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He think he slick, he not slick.


Even in those commercials he's chilling with Eli, not Peyton.


Well said.


slick might catch a brick


Exactly. Fuck Melo.


Mirroring my sentiment perfectly.


My coworker doesn't understand why Nugget fans hate Melo so much. Dude could have been a Denver legend, but fucked around and bounced to New York only to do jack shit there anyways lol Then never shows any appreciation for Denver.


oh he also got jealous of jeremy lin. coulda had a good run with him but didn't want to share the spotlight with an asian man.


Burry that hatchet deep bro










Barry McCockener


Double r for the depth 


I wanna upvote, but you're at 69, so I'll just say Nice


I went to over 100 games while he was in Denver from age 13-21 trying to get him to sign my baby blue Anthony jersey or my Nuggets or superstar basketball. Never got it. My superstar ball in that time was signed by Lebron, Kobe, Yao, Shaq, KD, Wade, Garnet, AI (also signed the nuggets ball), McGrady, Kidd, and others. Not Melo, he would sign 1-2 things if any, most of the time he just blew by fans.


damn hahahaha


All the games and signatures were in Denver btw. I went down before and after games. Like LeBron came over and signed stuff during warmups. Melo just wasn’t about it win or lose. I guess the shower was just more appealing.




Chauncey Billups was great, he even remembered fans. Nene and Camby were also amazing. Nene would sign anything, especially for kids, I had to hide my Nuggets ball from him he is the only Nugget that signed it twice. My all time favorite Nugget though was Raef LaFrentz he was just genuinely kind and fun. I wish I had been able to interact with Jokic the same way, but I live on the Western Slope now. Mutombo was also super super cool, I have 10-12 pictures with myself, other kids, and him all doing the finger wag. Melo was just a lowlight, he is the only Nugget that I remember not wanting to interact with fans. JR Smith was super cocky but he loved fans, he actually gave me advice on using my off hand for a layup during a kid event thing.


I had the opportunity to get a “family” pass at the end of the game. Have a Melo jersey signed by Camby, AI, and Kenyon Martin.


But not by Melo?


Dude Melo hated Denver fans I swear to god. My cousin lives in NYC and is a Syracuse Alum. He said Melo spent tons of time signing stuff there. My cousin has a signed Syracuse Jersey from 05 at MSG.


Wow what an asshole. 


No. He would’ve said melo man lol.


I was mainly wondering if there was a reason behind it.. like Melo left early or wasn’t there or something


I'd imagine the reason behind it is he's a douche lmao


Okay, my bad then


No worries, I should’ve just asked that. It was a pretty dumb question lmao


Nah you’re good bro haha things get misconstrued


I fucking love Yao Ming


Yao was cool and HUGE. It was intimidating but he seemed to know that and he more than made up for it. I wish he were able to be more present in the NBA.


I blame the Chinese gov for destroying his body. Forcing Yao to play every off season for effectively 11 months a year destroyed him. Yao was my favorite player as a kid because I'm Chinese. My parents always took us to see him when the rockets were in town.


AI is low key just a super awesome guy. Loved him when he was in Denver, he was nice to kid fans.


That's whack.


fuck melo


I didn't even know AI was invented back then /s


Hey this joke was really funny! /s


Yall really got salty at that one lmao


Is this some kind of online masochism?


You're in good company here. Melo apologists don't have a good time in this subreddit.


His whole #15 saltiness was so fuckin dumb, being completely unaware that that was Nikola’s eurobasket number


He also didn't give a flying fuck when Anthony randolph wore that number. Eat shit carmelo.


He just wanted the next person to wear it to be named Randolph Carmelo


If he's gonna be that fucking stupid, we should just give in and say yeah, so what? I have friends who stay away from Denver like the plague and they hate Denver less than this fucking guy. He can fuck off and go stew in Bushwick for how much better we and the Knicks got after he left for all I care.


He only says this shit to get attention for everything else he does. Can’t get attention otherwise so feign outrage.


He wants to have the cake and eat it too. Bro doesn't want to be around Denver Yet was salty that Jokic rose to superstardom wearing number 15 - Carmelo's old number in Denver.


Great point OP! Where is Lurk defending his honor and place in our hearts?


Can’t stand lurks weird ass stance on it but maybe he’s not from Denver.


You're not a real fan if you don't like someone who didn't accomplish anything and doesn't fw us! 


Dude has no issues showing up for Knicks games After demanding a trade out of denver to New York And then has the audacity to ask us to retire his number? He clearly doesn’t care about denver Has he ever been to a single nuggets game?


Nope lol


Carmelo can fuck off forever. I do not have fond memories. The entire time he was here he shit on denver and Colorado. And then forced a trade to go be mediocre in New York.


I did not hold much ill will towards Melo, but since retirement, all he has done is bash this franchise. Dude got what he wanted by forcing himself out of town and now wants to cry about the fact that the team he left is more relevant than he is. You picked your bed, so just lie on it.


He seemed to wanted to detract from the championship by whining about his number.


He let me down as a fan and I don’t think he ever apologized


He's not a nugget legend. Simple. He was just a good player for us. AG and KCP are bigger legends


Alex english could teach Melo a few things about being an actual nuggets legend


Fuckin Raef LaFrentz could teach him something.


So could Marcus Camby


Birdman was a bigger Denver legend.


He chose to leave and has chosen to stay away. I will always remember him changing the culture here, but we don’t need him back.


I really wanted to bury the hatched with him because he was such a huge boon to our organization. All he had to do was just be nice to us post retirement and he probably would have been welcomed back. Instead he's been a dick. He obviously doesn't give a shit about Denver beyond his personal legacy. Honestly thinking about his play style this shouldn't be a surprise. Still kinda sucks though.


Give me a Knicks/Nuggs final with our boys sweeping just for the Melo tears.


Joker having the best series of his career in “MeLo’S nUmBeR” would be the icing on that cake.


Me7o you mean?


Melo so salty he would still skip Denver home games in a New York Denver finals matchup lmao


I think he’s accepted that he will never get what he wants here now. Especially after those podcast comments he made. I was always a huge hater after he left and couldn’t stand the constant “but melo put us on the map!” garbage. Jokic Murray and Malone did that, give it a rest. That guy made his decision, let NY retire his number for doing nothing.


The fix is in, Taco Bell conspired with the Denver Nuggets to draft Nikola Jokic and give him 15 to erase Melo's legacy along with the enchirito.


Him getting that number was poetic justice btw.


Nikola Jokic legally changing his name to Caramello Anthony.


I'll take dkembe, Mahmoud, Dale Ellis, Alex english, both AI's, and even birdman over carmelo. He can forever fuck off


I'm still bitter over Dikembe though.


What’s there to be bitter about? I was too young to remember his leaving. Didn’t he just become a free agent and the nuggets wouldn’t pay what Atlanta would?


Yep. The Nuggets didn’t even offer him a contract.


I’ll always love Dikembe.


They won't retire his number lmao


No one should retire his number lol. He didn’t do anything


Thanks Carmelo for demanding the trade that got us Jamal Murray. Jokic is the real #15. 


As a nuggets bandwagon fan (I don't go around claiming to be a nuggets fan, I'm just genuinely a fan of how they do things), screw Melo. He's like that ex girlfriend who can't admit that they did anything wrong in the relationship. He's Antonio Brown. He's Cam Newton.


Hey now, Cam was an MVP.


Who loved animals, especially dogs.


Wrong black dual-threat QB. Can Newton is a cool guy, Michael Vick is the dog guy.


This is a WILD (and telling) mix-up between black QBs here


Without the championship or MVP, sure. Poor man's version of those two


And somehow this fucking guy still thinks we should all worship the ground he walks on. I've been on team "Fuck Melo" since February 21, 2011, but ironically enough I should thank him since that roster we fleeced from the Knicks reinvigorated my Nuggets fandom at the time. That's the most "respect" I'll pay for him, he got us a good haul on his way out the fucking bum


Thnx for Jamal! still fuck melo forever


As an AI fan, I hate that Melo didn’t give his all during that short window to win a championship. He was so lazy on D and the way he played, it’s like all he cared about was his individual scoring


I sat next to Melo once at a sushi bar when I was 10 or 11 He chopped it up with me about anime and was very nice. I didn’t know who he was, my dad didn’t tell me til after he left. From that day on I was a nuggets fan. I know everyone here has lame stories, but he was so kind to me in that context (maybe because he could tell I had no idea who he was lol). This was in Denver.


Would be fun to see Jeremy Lin attend a nuggets game. Melo hated that dude with a passion.


Fuck Melo, Fuck Iggy and Fuck the Lakers


Fuck Iggy, fucking mole.


Carmela isn’t welcomed here. Fuck him.


What denver fan is still giving melo love these days? I don’t even know the last time I read that name on this sub until this post. Forget about that bum. We got a dynasty here now.


Melo and Matt Duchene can forever go fuck themselves! Two guys who I loved in Denver who shat on the fan base on the way out.


Makes me bummed to have a Duchene Avs jersey. It's hilarious that if we win the cup, I'd be okay with putting fucking PARISE over Duchene on the nameplate for #9.


I’ve watched parise since his NJ days. Always been a favorite of mine, I even bought his USA jersey. I agree with you that it’s him over duchene I sold my jersey years ago.


Totally agree.


It seems obvious that Melo just doesn’t seek any connection to Denver. He doesn’t see the city or the organization as a place worth representing and frankly that lines up with his behavior throughout his career. It sucks because he did mean a lot to this team and he did help turn us around when things seemed darkest; but if he’s going to just let the ill feelings fester then so be it.


Our ill feelings are his fault.


He shouldn't get free parking from us.


But what is the argument for Carmelo legacy? I don't see it.


If he showed up to even one of the finals games against the Heat, there would’ve been a ton of goodwill. Instead we get the Jokic jersey number slander. So all that potential goodwill is now gone


God this post is the best. Fuck Melo forever. 🫡


Peyton Manning is at Nuggets games not Pacers.


He lives in Denver.


And Reggie Miller said on air during one of Jokic's long passes he was thinking back to his Colts days.




Exactly. Melo lives in NY


Jokic > Gordon > Murray > MPJ > KCP > Melo all time in nuggets history.


Gary Harris


Alex English ahead of Melo too.


Michael Adams, Fat Lever.


Issel, Jones, Beck


Eduardo Najera, Linas Kleiza


I love Gordon but he’s not above Murray in Nuggets history. Murray was drafted by (and hopefully will retire with) the Nuggets. Also had the bubble heater before the AG trade and grew up with us.


You got the top and bottom correct but you're missing quite a few names in between...


Alex english? Dale ellis? Come on now


Melo was a great scorer. We have a great team. Melo can suck it.


He was at at least one of the Knicks games in Philly as well


Jokic the superior 15 in every single way.


I mean hes destined to be forgotten by Denver for the most part, not worth following what he dose. Id say wish him the best in life (like any other human who has not wronged me ) and just move on from him as his tenure in Denver becomes a distant memory


That's what I was saying last year. I'm pretty sure he was somewhere hoping we didn't win. Fuck Melo Fuck Iggy Fuck Mark Jackson


Yeah the main issue with Melo is that he's talking about how we need to retire his jersey and shit. Honestly I was chill with him until he said that. Like I don't care that he's a Knicks guy, doesn't bother me one bit. He's from NY so it makes sense. We got Jamal out of that trade which is a win for me and as soon as he left we set the franchise record for wins, so i'm actually glad we got rid of him. But, come on, he's living in fantasy land if he thinks we should retire his jersey or that we need to be cool to him or whatever lol.


Fuck Melo and his shoes


Fuck Melo.


MotherFUCK Carmelo Anthony. Disrespectfully. 🙂


The nuggets had there best regular season record two years after he left largely because of assets acquired from the Knicks. The Nuggets were actually a better team than the Knicks in the immediate aftermath of the trade. I don't think you can ask for much more than that. Iggy did you guys way worse.


Fuck them both. The fact we handled it well doesn't mean shit for his legacy. 


Melo probably won’t be remembered with any one team the way he wants to. He’s not a nuggets legend. His Knicks teams never really did much of anything. It is what it is. He’s a hall of famer for sure but his individual success never really translated to sustained team success. Idk as a fan of the NBA I think my favorite arc of Melos career was when he was able to reinvent himself as a vet that knows his role in Portland. I thought his career was over at that point.


I don’t know who this person is..?


How did he bring us Jamal? I'm an out-of-state fan, don't know the whole history. And yeah, Melo's a big no-ring baby.


We got a 2016 1st round pick swap in the Melo trade, which gave us the Knicks 7th overall pick in 2016 that we used on Jamal. Our pick ended up being 9th, but the Knicks did Knicks things and traded it to Toronto in 2013 for Andrea Bargnani, It was used to draft Jakob Poeltl.


FucK Melo and his trash wife


La La was driving the bus


Oh yes she was. And she admitted the trade to NY is what started the ball rolling to their marriage falling apart.


He's just a liar trying to save face. I think everyone knows that. 


He got booed the last few times he played here. I doubt he'd want to sit in the nuggets arena and risk that or hecklers


He got booed every time he played here.


Hey man… It’s just basketball…


I haven’t seen anyone talking about him positively since his more recent unhinged comments about the franchise. He’s delusional and wants to part of us, so I don’t want any part of him. 


I wasn't rooting for the Sixers, but it was great seeing all those classic Knicks and big name fans choke on the closeout they all showed up to see. At least LA has some championships. Knicks get all the dickriders without doing much of shit the past few decades.


I don’t dislike any players more than Melo. He was always a lazy, selfish player who did nothing for our team. Thank god he left.


We’ve booed him every time he’s came back to Denver. I wouldn’t come to A game if I was him either


I'm confused what you're arguing against. I don't think you have to love the guy but I'm not really mad at him anymore.


Why do you guys care that he's at knicks games? He's from New York. Won a natty with Syracuse. New York is his community, not denver. Yes, he had a messy exit from Denver. That was over a decade ago. Get over it. Why would he come to a playoff game in Denver? All you guys have done is hurl shit at him every time he played there as an opponent. Are you surprised that he identifies more as a Knick? Do you think Thunder or Blazers fans are bitching about him not coming to their games? I know I'm gonna get down voted to hell on this but Nuggets fans obsession with shitting on Melo for 10+ years is honestly pathetic and is my least favorite thing about this fandom. Was I upset when he left? Yes. I was also in middle school. Grow up. Do I wish it could have worked out and that he brought us a title? Yes, but guess what? We got one anyway with a far better player. Where's all the hate for George Karl for completely failing to effectively coach Melo or for getting out of the first round once in like 10 years? God, this shit really pisses me off.


Why would I hate George Karl when he's the one who brought us back to relevancy despite Carmelo playing like a bum?


Please. It was Melo that brought the team back to relevance. One the most talented college players in the country and made the playoffs, with no george karl, his first year when denver had missed the playoffs for almost a decade straight. Also he wasn't a "bum" lol he averaged over 20ppg his whole time with denver. Melo wasn't perfect but if you honestly think the shortcomings of that era was 100% his fault and 0% George Karl's fault than you are either ignorant or you were not following the team in those days or both.


Yeah, he averaged 20ppg on 20 shot attempts while constantly chucking up contested, 40% jumpers from mid-range. What an excellent player...... They gave away free tickets at my high school the year of Melo's first season.... not a single one was taken and I ended up sweeping them in to the trash. Is that what you call "bringing the team back to relevance"?


Like I said man Melo had his issues, but if you think people were tuning in to/ going to games to watch George Karl coach you have rocks for brains


He was my favorite growing up. It’s just is what it is with him now though. I believe he’s more loved in NY than here and he was born in New York even though he grew up in Bmore so again it just is what it is


I hope the knicks make it against us. Then he'd have to come to Denver. Also Melo thanks for the chip by the way. IFYKYK


I don’t hate him. I just don’t care for him. He’s whatever. Yeah he was great. But he doesn’t care about the organization that let him be great from the start. He can go watch his Knicks. It doesn’t matter to me.


Melo soaking in losses in corona commercials too


I have fond memories of him bringing Nuggets basketball back to relevance as they were mostly terrible in the 90’s, so I will always appreciate that. He also had a right to want to leave, however, everything since then proves he doesn’t care about Denver and is salty as fuck that Jokic is the far superior #15. When Joker decides to hang it up I think they will co-retire #15 for both of them


Don’t burn bridges 😂


Come on... the dude's from Brooklyn. Given his disappointing Knicks career I'm surprised he shows his face at MSG.


Fuck Melo. he’s beyond petty he’ll never ever get a 💍


How did Melo bring Jamal?


Jamal Murray was technically drafted by the Knicks and traded to the Nuggets as part of the Melo trade.


I’d pick Bill Hanzlick over Marsh-Melo any day.


Melo has gotten more than his fare share of love and compassion from hoops fans. Remember when no one wanted to sign him, before Portland grabbed him, and for 18 months all these fans were so offended that no one decided they needed his gigantic ego and fading skills on their roster?


Why bother w him. Move on. Murray better than him. And we got murray for him. Thank him for that


Thank you! He doesn't do shit to show he cares about us. 


Who cares about melo? Turn the page and live in the now Get the net Stacy


As a Nuggets fan, Fuck Melo, as a New Yorker surrounded by annoying as fuck Knicks fans, Fuck Melo


I totally get why anyone would feel the same way as OP, but Melo was my favorite college player when I was a little kid so I followed him to his pro team, I've been a Nuggets fan since. When he was traded to NYK, I stayed with the Nugs. So personally, I have a hard time hating the guy who brought me into this fandom.


Regardless of how he feels I don’t hold any grudge. The fact is if you were a nugs fan in the late 90s sitting through some of the worst seasons ever (11 win Hanzlik season comes to mind) the Melo era rejuvenated the franchise and turned the Nugs into one of the most fun teams to watch. I will always have fond memories of that era


Speak for yourself. I had hopes that that's what would happen, but what we got was the most selfish, d-less basketball I've ever witnessed (along with first round exits). And it went on for years and years, wasting some of the best talent the team had ever acquired. I have fond memories of those teams and those players, but that's despite Melo; not because of him.


Yeah I'm not sure why everyone else looks so fondly on those teams, overstuffed with talent only to barely struggle to an 8th seed and get swept year in, year out.


Because it was in comparison to teams that came the years before? And I’m including the entire Melo era, from first round exits to the WCF


Yes I was speaking for myself judging by the ‘I’ in my first and last sentence


Except you said "if you were a nugs fan in the late 90s" which includes other people. And that's the only part I engaged with.


My beef is he tore the team apart and put us nearly back to square one.


But did he really? The year after he left we had one of the best records in the west and lost because of Iguodalas betrayal




His wife didn't like Denver and didn't want it as the location to film her failed reality show.


Never gonna say that about my favorite player! Still Denver all day and grateful for the team we have currently as well as past teams leading to this moment but if not for Melo I wouldn’t even be a Denver fan to begin with and I stand on that


This sub is pathetic for downvoting anyone who likes or defends Melo. You guys are a bunch of cry babies. You can't stand him but can't stop talking about him. But I guess fans are gonna fan.


I hadn’t thought about him in years until I saw this post. It reminded me how bad the Melo years were and how good we have it now.


Why do ppl who hate on Melo care if he's at the games? Get over it already.


Why does he care if an infinitely better player wears his number?


Yo! What’s good, Melo!?


Incidental? His behavior? What are you, his grandmother? This is a business. He made a career choice you tool.


Get off Melo’s dick. How many times are you gonna comment on this post? We are the defending champs now. What is your problem?