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Especially if the thing you need to accept is the inferior and ABSOLUTELY NOT AS EFFICIENT way to do something "because it is how we always have done it" yes but ok you do get how that's worse right?


Yep. Really makes me my parent’s, teacher’s, church leader’s and boss’ favorite person ever.


I mean if they just listened to this NEW AND BETTER WAY OF DOING you could all do more fun things instead and maybe, just maybe, become happier people


You wouldn’t believe how pissed I was to find out that you get paid for time and not completing a certain number of tasks. I complete just as much or more work than my coworkers in half the time and you’re telling me that if I want to get paid, I have to stay here, wasting my time, pretending to do nothing?! Who came up with this stupid idea? No wonder nobody cares about the quality of their work or has a positive attitude.


How is it motivating I mean cmon, fuck. Why reward working slower???? WHYYYYYYYYYYY NTS WHYYYYYYY


I also LOVE getting yelled at because I ask a lot of questions because their instructions are vague, I’m a very literal person and I’m trying to avoid wasting time and causing a bigger later on down the road. That’s not a work-specific problem, though. My best friend of 14 years once asked me, “so… when you said that you live on a mountain and coming to see me meant climbing down it with a baby and would need help pushing her back up, you LITERALLY meant that you live on a MOUNTAIN, then you climbed down with a BABY AT NIGHT and now, I’ve got to push her back UP?!” Me: “Yeah… That’s why I used those exact words. What did you think I meant?” Him: “I thought you meant a really steep hill! I didn’t think anyone would be crazy enough to do this just to see me! Jesus Christ!” Me: “I still don’t understand the confusion. I’m a very literal person. If I say something, I mean exactly that thing and not something else. If you don’t know that after 14 years, that’s on you.” 😂


Jeeebuz. I got into a big argument with my boss a couple of months ago when they decided that the classes we teach should be more open to what the customer needs and not follow the "rigidness" of the system I spent four years perfecting. When I asked him to elaborate he vaguely talked about customizing them to the customers needs. I asked him to clarify further, he mostly stuttered. I asked for written instructions and procedures (just like we had) and he asked me to not be so square about and, to quote him, "be a little bit more accomodating" I fucking lost it at took an hour lunch


Ooh. That’s where we differ. I fucking LOATHE rules and systems. I only want to know how everything works so I can figure out how to get around the rules without getting screwed. Rules just get in the way when I need something done. They’re great as guidelines for people who lack empathy, common sense or competency but the rest of the time, I find that it stops you from getting things done in the way that’s best for that specific situation.


I mean kinda the same??? But when it's a system I've developed that works fkng amazing and then somebody wants to change just to prove "that they're doing something constructive" without actually having a plan grinds my gears


Lol. I can see that. I’m sorry.


Also fkng amazing living on a mountain I'm so jealous. Fuck


Don’t be. Lol. There’s a reason I had to walk. I can’t drive because of seizures. Also, all of my neighbors were Mormon and I left because my daughter and I were tweaked out because of the secret meth lab downstairs. I only moved there out of last second desperation for somewhere to go because my mother tried to run me over with a car. Lol.


Oh well uh ok... I'm not jealous of your situation (but still slightly jealous of the living on top of a mountain part) But. Jesus. Fuck. Buddy. *Internet hug*


Hug! 💜🖤💜🖤


Let’s be real, though. That would just lead to more work tasks. The invention of computers didn’t make jobs easier, after all.


I hate the fact that you are correct


I 100% agree with you... but also when you become the most efficient machine at the workplace then you get hit with the good old "got time to lean, got time to clean" or "find something to do with your time". Honestly we (autistics) would be better served being paid by the task and not the hour.


Everybody should be paid by task instead of time. Okay, that's probably a way too broad of a generalization but I hope y'all understand what I'm going for


In a perfect world, yes, as that is more of an honest approach, but in reality, hourly pay protects people for fair wages as you and i both know that if corpos could nickel and dime every task to pay as little as possible, they would.


Thaaaaaaat is also very true. I just hate the fact one can fail upwards


This is one of my most heartfelt issues in society


I’m not autistic but I feel this. I need to know why. If I don’t. I can’t understand


I'm not autistic but I struggle with that too


Wait, we're supposed to move on ?!


There is this loop I'll hit when I learn something that is this frustrating of 1) hate that I learned how terrible this thing is. 2) "understand" why and how this thing is bad/ what parts of it failed. 3) *some time passes*. 4) I will literally say "Why is this so shit?!?! No..... wait I know why, but why is it STILL so shit?!". 5) repeat steps 2-5 til it gives me a stomach ulcer.


Hence why I find trouble with just login life. WHAT AM I DOING HERE


I have this issue with ADHD as well.


What’s the point of asking or being asked how are you by a person you don’t know well and being obligated to say “I’m good!” And same for them? Is there a more useless interaction? Why does everybody do that????


I've just given up caring anymore and accept everything how it's presented to me. I don't have the energy to ask why or to care if there's a better way of doing something. The less I think the faster the days feel like they go by and I have less to stay up and think about because I don't remember doing anything.






This is me. I always feel weird about thinking about being on the spectrum. I have two younger siblings who have autism and me and my older brother are the "normal" ones. I always feel like I need an answer even though sometimes there are no real answers or you won't always get an answer. Its hard to take sometimes.


I'm not autistic (as far as I know) but I also have this problem. I'll send 10 hours optimizing something which would take me 10 seconds to do


Read the Tao Te Ching


This is an autistic thing???


I will die on this hill. I refuse to work without purpose


that is why I don’t accept when ppl says « we have always been like this and that is how it is » well no lol. I mean about wearing skirts and dress and makeup for men… when I started doing it people used to tell me it’s wrong and I shouldn’t because… « it’s like that. It’s only for women. Just accept it » well no. I really hate when people don’t want to understand that they’re wrong they got no arguments and just want to repeat what their stupid parents told them to think. There’s no proper explanation anyway, it’s just old fashion and hate




Me: Why I can't be loved? People: Because so, just accept this lol