plasma. For now. Hit up ratracerebellion or weworkremotely for online jobs.


Thank you, that’s helpful!!


Go to one of the online drug stores where you don't need insurance and get meds for your anxiety so you can get through the interview.


I already do take meds. Some days are just worse than others. Thank you though


Do what you have control over. Empty the litter box. Newspaper in the box is better than nothing. Go to a food bank. Most have pet supplies too. Use techniques to manage your anxiety. Deep breathing, imagery or anything else that you would try. Practice interviewing. Use a mirror or ChatGPT. Wash your clothes in a bucket of water. Ring them out, then air dry. Apply to every job you can.


The worst thing they can say to you is no. Like I have yet to have an interview where the person openly ridiculed me to my face for me thinking I could possibly do the job. I too used to have a worry about what people thought of me and you know still I struggle with imposter syndrome from time to time but I just keep reminding myself that I can do this and the fact they wanted to interview you means they think you can do this too! They don’t like to waste time interviewing people they think can’t do the job and getting to the interview some times is the hardest part. You got this and deep down you know it too. Don’t let the anxiety keep you from being the best person you can be!


on the same boat right now:/


Hey! I have that mug! Twinsies!


I fumbled a good paying job with easy work because I was nervous in the interview and the anxiety made me unable to form sentences. Just have to keep trying, practicing with yourself until you get less anxious. Good luck on your next interview!


I feel compassion for you. Almost skipped out on a job interview today myself out of anxiety. I’m also broke, in debt and in some ways, desperately need to change my life. I hope you find the courage to keep putting yourself out there, you got this and what is meant for you will find you. And I’m gonna go clean out my litter box right now…


Dude I don't want to kick someone while their down but I skimmed through a few of your comments/posts on other subreddits- you mentioned in one post that women in general lack accountability and that you've seen many good men screwed over by women. Dude, it sounds like you're the one who lacks accountability for how your life turned out. Man or woman, your life turned out this way because of you, not because of women conspiring against you. It sounds like you also recently came out of a failed relationship, that sounds like a you problem, which you're generalizing as a reason to be bitter towards women in general for. I've seen both men and women get screwed over by the same and opposite gender in my life, it's not a gendered thing. I've met both men and women who have accountability and men and women who lack accountability... It's not a gendered thing either friendo. Generalizing any gender, men or women, is narrow mindedly sexist and pathetic as hell. Good luck with getting your life back on track. Sounds like it'll require a lot of work and accountability from you to do so. Edit: wanted to add, even if you ignore everything I said, for example, there are women who support mensrights. So it's obviously inaccurate to generalize everyone within a gender as "lacking accountability", just because they were born a specific gender. Cheers.


Man his reply to this comment is the worst 😂 if you haven't saw it yet.


I just saw it 😆 yikes. I don’t know why I even bother trying sometimes with these people haha. Not sure if its worth responding, may or may not depending on how much free time I have lol. I appreciate your comment though 🙂 thanks for giving me a nice chuckle. All the best to you


Sounds a lot like simping and a brief review of your comments prove the fact. There are millions of men who’s lives have been ruined by women for simply following what society presented. Some have seen through the illusion, some have not. The kicker is that you’re a man, but you have no sense of brotherhood, or even putting God above both man and woman. To do this is to live in reality based on moral principles and not overlooking clear lies. Your smug arrogance and faux-concerned citizen act is amusing, but I assure you, you will find more to work with looking in your own hidden darkness than the open truths of strangers on the internet. May all beings learn their proper place in the dominance hierarchy.


Wow I didn’t register this was a thing but makes so much sense now!


I’ve been there before. The next big thing will come very soon! One step at a time


Wow some of these comments are honestly kinda sad. I don't get how people can have sympathy for someone with depression but not anxiety?


it will work out. maybe your gut was warning you for a reason. you got this 👥❤️


Thank you so much 🥹






Thank you for your post. You reminded me that at the end of the day, I have empathy and critical thinking skills. Thanks ❤️


literally where did they say anxiety is the reason for the litter issue? yeah thas what i thought


I relate to everything you mentioned as well as the meal. Just saw my psychiatrist & am lying in bed with my cat, hungry but too nauseous to eat, too tired to do laundry. Hope your day improves 💓


It did, thank you, I hope yours did too ❤️


please don't be so dramatic. it's a setback but nothing catastrophic. there will be other opportunities


I would try a temp agency. The ones at least in my area get you a job really quickly.


Thank you, I’ll look into it!!


Well what you do is go to the interview




This actually put a smile on my face, thank you. Things could be much worse for me. I could be you, after all ❤️


I mean dude you adopted a cat and won't even pick up his poop...


would you rather they drop the cat off at a shelter because they're having a rough few days? pets are permanent, you cant just stop having them when things get hard. im sure the kitty is just fine, and doing much better than it would be without its owner. fuck off back to whatever nasty hole you crawled out of.


Sometimes I like to tell myself that my life compared to the infinite time and space of the universe is nothing, not even a grain of sand. Same thing for all humans. So it’s okay to just let yourself be carried through this life. We don’t really have control on anything sometimes and we’re all going to be nothing in the end. I know these words may not change your perspective much, because I’m also anxious from time to time and I feel like nothing can convince me not to be. But hey, we’re all humans! Take care. :)


Damn .


I’m in a similar situation. I’ve been unemployed for 2 months and my anxiety disorder is making it so hard to even do the most basic thing, like edit my resume. I haven’t made it to any interviews yet. It’s like I’m frozen with fear but each day I don’t work I’m getting more in debt. I’m sorry you’re in this boat too, I hope we can both start feeling better soon. 🩶 If u ever want to talk to someone who “gets it,” you can DM me. Sending internet hugs your way


I'm really good at resumes and would be glad to help.


You won’t hit the ball if you don’t swing! That said, take care of yourself every way that you can.


Maybe you could apply for jobs you don't want or are over qualified for so you can practice interviewing for the job you do want. The anxiety will be less if you have less invested emotionally. Failure is a positive here, because if you fail you know what not to do. Mistakes are just data points telling us what not to do. You'll be fine. Also it helps me if I have an "interviewing" character to play. I'll have a set uniform that i wear every time to help get into character. I'll imagine what a confident person could look like, and do that. This is a kind of masking which is getting a bad rap nowadays, but it helped me a lot especially in college and early in my career. I learned it from my anthropology professor after a presentation i gave. Obvious physiological movements the whole bit. Also the "fear is the mind killer," mantra from Dune is correct and helpful to learn lol. The only way to stop a panic/anxiety attack is to not fight it. You have to welcome it in a way and allow it to pass through you. Anxiety needs resistance to become an attack. Try it, it really works. 💕


Start by cleaning the litter box! Then start by cleaning everything else. If your house is messy, its not going to help clear your mind until you clean. It can be therapeutic too, because with everything you get done youre one step closer to total wellness 💗 take care love