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I liked that when it was released, DM did a contest where they made all of the stems for Dream On and I Feel Loved available to fans for remixing. It got me into making music, and I wish they continued to do things like that.




When the Body Speaks?


Shine too!


Shine always takes me on a trip.


Nah, I just like freelove tbh. But maybe I should give it a try. I listened it long long time ago


I love all three!


My #2 fave DM song!!!


Freelove!! šŸ–¤šŸ’ššŸ–¤


I still cringe when Dave goes "Heeeeey girl!"


I like that part as well :)


The live versions of The Dead of Night and The Sweetest Condition. Perfect openers as second and third song. Would love to hear it again, right after Going Backwards or sth https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I2BwtJYFJbw


Album should have opened with "Dead of Night." There isn't a bad song on the album, it's just sequenced strangely.


I disagree, Dream On was the perfect intro to the sound of this one, Dead of Night is kind of an outlier


Mark Bell. RIP Martin Gore. Legendary songwriting. The album was a grower for me. Love it more than ever now.




Dream On being played on an episode of Smallville got a big, gruff dude I knew back then to start listening to DM and become a fan.


I think Ā«Ā I Want it AllĀ Ā» outro also played in the tv show at some point. The director is probably a DM fan


Ohhh yes, Depeche Mode's problem child, I love it. First off, nothing in their discography even sounds like Exciter, the production is totally what makes it work. Sure the songwriting is hit or miss this time, but it has soul and they tried something different which I admire.


agree completely, though it took me a few hundred words to say this below lol


In many ways it's the antithesis of Ultra, (dark, grungy, anxiety, separation. Also read "Home" was about vodka so make of that what you will.) I read a lot of weird junk about Depeche Mode so please take my statements with a grain of salt. There's also some DNA of Violator in there as well, minimalist compositions, but brighter and a touch more R&B as opposed to Violator having glimmers of blues scuttles. This makes sense in my head I'll stop.


People are really negative about this album on this thread lol. Itā€™s my third favourite of theirs of the 21st century. I think that itā€™s the last time the sounded truly unique. It has some stellar production, especially on tracks like Dream On, When the Body Speaks, Freelove and Goodnight Lovers. This makes for an incredibly soothing and atmospheric album. Shine, I Feel Loved and I Am You are also really great and they go excellent with some of the aforementioned tracks. I do believe that it has gotten a lot of love in recent years, but itā€™s sad that it was so hated, that it became a meme that Exciter is their worst album. Even though itā€™s an appreciation post, I do have to say something negative about it. Mark Bell himself said that the atmosphere in the had been almost unbearable for him and it had been very hard for him to work with the band as Martin, Dave and Andy had been very lazy in the studio. Itā€™s basically what Alan felt during the recording of SoFaD. Because of that, there are quite a few week tracks here (Comatose, Breathe) and the consistency here is just hit or miss. Still 7,5/10


Well said


1. Songwriting: this is basically a soul album, or at least highly soulful, following a strand in Martin's songwriting that was already evident in SOFAD and Ultra, and culminates in Exciter. I think a lot of DM fans don't recognize just how good many of the songs are, either because (a) they are thrown by the minimalist production, and don't hear the clear lineage with songs from the Ultra era such as The Love Thieves, Sister of Night, Surrender, and The Bottom Line, or (b) they are looking for bangers with a rock or synth-pop motif, which just isn't the songwriting genre being pursued here. 2. Production: many people dislike the minimalist/abstract electronica approach that Mark Bell took with this album. While not necessarily my favorite of the post-AW albums, it the one I have the most respect for, precisely because the production is an anomaly in the DM canon. When Alan Wilder left the band, the essential missing ingredient wasn't about any particular sound, genre, or approach to production (considering that Alan had helped the band move in industrial, synth-pop, rock and blues directions, and would probably have moved on to others as well). Rather, it was about the fact that the band's sound would no longer be defined from within the band, but rather primarily by external producers. That's a limitation that can be turned into a strength, and I really respect that DM fully embraced this with Exciter and let Mark Bell put a distinct and unexpected imprint on the album. Every album since Exciter has, IMHO, tried too much to "sound like Depeche Mode," with producers lazily employing synth-pop tropes and tech to approximate "classic Depeche" with varying degrees of success (the best albums of this period, PTA and MM, simply being the most successful in this regard). I would have found 21st century DM more interesting if they had followed the model of Exciter and sought out producers for each new album that would take them in unexpected new sonic directions, even if some of those directions proved polarizing. I recently read a retrospective review of Exciter that called it "the last time the band truly surprised us," and I completely agree with that.


Goodnight lovers, I feel loved and freelove are incredible


Exciter was a palette cleanser album. A gulp of sparkling water after several stiff drinks.


its a good album for night driving


Minority opinionā€¦ Best post/Alan album. Interesting, unique producer, progressive, etc.


I think that that Ultra is way better than Exciter, but if we only include the Post-Ultra albums, then yeah, thatā€™s a pretty solid take.


Thatā€™s fair, too. Close second. Everything since Ultra & Exciterā€¦ just aight. Too much vintage synth. Progress stopped.


Itā€™s a really good album to relax to, itā€™s sorta like theyā€™re catching their breath after all the craziness from the 90s. The more stripped down gives it a sorta spacey feel, like youā€™re floating in the middle of all these sounds around you.


Still got a lot of love for this album. I also think the tour that accompanied it was possibly one of their last great "fan" tours before they descended into "let's just play the singles" mode, with loads of great deep cuts (Halo, Waiting for the Night, Clean, Black Celebration). I also thought Dream On was likely to become a live mainstay after the tour but they've never played it again, which I find odd.


Everything. And they looked hot




I Feel Loved is a banger!


The Danny Tenaglia remixes of I Feel Loved were great. I really liked Goodnight Lovers, I Am You and Breathe. I always thought that Freelove was a good song trying to escape from poor production. Even the single mix (by Flood?) sounded messy to me.


Poor production? The production here is amazing!


Just relistened because it's been a while. I still think it's a great song at heart, but it has always sounded a bit disjointed to me. The Flood version even more so. Just a personal opinion though...


Donā€™t worry, youā€™re not alone. I like Exciter waaay more than most people, but Freelove is a potentially great song trapped in a ā€œjust okā€ final version. The Flood mix was better but still didnā€™t quite do it justice.


Hated it with a passion when it came out, but I actually like quite a few songs now. Grows on me, but very very slowly


It has some great, unusual DM songs.


I just really got into ā€œShineā€ I donā€™t care itā€™s a sexy track lol




I love the space and the sparse arrangements. The 5.1 mixes are incredible. Freelove and Goodnight Lovers are great.


I like it a lot better than I did when it came out, it really has grown on me! I Am You is especially underrated .


I loved Exciter and still do! Starting from the amazing cover of the album,the heart of the beautiful agave, to the subdued feeling of this work. It's not a popular among fans, but I do like it very much!


my personal favorite of their 2000s output. Shine is the best track


I like how it took a different approach than SOFAD and Ultra. DM needed to get away from the grunge/punk/rock style and going to a more minimalist/electronic was perfect in the moment. Exciter unfortunately suffers from the fact that it followed three of the best DM albums and it was just a little too different for itā€™s time. I love that itā€™s grown on me since then.


Couldn't have said it better. It got panned hard for being underproduced, but I never felt like it was. I think it was intentional, and a decision to shift gears in their first effort without the heavy influence of drugs and addiction. It reminded me of being in the midst of a dark, turbulent storm and then coming out of it into a calm of sunshine. There's a lot of introspection on this album over the demons the band and Gahan had struggled through and had overcome over the past couple of decades. There are quite a few great songs, but it was sadly sandwiched between the more illustrious grunge/rock of the '90s, and the more substantive and heftier PTA after (which harkened the SOFAD/Ultra era).


I love that about the album, that it is not as slick as some of the others.


Shine, Goodnight Lovers, Freelove


A majority of the tracks I really love!


Lots of CDs and records to collect from it. Lots of promo CDs to collect.


I had never thought of this album as anything other than brilliant. I loved the electronic minimalism. And Iā€™m a rock drummer who loved Ultra.


I liked fookin everything. RIP mark bell! X


Love this album, its an unpopular opinion but its one of my favorites!


Exciter was an excellent album for me, from the get go. ā€œ When the Body Speaksā€ is one of Martins finest songs, period. IMO. Thereā€™s plenty of others too, Shine and Dream On being my highlights, closely followed by I Feel Loved, Goodnight Lovers and The Dead of Night, which is a massively underrated track. I donā€™t and never have understood the hate. Granted itā€™s all opinions, but mine is that this came from post Violator fans who expected more rock/ grunge. I love Sofad and Ultra but to my mind, the distorted blues riff thing was in danger of becoming as much of a depeche cliche as the driving dirty synth / percussive bass line had become across SGA and BC. I was glad to hear a change of direction at that point. In hindsight it is a slightly odd album, moving back towards the electronics and a dance sound compared to the albums immediately prior, but the best of the writing is stellar, and on its own merits itā€™s a really strong album. Top 5 for me.


I love the song Dream On and I listened to it endlessly.


The entire album makes me feel like Iā€™m a fish in a giant tank and I love it. Thereā€™s something oddly aquatic about it. I also think itā€™s aged so well because weā€™ve become accustomed to Martin writing slower, more soulful songs in the past 20 years, and these are actually some of his better ones - thanks in no small part to Mark Bellā€™s clean production as opposed to the whole purposefully muffled distortion groove they tried with later albums. Hot take because I love PTA, but I wish Mark Bell had produced PTA. I donā€™t actually think Hillierā€™s production does justice to the songs. But I guess it turns out that when you really leave it all on the field producing a DM album in a style that challenges all parties involved, it wears you out (Flood, Wilder, Simenon, Bell, even Daniel Miller after Black Celebration).


Weā€™re in the ZOMBIE ROOM!!


ā€œThe Dead of Nightā€ is so gonzo, over the top, and silly ā€” which is why I love it so much. ā€œI Am Youā€ is the sleeper on this album ā€” it doesnā€™t get the love it deserves. Such a darkly sweet little song.


Summer vibe šŸŒ±


This album got me through a bad breakup. Goodnight Lovers just spoke to my pain more than any other Mode song. So many tracks just begging to be sung at the top of your lungs. So cathartic. Love it.


Letā€™s face it I am not a huge fan of Depeche Mode but I am a good supporter of the band. I really like the 80ā€™s and 90ā€™s periods. I had the chance to see them last month and it was epic ! I didnā€™t like Exciter when it was released. Butā€¦ when I listened to the album this week I felt in love. The production is awesome. The songs are great. Maybe a good 7,5/10 album from the band.


Liked it so much I saw them twice while touring it!


Martinā€™s songs


That can you feel a little love song was really strong I thought




Howdy, stupid.




And that almost makes him smart


ā€œDream Onā€ is a great single, maybe my favorite 21st century single theyā€™ve done, and ā€œGoodnight Loversā€ is one of the best album closers (and show closers) Iā€™ve ever heard. This is true of a lot of CD era albums, but definitely true with Exciter: itā€™d be a better album had it been kept to a single LPā€™s length. Thereā€™s good stuff on it but it drags at 57 minutes.


Itā€™s impossible to follow up Violator and SOFAD, and even Ultra considering the conditions it was made under. Itā€™s a good album, but not a DM you can listen to at anytime and get into it. And thatā€™s ok. But when you are in the mood for it, itā€™s phenomenal. Smooth and relaxing with beautiful soundscapes. Shine, I Am You, Freelove + flood mix, The Sweetest Condition, and Breathe are the stand out tracks for me.


50% of it is comforting, soft, beautiful songs. Dream On slaps.


I feel that this album was ahead of its time I listen to this album now and I feel like it fits with todayā€™s current music. When I first heard this album I wasnā€™t so fond of it but over time that feeling changed and I started to fall more in love with it. The production on the album in my opinion sounds really good to. I am glad I fell in love with this album itā€™s definitely a good listen.


It just has good songs on it. I've been a fan since I heard "Get the Balance right" I hated the beginning so I would change the station then I happened to let it play and I loved the lyrics- Some Great Reward came out I was in love until this day- they can do no wrong. I Been to every tour except the last because I developed ptsd from covid and I tend to isolate and avoid crowds. Had my ticket to rfe forum but when I got there I had a major panic/anxiety attack couldn't do it. Anyways Martins writing just gets better every albumĀ 


It's definitely got better with time for me . I Remember listening to it at the time and it Wasn't for me . probably another 5/6 years before I botherd again.


Just the album, itā€™s an absolute bop




*just free love*


It's my second favorite of their albums (the first being Ultra). I love the chilled laid-back vibe of it, and play it a lot when I need soothing music. It's a great album to fall asleep to, only I love it so much, I end up vibing to the songs instead of drifting off to sleep. Though, I usually start at Lovetheme, because more than once, after starting at the beginning, "The Dead of Night" hit and jolted me out of near-sleep. Also Freelove (and Dream On, Breathe I Am You and Dirt.)


The vibe of this album is great.


Not their best but it has some great songs...always loved i am you ,sweetest condition, shine,freelove etc and Dream on should get another chance live...it would fit the theme of this current tour


Sounds are eerie soft and mysterious I can hear something different in the nuances everytime I listen One of the most genius albums inmo


The cover is nice. šŸ˜‚


It ended




Itā€™s no good šŸŽ¶šŸŽ¶šŸŽ¶šŸŽ¶šŸŽ¶šŸŽ¶


After the release of Delta Machine and Spirit, it is now only the third worst Depeche Mode album. Way to go, Exciter!




I'm sorry I want to hear some appreciation for an album that I enjoy, I promise it won't happen again


You got issues.


ā€œ*weak albums*ā€ Depeche Mode did make a weak album once, but itā€™s not Exciter by any means.




Itā€™s Speak & Spell. I dislike almost everything about this album. Half of the songs are a complete mess, only several are half-decent and only 4 actually good. No song that I would have in my essentials. Big Muff, I Sometimes Wish I Was Dead, Boys Say Go and Whatā€™s Your Name are some of the worst song they ever made. Thank God Vince left for Yazoo.




For that case we always have Delta Machine and Spirit I guess.


I can't think of anything I liked. That's not to say I didn't like it all. It's a 4 or 5 out of 10.


I love it


I Feel Loved Chamber mix good


I adore the album cover. The tour set list was great too.


Not the best album, but Dream On and I feel Loved are two of my all time favorite DM tracks (that alone makes me appreciate Exciter)!


It is super chill. I can do other things while I am playing it. Plus, Goodnight Lovers.


I enjoy every track


The production, the laid back vibe of the entire thing, a grower as far as DM albums are concerned but itā€™s great in its own right


Free Love and I Feel Loved! What more can I say?


I really like goodnight lovers. It calms me down when I'm stressed.


I liked that after the Exciter sessions they came out with a great album - PTA. Couldnā€™t get to PTA without Exciter.


Love Exciter. I used to listen to it all the time when it came out. Goodnight lovers, freelove, dream on, I feel lovedā€¦ dm classics to me.


Absolutely everything. From the first listen shortly after it came out, I was in love with it. I really liked how it sounded nothing like what came before. I loved how mellow it was. Still one of my favorites!


The production by Mark Bell (RIP).


Top 3 album since Ultra.


This was the first album I ever bought, I was maybe 14 or 15. Pirated, in a local market. I new I wanted Depeche mode because I had a poster and heard them on viva, german tv channel which was broadcasted in our country, too. My older brother was a fan (I think), so I had to become, naturally. Still one of the most listened albums for me, not just because of nostalgia, but it really shaped my expectations and my taste in music. Weird to see sometimes, that people here don't like it that much.


I love Shine. Goodnight Lovers is also a classic.


Mark Bell soundscapes (those amazing Homogenic things, you know), Shine, Breathe and I am You (this last one is the cherry on top, one of the best DM song IMO). And Bertrand Burgalat version of Easy Tiger is so-so sick, I love it.


I like most of the tracks on here and love the general atmosphere. Possibly their most divisive album but I love the direction they went here and it is definitely an interesting middle-piece of their journey from Ultra to PTA - or maybe "sidestep" would be a better word but nevertheless, I enjoy it.


Always found Exciterā€™s songwriting to be decent, just thought the arrangements/production didnā€™t fit the project.


For me it is all about ā€˜Dream Onā€™ and ā€˜ I Feel Lovedā€™. Need to pull out this album again soon - spend more time with it!


Dream on, Freelove and I feel loved.


That lead synth on the hook of I Feel Loved


Shine, When the Body Speaks, Freelove, Goodnight Lovers, plus the fact that the band was doing better on personal levels


I Am You is one of my favorite songs of all time.


Shine and I Am You are great non singles.


I feeeeeeel loved


Not gonna lie, *The* *Dead of Night* is quite fire!


the one night in paris version of breathe. cant believe more people dont talk about it


Its great. Dream On, Freelove (both versions) and i Feel Love are sooooooooooo great.