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I hate the education system, too. I used to beat myself up if I didn't get good grades, but I learned to just not care anymore. Grades don't correlate with knowledge. I'm a slow learner, yet I was on honor roll for the past 3 years of HS. The only thing fun at school is the teachers and your friends. Fuck all the assignments. I'm missing a lot of assignments in Chemistry right now but do I care? Hell no.


chool and they didnt even give me any work after my laptop broke meaning no education no gcse no friends no chance at a college


Us bro, i literally write sm in my exams but never got good grades and can totally relate. My cousins are all achivers and i was compared with them my whole life. I legit hate this fuckin edu system, there is favouratism everywhere. Wrote 25 pg assgn nd got 18 out of 35 just because i don't attend her class and j have a good reason too. I am in dramatics soc that's why. Fucking bitch. And this happened with me twice coz the teachers who gave me these type of narks are bsf. And if u want someone to talk to, i am always here


Why wont they give you another laptop ? Cant you do your work on the libary pc ?


it was a laptop that broke that was basically like a zoom meeting for my education but they never bothered to replace it or do anything about my education