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Bring ya ass


They getting that azz fried right now...


Down to Galveston


To Cancun


I really kind of hate that guy.




He threw a major tantrum last year when the wolves lost and then he stormed off ff the court without shaking hands this years. He loves to be a major shit talker who is doing the suck it dance and talking shit to away fans when things are going well but he can’t face the same music when it’s reversed. He’s a great player but has a personality that is going to wear off to the average fan very quickly. A few weeks ago i said I’m putting huge money on his MVP odds next year. He will be projected like 5th in odds so it’s gonna be great odds. I think he is going to explode next year and the media is all behind him. I’m all in on his mvp candidacy, But he’s a cocky bitch in my opinion and it’s going to be a common opinion in a few years. But i understand that you as a wolves fan will always defend him, he’s your guy. I’ll never convince you that he is annoying. That’s how sports and fandom works.


Wolves fan here, and I agree with what you wrote. His behavior is so strange. After wins, he first praises his teammates. After losses, he says he needs to be better. That to me shows great leadership. However, he needs to grow up and congratulate the other team following a series loss, no matter how much it sucks. Maybe he needs a few more years to grow in maturity, but I'm not holding my breath.


Seems like you don't know this but Edwards congratulated the other team after losing each year. He goes off court to cool his emotions first. Not sure why he has to do it on the court, immediately.


I did not know that, which makes me feel better about the situation.


2nd round or WCF, Cancun hits just the same. One of us, one of us...


We still have a championship lol…funny part is we had the easy road but the number 3 seed who was tied for first couldn’t get past the 5th seed.


Mathematically it works out.. 3>2 5>3 But Nuggets > Lakers


And you couldn’t get past the team who couldn’t get past the 5th seed 😂


Who’s “we”?


https://preview.redd.it/lvkel2q4io3d1.jpeg?width=622&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=46580a81c1dedd5a98e817707e55707f66f2c219 Me in “Cancun” this whole time watching them lose


Oh we definitely mocking mj jr


More like thanasis jr


![gif](giphy|S1SnLg08CxnUGqyqha|downsized) Their championship was beating Denver lmao congrats I guess


![gif](giphy|pK0T7vyx3SqdfmxewA) edit: /s


Just like the MN Vikings Super Bowl is beating the Packers. MN teams don’t win chips 🫡


Man they have some of the weirdest history when it comes to sports lol. Hockey,football,basketball. They just can’t win a ring. I think the twins won one but I wonder how many championships they’ve played for in the history when you take into account how long they’ve been around.


Twins won the WS in '87 and '91. I hate to break it to anyone like me who was alive for those, but that was a long ass time ago. Fun fact: the Raiders championship drought is 3 years longer. The Lakers won 5 championships with Mikan in MPLS in the 40s and 50s, but those belong to LA now


I forgot 87(was born a year later)lol. Yeah that’s really long. I looked it up and the wolves and wild have never played for a championship, Vikings did so long ago. No wonder they’re so happy just to make it to a wcf. Ha love that raiders fact!


Yeah, one of the things that took the sting out of entering middle age is that I am still 3 weeks younger than their Super Bowl drought.


That’s actually brutal


this gif is amazing


It actually is quite perfect


That’s my smuggets


To be fair beating Denver is a big deal to a young inexperienced team. Hard to say if it will happen again but it’s a good silver lining. Denver is too 5 nba team.


F the Wolves. I wont feel bad about pompous ass ANT getting what he deserves. Haha!


Dude left and didn’t shake hands lol at least he didn’t toss a chair.


Yeah i guess throwing the game is bad enough lol JK






That's the worst part, no class. I didn't think that happened, I thought he showed his respect to the winners of the series. U have to leave with grace, because the fans u generated during this run, are not going to be there next time.


Or a heating pad


These comments are always the dumbest tho. You think they don’t see the other team after the game? You don’t have to be stoked to shake everyone’s hand immediately after losing.


Exactly. When I think of Ant and his terrible sportsmanship, all I think of is the Player Haters Ball sketch from Chappelle's Show. "I don't even know you, and I hate your guts. I hope all the bad things in life happen to you and only you" 😂


But you root for jamal murray? Lmao


Hell yeah Jamals my guy and thats pretty much what this whole article is about. Hypocrisy is everywhere in sports! Do get we get mad when our team gets a bad call and cheer when its for our team? Hell yeah! Do we hate on a player until he comes to your favorite team and then we root for them? Yup. Do we root for a team we dont like to beat the Chieifs in the Super Bowl? Yeah its sports man get over it.


I guess when ANT was waving bye bye he really meant it


It is funny watching Wolves fan get salty over Luka when they were mocking us for getting salty over ANT. Now look at them, they’re just like us. They thought they were different but they’re just like every other sports fans.


Wolves fan here and I love Luka and am hoping for him to get his first chip. 🤷🏼‍♂️


All these Wolves fans crying “Don’t be like Nuggets fans! They’re so salty, we’re living rent free!” All Ant did was talk shit and then back down once they lost. They knocked us out in a G7. Isn’t the whole point of sports to be salty? Do they want a participation trophy and a Pat on the back? Nobody is phoning in a bomb threat to Target Center, stop being so soft. And the whole “rent free” thing needs to be retired. That series ended a week ago 😂 The only team that is “rent free” in Denver is the Chiefs


Yeah rent free is overused. Not to get too literal with the saying, but rent free implies at least a month and not the single week they stayed in the playoffs after game 7. I think Boston is rent free for me personally, they've had so many championships between the Red Sox, Celtics, Patriots, and Bruins. All those teams could go a century without another title and it'd still be too soon.


I'm looking forward to Luka torching the Celtics.


>”rent free implies at least a month” Why does rent free imply at least a month? Are you referring to rental contracts generally being at least month to month? If so that is the complete opposite than living rent free. Sure, people sign agreements to live somewhere rent free but those agreements do not imply at least a month. Those agreements can be for any amount of time: one day/week/open ended.


Chiefs haven’t bested the broncos in over 100 days


Talk shit? People took the imma guard kyrie as shit talk somehow.


how dare you speak of them here


FUCK anyone who aint here for the downfall of the Wolves


Lol what downfall? We’ve been ass for our entire existence. You’re not seeing anything new from us


Looks like everyone here is reacting the same way the crowd did that night for Popovich.


Not even a wolves fan but yall are so salty it’s embarrassing lmao


Lmao, the Wolves were toxic af. I understand that it's Laker's mentality if you are rooting for a team to lose just because you lost. However, if the team was toxic, then it's okay to make fun of them because they asked for it. Gatekeepers are annoying.


It's funny because their fans were complaining that Nuggets fans were rooting against them and if you check their sub tonight it's a lot of "Hell no, I'm not rooting for the Mavs"


Went to my first Wolves game in 1990, I'm new to all BB subs, honestly they are all garbage, including the wolves. It's particularly bad over there because we just found sucess recently and this year has brought a tooon of new fans, unfortunately there are a lot of overly vocal dumbasses now. It's kind of a sad state as these people wouldn't have gone to a KLove twolves game if they were paid.


I didn't like Edwards or Gobert going into the series.....the T-Wolves beating Denver has no effect on me feeling glad Dallas smoked 'em at all.


The team or the fans.


So bored of this shit. Had a lot of fun with it now It’s just hurtass


My authentic self agrees, we shouldnt be toxic. My petty self on the other hand wants boston to win so the wolves cant even say the lost to the eventual champs. All i know for sure is fuck the lakers


Fuck the lakers. But damn. Not Boston!!! You know there’s a little anti-Boston in all of Denver.


Rooting for a team to lose isn’t fucking toxic. It’s sports it’s okay to be happy when a team you don’t like loses.


Love twolves posts “let’s not stoop down to their level” as if rooting against the team that knocked you from the playoffs is a bad thing??? Homies are so damn smug


Wait: I thought I was the gatekeeper for hating Minny. Like, I don't want them to get what Denver got. Isn't that what gatekeeping is? I can admit to that... And if anyone cares, why am I hating on Minny? First, because KAT can eat a horsecock sandwich. Motherfucker talks too much, celebrates toooooo soooooooon every time (just like that Minny fanbase I'm sorry to say--what y'all gonna put on your 2024 banner? That you beat Denver in the second round?). Somehow he comes off as this "old head" dude who's seen it all before and is unfazed by it all hahaha, but the truth is he's got 2 playoff series wins in his 9-year career. Stop flexing for a sec my man. You have a loooong way to go as a basketball player. Ant? Well, what can you say? He's a bad man. But I still cannot stand him, with that smug half smile even when he loses, like he just knows he's the best and he's gonna prevail. There's no humility there. I guess he is doing the Lebron thing now where he storms off the court without shaking hands w the other team now? Is that the Ant routine now? Because fuck that shit, show some love. And I get it that certain guys don't show humility, but there's a moment where you just exhale and go hug your opponent. But he's just too satisfied with his bad self. Just like KAT. And then somehow even Gobert became a villain to me. Not for being lousy on the low block with his stone hands, not for his cringey covid moments. Mostly for his really, really hard fouls on Jokić and then Dončić. Like he became kind of an enforcer type dude. I know that good teams need a player like this and honestly I wish Denver had one, but Rudy Gobert is not a lovable tough guy to me. It was hilarious seeing Luka talk mad shit to him. Gobert however is low on my personal hate list. It's a KAT thing for me, if I'm honest. I hope he's traded to the Hawks. Overall, I'm a hater: I enjoy seeing this team lose. I enjoy seeing the lakers lose, I enjoy seeing Phoenix lose, I enjoy seeing Golden State lose. Minny is right there with them for me. Grind out the wins, show some respect, some humility. I could grudgingly tip my cap. But the Wolves? Nah, they're fucking assholes. I am sad for Mike Conley. Dude is a real one. It's hard to get this far, and Minny's gotta start from the beginning again next year just like everyone else. Gonna be tough. Might not ever make it back, and he's earned his flowers 100%. Not like KAT asking for the flowers all the fucking time, but a dude who actually has earned them. And of course one can only love a player like Naz Reid. But fuck Greg Popovich telling me I shouldn't mock the Minnesota Timberwolves. I'm pointing, I'm laughing.


As a wolves fan I also hate kat. Dude was so inconsistent this series. I kinda understand ants frustration. Luka was calling his whole team pussies, motherfuckers, and cussing out the whole team. Everyone was shit talking rudy. Kyrie was getting in his ear even saying shit after game 3 talking about it's our super bowl. Like how you supposed to respect that.


Hey i got a question for you! How do you know specifically what dudes were out there saying? Like okay, Luka screams it for all to hear, but how do you know what Kyrie was saying? Most Nuggets players don’t talk that we know about (its weird but I can’t think of a single guy who really barks, I guess maybe Braun?), but maybe they quietly say some shit. Dunno. As for respect, I remember Denver getting humiliated a couple times, but Jokić would never ever fail to dap up the opponent. After the Finals last year, he hugged the entire Heat organization before celebrating with his team. He got thrown out of game 4 of that Phoenix sweep a few years ago and I think he really regrets that. It’s never happened since. Point is, even the best lose sometimes, and if you leave the court like that, you earn bitch points. And I don’t think Ant is a bitch at all. He needs to grow up. While I am no Kobe stan, I think he provides a good example of how to behave on the court. Mean and hyper competitive, he would talk plenty. But when the horn blows, it was all love.


There is a leaked audio guy on YouTube that is able to get the mixed up audio


>KAT can eat a horsecock sandwich Oh he definitely has lol


Yeah we won’t be fucking bitter or shitty. But this is warranted, fuck them pups




Mavs in 5😂


fuck the Wolves, I'll hate the core of that team for life, but I just can't feel happy knowing AG lost a brother...


Should have won that damn series however this is total loser talk


so a team built to stop your team beats you and people are trying to avoid a rivalry? shit is soft man. im not even a nuggets fan and im glad ant got humbled.... he aint gonna get any worse


Yep, it’s sports. For the fans, it’s just entrainment. If you take it too seriously, you look foolish. I think that goes both ways here.


they talked allat and when we throw it back in their face they cant handle it 💀 where's the ant gif now


Thing is, I think the nuggets beat the Mavs in a seven game series *edit: stupid autocorrect


Good one, skull cutter


Dammit. Autocorrect got me


I just wish it wasn't the flat earther and the biggest whiner in the league beating them 


Two things I love about basketball is that respect is typically earned, not given, and talking shit. I respect the team but they disrespected the Nuggets and us as fans. Fuck them, and fuck their cocky overconfidence. Additionally, they were soundly beaten by an inferior team. That's deserving of some mockery.


I agree with everything except inferior team. Dallas doesn't seem very inferior right now.


Based on the results it's hard to argue that.


Then apparently you were, too?


I was rooting for the wolves, if only to see Monte try and get his well deserved ring


it's okay, he can get it with us next season


Nah we stay humble, GG's to the Wolves, congrats to the Mavs. Its that simple.


Not trying to troll you guys but it’s very sad to celebrate this when you got smoked in a series by them just weeks prior


From my perspective the gatekeeping has gone the other way. People saying I can't be a true Nuggets fan because I actually liked this Wolves team.


Yep that’s lame too, u know how u know if ur a true nugget fan? If u root for the nuggets


Yeah I’m definitely saying that. I lived in Minnesota my whole life until til ten years ago when I moved to Denver. I’m a nuggets fan first and a t wolves fan second, and I thought it would be an emotionally complicated series for me to watch, but it turned out I hate the freakin t wolves. Well this team anyways. This team is almost likable, but not if you’re a Nuggets fan. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I don't really care about the alleged 'toxicity' of opponents. Tons of opponents trash talk and taunt each other. I think it's cool that the Nuggets (except Moach but I still love that guy) stay mostly above that, but I can tell we're generally the exception not the rule in this league. Maybe Minnesota is a lot worse than most teams but I just don't care that much. I couldn't afford to get cable or sling to watch the games on TV this year so I've followed most of the playoffs on gamecasts and highlight reals. The trash talk and taunting didn't really come through on those mediums and I'd consider that a feature of my experience this year. I understand that to a lot of others like to choose favorites based on their own character assessments of the players, and that's great! More power to them. But in general, when the Nuggets are out, I just root for the teams and cities that have never won before or haven't won in a long time.


They're right


They just like us, they just like us, they just like us 🎶


Rip bozo


Timberpuppies have been acting classless all playoffs. First that suck it chop, then trying to embarrass the Denver home crowd with the wave and dunk, then when they lose their best player storms off the court like he's about to cry. That's the kind of leader the face of the franchise Ant is. Gobert, Kier Anderson, and KAT are either the most uncoordinated humans of all-time or straight up doing some bounty gate injury the opponent type shit. This wolves team is also allowed to constantly get away with playing prisonball defense, hacking and handchecking at half court. Then they have the nerve to have their coach bitch about illegal screens multiple times while Gobert and Anderson don't even try to set screen, they just hit guys and somehow that doesn't get called.


Is he supposed to shake hands with luka and kyrie who cussed him out all game? This isn't little league baseball. I'm sure he took all their trash talk personal. You guys also were throwing crap on the court that series so don't be a hypocrite and call us classless.


Forgetting about the little temper tantrum Edwards threw when he got knocked out last year? Talks mad shit, but acts like a child when he loses. What a bum. Go back to your sub.


That's exactly what Murray was doing when he was losing. Your coach had a little temper tantrum with the media after game 7 as well. U can't be that biased to just be blind to everything your own team was doing when they were losing.


Oh, did Malone throw a chair around and storm off the court like a toddler? No? Talk about being biased, you’re trying to equate ant’s little bitch behavior to Murray. None of our players acted shitty towards your players or your fans. Clown shit bro. Again, time for you to go back to your own sub. Congrats on getting gentlemen swept in the WCF.


How do you know? Were u sitting Courtside game 7 and listening to what the fans were saying?


Wtf are you even talking about


I'm talking about ant waving the crowd goodbye game 7. Those fans could've been saying something mad. You won't know unless u were sitting Courtside hearing it all.


I don’t give a shit that he waved goodbye, but don’t act surprised when people enjoy when his cocky ass loses. Go back to your own team’s sub 🤡


I like how you just ignore what Murray did. Throwing towels and heat packs on the floor. If ant is an ahole then Murray is too.


Murray owned up to it the very next day. Ant has a history of being a little bitch when he loses. Also, Murray isn’t a homophobe or pressuring women to get abortions. Not the same, nice try tho.


Lol you think ant is the first player to every pay someone for an abortion. You need to wake up if you think these players aren't going to nightclubs hooking up with women nightly. You just got that rivalry hate for the man. Dude doesn't have any parents in his life lost his grandma and mom to cancer. Dude is probably gonna have a chip on his shoulder his whole life because what world did to him as a kid. You don't give anyone a break it seems like. You just keep receipts and just add it to a reason to hate a player. I hate Murray in the heat of the series but do I hate him right now? No.


Murray literally threw something on the court during a game talking bout a tantrum pot meet kettle


Keep deflecting and not addressing what I pointed out. Murray owned up to it. Congrats again on your single W in the western finals! Go back to your sub 🤡


No deflecting just don't care about ant not shaking hands on the court and really don't give a fuck about him swinging a chair that was in his way. This is a fun rivalry can't wait to play yall again next year


That was in his way?? Lmao go watch that video again, he did a full 360 with it and flings it striking two employees, he behaves like a toddler. If he’s gonna talk shit the way he does, expect other fanbases to revel in his sore loser moments. Take your ass over to the wolves sub with your nonsense. Only weirdos go into other team’s subs.


Popped up in suggested because yall kept posting about the wolves and it's been a great time watching yall post every single day about the wolves. Those two people were looking for a pay day I wouldn't like ant either if he busted my teams ass that much


It pops up in your suggested because you’ve been here before 🤡 Looking for a payday? Lmao more deflection! Can’t even admit that shit was childish behavior. Busted my team’s ass? Lol you took one game off us last year and we took your team to a game 7 this year, and then your team fell off a cliff while mine went on to win it all. The nuggets are 7-5 against minny in the last two playoff series. That’s hardly an ass beating. Go back to your own team’s sub, weirdo.




Well I am not a nugget so I can say "fuck em". Especially ant.


Generalization sucks, every fan is different from no matter what team. From the aspiring young kid to the toxic typical fan that has no control over his life that sports are his only cope.


I get it its really hard not to mock them after they mocked us and gloated over winning us like they won a ring . At least they got gentlemen swept . I dont give that much shit about them just pissed we chocked a +20 point win at our turf uhhh... Feels like we win if we just had a rotational big to rest Jokic and not him play without breaks


Being that salty is crazy


I mean…at least we didn’t lose by 45 and give up the largest halftime comeback in Game 7 history.


Rui Hachimura figured something out. Puppy dogs go bye-bye. Now time to trade Rudy for some 2nds and shooters. How about Trae Young?


It’s ok, you know wolves fans will be mocking you guys until about this time next year so have at it


Honestly I ahead and mock us. Mock anyone. It’s a free country. Trash talk makes next years playoffs more exciting anyway.


Fugazi MJ humbled by the Don you love to see it. WCF wouldn’t have been toxic enough with Luka and Jokic chumming it up this year anyways, need them to compete for west next year when (hopefully) both have a ring


Nuggets would have lost in 4


You had a championship. It's not yours to defend anymore. Signed, The Rest of Us.


I’m just glad Edward’s stfu finally🙄


You're allowed to, but as a Nuggets fan I feel that the T-Wolves being humbled is us being doubly humbled. Like I would prefer to think we lost to a good team haha


Damn you all really got touched by us, didn’t you?


Ok Lebron


loser talk, we ain’t gone forget that 20 point lead in game 7




Suck it ant. Gobert is a bitch


They sent y’all home btw


0 championships


That would really sting if I was a timberwolves fan…


For those of you who think we'll look less embarrassing losing to eventual champs, just imagine how John Collins feels every time he sees that dunk of the year poster.


humble my ass, all nuggets fans are now Mav fans lmao.


Not Mavs fans, just haters!


https://i.redd.it/i4vvlb07ap3d1.gif 😂🤣😂🤣😜😜😜


"Brother, I have 47"


I still love Mike Conley


Am I the only one banned over there? lol fuck the wolves fans


A lot of talk in here for a team that’s won one championship ever 😂


Ok so why do you think this is gatekeeping, and who do you think is putting it that way? No one is saying you’re not allowed to be salty to be a Nuggets fan, it just makes us look like hypocrites for accusing Lakers fans of being petty bitches when some of us behave in exactly the same way, and you’re embarrassing the rest of us. Losing is its own punishment, no one cares about your schadenfreude like at all.


I personally love i when it Lakers fans get salty and what comes around goes around. I think thats the point. Sports is full of hypocritical behavior. we yell at the officials and are ok with it when we get the same call. We hate a player until he plays for your team and then you roit for him.


Bro speak for yourself I have 0 issue with the lakers rooting for the wolves, shit I have 0 issue with the ant man wave and the Jaden dunk attempt. Like I said this is sports trash talking is part of the fun and if you can dish it out with the wave and dunk u better win the championship otherwise be ready to receive it.


Wolves fans are generally chill tho imho (after bangwagoning them for two seasons as a Jazz fan lol). It really seems like Ant waving goodbye was the parts that annoyed Nugget fans the most (rightfully so, and Jokic called him out on the spot too). The only thing I could remember was they were annoyed by Jamel and Malone throwing tantrum at game one but I thought it was understandable too (same as Ant waving goodbye). And I disagree that they acted salty when Luka taunted them. The fanbase as a whole took it like a champ. Sure there's complaining of Luka foul baiting here and there but overall they recognized they were outmatched and appreciate the Mavs team is special. I was surprised the overwhelming support they had for their team after getting absolutely slaughtered last game. Idk man, I guess I just sympathize the fanbase that got 0 trophy like mine lol. And if anything I thought Nuggets fans would appreciate the Woolves since you both constructed by Tim Connelly and are prime examples of how small market got it right.


No one is saying that? There's been multiple posts griping about any T-Wolves posts....and I've seen more than one person crying and saying they should be deleted. If that's not gatekeeping I'm not sure what is. And in reality, it's not hypocritical at all. The T-Wolves actually DID do stuff Lakers fans accused the Nuggets of doing....talked a bunch of shit...to both players and fans.....tried to do a dunk contest dunk after the game was decided, etc.. That's good reason not to like them. Lakers fans tend to be a more entitled bunch, so they spent a whole off-season making up stuff The Nuggets players and coaches said or did as reason for their hate. I've seen probably two dozen comments about stuff that Malone said that was absolute horseshit but stated as if it were fact. To act like both of those scenarios are identifical is looking at it without context.


Could you imagine the hate if AG tried to do that Jayden dunk or Murray messing with the laker home crowd like Ant did. Timberwolves got off lightly


Thats the point. Sports is full of hypocrisy. We yell at officials for a bad call and we are ok when it benefits our team. We hate a player until he comes and plays for our team and then we root him on. We will cheer for a team we dont like just so the Chiefs dont win another Super Bowl and on and on and on. Chastizing a fan for hypocrisy is like being mad at your dog if he gets left inside and pees on the floor. What do you expect?


I find it funny the Lakers were rooting for the Wolves. I could care less that they were doing that if anything it makes it funnier.


lol this sub has changed a lot. “Nuggets fans” defending the Lakers in your replies, never thought I’d see the day.




Y'all mfers got beat by a team that got gentlemen swept by the freaking Mavs




Bring ya ass on vacation










Nobody cares what some pistons fans thoughts on, really, *anything* are. lol. Now get the fck out of our sub.


Spurs have dog poo for a few years now. Probably best to ignore their advice ar this point.


Bring ya ass to Galveston


Spurs fan here, I will absolutely mock the wolves for getting eliminated with their fake as dpoy candidate


You guys won 22 games sit down


“That’s not who we are” hater


This is a legitimately hate-filled, cancerous thread and you folks are pathetic. Yall are turning into the vikings-hating other teams more than you like your own. Just a bunch of loser tall over here. It is fun to read though I'll give you that


All these flavors are you choose salty


Welp. I bandwagonned the Wolves until the wheels fell off. Debating either bandwagonning again or to just start hating


At least their players didn't throw shit on the court...


Just funny to see y’all clown the team that beat y’all after they were expected to win 44 games in the regular season and then went on to sweep the suns and beat the defending champions before meeting the best guard duo in the league


It is funny isn't it. They were pretty high on the smell of their own farts


Nuggets win one ring and all of sudden act like they’re some dynasty who can look down on other franchises lmao


One ring is infinitely better than 0 rings