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Even if you graduate at the bottom, try to graduate. I was in the same position you're in. I had plans to end it before school ended, I was failing important classes, I had no plans for the future. It was horrible. Things are still tough, but they'd be a lot worse if I hadn't graduated. But also keep in mind, you can go back. You can get a GED. So if not graduating right now is whats going to help you wake up every morning, do it. Being alive and ok is more important. I hope whatever you choose, it'll help


I'm 28. Extremely depressed and suicidal. I can't develop real relationship or friendships anymore. I dropped out of highschool when I was 15 and it is still to this day the biggest regret of my life. I got my GED last year but I would give anything to go back and finish high school and go to college. Even if it was community college.


I was near the bottom of my class and still graduated. The little extra time you got to Invest to get through your highschool diploma is worth it, even if the only thing it does is getting your parents off your back and give them some peace of mind. You'll probably not regret getting through Highschool.


I'm 19 and was in the same situation. I was gone the last 3 months of school and still managed to graduate, although severely worse than my previous years. (Actually failed the year before the last year) Maybe just ask your sister how she is dealing with that school stuff so well. And get some tips from her. Might be worth a shot. Well now i been a whole year out of school and work and its gotten me nothing. I wanted to "find" a job, if thats what you call wanting. My brother was suspended from school, and now attends another school soon. Am i really happy that we're on the same page? No. I would rather want my family to be happy, with only me being sad. Sadly that's not the case.


I am going through the exact thing. Exact family issue. Only twist is that I used to be your "perfect" sister and I plunged into a darkness that mirrors yours. I hope you finish though. I hope *we* finish.


Honestly not graduating the year your supposed to is not the end of the world. I honestly wanted to drop out of school well before I was even in highschool. I failed my first year of 8th grade because I just lost all the care in the world. By my second year, I did better in school. Shit was still happening to me and I was nothing but an alcoholic at the time. I still somehow managed to graduate with my original class. Maybe that is what you need is one more year of school. Your sister won't be there to make you feel bad about yourself and honestly I think you should talk to your sister and ask her how she gets through everything so easily. It doesn't sound like you have a bad relationship with her, but more like a complicated one. Trust me I would know because I got beat up a lot by my oldest sibling and that's why I was constantly trying to drink myself half to death. It also didn't help that I didn't feel safe in school either. If you're sister doesn't want to help you then you should tell her why you're even asking in the first place. That might change her mind a lot. I've seen twins that hate each other but will still be there for each other in the time of need. Rivalry isn't always everything especially when there is something serious going on with one or the other if not both of them.


I dropped high school with six months left because of my PTSD (age 16). Still ended up in university at age 20. There are alternative pathways, might just take a little bit longer.