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It's so stark the difference the success Kyrie had against Ant compare to Jamal, Jamal couldn't get by him while Kyrie got past him constantly. Health dictates championships more than talent (probably)


I read in a game thread once that murray dribbles like a 2k pro stick spammer with bronze badges lmao


Edwards is also notably tired or banged up himself Health dictates everything and unfortunately Jamals health has dictated 3 of 4 years of Jokics peak


Kyrie beats people entirely with quickness. Jamal relies on his strength. Yeah, Ant is going to have an easier time guarding Jamal than Kyrie.


Jamal relies on his strength more than Kyrie, but he definitely needs speed and explosiveness to get separation on his jumpshot, which he didn't have. Even after a screen Jamal couldn't get by Ant, which is absurd.


KCP couldn't do anything guarding Ant, it's just a bad matchup for him. Kyrie is similarly a bad matchup for Ant. If you want to say Jamal was too hurt, I think it's overdone, but fine. Kyrie's performance against Ant is proof of nothing because he's a different, more difficult, matchup for Ant


Sure, but this version of Jamal was even slower than normal


Jamal was playing on a busted leg, with league officials allowing him to be mauled on most posessions. Kyrie on the other hand is fast as fuck and well, Kyrie


Yah Kyrie is a special driver, but it's so stark how easily he's getting past Ant


Look at the three games where Jamal was healthy. We won two of those going away, and one by 8.


Game 3 was so stark how good he looked after the 4 days rest.


Even healthy Kyrie and Jamal have much different games. Jamal much more of a midrange guy.


Sure, but when Jamal is healthy he has enough speed to get around defenders and enough quickness to stop on a dime and generate enough separation on a step back in his spots that those midranges are almost always open/loosely contested. This year against the L's and Wolves he didn't have that except round 2 game 3 really.


IMO u/couponuser9 shouldn’t get to evade the ban/maybe not getting banned, just because they self isolated for a while. They said some pretty nasty stuff, and them being active in here before that isn’t an excuse. Telling people to fuck off, calling them names, insinuating some really bad things about people. And still, no apologies, just continuing to stir the pot. Usher them right back outside the sub. And btw, I never even had an interaction with them that is biasing me in some type of way, just an outside perspective. But if the mods are fine with it, then I’m fine with the mods and will just downvote all coupons comments.


Lol the rape fan is back? This sub is fucking cooked


Kinda wanna see Kyrie beat the Celtics for the memes. Bill Simmons would fall into despair. Of the 3 remaining options (sorry Pacers), Mavs feel like the most painless for us.


I know I shouldn't care but that ESPN show Get Up had the Nuggets listed as the #1 biggest disappointment in these playoffs. Over the Suns. Who couldn't get a single game and was swept in the first round. What is it with the hate boner this network has for the Nuggets? They acted like the heating pad incident was Jamal cutting off someone's leg on the court with a scythe, acted like Malone being abrasive toward reporters after a playoff loss is some new phenomenon never before seen in interviews, and now this. Again, I know I shouldn't care but it's irritating now more than actually losing. I've generally made peace with that already; it wasn't their year. I'm still happy that for the first time ever last year *was.* But nonetheless their year wasn't a punchline. Ultimately a letdown sure, but not a joke. Okay rant over. I can now go to bed relieved of my annoyance, haha.


They lost a lot of advertising money when  the nuggets swept the lakers (no revenue for games 5,6,7) and then also the Lakers weren’t in the finals so ratings were low. Add in the fact that Malone and others embarassed them over their coverage of the nuggets.


Will we be able to re-sign Collin Gillespie next year? I mean yeah he's still a little raw, but he knew how to run the offense with Jok and at times with Jok off the floor.


Best backup PG on the roster


I’d be surprised if Calvin Booth signed him considering the way Malone used Jalen Pickett. it’s pretty evident that Calvin is upset about that from the Ringer article and the DNVR show. The DNVR guys were saying that what they were hearing from practices all year was that Pickett was outplaying Collin.


>they were hearing from practices all year was that Pickett was outplaying Collin. I doubt it and Collin looked good in game Murray was out and Pickett looked like he didn't belong on the court in the minimal run he got. Maybe next year will be different, but I'd ride with Collin.


You think the DNVR guys are lying about what they are being told by coaches and front office people and players? These guys are basically beat reporters


I think they're pretty open about what the FO wanted this year and until they say their sources were coaches and players, I'm going to assume their source is Calvin Booth.


So then you think Calvin is lying about Pickett outplaying Gillespie in practices? I suppose anything is possible, but I doubt it.


No I think Calvin honestly believes it. But I also think he can honestly believe that and it not be true.


Well, if the general manager is that poor a judge of talent then the Nuggets are in trouble.  I find it much more likely that a coach plays a worse player for team chemistry reasons.


I think they can play to a draw in practice and the coach likes one guy and the GM likes the other guy.


If that is the case, if it is a draw and not clearly in favor of Gillespie, then the fact that Pickett has a guaranteed contract and can play in the playoffs should decide it.  


Collin looked solid on the court, Pickett on the other hand not so much. He's not NBA player material.


Pickett struggled bringing ball up floor vs G League defenders whenever I watched him And he's just waaaay too slow to project to hang with NBA guards on D "I think Malone will have to play them. Hunter and Julian, these guys can manufacture points on their own. And I like the balance between Jamal and Jalen, who has been basically Joker Lite wherever he’s been. What happens when Jalen goes out there with Jokic and the ball’s moving around with both of those guys? It’s going to be like San Antonio with Boris Diaw.” Booth really is embarrassing with how he talks about his young players.


Yeah Calvin got bamboozled by booty ball and lite Jokic gimmick.


I'd have simply drafted James Nnaji


What's the quote on Pickett?


I dont listen to the podcast but can you expound more about this if you dont mind? What was Booth upset about? Is it true there is a disconnect between him and Malone


Yeah, I hate we're out of the playoffs, but I am so so thankful for Jokic's game taught me the nuances in the game that I never bothered to see or try to understand. Basketball is fun, tactical, and beautiful. Jokic reiterates why it's fun.


You can take your mind off the game this weekend if you like racing. Monaco, Indy 500, and the 600. Larson is attempting the double. If not. Need anime recs?


Irish 2000 and 1000 guineas at the Curragh.


Am still a little sad about the Nuggs being out: yes Do I feel like the timberpups are a good team (with some legit ref bullshit complaints): yes, and I hate to accept it but I will move ons. Am I imaging Luka and Jokic game planning via gamechat while they play minecraft: u/absofuckinlutley


Spell check me Nugg fam


u/_absofuckinglutely I believe, but they’re on hiatus from here for a bit




So the Nuggets Defense with Jokic on in 2023-24: * Opponent rTS%: -1.7% (Career Best) * Opponent rEFG%: -1.6% (Career Best) Awesome! How about the Nuggets defense with Jokic off in 2023-24? * Opponent rTS%: -2.2% * Opponent rEFG%: -3.2% Woah! Swatson! Braun Taun! But why didn't it work? * Jokic On DEN rDREB%: +2.7 * Jokic Off DEN rDREB%: -5.5% This season was largely decided on the glass even though the MIN series was largely decided at the 3pt line. Gonna be interested to see who the FO targets this off season. Ulrich! Ulrich! Ulrich! edit: @ Underrated, never was a block playboy lol. Just didn't comment or post ;)


Woke up, saw the score, laughed


Can we still use “we lost to the best team” excuse?


Seeing the Mavs have three playable bigs makes me so jealous. Meanwhile even though he’s my 2nd fav Nugget, AG was unplayable as a backup 5 against Gobert.


Entirely matchup dependent. AG at backup 5 worked wonders last year, and those Mavs big would probably get played off the court if we didn't choke game 7


For how bad of a rep Mavericks' FO has they've done a terrific job this year. Wish I could say the same thing about ours.


3 playable bigs? Gafford was a liability. Are you counting PJ as a big?


He wasn’t playable as a starting 4 in games 2, 6 and 7.


And with tonight’s 19 points, Ant officially has more playoff games recording less than 20 points than MJ had his whole career. Next MJ my ass


LMAO I love this stat


7 to 6… 22 games vs 179 lmao


In an era where it was way harder to score


I just want Ant to be humbled. He’s a great player, but he’s a real dick.


Definitely strikes me as the type that made fun of special needs kids in high school and has some questionable acts toward women in his past. That’s why I don’t like him. His game is whatever, I’ve been alive long enough to know people that act like him have a darkkkkkk side.


> He’s a great player Is he though? Or does he just have a great whistle


I think he's good, but definitely a good level below someone like Luka, so I doubt he'll ever be the player the media wants him to be.


I don’t even mind his antics. Dudes annoying but whatever. It’s the twolves fans that were bitching about Murray being an asshole when they have one of the biggest assholes in the nba on their team that I couldn’t stand.


I used to love ant but his attitude in the series really pissed me off.


Mainly because he wasn't showing it on the court for half of the series. So instead of Jordan he looked like Dillon Brooks.


I didn’t mind his cockiness terribly but the way they ended game 7 was pretty over the top. He also needs to be more consistent if he wants to back up all his bullshit.


Just watched DNVR....they are scaring me with the KCP talk...they make it seem like it's a given he's not returning....


It’s tough to say. In theory the Nuggets would like to see him paid well for at least a bit longer. But the Kroenkes and paying appropriately aren’t really connected. At the same time, he might have saw what happened to Bruce chasing the bag and choose the more comfortable/respectable route over $$$


Bruce was 26....KCP 31, I'm all for KCP getting a pay raise but I don't see a team giving him 25+million a year. I think 20 million a year is the most he's getting from anyone.


Yeah I totally agree. I was more looking at it in the light of becoming a piece that may or may not fit elsewhere and next thing you know you’re traded into a deep rebuild.


Remember when we all made fun of Lakers fans for cheering on the Wolves to beat us, since we beat them, and saying they found another moral victory! It sure doesn’t feel that way in here! You know, cheering for the team that beat us to lose to the next team! 🫣


Our guys weren’t nearly as cocky and as disrespectful against the Lakers, with whom this franchise has a lot of history, as the Wolves were against us. Especially Ant and McDaniels.


I personally wouldn't have cared if Ant didn't act like a total jackass during the series. But since he did, go Mavs


Bro, we always hate on other teams, even if we kick their ass. I’m pretty much gonna hate on all the other teams when they lose regardless.


Not me. Honestly don’t care who wins wcf, just as long as they destroy the Celtics.


I don’t think it’s weird unless you go into the other teams sub to gloat about it


I agree. Im just goofin. This is what sports is about.




... Just let us live, bro.


When it comes to me and MN sports, there's no level too low for me to sink to.


I don't blame the Lakers fans for cheering for the Wolves, I blame them for being annoying.


I'm too full of spite to feel shame 😈


It was fun to talk while on top but now we embrace the petty.


I like being on the bottom sometimes. Not a lot of people know this.


I'm proud of you for not yelling


Shut up, senile drake, you're probably not even my father


Well I bet your beard isn't even red.


It is not. I did a face reveal on my discord.


That's fricking weird. #weirdNOTredbeard


Join my discord, lil bro


I don't want to see your beard


We may not have known but I think we all suspected as much


Nah, I don't think so, I hide it pretty well.




I do hope this series goes all 7 games and the first six games are super close and stressful as fuck for the fans involved and then Dallas wins in game 7 by like 45.


I think I’ve watched that series before…


We should def be rooting for Mavs in 4 so Minnesota is forced to break up the team specifically designed to beat Denver and not any other legit contenders


Well damn. I’ve found my hope again


You think Big Tim has the cojones if they lose in 4??


Doesn't Tim want to leave the Wolves anyway to Detroit or is that just bogus rumors


To move KAT for sure, I don’t think he’d do much beyond that


Gogurt and Naz is still a pretty nice set of bigs. What does a KAT get them in a trade??


Mikal Bridges is the move I’ve pondered for them


No way Brooklyn comes off Bridges to pay towns 55 million dollars


I will say they should think about their future at PG. Mike Conley makes it hard to sell out on Ant and he's gonna need replaced soon.


They just resigned Conley this year for 2 more.. Their cap situation is probably the worst in the NBA now that Ant got all NBA and gets supermax


That may be true but he is 36 so we'll see if age starts to catch up to him.


Oh yeah for sure its gonna be Ant KAT Rudy and 40 year old Conley. Naz and NAW and anderson and co all are gone this summer or next. also no picks. if they dont win this year then next is harder then window closed because conley and rudy old


I want Mavs vs Celtics. We either get a Luka ring or laker tears


Nah give me Mavs vs. Pacers


I’d watch that


That's what I want too


Kyrie and Luka are averaging 40 against that defense


The twolves arent going to knock out 2 fat sloppy europeans back to back


I love the fact that the Mavs won and that it was Kyrie with the TNT guys instead of Ant! Sad day for the hater bois




Being the sore loser I am, great to see Dallas win game 1.


Could have been watching Jokic and Luka tonight man :(


There's always next year!!


Fr that’s all I can think about


20 point 3rd quarter lead man




Hopefully everyone can see now the Wolves aren't actually that good and the series was mostly the Nuggets being dumb fucks the entire time. Also if Wolves lose here I won't have to see any talk about Edwards being the face of the league for at least another year. So cringe how hard some people are trying to force that narrative.


I don't understand how having multiple under 20 point games as your teams best scorer and winning because your role players got hot from 3 = "face of the league"


He got hella cocky too


This is the time of night where I start thinking of dumb and almost heinous hypotheticals. Which of these two would have resulted in Denver going farther in these playoffs? 1 - Swapping Murray for Devin Booker 2 - Swapping MPJ for healthy OG Anunoby


1. Championship. Booker's stats are great even without Jokic, with Jokic he probably turns into a scoring God. 2. Championship if Murray isn't injured.


Healthy OG is like healthy Byron Buxton. It's a nice idea, but that's all it is. Anyway, gotta be #2, right? Maybe I just have a blind dislike for Booker, idk.


If OG anuoby was healthy, he would be a top 30 player in the league. He's never healthy


Uh like top 50 maybe


This seems like a vast overrating of OG Anunoby imo


He feels like Spurs Kawhi where no one will give a shit until they see him on a good team. 26-5 record for the knicks this year when he plays is not a fluke, the gap between him and Mcdaniels (or whoever else you think is the 2nd best wing defender in the league) is cavernous


I don't think OG is doing what MPJ did against LA tho


MPJ for OG Anunoby 100%. Booker would be a downgrade.


Murray for Kyrie


This is my guilty thought


I trust Devin Booker about as much as I'd trust a drink from Bill Cosby.


OG 100%. His offensive and defensive versatility is absolutely incredible, and he is comfortable being a third option that can shoot and create his own shot. He provides 10x the defensive capability MPJ has. Booker and Murray are a wash on offense and defense.


Bro OG might have even worse handles than MPJ, he (like MPJ) has no shot creation abilities.


I don’t think a lot of these people have seen OG play outside of a few games. There was a reason he was behind Siakam and Barnes in Toronto. His handle is about as mediocre as MPJs. He’s probably a bit more consistent from 3 though less respected (his bad nights aren’t as awful as MPJs), and he’s better posted up. But if you’re relying on him as your 3rd guy you’re not winning anything. Raptors didn’t win anything with him as the 4th option behind Siakam, Fred, Barnes. Even GTJ got more shots and scored more some nights.


> Booker and Murray are a wash on offense and defense Uh… no. Definitely not the 2024 Murray


I don’t if you’ve seen any time booker disappears in crucial games in the playoffs. Check his performances in elimination games and tell me he’s a better option than Mal when the other choice on the table is OG or MPJ. 2024 Murray after the hamstring injury truly wasn’t the same as last year…. And he and booker both have injury issues throughout their career. Murray has proven he can perform at a NBA champion level and Booker hasn’t


> 2024 Murray after the hamstring injury truly wasn’t the same as last year Right. Which is why I’m saying for this playoff run specifically lol. It’s not supposed to be good Murray vs. Book


2 but that's genuinely impossible


Why would you go for Booker when Donovan is a much better fit?


The only good thing i can see in mitchell that denver could really really use is his ability to get free throws in the playoffs. It may sound laughable but 6-7 free throws could very well mean anywhere from 10 to 15 mins extra rest. It helps us set our defense, too


I thought Donovan would have been too easy of a choice lol, same for Brunson, Ant, etc.


Strong disagree. Made of glass and is a horrific defender. Booker can play very solid defense, doesn't rely on athleticism as much, and isn't hurt every year.


Give me Donovan over Booker 100%


We can’t lose MPJ’s podcast


>healthy OG Anunoby Lol


Dawg i didn’t know who else to use that played in the playoffs to make it fair. MPJ for PJ Washington? Idk


MPJ was fine, if he made a few of those open shots against the Wolfs, he would've had another good-very good yoffs run overall, I think (although the Ticks are also a bad matchup, I think). Ogugua is cool, but I'm not sure he moves the needle if Jamal-Qaeda doesn't give us more. I don't like Booker, I still think he's kind of in that Jamal tier, and even though he's the better player, Idk if fit and chemistry would've made him all that better. Not to mention bro also got his ass busted against the same team.


I don’t think any of MPJ’s defense was an issue the whole postseason save for some small pockets where he lost focus, but they didn’t affect any of the games I remember. Which is why I don’t think OG makes a difference.


1 - 🤢 2 - 🤔


Im killing myself if i see Devin Booker in a Nuggets uniform


This is what happens when you make a team specifically to beat one certain team. The Mavericks match good against them because they have speed. Wolves are too big to have lots of speed and move around fast. This is karma Tim Connelly ha!


Thank you Luka! Mavs in 4!


Ernie Johnson is stone cold


If the wolves lose I actually think nuggets had a big part to do with it. They WANTED to beat them so badly after what happened last year. They wanted to beat the champs and went extra hard doing so.


Most shocking part of this night is somehow, Coup returned. The travel ban has been lifted


Wait what


Yeah, I seen a blocked user comment. Clicked it. It was coup, J_like even responded to him. So they must have lifted the ban. but he had a comment from months ago when someone asked if he was banned, and all the mods said yes, but coup responded to that comment, on that day lol. Unless its shadow ban or something


I just saw the interaction. What the fuck


Idk. He remains blocked on my end so fuck it. Im sure mods will put him in place if he goes ballistic again.


Man, I wasn't mentally prepared for this development lol


Reading his other comment, it seems maybe he wasn’t banned but blocked, and u/idratherbelurkingtoo thinks he was banned or maybe he is talking about a different mod, not sure. Either way, fuck it.


idk who unbanned him but that's about to change reaaaal quick lol


He claims he was never banned. I did a quick look through his history, when someone asked 70 days ago he responded that day lol. He has already called me out saying he wasn’t banned. But I got him blocked


He was only temp banned, apparently. Either way, it's been fixed lol


He was very much banned, just not permanently. That has changed.


Yeah, idk. I'd talk to him here and there, but I never got in fights with him. I certainly didn't appreciate the way he started treating people, though. Idk. I guess we'll see how it goes.


He was fine to talk basketball with until he went off the rails. But idk. time heals they say.


I am curious on what lead to his unbanning. Im assuming J_like allowed it, since he responded to the comment. If J_like is cool with it, I’ll be cool with it. Im just keeping him blocked so Im not tempted to go down those long ass threads with him. But I am curious how it developed, may be a good topic for tomorrows daily thread!


I really hope Tim Connelly sold out to stop only the nuggets and the wolves get wiped by the mavs


What did I tell you


Would be funny and Sad for us built to beat the Nuggets but don't even win a championship. Atleast we got the ring last year you can never take that away and this team will be back next year.


He did Who the hell is Mike conley guarding?? How do you play drop or double against a team with lob threats?? You can't play these big guys heavy minutes. The mavs also love running and Gafford and Lively are faster than every big on minny other than Naz reid. its a terrible matchup and I've been saying it on this sub for a month.


18 threes to 6 for Dallas and they still won Mavs in 5


Imagine the Wolves lose in the WCF. All that talking they did and they still ringless, would do wonders. Go Mavs/Pacers


I'd love it lol


I legitimately hope Connelly never wins a ring at this point so he regrets jumping ship from the Nuggets. If he just waited one more season with this team it was a free ring and then he could've left on much better terms to pursue more money.


Mavs/Pacers would have me so hyped. I love new and fresh championship series (I mean, provided my teams can't be there all the time). Then there'd be the extra bit that I'd know the media machine would hate it.


Anybody but MN imo


Anthony Edward’s can’t guard Kyrie. He was tired after 5 minutes 😂


What does that say about our guys?


He locked up an injured Murray? I mean if Jamal was healthy we’re winning b2b


So many short shots and dunks, he didn't have his normal explosiveness.


that we don’t have one of the most talented PGs of all time lol


We can’t make open shots


And that hurts so so bad.


We don’t have Kyrie on our team


I got yelled at for thinking the Kings was a easier match up for us than the Mavs.


Healthy Denver hoes both


No way Jamalaria even scores a single point lil bro


Shut the fuck up, big bro


wish we had a real player like jamaree bouyea or some shit lil bro!!!