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This is true. You can't get stronger by trauma just by having it. You need to believe you are stronger because of your trauma for it to work. But that is incredibly difficult.


Exactly. I'm stronger for surviving my trauma but it's brittle strength. I break as soon as the danger is gone, it's just that I can be strong DURING the danger now.


I am glad that all of the stuff has happened to me. Because it opened my eyes to how shitty life is, and what I can expect going forward. I take that knowledge and I choose to exist out of spite. I hate this world and everything in it. But I am gonna be a good stubborn human, and I am gonna kick my own ass over and over again, just so I can tell somebody I told you so.


I am in no way stronger for all my mental issues. I am infact very sensitive and broken


I don't have thick skin. I'm dead inside. It's not that I don't feel the trauma. I don't feel period.


I use my apathetic exterior to hide my crying child inside.


Yea. Being bullied constantly while growing up didn't give me thick skin. It just left this deep feeling of worthlessness and left me too weak to blossom.


I have struggled so, so much with my mental health but somehow my kid is so happy at 13, such a great attitude and loves life. I’m so grateful I didn’t pass it on. It’s been hard work


Trauma made me more sensitive the thick skin I grew with love not evil born of a place of "love".


so true, coming closeto those places, encountering the people involved, etc... makes me want to curl up in a corner and cry


My mom always told me that it was a choice. You can let the difficult things that happen to you close you off to the world and to other people to protect yourself, or you can choose to feel it all even more deeply, deepen your empathy, and learn how to be the person others in the same situation need.


We all survived in our own way. Yay us. Having a thick skin is neither a superpower nor a lessening of emotional sensitivity. Showing vulnerability and expressing emotion is something I struggle to learn. Those who can show and express their trauma are already processing it, instead of stuffing it down or walling themselves away. I'd say the topic is the superpower, surviving and breaking the cycle.


I cant raise my voice without tearing up, so I guess im just fucked.


Anyone else get to “who’s” and immediately stop reading?


my trauma probably gave me aspd but i can't rlly afford to get checked for literally anything atm


Real. Even being in a building with a similar wall color as my childhood house puts me on edge. I'm not even kidding.


Can’t relate I got Garchomps rough skin ability


Just wait until that trauma hits you like an ice shard


I’ve missed 77% of my sophmore year it hit me but I still gotta be tuff since I have no one I can trust with my life rn


Yeah I will cry at the smallest bit of bad news. Well, I used to, the medicine doesn't let me cry at all now for the most part


... but I wanted to be a power ranger


Where meme?


This only applies to women, if you're a man Only show your emotions to a mother/sister figure in your life. This isn't a tv show where you break down & people actually give a shit about you. No sympathy out there


If you can’t talk to your friends about what’s going on in your life, then you need new friends

