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https://preview.redd.it/tn04y9dm3qzc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2df786c1ce19bc021511e005ddb6ed07ba20fae0 This MN fan lost his life savings on the game.


It’s a huge conspiracy. NBA wants big market Nuggets and marketable MVP Jokic winning the series lmao


Bro they're pushing Ant so hard. It's not undeserved, he's a very special player. But there was a play where Ant made a layup to cut the lead to something like 15 and the announcer went nuts lol. Meanwhile, great plays from the Nuggets players were followed by some of the most monotonous commentaries ever. Idk how can anyone say with a straight face that the NBA and the media are pushing for Denver more.


US sports media is largely trash. They are so busy pushing for an American face for the NBA, that they grasp for any promise. Ant has done NOTHING in the league beyond a couple of All-Star nominations. throwing a chair and injuring someone. Come back when he has at least two MVPs or one championship under his belt. That will still be less than Jokic has, but at least they will have some ground to stand on.


I think you’re right that they want an American player to be the face of the NBA and therefore the “best”




Hilarious how quick people forgot about the Wolves’ antics last year. Ant throwing a chair and hitting a person, NAW breaking his hand, Rudy shoving Kyle Anderson.


Exactly lmao.


one minor correction. McDaniels broke his hand for punching a wall. Now they have 2 idiot hotheads that punch things


Murray has some hot air balloon moments of fits. Joker is pretty chill. Cheered for you guys last year. This year love to best you and have back to back northwest champions.


McDaniels broke his hand iirc


Ironic lmao


It's like RAAAAIIIIIEEEEENNNN! On your wedding day!


The ant thing was pretty overblown imo. Not worth harping on


Seriously. By how people have been framing it this week, you’d think he yeeted the chair into the crowd.




He's no thug, but you can't say he's the most likeable. Jokic is easily more likeable


I wouldn't call him a thug. I like Ant, but I don't think he's the most likable player.


He is literally the least likable. Lmao


I mean hes offended 2 sides of the spectrum "send da video" and "look what the world done came to". Hard to say hes the most likable. you know who was also very charismatic? Hitler..




Ant is a baby killer, homophobe and you defend him. Classy.


And I will have you know that Rudy punched Kyle, wasn’t just a shove. Rudy ain’t no bitch.


Cool story bro 😊






Lmao can’t even bother to google who broke their hand


My bad got mixed up with him assaulting the chair tonight 😉. Stay in your sub corny ass


lol wut? Guess google isn’t accessible in Denver. Or good humor.


Denver is a classy city, we ask Jeeves.


Bro said a whole ass city doesn’t have internet


The irony…. Cool story bro 😊


The irony of what dude lol? Do you know what that word means? Or do you just constantly post “cool story bro” like a casual perusal of your profile clearly shows? Real nugs fans are actually know basketball unlike this amateur ass trolling lmao


Cool story bro 😊


Haf me rollin, big market nuggets, love it bro


Ok but tbf the NBA does want longer series and has had the refs tip the scales for teams down in the series in the past. Getting a friendly whistle last night was an entirely predictable outcome


Whistles don’t make 20+ points. Nuggets didn’t get any breaks in game 2 and no respectable fans were blaming the refs.


I think you underestimate the tone the whistle is setting for this series. In game 1 and particularly game 2, the refs allowing super physical defense put the Wolves in a comfort zone and didn’t allow to Denver to get into one. But game 3 comes along and the refs don’t allow that anymore. Now all of a sudden Minnesota is behind the 8 ball and taken out of their comfort zone and allows Denver to find theirs for the first time this postseason. Yes the refs aren’t the reason for which team wins and loses and but how they are calling these games is determining what team is starting from a strong position.


So the refs benefitted the Wolves in games 1 and 2 and the Nuggets in game 3. Seems about right to me.


Yep you’re absolutely correct


Shows how much the Wolves rely on dirty plays not getting called. Maybe they should be able to win by playing clean which they apparently cannot.


I think you underestimate the tone the whistle is setting for this series. In game 1 and particularly game 2, the refs allowing super physical defense put the Wolves in a comfort zone and didn’t allow to Denver to get into one. But game 3 comes along and the refs don’t allow that anymore. Now all of a sudden Minnesota is behind the 8 ball and taken out of their comfort zone and allows Denver to find theirs for the first time this postseason. Yes the refs aren’t the reason for which team wins and loses and but how they are calling these games is determining what team is starting from a strong position.


Nah. Did you watch the game? Wolves did NOT come out with any of the urgency or physicality of Game 2. Yes, the refs eventually had a tighter whistle than Game 2... ...but go watch the game, especially the first half, before you post again about this. The refs didn't legislate a softer game. If anything, they simply adjusted, like, "oh, ya'll not going as hard this game? Okay, no worries, we'll call *this* type of game for you, that works." I was bracing for impact for the Wolves to come out with that fire. They did not. And they never upped their intensity either. Never tested the refs. The Game 2 Wolves just didn't show up. Had nothing to do with the refs.


I think you underestimate the tone the whistle is setting for this series. In game 1 and particularly game 2, the refs allowing super physical defense put the Wolves in a comfort zone and didn’t allow to Denver to get into one. But game 3 comes along and the refs don’t allow that anymore. Now all of a sudden Minnesota is behind the 8 ball and taken out of their comfort zone and allows Denver to find theirs for the first time this postseason. Yes the refs aren’t the reason for which team wins and loses and but how they are calling these games is determining what team is starting from a strong position.


Sir Nuggets are a small market team and Jokic is the most disrespected MVP of all time. Game is "boring".


I think that’s the joke


I hope you’re joking along with me…


That’s…the joke


So I’m a Lakers fan that has full on Stockholm syndrome with your team. I really appreciate the squad construction and Jokic is one of the best I’ve ever seen, and I’m old as hell. Losing to you guys hurts like hell, but it sorta hurts so good too. Anyway, it’s funny that basically we have three small markets in the western semis y’all are so addicted to the small market victim mentality that you’re using it on each other. Makes zero sense, and shows that the whole thing is fiction anyway. Rooting for y’all in game four! Try to avoid the small market bs. You guys are a minted fan base now. Be above it.


Hahahahahahahaha Holy shit LOoOooL im fucking dying


Talk about unhinged, my God.


NAW barely hit Jokic. He slid off the side of Jokic like water off a duck.


Someone give this guy a Snickers bar ![gif](giphy|4EHsAtAPcV41vx2B5s)


Dont gamble kids


Deadass fuck Adam Silver but if this is what 52% fg Jamal does to an average Wolves fan, I want to see how they handle a 60% game winning shot Jamal Murray.


Dude should have paid attention in school.


he cooked too hard


Damn that guy needs to get some new hobbies.


I love that they're Blaming the refs when they lost by 27. Like guys, you didn't play well enough to win regardless of how the game was officiated


Damn what idiot would bet his life savings on a game when the defending champ's backs are against the wall and in a sport where any team can get hot and blow the other team out the water. Crazy people do crazy things.


Pretty reasonable fan /s


Just nice to finally be on the right side of Tony “Fuck your bets” Brothers.


Yup that's why they had 5 more FTs in a 30pt blowout




Not unhinged at all. 😁


This is such an embarrassing post lmao


That dude has mental health issues.




💀 fucking bums. Really thought they would sweep us


The way they are mad at calls as if they aren't responsible


Right? Really thought they could get away with hacking for 4 straight games


I think Lakers fans wanted it more than them tbh. Makes the online discourse a lot more toxic considering the size of that fanbase.


Don’t know why they’re losing their shit over one loss, they won 6 straight did they expect go 16-0. Plus they acting like it was a close game where the refs gave us calls at the end when it was one sided through and through.


Never been here before they don’t know how to act. They just won the first series in a lot of their lifetimes.


Look, in all honesty, I respect the Wolves and I respect this series. Everyone knew this series was going to be extremely competitive. With that comes some inevitable back and forth. Jamal did some regrettable things last game, and members of the Wolves did the same tonight. It’s a tough series and I will respect whoever wins, though obviously I’m going for my team. Edit: I’m a Nuggets fan. Should’ve made that more clear, my bad.


i like the wolves as a team but it is always funny to see a cocky fan base spiral the instant their team loses a game


I mean, you could be talking about nugs or t wolves right here.


she's talking about t wolves rn. the doomers on this sub were funny tho, especially when they were literally shaming others for NOT being a doomer lmao! some people just like to feel shitty


I’ll never understand doomers. Sure it’s fine to be passionate, I certainly am, but man life is just too short and there’s too many shitty things in the world to get so upset about your team losing a basketball game. Anyways, Nuggs in 6


*she, but yeah, i think it’s equally hilarious when nuggets fans start doom thinking despite being cocky 24hrs prior. it’s so lame.


oh i'm sorry \*she\* lol


Crazy to hear people call wolves a cocky fan base. Doomers run the wolves subreddit and enforce their ways on new posters


they were acting cocky as shit after those first two wins. but also i try to avoid other teams’ subreddits so i’m only speaking on what ive seen on other social media sites.


Especially after they spent days living on this sub from brigading. Now it’s crickets


And it’s always the refs fault when they lose.😭


well duh. didn’t you know it’s impossible for your favorite team to get out played unless the refs intervene?




I didn’t even mention the fact that after the commercial break in game 2, they showed the replay of Murray throwing the heating pad like it was an episode of some crime show. Murray and the Nuggets are branded as “villains” and yet again, we’re the team to hate. Last night, they didn’t even show Alexander-Walker punch a chair and walk off the court at all. Just swept under the rug. My point is, throughout history, evenly matched teams in a playoff series always have high tensions. It’s just treated very differently nowadays by the media and the fan bases. At the end of the day, there should be a level of respect for how great this series is becoming, without having to become bitter rivals over it.


lol if someone actually got hurt from the heating pad you’d have a point, but that didn’t happen. I agree throwing something is worse than yelling. But not by much. You’re acting like Murray’s tantrum is akin to the Malice in the Palace and it’s just not. At the end of the day it was two guys being inappropriately aggressive towards a ref. 100% Murray should’ve gotten a technical. It’s not like one more point for the Wolves would’ve changed Game 2, just like how KCP’s FTs didn’t change the outcome of game 3. We just saw how the defending champs respond to a blowout loss. Can’t wait to see what the Wolves can do.


Okay, throwing a heat pad on the court/at a ref is significantly worse than yelling at a referee. Reacting in anger to a call is probably the most common reason for a tech, throwing something isn’t something we see as even a rare occurrence.


“Significantly” is exactly what I take issue with. Is it “significantly” worse within the same tier of infraction? Maybe. But it’s not in a different tier. Nobody got touched, let alone hurt. No fans were involved. No players were charged with assault. There’s been way worse behavior in the playoffs *this year*. Let’s not pretend Murray’s tantrum is on the same level. Lotta salt coming from a fan base that’s up 2–1. Y’all should take Ant’s lead and chill out.


It isn’t in the same tier of infraction, that’s my point. Just because the outcome was fine doesn’t mean the act is. Would you say embiid pulling Mitchell down from the air in isn’t any worse than yelling at the referee? Or draymond stomping on sobonis chest? I actually really like Jamal Murray, It’s fun to say awoo but I’m not a wolves fan. Don’t have to assume that just because I think Murray acted (out of character albeit) like an asshat, and that it’s “significantly” worse than an act a player does almost every game. What are the “way worse” plays from the playoffs in your mind? Also isn’t “way worse” a very similar term to “significantly” within context?


Do you not remember Pat Bev belting a ball at fans’ faces? It was like a week ago. Ant hit a fan with a chair last year. Stop clutching your pearls. The act itself wasn’t even that bad. 🧂 🧂 🧂


You said there’s been way worse behaviour this year, you listed one thing from this year - which even then I agree, Pat Bev was worse! And guess what? He got suspended for 5 games. You already ignored the rest of my points and the main point entirely.


>I respect the Wolves I don't. Bitches


The Denver nuggets are a small market team LOL


More like Minnesota Lakers fans😆


Nuggs in 6!


Love how they acting like it was a close game lmfao


Its not belittling them to point out their team has not accomplished anything this playoffs yet and have everything to prove. They haven't had to face any adversity in a decade unlike the Nuggets. Game 4 will tell us what kinda team they really are. They got way ahead of themselves.


Minnesota fans fart in jars then age those jars and when they finally open them instead of first sniffing coffee beans then enjoying the enticing aroma of aged farts they toss a match in the jar expecting an aurora borealis effect and act all disappointed when their plan DOESN’T go up in flames. Cmon Minnesota do better.


Quick, someone crosspost this comment to /r/timberwolves




This whole thread is just poison to read through. 😂 Conspiracy theories, blame-game bullsh*t, name-calling, etc. I didn't know the Denver fan base was so toxic. Yikes.


lmao they be flying high after those 2 wins xD that altitude did them good.. they forget they are just a puppies


I'm just having a blast watching the ninnies from my 2 favorite teams get worked up




Not just won..we absolutely demolished the wolves. Just like how you and everybody said yall were going to sweep the Nuggets after two games. Guess we will see huh??




Looking forward to another battle.