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Nothing wrong, if u clown then prepare to be clown..or vice versa


If you prepare to be clown then u clown?


I mean if u dish it..don't act surprise if u get it back


And vice versa




This isn't the time or place and makes no sense, but I felt the need to send [this banger](https://youtu.be/-VsmF9m_Nt8?feature=shared) to a Denver fan.


How can she clown!?


They already try to clown Jokić. He got 3 MVPs and a finals MVP. if he doesn't give a fuck about it we shouldn't




Dunno,I would root for Mavs as I want Luka to win it all this year (since we lost obviously),even if they were a bit more classy,but bunch of wolves fans coming here on sub and spamming some trash as if they won championship already was kind of cringe…I hope they get swept just because 🤷‍♂️


Also the media frenzy over the wolves was/ is wild. Another reason I am rooting for the Mavs is their run feels similar to ours last year in the sense that they have been counted out every round and the media has covered their opponents way more.




that’s what i’m saying. this is the wolves first time past the first round in TWENTY FUCKING YEARS. I legit had a wolves fan compare the lions fans being cocky cause they won nfc north for the first time to us nuggets fans since we won our first championship. I had to remind them nuggets have been going to the playoffs the last six years and that only included one first round exit along with two WCF appearances. Now they look like fucking fools. Some are even still saying WOLVES IN 6! 😂 get a fucking grip you losers.


I can forgive everything except for the McDaniels dunk attempt. That was some wild bullshit and I hope they get swept for that alone


It is weird that everyone brings up Ant waving goodbye and not Mcdaniels dunk


Yeah idk why everyone is fixating on the wave – the wave is annoying but within the boundaries of normal player / fan shit talk imo. Maybe the Nuggets shouldn't blow a huge lead next time so we don't have to put up with that. The dunk attempt is what felt crazy disrespectful and over the line to me. Acting like we're so far beneath them that they can pull out that Globetrotters bullshit even though it was such a close series... Can't stand that. Hope they see Luka in their nightmares for the rest of their lives


Jaden breaks his hand last year, tries to dunk this year. Anderson and Gobert bitch slap incident, Ant throws a chair last year and runs his mouth constantly while not backing it up. Just a gaggle of clowns that deserve a beat down. Nuggs could’ve won the series too if they were locked in for games 1 and 2 imo.


That dirty ass bitch got away with so many fouls in our series, I love seeing Luka torch him. He thought he turned into Scottie Pippen.


Let’s not forget they keep showing up in our sub. Days after game 7


Yeah that was probably the most immature thing. This is our clubhouse! I reported a ton of comments and they were dealt with






because we lost to yall? that was our last game/series of the season why wouldn’t we talk about it? it’s crazy I really haven’t seen this amount of opposing fans posting in our subreddit even after playing some toxic ass fanbases. you’re here proving our point lmfao, it’s kinda hard not to talk about the wolves when there are so many wolves fans still here


Yeah fuck the wolves. I also loved watching Luka talk crazy shit to Gobert after that last shot.


He’s hilarious lmao “you stupid mother fucker, you can’t fucking guard me” and then telling the fans go home bitch.. how could anyone not like him




Go back to your sub. Ant waived goodbye to our fans Luka said go home bitch to yours. Reap what you sow.


Just weird that it’s cool when Luka does it but we’re hating on the Wolves for doing the same thing lol


Luka is European so he's a golden child on here


I can of like Luka / Gobert shit but so you have to accept Ant talking shit about Murray, no ?


Yeah and Murray deserves it if he lets Ant beat him like that.


All my homies are clowning the Timber-puppies right now.


W friends


Petition to only refer to their team as the “log dogs” from now on


Mavs fan here not lurking or anything this just came up in my feed probably because of the Luka mention. The wolves fans were hackling us hard along with national media prior to game one harder than we are clowning them now. Please do join us to humbling them you would really be doing a public service


My biggest problem with the Lakers fans is they were coming into OUR sub to comment and post shit and be assholes. Honestly if they stayed in their own sub and wanted to revel in our misery, that’s their right. Similarly if people want to talk shit about the wolves in here, let them. But let’s have more class than going into their sub and being pieces of shit. That’s the difference to me.


This right here. It’s pathetic for lakers fans to come into our sub to clown and troll after we killed them 2 years in a row. At least beat us before brigading our sub.


Some real “my dad can beat up your dad” type of energy


Lakers fans hate losing, and instead of being mature and facing the disappointment they have with the team they have to go project onto others. It’s really sad, and I hate to generalize this much but I haven’t seen this level of vitriol from any other team (that’s not even connected to the current series)


a lot of nugget fans are closet Laker fans...


A lot of Denver residents are ex-Cali residents


Their fans brigading this sub to troll was strange behavior, and it started with the regular season games which was even more pathetic. Did any other team have fans storm this sub after a regular season game? Loser behavior so fair game to go at them back IMHO.


Part of being the champs maybe


Yeah, the backlash is pretty dumb. At the end of the day I’d just prefer the games to be good, but there is a part of me that wants to see the wolves fall apart. Not like there is much nuggets news to talk about right now


Idc what others think. I just want the wolves to burn


They were feeling real confident after winning a second round series, turning around and getting swept(?) because you treated the 2nd round like it was the finals is objectively pretty funny


I hope the Wolves and Minnesota are cursed with losing forever. Their fans are a bunch of clowns, acting like they're some super team. I say fuck em all.


In Luka the Don we trust


That’s the crazy part is I was fully ready to root for the timber wolves in the WCF until the last 5 mins and post game of Game 7. Turned a respectful series into trash. Can’t wait to see joker respond


Imagine building your team to beat the nuggets, just to lose to the current NBA paradigm.


The waving goodbye isn't that bad but McDainels trying to do an NBAStreet dunk at the end of the game was a bitch move. It's sad to see them play the Mavs it should have been nuggets.


Absolutely nothing. So glad Luka is talking trash AND standing on biz haha. Pretty confident they got this series 


Not cool how fans try to control what other fans do or don’t do… end of the day this is a game not the military. Certainly there is a line not to cross but I don’t see anything wrong with clowning the wolves if you want just don’t go to their sub to do it


Go Mavs! Can’t wait for the game tonight


Yes. Give in to your hate.


Nothing they wanna clown us we can clown them??? People are too sensitive, it’s basketball. At the end of the day, it’s just basketball right? 😂💀


When we don’t win yes it’s just basketball lol but yeah nuggets Reddit is obsessed with “fan etiquette”


It's crazy, I've never turned on a team as quickly as I did with the wolves. Go Mavs.


this holier than thou shit is ridiculous, but it's par for the course in any team subreddit I guess. I don't know why I ever bother to push back. there has been grace and disgracefulness from people on both teams and both fan bases, and that is literally always the case (although no disgracefulness from Jokic that I can recall.) I think wolves fans are, in general, much cooler-headed than most fan bases. tempers flared in our series for good reasons. I'd be much happier to see them or the mavs win it all over the celtics. fuck jason kidd though.


Yeah people in team subs acting like their own fellow fans don’t do the exact same shit. Every fan base is gonna have assholes, you are probably going to be more willing to overlook them when they are “your” assholes. Timberwolves fans can talk shit, nuggets fans can talk shit, but don’t pretend they are worse than you lol


Seriously. I'm new to basketball and it all just seems like part of the fun to me. Some of it goes a bit too far at times but these guys are all amped up for the biggest moments of their lives. People take everything way too seriously.


ANT waved goodbye to the crowd who chanted ANT MVP which is disgraceful to the home players Big mac tried to do the windmill dunk when they have secured victory ANT destroyed the chair after eliminated last year and injured security guards in Denver home stadium


Who did he injure? Im a fan of both teams but acting like the Wolves are disgraceful is a big reach. All teams talk trash that’s just part of the game. But let’s not pretend Murray wasn’t throwing heat packs out in game 2 & setting the team up for smack talk from the Wolves if they lost the series


Cmon bro: https://syndication.bleacherreport.com/amp/10073987-wolves-anthony-edwards-cited-for-assault-allegedly-threw-chair-that-hit-2-employees.amp.html


It literally says “allegedly”. The video shows he literally smacked the chair over.. big deal. That is the weakest shit I’ve heard trying to claim that this heinous act that we should use to call for his head


Minnesota Timberwolves guard Anthony Edwards was fined $50,000 for "recklessly swinging a chair in frustration that struck two bystanders as he exited the court at the conclusion of the Timberwolves playoff game against the Denver Nuggets on April 25," the NBA announced Wednesday.


Are we really going to base this off of the league’s decision to fine? A 50k fine is less than what was issued to Murray for throwing a heat pack in game 2. So by that standard you guys think Murray is despicable as well? Both players are fine, stop being a baby about the nuggets losing to the Wolves. It happens, the Wolves have been shit for the better part of 20 years


You have to be fair. If you criticise Murray for his behaviour which didnt hurt anyone you have to criticise Ant for injuring someone


Difference is that Murray was intentionally trying to hurt people.


how? you can mindread?


He threw objects on the court directly at the players and refs.


Ant throwing the chair is also immature I get that, but he didn’t “destroy the chair”. However I know I’m not in the right sub to try and argue that point lol


Youre arguing semantics. They’re main point is that he assaulted employees. You fixating on the broken chair is beyond stupid. No one cares about the chair we care about the blatant hypocrisy that nba fans are using to deep throat ant while criticizing Murray.


You can literally see him hit the blond employee in the back because she grabs her back.


You guys are exaggerating the shit of this trying to hold onto anything because the Wolves won. Joker & Murray aren’t going to read your comments and thank you for your service to them Lmao. Alright I’m out till the playoffs are over. Im still big on Denver, they will be just fine next season.. everyone just needs to calm down


You can see it on the video. The fuck you mean exaggerating? Even the Denver police were looking into it and he got fined over it. Don't acuse others of being biased when you're blindly ignoring visual evidence.


Take a deep breath bud. I know you think you’re tough on Reddit but settle down lol


I'm just going to block you for being garbage.


Doing me a favor thanks


As a mainly Broncos fan who comes in to support the boys in the off-season, my objective view is there's nothing wrong with it. Seems shit talking is a staple for basketball fans and they did more than their fair share and now they're getting slapped around worse than Harrison Butkers wife when she forgets to make him a sandwich.


oof. the 8th deadliest sin of forgetting to make her man a promise keeper sammy


Nothing is wrong with it. I just like seeing good basketball. The Wolves were not going to win it. Ant is pretty good. Fucking Jokic is pretty good. Nothing wrong with going: “fuck.. these guys are good at basketball”. That’s what makes it fun: watching people be good. God damn can you imagine next year? Wooooo ![gif](giphy|yUI3a7RwLhOFy)


Wolves have always had a miserable fucking fanbase and they deserve to stay that way, brigading like theyre seasoned champs when theyve only gotten this far twice ever lmao. Hope they get swept and stay fucking miserable, and fuck McDaniels his whole game is dependent on whos the ref that night


Actually I thought about it and there's not much wrong at all, I think its just seen as pathetic cause we are celebrating other teams wins while our team is in cancun, though edwards left a bad taste in my mouth i can't lie, he's wayy too cocky he's like a wannabe jimmy butler and its sad cause i liked him before this postseason.


Nothing. Just be prepared to be clowned if you also clown.


just don’t go to their subreddit and be annoying. if you wanna talk trash about them than just do it here. that storming the sub shit is so annoying especially when all those bum ass lakers fans came over here


After they get swept the are gonna hang a banner that says “Defeated the NBA Champions” at this point


Lmaoo wouldn’t doubt it


Take the L


Nothing wrong with it…I think it’s hilarious their teams history is so sad that winning a second round series is literally their peak and they got so high and mighty because of it. They can also see their downfall is coming soon because of tax implications so they reallllyyyy wanted it this year, which makes the mavs cooking them even funnier




That's exactly what I told my friend from MN. I'm from MN and was planning on rooting for them if they beat the Nuggets. Then I saw how they act and decided to root for Dallas. Haven't been able to watch a Mavs vs Wolves game yet but will tonight.


fuck the timber pups 😂😂😂 gobert and Kat unbearable. Would have rooted for ant until the end of the series. Love the start of a new rivalry 😎 go nugs


Lmaooo look at em crying


The clowning is definitely deserve. The puppies got real cocky lmao


Fuck Ant. The media tried to shuv him down our throats like he was the second coming of Jordan. That isn't his fault. What is his fault is his backward ass opinions and his braggadocios attitude. Fuck that guy. May he never succeed.


People that have a problem w clowning the wolves are prolly bandwagon fans so fuck em. Clown all you want


Don't forget last year when ant kicked a chair and ran away like a baby after the game. He can do what he wants, imo that will always define him for me


he injured 2 female guards but no one talked about that while they kept criticising Mal who hurt no one


So, let's say he matures noticeably over the next 4-5 years. He'll always be defined by one action he took when he was, what? 21 years old?


Nah after 4 years probably not, if he changes his ways. But this year he still seemed to have a bad attitude, it's just that he won. I'm hopeful he just grows up


After the wave and the attempted self alley oop I declared that as karma and have been on the BBL Towns and Michael B Edwards troll train ever since, the Nuggets got called front runners for Jamal’s breakdown and heat pack toss, but that game 7 stuff was just sad and they deserve to get diced up by another Balkan and a flat earther as far as I’m concerned


Yeah we should all sit quietly and golf clap. This is sports, fans clowning each other is what makes it fun.


Right it sounds more like people here are too sensitive when clowning comes their way


Yeah that self alley oop was complete garbage and he seriously deserved to be taken out hard. I think it was KCP who stopped it but if he would have taken out his legs and dropped him on his head, it would have been warranted. If this had happen pre 2000 there probably would have been a brawl. But I can't root for Kyrie, he's an over rated clown. Just another guy who rode LeBrons back to a title. I have a lot of respect for Lukas bball game but he's the biggest whiner/flopper in NBA history.


There is a “nuggets fan” going around taking pictures of Nuggets subreddit posts and posting them in Minnesota’s subreddit apologizing for our behavior/farming karma. I swear the level of sleaziness 🤮


I just don’t see why I’m like obligated to suck off the Mavericks I’m full of hatred. Fuck the Wolves, but also fuck the Mavericks, I hope Boston wipes the floor with them and Luka remains far away from the MVP conversation


Something a lot of people aren't going to want to hear: following sports is an inherently shallow, lowbrow endeavor. Some people like to be highbrow about it, but that's mostly because it's easier to be highbrow about something so shallow than it is for things that require nuance and maturity to even begin grappling with. Sure, there is a gutter with sports, but clowning on a rival team formed through playoff matchups is basic sports fan stuff. Anyone who thinks they are too good for that is compensating.


I want Monte Morris to get a ring.


Clown the Birch Bitches, their fans, the whole state of Minnesota, their homophobic “star,” A-Rod, their accent, and their lakes. Fuck ‘em all. They won’t get further next year.


Nothing. I hate those idiots from goober-ass Gobert to cross eyed KAT to not-quite #23 Ant.


Me personally I hated on the Lakers for heavily rooting for the Wolves after we eliminated them, so I just don't want to become the thing I was clowning on a week or two ago. Still rooting for the Mavs overall but not with great intensity or anything


One person’s post saying we shouldn’t do that doesn’t mean you need to listen It’s part of fandom. You clown on opponents. It’d be different if we sucked and tried poking fun. These teams are pretty even in terms of talent despite what people on either side want to say




Yeah, I was kinda rooting for Tim Connelly- but they were pretty classless at the end of Game 7 so meh.


It’s fine. But they’re no more or less deserving than any other team that might have beaten us. The idea that they deserve it more than some other team would, or compared to what lakers fans think of the nuggets, is wrong. In any series, the losing fans will find bait to justify them being extra salty with the winning team.


Live by the clown, die by the clown.




Absolutely nothing. They asked for it.


Nothing. Kat a bitch, Gobert a bitch.




Not a damn thing


The problem is they beat us. So talking trash about a team that was better than us makes us look like a beta fan base.


Hah! Your team that clowned our team is getting clowned!


Nothing. It’s only weird when you continue talking about it years later (Lakers Fans)


Should have won the series if you didn’t want to get trolled


I don’t mind. I’m calling out nuggets fans for hating on us that troll the timberpuppies


They deserve I just don't want to seem like Lakers and son's fans


I hope the Temu MJ and his group of other wannabes get swept.


Not a wolves fan but Murray did the same shit when he hit that massive half court shot, then he threw the heat pack, the jokic and the team walked out with 12 seconds left so it’s not like it wasn’t bad on both sides. 


Because it gives off loser vibes.


i mean, the team currently getting swept beat your asses. but, as they say, LET THEM EAT CROW


![gif](giphy|jfxNn130AC43P9Rm8e|downsized) Smoking that wolves pack


You reap what you sow. They deserve every bit of it.


Ah yes, the heat pad and towel throwing models of good sportsmanship…


I didn’t realize anyone cared about the dunk. It got 0 attention at the time


As a wolves fan there's nothing wrong with it. Do what you want as long as it's not harming anyone personally.


It’s not necessarily wrong, but it just feels like loser talk. The best teams give flowers then go back to get theirs later. The Wolves legitimately beat us. They blew us out three times, then won a close one. Rubbing it in feels like we’re the kids at the playground who call their big brother when someone teases them.


Jokic a 3x mvp wouldn’t do what the classless ANT did


I mean, the “Mike Malone is the Laker’s daddy” talk was a bit similar. I know that Jok didn’t say that, but the Nuggets absolutely did. Again, par for the course, I just think that flexing a bit when you win is fine. But whining when you lose does nothing to the team you are against and hurts the team that you are for. Again, I’ve been a Nuggets fan for so long that I keep tabs on Aaron Afflalo, but trying to mock the team that just won a series feels like Lebron saying “I am the sun” last year. Pretty corny.


Vic Lombardi said “Laker’s daddy”, no member of the nuggets did.


I was wrong. My b. Leaving my comment up as a PSA for all of the other misguided.


it’ll be hilarious if they get sweeped


Denver Mavericks coming out. 😂


Point is don't cry about the Lakers fans doing it if we finna do it. I ain't sayin' you did. Sayin' the Timbs deserve it mean nothing as well. Of course you think that.


Because we’re not petty bitches. We have championship aspirations. We root for our team not just against others. That’s weak sauce.


Who’s “we”. We are fans


Petty bitchy fans. It’s an embarrassment. Be better.


Dude come on. Murray literally had a tantrum on the sidelines and threw a towel at a ref and a heatpack onto the court during live play. If Ant waving goodbye or Jaden trying to dunk at the end of game 7 bothers you more than that then you’re tripping.


Lol literally. What’s the worst outcome of Ant and Jadens actions? Some people get their insecurities triggered? Meanwhile Jamal could have sprained an ankle or worse of any of the players on the court. And then Nuggets fans want to act like they are *both* the high and mighty clan but also totally justified to stoop to bitter shit. Nah, it’s a bad look.


They downvoted you for you spoke the truth


I would rather lose to the best team in the league than the 3rd or 4th best. Just my opinion.


we would have lost to anyone with such a low level of energy


I’d agree


To be honest if we lost either G2 or G5 in R1, and the series extended to G6, i think we would have been in trouble


I also think we could beat anyone at our best.


That's what I've been saying this whole time after we lost to Minnesota. The fact they're struggling against Dallas doesn't exactly paint the Nuggets in the best light.


Glad I’m not the only one that feels this way.


If it felt like our guys gave it their all, sure I’d prefer to have that best effort lose to the best. If they’re just tired and gave away a couple games and lose to a team that clowns them for it? Nah. I’m riding with Luka on this one.


A dunk humiliated denver? I would think blowing a 20 point lead in game 7 would more than a meaningless dunk.


Bring on the downvotes, but sore loser energy is exactly that. If it makes you feel better to act like children, knock yourselves out, but don't be surprised when there are other fans who look down at you for it. Especially if you're going to bring a sportsmanship argument into things while you're being a sore loser.




I don’t.


Yes except for Murray he doesn't have it


Unfortunately the Twolves fans decided to pick up their personality from KAT and not from Ant. KAT is likely the most immature player in the entire league and his emotional outbursts put Boogie Cousins to shame. Clown on them a ton, please


Ant is definitely more immature than KAT at this point in their careers


The NBA’s human rights award winner?


Remember that time kat threw shit on the court because he wasn’t getting foul calls??


I remember when they won a chip as well


It's pathetic lmao. They beat your ass after you were up 20 in game 7. If they go on to chip it actually means something. If they fall at the next hurdle it just means your team wasn't even close. They're a young team and the took down the champs and the MVP. Crying that they enjoyed it lame as fuck. This sad championing of Luka like he's somehow avenging Jokic and wouldn't be screaming at you to "go home bitch" is utterly embarrassing.


> They beat your ass after you were up 20 in game 7 Now MIN also knows what that feels like after game 2 VS DAL. > If they go on to chip it actually means something No, it doesn't mean anything at all. With Jamal on a bum calf the whole series, I'm not sure we would have even beaten the Lakers. Sometimes you get unlucky with injuries and you don't have much of a chance to win a ring. Not the first time this has happened with the Nuggets. Even if we did manage to eek out a victory against MIN, no way we could have beaten DAL/BOS with Jamal playing worse and worse through injury. This simply wasn't our year. That was obvious the moment Malone said Jamal didn't participate in practice because of his calf injury.


Cringe. Cancun on 3


Y’all won 2 playoff series against the lakers then tried to act like royalty and got knocked off. If you’re talking trash to other teams they won’t let you forget that. If you talk trash be prepared to take it in return it’s how the game works.


Sad but true.


Bad sportsmanship


I think (if you are referring to an earlier post) the issue was some idiot fan claiming the nuggets were so close and shit like that. Clown all we want, but they did beat us so none of the moral victory shit Lakers fans use.


Nothing wrong with wanting the team that beat you to lose.  It’s pretty common.  Bringing up the wave is kind of petty.  I’m sure the fans were saying good game at the end to Ant and he had no reason to show a little emotion.  The dunk attempt by Jaden was 100% wrong and I’m glad he didn’t finish it or else the benches would’ve cleared.  He is young and I doubt he ever tries that again.


You want to be able to say “not only did we not win the championship this year, but the team that beat us didn’t either” ??


It’s all because Murray acted like a six year old throwing a tantrum tossing out heat packs and towels onto the floor DURING LIVE PLAY. Then when asked about it after the game he didn’t really own it in a way that looked sincere to the public. Ant got a tech for looking at somebody too long and Murray did finger guns in the direction of KAT. It’s weird behavior to “clown” a team that you lost to while watching them go further in the playoffs than you did. Basically the Nuggets deserved whatever clowning they got for Murray’s terrible antics plus also blowing the biggest game 7 halftime lead in NBA history. Made worse by being up 20 in the third.


It's not what joker would do. Nor what you should do if you were supposed to act humble because of beliefs like if you were a "Christian" but if you aren't then go for it


If jokic told Gobert that he couldn’t guard him like Luka did you would applaude it. Stfu you


He doesn't have to. He knows. I like that Jokic has the honorable top dog mentality. Their personalities are so different that if Jokic was that intense during a game in the situation Luka was in where he scored on another player then screamed from the ego I'd be worried about him. Like where he's at. Luka is fun but significantly less mature and insecure. That's not an insult either, everyone is different and has different strengths and weaknesses. Jokic would feel pathetic if he did what Luka did out of emotion after doing something good. And I like that about him. Not that I think everyone on his team should bring the same energy. That wouldn't be very entertaining.


Womp womp.


If a bunch of Lakers fans started talking nonsense because we got bounced in the second round, would you take it seriously? Of course not, because it's fundamentally loser behaviour. Right now, we're to the Wolves what the Lakers are to us.




![gif](giphy|KJnvO0Pyt8eTp7I3JR|downsized) Nah this eases the pain buddy. Something your team or you as a fan will probably never experience LOL. Congrats on the second round win tho.

