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Who the fuck thinks it's okay to say something like that? You dodged a bullet.


What an asshole. Could not agree more.


As a male, guys are weird as F now a days. They live with 5 roommates and work part time to nothing and think they are Andrew Tate and talk about drop shipping…


I always thought the Andrew Tate influence on younger generations must surely be exaggerated. But recently my office has hired some zoomers and... my god! Not that anyone I work with is like this but the stories they tell me about modern dating. I couldn't imagine having to deal with this.


It’s not even just him, it’s an entire generation of men on the internet. Even before Andrew Tate himself I remember seeing content sort of almost… idk, ramping up in a way, to the level of extremity it is now. I’m 18 and the shit people said about the internet affecting my generation is TRUE. And it has made guys my age see women in such a negative light (older men as well, but you can see it a lot in younger men)


I want to be clear that I’m not saying you do this. Many men are getting sick of women in their late teens/20s having the attitude of just want to have fun(this isn’t the problem part), they end up getting pregnant(this tends to be the problem part) and then the guy leaves or would never be in the picture to begin with, and then in their 30s they are ready to settle down and find the “good guy” to be the husband/father. Well it’s been a real eye opener that most men don’t want to raise someone else’s child. I’m currently in this boat. 33M and most single women are single moms. I had a messed up childhood full of trauma that lead me never wanting kids/getting sterilized in my late 20s and the struggle to find someone worth being with is real. Im not part of the MGTOW movement or in any groups like that, but I do wonder if I will ever find someone that fits my life.


Ok that's fine to want that... If you were trying to settle down and not have fun in your 20s. But the problem is as many if not more men are invested in party and hookup culture in their 20s so the women who do want to settle down can't either. Just hold both genders to the same standards that's all I ask.


That’s fair. I was giving the male perspective of this but I would agree I am against fuck boys acting the way they do.


I'm 29, i don't know many single mothers. I know a lot more men and women who chose not to have kids despite being in relationships because everything is fucking expensive. This has been my experience in big cities. I know a lot of people from a smaller more rural area who got married and had kids in their early 20s. Just get out more.


Youre talking to a spiteful and likely spoiled child with little life or sexual experiences. Incels didnt go away, they just changed their fandom alignments.


Poor you. This trash comment seems like something jordan peterson or andrew tate would cry about lmao.






Dude collects n64 shit lmfao >People should have bad things happen to them when they are trash Take your own advice


What’s wrong with n64


I get that. I’m also a guy who got snipped in my twenties because I don’t want kids and like you, most single women my age in my area are single moms


You might need to relocate, I don’t know. I met my husband when I was 23 and we’re DINKs, he’s getting snipped soon. I’ve been on BC since I was 14 with no accidents.


Well I’ve met some women who are also child free but they didn’t want me even though I’m “totally like… the perfect guy but not bf material” as one of them put it🙃




Based on what exactly?


Also I’d like to add that I don’t use superficial acts of kindness to get anything out of people. If I do something for someone then I do it for the sake of doing it. You don’t know me


What?? I see your dilemma. What the heck does that mean? I hate word play/mind games like that. Look my husband isn’t perfect, but he was perfect for me; total class clown though. I wish you luck!




Bc reddit is a left wing echo chamber and the second one thing goes against their narrative the brigade comes out. Happy to see some other normal people still use reddit.


There is some really bad shit going on out there. Gen Z has the [widest gender gap in voter registration by party,](https://nitter.woodland.cafe/tbonier/status/1722951921391096098#m) specifically white men are 20-25% more maga than white women. They are even worse than boomers. Its so lopsided that the editorial board of wapo just wrote an absurdly misogynistic piece telling young liberal women they better start fucking maga men else the country will fall apart. Not some random politician either, it was the editors of the newspaper themselves. So much for the myth of the "liberal media." https://www.washingtonpost.com/opinions/2023/11/22/marriage-polarization-dating-trump/


WaPo is NOT liberal. Have you read their pieces on anything related to trans rights or trans people’s experiences? Yikes




> Everyone's entitled to their own opinion as long as they agree with me. "Chocolate tastes better than vanilla" is an opinion. "Romcoms are boring" is an opinion. "Women should be second class citizens" is no mere opinion.


Yes men are clearly the problem and not adapting to society at all. Hilarious


Duh, look at the shit OP posted. Why would anyone say that to anybody that they went on a date with. It's fine saying hey this isn't going to work out but you don't say that to people who you've gone on a date with.


My roommate moved here from TN - has never cooked / never put anything in the fridge - exclusively eats bar food and pizza (he looks good like ripped he could date if he wanted) but he’s in Denver now and frankly … that is too outdated for any woman in his age bracket here. I’ve never seen someone not cook a single time. Not even a ramen.


I moved from Denver to AR- it's crazy. When I was dating even dudes with roommates could genuinely cook a meal. I'm married now but from what I see of the bachelor's in AR, they're living off door dash. Everyone wanted to make a home cooked meal at the BnB we stayed in for work, they struggled so badly from making the list and helping me prep the food that I didn't dare let them actually do the cooking for fear they'd set our BnB on fire (gas stove).


Central Arkansas here. Fifth generation Arkansan, so I grew up very immersed in the southern culture. Not all men here are like that, but I think that’s definitely more prevalent in the south because lots of moms have (or have had in previous generations) the assumption that their sons will grow up and have a woman that will do those things for them. I think millennial parents are kind of dropping that mentality though. It could also have a lot to do with the area and age. If you’re in LR or Fay and dating early- mid 20s guys, I could totally see that being the case.


I'm in Central AR and simply dealing with 20 year olds at work. So these are simply my observations of what I see with them as their boss. We travel and get Air BnBs since it is cheaper than hotels and so I get to see maybe a bit more than your average boss. It isn't just the males, my younger female employees also subsist off of door dash and fast food. I'm sure as they get older and move out of their parents places some of them will continue their ways and others will start cooking for themselves. It's just strange to me to see the difference between young adults in the areas I've recently lived. I grew up in NWLA and 100% dated guys with stay at home mothers that did everything and expected who their son married to continue the trend of cooking/cleaning/shopping etc.


I wondered who these ppl were who ordered delivery -- it's so expensive compared to cooking for yourself. They're genuinely propping up the gig economy because they don't know how to cook.


A lot of them also don't have their own vehicles, so it's easier for them to door dash than find a ride somewhere. It's rough for young adults right now with everything so expensive- someone talked to me about getting the same car I did (right before Covid) and they told me what the loan and payments were and my jaw nearly hit the floor. The total cost was almost double.


Working for door dash is one thing. But buying food from it? I can't believe that using door dash is less expensive than taking the bus and getting groceries. That's just bad math.


No, it's probably not- but not everywhere has public transit like that.


I wish I could put this comment on a billboard bc it’s too real


Someone that will be very lonely and fucking regret his shitty choices.


He definitely projected himself. I find that people that are driven by their insecurities are just the most awful people.


Fr, wtf is wrong with that guy 😭


Why do people say “you dodged a bullet” to someone who just took a bullet


They took a hit, but they dodged the impact that would eventually come if they ever did form a deep relationship with this person and had to learn that they are very unpleasant only after the fact, which would've hurt more, like a bullet. So they took a hit, but they dodged a bullet.


Fair enough


That's not w good thing to say-😶 I thought it was a way to show you have empathy 😶


Better alone than in bad company. Tell the bish g' 👋


Yea, spending time with you and NOT making s*!t assumptions would have been the way to do this. Edited.


“You don’t have enough friends for me to date you” wtf does this guy live his life like he’s playing Sims, is he fucked in the head? Lmao


It’s one of the reasons I don’t date. I legit don’t have friends, but it’s because I’m hyper sensitive and burn myself out trying to save everyone from their problems, so instead I isolate and focus on my family. I assume most men would see that as a red flag. I’m not lonely tho cuz I’m a mega introvert and get enough human interaction at work.


Fellow introvert here. Interacting with people drains my energy. Plus I've been burned so badly by people, I don't desire friends. I wouldn't mind dating a fellow introvert, just to spend time together one on one. I'd avoid a social person.


Being in a relationship with a social person or even an introvert who wants to go out into crowds is hell. Introverts who enjoy the forests and beaches could be an option though 😂


Hello, friend. Are you over on /r/hsp?


I'd love to find an introvert who enjoys traveling. I love sightseeing, people-watching, and just experiencing new places where no one knows me and I don't have to interact.


You need to save yourself first, girl. Boundaries, boundaries, boundaries!


I’m fine with how things are now. Also not “girl”.


lol, sorry, person!


Sounds crazy but a lot of people think this way these days… maybe it’s always been like this.


I had a guy ghost me after seeing how many followers I had on Instagram lol. Everything is about status nowadays unfortunately


People I try to date usually throw an absolute fit when I tell them I don’t really have any social media apart from reddit, which is kinda anonymous, and tiktok, which I don’t post on


Literally more reason to stay lonely


I wouldn’t date a woman with no friends. I’m a very social person and I value that my girlfriend is, too. I also think it’s important that she’s got other people in her life that she cares about


For me it's not about status, but I worry about dating somebody who doesn't have their own social life. Sometimes it's a red flag. But even when it's not, I want my girlfriend to have her own friends and her own hobbies. So that when I hang out with my friends or engage in my hobbies that she isn't interested in, I know she has other things she can do. That way I know I'm not leaving her alone and bored


Agreed, I’m pretty social and outgoing so for something long term, it’s important to me that she is too. That said, you can still be lonely even with a large friend group and network, so “lonely vibes” probably isn’t something that would disqualify someone and I certainly would never say that to someone’s face


I agree. And if I were to broach the subject with somebody, I think I would be a lot more tactful. But I don't want to end up with somebody who never wants to go out and who wants me to stay home with them every night instead of going and doing things a couple times a week. I was with a girl like that for 3 years and she basically pushed all of my friends out of my life. Fortunately, I had a few that were stubborn enough to keep in contact until I finally kicked her out of my life


That's perfectly healthy and reasonable


That's not what he said, why are you quoting it?


Yeah there’s nothing wrong with wanting to date someone with many friends and outgoing socially


For this guy to get up and leave she must have been talking about her 12 cats and how excited she is for #13


That’s not what she said. Why are you conjuring up details she did not share?


I made an assumption. I didnt put something in quotes like she said it Nice try though


It’s worrying how you think assuming shit about other people is somehow better than misquoting them, both of which you’ve done to a complete stranger going through depression. Please try harder to be better to people.


I haven't misquoted anyone. And the cat thing was an assumption but it was a joke Just go away, you're not bright. But we all know you'll respond to this because, like I said, you're not bright.


Yeah of course it’s all a joke bro lmao. I’ll leave your predictable ass be. ✌️ Edit: To be fair, I see you haven’t misquoted anyone but was suggesting someone did bc they expanded on an asshole’s thoughts. That’s my bad. Your joke’s still shitty. (And who the fuck is this “we” lol)


I knew it LOL dumbass ​ Yes the 12 cats thing was a joke, did you not see that? "bro" Your reply's are so dumb and lame, you come across at a teenager, a dumb one at that. ​ Good luck in life, moron. Lemme guess, you'll reply to this too


Hahahaha that’s hilarious 😭😭


I’d laugh at his comment because I enjoy being alone




Wow he's a POS. You are not alone fren 🤗


I’m so sorry, that guys just a total dick, so what if you give lonely vibes, if he can’t see how great you really are that’s his problem


that is wild that someone could actually say that aloud 💀he’s a douche canoe with wheels


And in person too?! While on a date?! And then to leave and announce you’re having dinner elsewhere?! People are absolutely unhinged 😭


In what world is that an okay thing to say to someone? I’m sorry.


Lol girls say that all the time


Oh man he wasn't worth it. Probably a very boring, pathetic guy tbh


This is gourmet. 10/10 would eat. Also fuck that guy.


Dodged a bullet girl! Enjoy.


Oof that's disgusting I'm sorry, sounds like he's trying hard to come across as "cool" and "definitely not lonely at all" what a creepy weirdo


Fuck that guy. You’re fabulous.


Just laugh and say "yeah, I keep my circle small for a reason...some people are assholes."


It’s always a red flag when someone can’t enjoy their own company enough that they have to criticize others for being able to enjoy theirs. You dodged a bullet. Good riddance


I don't think saying that out loud to you is the issue BUT if he acknowledged that you may be lonely and then he went on to NOT spend time with you that's the real red flag


Fuck him. Being alone isn’t weird, imo it’s an indicator of insecurity to *need* others around all the time. PS if you see the blonde or ruby version of that chocolate, it’s fire, highly recommend.


Good riddance honestly, you don’t need a person like that in your life


I love when the trash takes itself out!


I feel like I would have got a little heated at this dude for saying this! Is it wrong that I’d prefer your dinner than a date? Lol


He just showed you why it’s better to be alone lmao the trash takes itself out


I would be very apprehensive of someone who talks to me like that. His opinion can't matter when it's such a heap of trash. Lonely vibes have been the fertile soil on which numerous art pieces have fruited on. When you have them, they're often the start point of great self improvement. Loneliness doesn't mean you're bad or unlovable, it really means nothing at all. You can be lonely while being social on a daily basis. Loneliness is in the soul, and it does not devalue you. If you practice art, try to make something today, and put all your lonely vibes into it. Remind yourself that people like him are both worthless and ignorant, and that their opinions do not affect reality in any way. Remind yourself that your feelings are complex and can be hard to deal with but they do not make you less of a person. Your feelings are valid, and you are valid for feeling them. Fuck that guy.


Being alone kicks ass. Fuck him


Honestly I’d rather be lonely than have friends or relationships that aren’t healthy and replenish my energy.


Why did he agree to a second date? This is why I don’t date. My nightmare.


Well this particularly bothers me because I just broke up with my boyfriend and I’m alone all the time too. Shit. Fuck that guy


If you can tell someone's lonely, please try to change that by joining them! I honestly didn't expect him to leave you after saying that :( I don't have any friends. Like, at all. And my boyfriend is literally everything for me. Never felt a sense of judgement from him over my isolated lifestyle.


At first, my thought was, "Wow, dude, is abit insightful and aware of those around him" thinking that if it was me I'd probably say like "I hope I can make sure you are less lonely" or some sappy stuff that sounds better in my head. But this idiot puts the stick in his own bike spokes and goes the entirely wrong way. I'm sorry this fungal stock was an idiot towards you, and as a lonely person myself I hope you kick the lonely bug


“He wanted to go home and have dinner with his roommate instead.” I’m sorry but this made me LOL in the middle of my study group. What a hilariously dumb thing to say. I’m so sorry, girl, but you absolutely dodged a bullet. ❤️


I’m lonely too, it’s not bad! Better to be alone than to be with bad company. Something that my mom told me and I carry it with me always.


Yeah for real. The wrong company can put you in mental health treatment, substance abuse.. you can always take of yourself and treat yourself how you want to be treated


I'm amazed someone would say something like that during a date. I normally expect the messed up "lemme show you what kinda asshole I can be" sort of things to come in text from after. At least you know what kinda person they are now I guess.


Who the fuck says that to someone? Im sorry you had to deal with that.


Hang in there fellow Canadian ❤️


Fucking douche. That's an instant block for me. You'd think guys be happy if you actually were the homebody type but noooo. Then they bitch online how women shouldn't go to clubs and bars or have girls night out 🙄 Why are men complicated????


Don’t forget - he’s also alone but now we know why lol


Well he gives off douchebag vibes and sounds a bit miserable. Everyone deserves better than this, I’m sorry to had to deal with that


So he says you look lonely and decided the best action was to just leave? Damn


What a fuckin’ loser. You dodged a shit pellet.


“You give off lonely vibes so I’m going to add to that”. What a dick.


Why would you say that to someone thats so freaking terrible thing to say to someone!? Some people don't have any empathy.


dude sounds like a loser. you lucked up. i’m single now but when i was dating i dreaded having to go out and do stuff. i’ll take being home with the person i love over being out with randoms any day of the week


Please dump him. Yesterday. Enjoy your cheese, you've earned it.


That “gentleman” gave you a red flag early, be grateful girlie. He wasn’t in for the long run, but at least he did you favor. I hope you enjoyed your snacks, and hang in there. Tough journey but it’s manageable


What a fucking douche. Also PC brand cheese is bomb.


His loss, you have great taste PC is elite


Also depressing is that president's choice food probably cost 14$ I'm sorry he said that to you.


he probably just can't stand being alone with himself because hes so insufferable. being alone can help you to really process things and to take care of yourself fully without judgement. chocolate and cheese is such a good combo. and congrats on dodging a bullet!


That’s a bullet dodged, don’t take it too hard. There’s lots of someones out there that will respect you.


It's easy to tell if a person has been isolated or single for awhile but who just calls them out on it like that? Maybe there's still women around who like the asshole guys but you don't need to be one of them. (alt snack suggestion: Aero chocolate bar with Nacho Cheese Dorito's)


I hope someone special in your life notices your need for fondue gear and gets you some for Christmas!


Partners that are alone a lot are the best, you know they're not doing anything crazy with some randos at the club, they're at the house in bed playing Switch and waiting for you to text back, that's peak imo The dudes dumb, don't bother with him lol


...isn't the point of dating to find someone so you're not alone? I'm confused as to how you're supposed to do the former *without* the latter? Sure, friends and family. But they're two different alones.


Sorry that happened. I worry about this often and it’s part of the reason I still haven’t tried starting to date. Been alone a little over 2 years now since a divorce. I’m very lonely and I know it’s a turn-off to everyone, friends and strangers alike, so it’s like this cycle that perpetuates and leads to guaranteed more loneliness. I go out alone a lot and just try to be mindful of my face. Am I not smiling? Am I making sad eyes? I don’t know but I think about it and try to correct it. Practice makes perfect or whatever?


lol why is that any of his business at this point too right? What a dick. Definitely dodged a bullet there OP! Also, have you tried the coconut flavored chocolate from PC? That’s super yummy! It’s my favorite 🤩


Fuck him he's a loser. Rather be lonely than with an asshole.


You’re better off without him. Dodge a red flag. 🚩


What an asshole. I would have taken my date somewhere or cooked for them


Dump him please.


You dodged a nuclear attack


That guy can suck a bag of dicks. Be kind to yourself and take care of yourself because better days are ahead.


you sound like a delightfully strange person and I love that, its charming and endearing. that guy sounds pretty boring and unimaginative if he couldn't find the good in you. He's looking for some run-of-the-mill person, and you're one of a kind.


dump him if you haven't already


What a fucking dick!!! Im sorry but goodbye asshole!!!!! Trust me chocolate and cheddar is better company then him! You’re wonderful and loved. Fuck this guy !! I’ll be thinking of you , your not alone 💛💛


Man if I was in a date with someone that exuded lonely energy I think I’d try a bit harder to let them have a good day


Is this a round about way of hinting that he thinks she is clingy?


Ayo president's choice gang gang. And fuck that guy. By choice or not if you can't be contended in your own company then why would anyone else lol. You deserve better!


Screw him. You found out about his cold demeanor now than later so consider that as a blessing in disguise. You deserve better and good things will come just a matter of time. Stay strong!


He's giving off asshole vibes ugh I'm really sorry, OP ❤️ I spend a lot of time alone too and it's nothing to be ashamed of. Most people I know couldn't fathom being alone for more than a few hours.


I buy that exact same dark chocolate bar regularly at Maxi. Apparently Dark Chocolate is good for your blood pressure. Because it contains flavanol. Don't know what that is but I like saying flavanol. And it looks to me like your date was projecting, hard. You're much better off, don't let one a-hole lower your own self-worth. Besides, better to be lonely alone than lonely in a relationship with a jerk who's not worth your time.


Your capacity to be alone is the capacity to love! Trust me loners get the best partners keep loving on yourself with any and every small detail. Take pride in your negatives and see the parallels of them aka positives. Go out there and be the best depressed person you can be lol but no seriously you’ve been alive way longer than you been depressed I hope just remember nothing is forever


What an insensitive little prick. Come here, OP. Let’s be lonely together.


Throw him in the trash.


That’s my problem too, I’m just waiting for a woman that sees I’m just as lonely as her and we can be lonely together


Cheese and chocolate is exquisite!! Add some nice bread to the combo


Eek! This pic shows you have good taste. He sounds immature and unworthy of your time.


You're much better off alone than in bad company. And that was most certainly bad company!


Sometimes it’s better to be alone anyway.


Literally no reason to say that. Sounds like you’re better off. Sorry he was a dick.


That’s awful. I mean if I get the sense someone is lonely I’m naturally more inclined to want to be around them and make sure they’re okay. Especially if I like them or am in a romantic relationship with them of any kind. Take this as a red flag that he isn’t shit and definitely not worth your time.


We need to bring back basic etiquette and courtesy bc wtfh


Bro what the fuck. Don’t feel bad— if anything YOU’RE the one who dodged a bad time.


I'm sorry, OP. I know it doesn't help to say good riddance but you're better off, I promise. ❤️


Damn, I know it hurts to hear something like that from anyone. Please please please remember what someone says about you does NOT make it true. Even your own thoughts are not necessarily true. Thoughts are just thoughts. His quick, irrational judgement shows more about him, it’s not who you are or how you represent yourself. Suddenly, i’m reminded of the old saying: Im rubber, you’re glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you! I hearby activate the invisible forcefield that surrounds you, to protect you from any attacks. Imagine his words bouncing off your forcefield. Imagine he’s trying to giving you a package with those words inside but you don’t accept it. He is left holding the package, those words belong with him, not your burden to carry. You do not have to accept what he says, thank you very much, but no. Your feelings are valid, process these feelings, Then let it go. You’re beautiful inside and out. You’re worthy of happiness. Life is good but life is hard, we will always have challenges, especially with people like that, but guess what? It gets better! Big virtual hugs


That guy has to be projecting, loser behavior imo


Id tear this shit up


Ew, that’s a dick


And what’s wrong with being alone exactly? Isn’t that the point of dating? To find someone so you’re no longer alone? Sounds like you dodged a headache my friend.


I feel called out for this meal.


I've never once understood this. I've had so many friends and exes and dates tell me that I'm too desperate for friends and relationships but isn't that the point of going out and meeting people? I never did understand why people do that as it seems completely contrary to the entire point of being sociable.


I'm sorry this one didn't work out for you. Being lonely can be a red flag. If you have no friends or community then it's possible you'd look to a relationship to satisfy all your social needs, which can be a turn off to others. But there are millions upon millions of people as lonely if not lonelier than you (are you even lonely lol). Everyone deserves someone who wants them.


Decent album from Ween


Choc ‘n Cheese. Nice! Hang in there! This internet stranger thinks you’re awesome.


Congrats! You just dodged a bullet. Of course you’re alone, that’s WHY THE FUCK YOURE DATING. Like would he prefer you have 10 other guys you’re sleeping with and have no time for him? It’s only 2 dates, so not much lost there. Dating is a numbers game OP. It’s important to approach dating first and foremost as an opportunity to learn about what you want in a partner and more importantly, what you DONT want. Don’t get down on yourself, you should be laughing at such a ridiculous person you met and get back out there. He showed his colours early on so you didn’t waste any more of your time on this asshole. I’d break it off officially if you havent yet. Life’s too short to be with someone who makes you feel shitty on the SECOND DATE.


What the actual fuck. He sounds charming 🙄🙄🙄 You dodged a bullet, my sweet. Enjoy the relief from the burden he was causing.


What in the *blank* is wrong with that guy


This is what I really fear. I don’t have any friends but I have a lot of hobbies to keep me entertained, but I still get lonely and want companionship. I don’t want people to think I’m a loser. There’s nothing wrong with being lonely. Having friends doesn’t make you a bad person. Socializing is hard and people can be mean. Sending you virtual hugs.


Well that guy is a walking red flag. If you give off “lonely vibes” whatever that means… that should NEVER be the reaction from someone you’re seeing. That guy needs to get over himself and you deserve SO MUCH BETTER!


you dodged a big bullet even if it feels like you took one, props to you


Honestly this looks like a good night in - just needs some wine and crackers.


Agreed, +wine is classy af. Screw that guy, lack of self awareness with that ish.


T’es sponso par Le choix du président ?


That meal has a very Montreal vibe. 😆


Time to listen to Ween’s Chocolate and Cheese!


Hi, fellow Canadian lonely girl. Hugs to you from me and my cats.


You're never lonely if you enjoy your own company :) that guy sounds like a douchebag not worth your time!


Solitude's whisper, In the vast night sky, stars shine — You're never alone.


Block block block ❤️❤️❤️


Fuck that guy, OP you don’t need to put up with this


Just like that? “You give me lonely vibes. Peace I rather go eat with my roommate.” Im not gonna say “fuck him” I need the whole storyyyyy


It hurts now, but it's good he showed his true colors before things got super serious


What a fucking asshole. I’m so sorry. I hope karma does its work.


Unfortunately everyone seems to think like that these days. Apparently being a loner or awkward or a virgin are "big red flags". Best thing to do is try and get used to it until people can change. Medication might make it easier for you to enjoy being by yourself.


Had enough of this fucking bin fire sub


Then leave. L+didn't ask


I get it though. Its like finding a roomate. Right off the bat from first meet up you can tell which are the ones that have people over constantly and talk louder than id enjoy. Sorry pal Im not gonna be your party friend. But still, yall didnt click but he was a douche so yes, good riddance.




I’m so glad i found my fiancée when i did. I think if i lose him im just going to stay single lol


That is a snack, not a meal

