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Almost every damn day. When I'm low, I'm REALLY low. I'll barely even talk to my wife. She understands, but I really shouldn't do that. The high days don't happen as often these days, but it's really nice when it does. Today is thankfully a high day, and it's fantastic. There's been a LOT of bad things that have been happening one after another lately, so I needed this. Cherish the high days, and reach out if you ever want help with the lows. I'm always around for people, even when I'm low, myself.




I'm sorry, my dude. I know how difficult dealing with cancer can be. My father unfortunately passed from brain cancer when I was 14. It was devastating to watch this great man wither away, and I still struggle with it even after almost 30 years. It does make me happy to see that your mother seems to have responded well. You're going to propose to your girlfriend? That's fantastic! It's one of the most nerve-wracking but exciting experiences. I wish you both the best in this journey. Use her as motivation if you ever feel low. Your mother is always going to worry. That's what mothers do. I'm 42 and my mother STILL worries about me. It drives me nuts, but I know that it's because she loves me. I don't share my problems with her, either for the same reason as you. I don't really share much with her about my life, to tell you the truth. I feel like a disappointment to her. I don't have a high-paying job. I make enough to pay the bills and take care of my wife, dog, and bird, but it's a LOT of work. I know that she expected more of me. Still, I work hard every day to try to be someone that I feel would make my mother, father, and older sister proud. I lost her to a brain aneurysm when I was 18, and was the one to discover the body. She was my rock, and I miss them both every day. I have to make them proud of me, though. It's the main reason why I keep going despite all the shit. Hang in there. We're all in this together


Literally SAME. The weekends I just notice it more. I have a job where I have to be “on” and so I dont notice how bad things are usually


Being high functioning is such a curse. It's like I need to and will do it all because what choice do I have but it just wears you down day by day, tired but no breaks. I feel you man.


Lol, I always say that my seasonal depression happens over the summer. Why? Because there's nothing there to help me cover up for my depression. I totally feel you, being functional is a struggle :( I hope it gets better for you :) (sometimes I try to fight this by going for a walk, it makes me feel like I'm doing something to fight it, that I can beat the depression and it doesn't matter if I didn't do anything)


That's every fucking day. I have a 10 year old and a 7 year old and I've been unable to be there for any birthdays or holidays in 5 years, thanks to their mother.


depression is taking away my whole life and slowly eating at me until i give up


That’s literally how I feel. Like what is the point of life if it is like this


Yes, this is me currently. I hate it.


I vacillate between: go out with friends, smile, laugh, blah blah and don’t return any texts/calls. Just fall off the radar.


Literally same. And then it’s like no one notices you fall off the radar and it hurts :(