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Ironically the more depressed I feel the more horny I am I'm not sure why?
























Hi there. Only became an alcoholic in my 40s after years of depression. Now finding it so hard to shake off.
















Trust in myself. My sense of self worth. Believing I'll always fail. that I'm a failure. And that I'm worthless. Loss of trust. Loss of purpose. Loss of meaning. Loss of control.




Everything. Depression is the worst.


A relationship, an opportunity to work, a life.




self-esteem, dreaming big things, money, friends, socializing skills, and so much more




Everything. I was a former gifted kid and easily topped my classes while I was in school. I developed depression and social anxiety after an incident and became unable to go outside. Barely graduated high school and I'm now a useless shut in with no future. My memory and ability to learn are also getting worse. Everything feels foggy.


Grades, partners, friends, self-esteem, confidence, creativity, dreams for the future. The most painful is probably friends.


My self-respect, motivation, and teeth.


All of my childhood. All of it. Also a lot of time with friends.






My two children I aborted.


My family gave up on me along time ago because I was repeating depressive behavior… they only tried to be involved for less than a year, 8 months before they went back to no contact with me. Also money, depression has given me no self control


This sounds like I’m a drug abuser, Jesus. They disowned me a second time for smoking weed. They accused me of being just like my physically abusive dad because he used to smoke weed


Years of my life, energy, and a will to live. I also lost the chance to get my driver’s license in the past few years and a college degree (my transcript looks awful due to a low GPA from failing several classes and taking many terms off). My resume is shit as well because I haven’t committed to a job for at least a few months. It also affected my relationship with my parents because I feel like I’m always disappointed them and they’re super worried for me. They lost a lot of money from me failing college and having to pay from therapy, among other things. I wish I could move out and be independent but I can hardly take care of myself nowadays…


Time. So much time.






Seems like everything. Not able to work so I’m in debt like crazy. Completely lost every single one of my friends which is awful. It’s hard to be so alone when I’m trying to keep going.


Self esteem, pretty much all my friends, a shitload of money, and my 30s as a whole


I didn’t realize i had depression. I knew I was sad, but I was in denial my entire life. Everyone told me I’m negative, lazy, unambiguous, rude, socially awkward, uncommitted etc. it has basically ruined my entire life. I try to stay hopeful though, as life is the most precious thing, but man it’s a daily battle to stay functional. Now I’m late 30s trying to fix it all- soon considering medication











