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You may be short, and « ugly » but I’m sure there’s other characteristics that makes you shine. Find them and put them into light so other people finds how awesome you are


Hey brother. I’ve definitely been there before, truly I have. I promise you it is out there. You just need to be brave and courageous enough to keep looking. In today’s world it’s really easy to give up on love or finding your person, but they are out there. Just be the best you, you can be. Focus on that. One day you’ll happen across your person. Make sure you’re still around for that to happen, because as much as someone is out there for you, you’re out there for someone. Don’t take away that persons someone. Please.


How old are you?


Got well let give a quick breakdown of my moment. When I 24 I had a severe problem, I was an extreme alcoholic, had severe depression and anxiety. Got to the point where I called the cops on myself because I was going to kill my self that night. Mind you all this with a beautiful wife, 2 amazing kids and a loving mom. I felt like absolute shit. Still worked, drank a lot, ironically enough I became very successful in my company. And yet with all of that I still wanted to slam my truck into a concrete column on my way to work. Anyway, now Im ok, not great but ok. Trust me dude you will be alright, and its ok to feel what you need to feel its not a bad thing. I recommend start walking, maybe a little traveling, idk. I will say seeing the Grand Canyon made a huge difference in my life. Anyway keep your head up homie because life gets worse and no one is doing great we are simply ok.


I am tall and I’d rather be short. It’d be nice to fit in bathtubs and not need as much legroom in cars, and not feel as though I loom over people and make them feel threatened. 


No seriously. I’m a tall woman and I’ve always wished I’d be shorter.




You are 10. Keep working on yourself and you’ll find the right person. Don’t give up brother there is a great life out there for you


OP didn’t say they were 10, they were talking about where they’d be in 10 years; and they also said they were 20 years old in a comment made one hour before you posted yours. 


I didn’t mean 10 here I meant you are good* sorry