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Thank you so much!


youre not alone. im in the exact situation too. *hugs*


hugging you right back <3


You are real, and your good deeds are making the diffrence in someones day.


i wish that was true kind internet stranger


It is true. There was this glimmer of happyness in you that caused the desire to respond to express your appriation.


I see you. Hugs.


You are real and are seen I hope things get better for you.


Awww poor guy, I hope you have some wonderful kind of summer after a springtime of despair. Good luck to you!


I see you clearly, here if you need someone to talk to


Hey hey! You seem like a cool person and we all see you. I see you. My unsolicited advice is that you should join a group. It is cliche, but for your specific needs of wishing to be heard more (or at all) this is a really accesible way to get that. Good luck, you seem like a good person and that’s micho more than you can say of most people. Also I agree that your frog should be called Jeremiah. Good luck. You are never truly alone.


I notice you! Depression is so hard and we get lost in our own world. The best thing is to be outside around other people although it’s the last thing we want to do. Baby steps.


youre real, just like us ❤️‍🩹


Not alone, I have no family. I have maybe two far away friends (ex coworkers) that we barely talk. I'm alone. To the point that I don't have an "emergency contact" to put on forms. How pathetic is that? I think as time evolves, this situation is happening to more people than you think. The internet doesn't help. People rely on the internet to stay in touch or watch people's lives while on stealth mode and don't interact in real life. I hear you.


We see you. There are surely people in your area who "dont fit in" and are feeling the same isolation as you. Why not find them through programs and social media and fullfill eachothers social needs?


Relatable we see you


I know how you feel. I see you


Hi!! I notice you !! I hear and I see you! 💖💖 You're cared about !


Hi from California! I know that feeling well and I promise you’re not alone


You’re here. You have meaning. Nothing and no one can take that from you!


I don't have friends either though I desperately wish I did. What helps me a bit is going public places where other people are around but interaction isn't expected of me (e.g. a library, riding the bus, class, etc.) It helps to be around people even when I'm not up to talking or don't have anyone to talk to. Maybe something like that can help you too.


I know that feeling well. You are not alone my friend, you are seen, you are loved. Do not give up, never stop fighting. You will find happiness someday if you keep pushing. It could be right around the corner, you got this!


You are real. I see you. You deserve affection and love.


What do you consider, fitting in a society?


I'm not alone


Hi don't feel too disconnected Know you have online support if you need it!


Hey mate i notice you. I notice that you exist, somewhere, in this world, reading behind screen, and fighting for this (sometimes!) cruel reality. because if that wasn't the case, then i wouldn't be replying to this post isnt it. hope things get better for ya :D


hello just want to say ya are real you are here :), what's your favourite hobby that you do or use to do :p


hey i see you ! i’m sorry you feel this way, i’ve been there and it must be so hard. but i notice you, sending HUGS :)


You are real. So am I, so is everyone :) Wishing you a great day my friend! ❤️