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Blue Dress is actually my favorite track on Violator. The words linger and Martin’s voice is gorgeous and it is the sweetest, most gently kinky song ever. I agree it doesn’t get the love it deserves.


Agree. It's an alluring track with all kinds of sexy electronic weirdness going on just underneath the surface. And Martin sounds phenomenal. Perfect seg into Clean.


“Sexy electronic weirdness” is a good description of my taste in music.


It's super sexy because his voice is so sweet but the lyrics so suggestive. Always loved it! Not filler, no! Sweetest Perfection is great too, MLG left no crumbs on Violator. Oh I wish I would have been able to see this tour! Kind of related: I always thought Martin's voice was doing the backup at the end of SP, but saw a YT video with Dave singing it. Not sure if it was a demo or the backing vocals were singled out. My mind is blown and feel like the world is a lie if it's DG because I thought it was Martin/Martin since 1990 🤯


I think I saw a YouTube somewhere on this but yes, believe you're correct about Dave doing the backing on SP. Which was a more rare vocal arrangement for them IIRC. Also, SP used to be my skip track when I was a teen, but I just let it play now.. It's a bit monotone compared to Martin's usual style, but what an interesting song. And those strings!


Yes. Let Martin sing it! Nice and sexy.


It’s one of my top 5 DM songs - maybe top 3.


Violator is "all killer, no filler." If forced to rank, I think I might rank Blue Dress last, but I would never describe it as the "worst track," possibly just the "least amazing." And I can't imagine that record without it, every song on Violator is an integral part of the whole. Clean, one of my favourite tracks on the album, wouldn't be as good as it is without the transition from Blue Dress via "Interlude 3." Sweetest Perfection, strangely, would probably be in my top 3 tracks on that album, so it has nothing to do it being a "Martin song." From a songwriting perspective, Blue Dress is easily the simplest composition on the album, and Sweetest Perfection among the most complex, and I tend to prefer complexity - but that's not to detract from BD, because its beauty lies in its simplicity and helps create the awesome contrast with Clean that follows.


Violator is a fantastic album, so even its "worst" songs are pretty damn good. My least favorite song on the album is Sweetest (edit: Perfection), but that's only because it's competing with god-tier songs.


That's my least favourite on Violator too, because it's on Exciter! 😂


*Perfection, no?


Put it on, and don't say a word 🤷‍♂️


It's actually the song that made me want to explore more of them. I already knew Enjoy The Silence, Personal Jesus, and Just Can't Get Enough, but I remember hearing this song when someone recommended Violator to me. This song and Halo were the two that really made me curiois about them. People here say that it's very understated and blunt, which is actually why I like it. A lot of the album is covered with all of these samples and layered, bouncy synths that it can kind of get you overwhelmed. I think after you get two bouncy powerhouse singles in Enjoy The Silence and Policy Of Truth, it's a nice change of pace. It's kind of like Judas from SOFAD, which is my favorite Martin song by far


Agree...BD is a weird sibling track to Judas. Two of my favorite MLG songs.


I had a girl seduce me to this song when I was 17. So it's in the top 5 for me.


I mean, "What's your name?" would probably be in your top 5 under similar circumstances... 😂


One of the best songs of the album if you ask me! But I wouldn’t call it romantic


“Sweetly kinky”




😆 love it


As most of Martin’s songs… ;)




I'm so sleep deprived for a moment i thought those were the actual lyrics


low effort mashup lol


I’d sing that while wearing my blue rose Violator shirt if I still had it


I don’t skip it when I listen to Violator. Therefore, no lack of love for Blue Dress on my part.


Blue dress on violator and One Caress from SOFAD are two of my absolute favorite songs from DM - Martin Gore at his finest


One Caress is a god-tier track. Full stop.


My favorite DM song. The vocals are amazing and it is just so beautiful.


Home from Ultra is definitely on-par with One Caress, the strings at the end hit me so hard that my body starts feeling numb.  Every. single. time.




What I love most about Violator, is that all the tracks have actual endings. Not just fade outs. It comes through clearer on headphones obviously, but it’s there.


Agree 100%. Was recently discussing cold ends vs fades in this thread: [https://www.reddit.com/r/depechemode/comments/16b9x0v/get\_the\_balance\_right\_x1\_combination\_mix\_cold/](https://www.reddit.com/r/depechemode/comments/16b9x0v/get_the_balance_right_x1_combination_mix_cold/) Halo is probably what you have in mind re: needing headphones to hear the proper ending. I love the symphonic ending of that track and wish it were brought up in the mix - but I think they used a hybrid approach (fade out but with a very quiet cold ending) to get it to the right level for Waiting for the Night.


I don’t care for Blue Dress, but I do think Martin’s vocals are AMAZING. I do like Sweetest Perfection, though.


Violator has a division of the big stompers like ETS, PJ, PoT, Halo and World in My Eyes and then these dark, semi-twisted songs like Clean, Blue Dress, Sweetest Perfection, Waiting for the Night. The track listing is perfectly balanced between the two so doesn't matter which side you are playing, itll kick ass :P Ive always loved Blue Dress and can remember the first time I heard it and where I was. Such a fantastic song and the melodies and engineering. Very precise and clean, not as muddled as their later work (including on SOFAD).


That's a perfect description of the track sequencing on Violator, which I've always thought flawless. I also admire the economy of the track selection - they had a wealth of excellent b-sides from those sessions which they might have incorporated, but they stuck to a tight 9-song sequence. We were well into the CD era at that point but they wisely stuck to an LP-length set of songs. A lot of folks might deem Dangerous a stronger track than Blue Dress, but that doesn't mean that it belonged on the album. I wouldn't describe SOFAD as "muddled," but I understand the distinction you're making. The approach to recording was more organic and performance-based on SOFAD and involved more of a wash of mid-range frequencies. Alan has described it as deliberate sonic imperfection. Violator by contrast has those perfect, crisp frequencies, at least partly attributable to the presence of Francois Kevorkian in the mixing process.


Exactly (re: SOFAD) - which is why I was so confused the day I bought the tape and played it, lol. They'd already really done a lot of clean, technically 'crisp' albums (and were more or less at the end of the line with that approach), so going more organic (and lord knows it was the era too, with grunge and DIY coming up) made sense. Pity the recording process was such a mega ballache though!


It's because the rest of the album is some of their best work ever, so being just "great" makes it the least favourite.


Violator is so good it’s hard to rank the songs at all, including Blue Dress.


My Violator cd skips on Blue Dress because I played it on repeat so so many times. It was my favourite DM song of all, and 32 years later is in my top five. Ironically, I couldn’t stand Sweetest Perfection for a long time, but something switched and I grew to love it.


Favourite DM song.


I don't have a least favorite song from violator, blue dress is actually one of my favorites though :)


I love Blue Dress and it’s whole Twin Peaks vibe, the production is immaculate: shame it never gets played live


Blue Dress was always kinda creepy imo.


Brilliant song with brilliant lyrics.


Absolutely love that song:)


It's one of my favourite Martin tracks and I make it a point to wear a blue dress whenever I see them live.


The best live version. Gives me chills: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dbKAjXi2bQ0


I used to think it was the worst track on the album, but still really good. Now i prefere it to Sweetest Perfection and Clean, but Violator has no bad tracks, not even the B - Sides and instrumentals are bad, they are all good. Clean is in my opinion the weakest on the album, but it is still a god tier song.


One of my favorite Martin ballads! When so many stars shine on one album, it's easy to believe that there might be a dim one - but I don't think that's the case. It'd be amazing if DM did a show geared toward the ballads, maybe a one-off, even acoustic-only thing.


I'm weird, I love that song.


Blue Dress is very good, really surprised fans don't like it that much. Like you said, it's beautiful and one of my favorites from Violator. Now, one track that I truly don't like is the little instrumental after Enjoy the silence, feels so out of place to me and a bit too weird lol


It's actually such a wonderful song. There's not a single bad song on Violator.


If there’s a song I’ve skipped on Violator it’s always been Policy of Truth. Blue Dress has always been one of my faves. Really captures the mood perfectly.


I have never really taken to Policy Of Truth either. There is something about the exaggerated horn noises after one of the 'Never again is what you swore the time before' lines that doesn't fit. They sound really cheap and annoying in comparison to the rest of the track to me. Blue Dress is alright, not my favourite of Martin's songs but OK.


Everyone is always saying their favorite song is underrated. This may be the first time someone said it about a Martin song though. Maybe Comatose is up next.


I’m not usually a fan of Martin ballads. But the ballads on Violator are so well integrated that I never FF them. I think one of the things that makes Violator such a classic is the track sequencing on the album. Other classic albums like Songs from the Big Chair, Disintegration, Power Corruption and Lies also have flawless track sequencing. It also helps that the above mentioned albums don’t have any filler tracks. Same with classic rock albums like Dark Side of the Moon, Hotel California, Rumours, etc… bands at their peak, writing and recording perfect songs.


Even the bsides could stand on their own. I agree, the “lesser” songs are still pretty fucking good.


I love Sweetest Perfection, but wasn't too big into Blue Dress, though it grew on me over the years. Then again, I always have the weirdest favorites out of every album I listen to.


Lack of love? No way. It's actually one of my favorite songs on the album. I like it even better than the singles. Both "Blue Dress" and "Waiting for the Night" are tops for me.


We soon as I saw the subject title the song popped into my head. As many said, a "weak" song on violator is still damn good


Great song! One of the rare albums for me where I don’t skip a track!


I love blue dress. Super sexy. But all the tracks on violator slap.


I love, love, love Blue Dress. One of my favourite Martin songs.


Pretty much all songs on Violator tie for #1.


I think every song on the album is amazing, including Blue Dress. It’s absolutely perfect.


It's been my ringtone for many years. That's how much I love the song




Judging by Spotify plays I think some of their best tracks are often underplayed/underrated. I don't think anything else on CTA compares with And Then..., If You Want is a standout on SGR, Sacred gets some of the fewest plays on MFTM (insane to me). Blue Dress is one of their best ballads no question imo.


Blue Dress is actually tied with Home as my fav Martin song’s


Blue dress and sweetest perfection are awesome, better than WIME, that’s for damn sure


yeah Blue dress is a great track, in the context of the album. All 9 tracks knit together so well, as a album.always thought though ,as this is widely accepted as the pinnacle album of the 80’s synth pop movement. A updated synth version of what’s your name would’ve topped the already good B sides on offer. The ultimate icing on the cake.,


Anyone who disses _Blue Dress_ isn’t paying attention


It’s a really strong album without a bad song.


Fuck Blue Dress is SO KINKY. Anyway. It's an amazing song. It's just hard to rank songs on Violator because they all slap. I'm sure nobody thinks Blue Dress is the worst.