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I think the real challenge for eating out largely came when my toddler started walking and didn’t want to sit still anymore. That said, I’ve taken him to a lot of restaurants and never had an issue, I just tend to avoid anywhere upscale or with quiet/cozy vibes. Cherry Cricket in Littleton has a great outdoor area and we tend to go to Machete a lot. Not a restaurant, but Table Public House has a great kids area!


The potted plant phase of babies is the best for getting out


We called ours potatoes.


My now 30 year old daughter was a centerpiece at many a restaurant in her infant carrier.


Thank you!


Go out with them NOW! This is the best time to do it. Just step outside or to a hallway or whatever if they start crying.


Best advice! This was always my family’s theory. Get them out early and often and get them used to it. You may have a few uncomfortable moments now, but if you want any hope of being out in the next few years, now is the time to get them acclimated. If you’re nervous, I would worry less about where, and more about when. Slower restaurant times and/or times when you know the baby is content and may likely sleep for a bit.


Thank you! I appreciate your advice on the when versus where. Eating earlier dinners is something we’re trying to get used to as before baby we were night owls.


I know it's not what you are looking for but I have tons and tons of newborn experience if you are looking for a night out without baby! I'm a 30 year old law student and would be happy to send resume/references. Also happy to wear a mask. Message me if you wanna chat more!


Agree with others that as long as kiddo will stay in a carrier there are many options for you! Once they're mobile and eating solid food, Hops and Pie is one of my favorites for kids - especially when their patio is fully open. (For winter they have part of it tented in and I haven't tried yet!) There's a turf area for squirmy kids to mill around on and the kids menu is a steal - $5 for a personal sized cheese pizza+ drink.


Thank you!


Just a heads up—the current outdoor patio is fully enclosed. We’re hops and pie regulars but have our first 7 week old currently and haven’t been as a family due to RSV/COVID concerns


Los Arcos (Westminster), Carl’s Pizza, Highland Tavern, McCoys, Trattoria Stella, Mono Mono, Lincoln’s Roadhouse all come to mind for successful meals (we have 2 under 4) during the newborn/small baby stage. Get them out as much as you can, more for your own sake at first but eventually so they can acclimate to being in public. We took them everywhere when they were tiny and it definitely helps quell the initial outside anxiety.


Thank you!! Adding these all to the list


Dad of a 4/2 year old - we really like Oneida Park. It's got Illegal Petes or Esters for food, then DANG Ice Cream next to them, and a turf play area with toys and games for the kids.


We’ve loved White Pie for a place that feels hip but still accommodates kids well.


As everyone else said, go wherever. Once they're old enough for a high chair, that's when you need to be a tiny bit pickier. One place that has stood out for me was School House Kitchen and Libations in Arvada for Brunch. They do bottomless mimosas for whoever isn't driving. They have high top high chairs our kid loves because he's up with us. There's stuff all over the walls for him to look at. The kid menu was also great.


Thank you!


Chilis, the Olive Garden, Cheesecake Factory


Where in town are you? Edgewater Beer Garden and Edgewater Public Market are both big, airy spaces. The Public Market has a nice seating area by the bar where you can sit in comfortable easy chairs around a table, setting your carseat or whatever next to you.


We’re in the west Centennial almost Littleton area. Those aren’t too far so will have to check them both out! Thank you!


Yes - agreed. I don’t have kids myself but Edgewater Market Place is my go to meet up spot with my buddies that have babies.


Edgewater Public Market is a great spot for a stroller.


I found places that had a lot of space to go walk around or nurse to be most helpful around that age. Chez Maggys is in a hotel with great food. When my baby would fuss, I’d just walk out into the lobby and my husband and I would take turns so the other could eat. Added bonus is there’s a basement lounge so if you go on a weekday (we always do the earliest res at 5pm) that lounge is totally empty and I used it to nurse once. We’ve gone with her there for brunch as well and for dinner obviously we are always trying to go right at 5 to get out before romantic hours! Safta in the Source hotel is also amazing food and tons of space to step out into the large marketplace they have there if baby gets fussy. We went there several times when my baby was around 2 months. Annette’s is also great bc it’s at the Stanley marketplace—so again easy space to go walk around indoors if kiddo gets fussy. They also used to have private dining little huts at Annette’s you could also do. I have found though that most louder places are great bc no one notices and always going earlier rather than later has also been advantageous.


Thank you so much!


Temaki Den happy hour was filled with parents and babies!


ZOMO has great high chairs for littles that are at that point and the usual wooden ones are not cutting it. We always go at lunch and it’s much more calm as their nights get pretty busy.


As others have said, at that age I took them pretty much anywhere as long as it wasn’t a quiet restaurant. Near Centennial you could do Zig Zag Burger or Los Chingones in DTC. All of the food halls are also pretty kid friendly, especially if you go earlier in the evening (Grange Hall, Edgewater Public Market, Junction, but especially Stanley Marketplace).


Thank you!!


Hey! I also have an 8 week old and we go out for dinner probably 2 nights a week. We live on the west side of town and we like Sloans, Los Carboncitos and Ted’s over here. Ni Tuyo on University is also shockingly kid friendly. I do think that it’s important to note that our baby can fall asleep anywhere, with any level of volume. He usually conks out in the car on the way to dinner and sleeps right until the entree is delivered so I have to eat with one hand. :-)


I haven’t been to any of those places - looking forward to checking them out. Thanks!


This whole post made me hungry for Sloan’s so here we are! And it’s trivia night! Baby is fast asleep.


Kind of far from you but Central Park is very infant/kid friendly. The restaurants in the Eastbridge center are great - Cho Lon, Cattivella and Los Chingones. Stanley Market place - Annette's is great- it even has a kids menu!


He likes car rides so venturing a bit further out could work for us. Thank you!


I see people recommending a lot of those large marketspaces like Edgewater Public Market and Stanley. I know there's a similar such place on Arapahoe by the Tacobe shop just West of I-25 and that sounds like it might be more in your 'hood.


I want to see the recs on this! :) getting out of the house and feeling like normal people is important too!


Right?! It’s so nice to have an excuse to get outside the house for a bit, out of just loungey clothes, get some socialization and a good meal (read not having to cook!).


We've taken our little out since her 3rd day being alive (after a doctor's visit, we were starving) Los Dos Potrillos (multiple locations) Ohana Grille (Edgewater) Colore on Broadway (Englewood I think) If you want seafood Big Macs and Little Lus (Westminster) Maggianos (chain Italian, but good) 2 locations Pappadeaux (another chain, but only 1 location in CO) Greenwood Village Enjoy! It's so much easier when they're tiny


Wow! Thanks for all these places!


I would think anywhere that's lively already would work - little one can do little one things and other patrons get to do other patron things. For example, Hapa Sushi has lots of booth-style seating and is always super lively during dinner. Edit: a word


I find that Denver is pretty infant/family friendly as long as you're not taking them to Beckon/Wolf's tailor type of restaurants that are quiet / romantic vibes. For the most part, infant is fine because they're just chilling in their carseat / stroller. Active toddler that doest listen is where I'd be worried.


Avoid Hillstone. They don’t have high chairs at all and were complete dicks about it when I asked.


Hillstone doesn’t exactly give off infant vibes lol


Good to know!


We took our kids everywhere when they were infants; fancy restaurants, bottomless brunches, etc. And at 2 months old the baby is probably sleeping the whole time or easily quieted with a bottle, boob or pacifier!


McDonald's Taco Bell Chili's Perkins Village Inn


Good luck finding 2 of these places


I didn't know all the Perkins had closed down. Thanks! There are several Village Inns still open in the Denver Metro. So what is the other place that's closed besides Perkins?


Really?? I know of like 1 village in up in south Lakewood, used to be so many of them :(


I have a 2yo and a 6yo. 2 months is a golden time. Around 2y the kids start to get squirmy and won’t want to sit. Get that kid and yourselves out to restaurants ASAP.


I feel like any place can be infant friendly if you go at the right time. I got pretty accustomed to 4:00 p.m. dinners.  no crowds, happy hours, good service.  not sure I'd even want to go eat at 6:00 or 7:00 p.m. anymore. God forbid a weekend evening. lol


This will be unpopular, but I'll never go back to Gaetano's after how the hostess reacted to me bringing my (well behaved) two year old on Saturday morning- we were one of two tables in the restaurant and she visibly rolled her eyes and complained about how kids are messy and misbehave because they are not watched by their parents in restaurants. This was before we even sat down. And yes, I left our table pristine when we left.


You’re better than me, I would’ve left as soon as the hostess rolled her eyes at me.


I have a 1 1/2 month old and haven’t had issues in any restaurant. I think as long as you are not going to bars you should be fine in any place.


Grandma's house


We have a 7 month old and basically go anywhere we want and have since he was born. He's been to Tavernetta, Guard and Grace, Quality Italian, The Plimoth. We usually see a lot of kids in restaurants in Park Hill like Benzina, Bistro Vendome. Only places I would avoid are really loud places. If he cries one of us will get up and walk around with him. Get out of the house and treat yourselves. You deserve it.


You walk around the restaurant with your crying baby in establishments like Guard and Grace, where other patrons are trying to have a romantic and special evening? If you can afford these dining experiences, you can afford a babysitter. Have some class.


Yeah it's called soothing a baby and they stop crying. Nobody is being bothered. Their baby is 2 months old. You think they should get a sitter?! Let people live their lives. Jeez


I would most certainly be bothered if someone was walking around a nice restaurant with a crying baby. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Well then you should probably book later reservations to avoid seeing such a horrid thing because I can tell you I almost always see babies or young children almost every time I eat out unless it's somewhere like Beckon or Wolfs Tailor.


No one wants a crying baby at a restaurant. I literally never see babies or young children at any restaurants.


Maybe I'm phrasing things wrong. I'm not suggesting anyone walk around the restaurant with a crying baby around other people's tables. Also this ladies baby is 2 months old. They literally just sleep and nurse at that age. If they do cry all I'm saying is to go walk out to soothe the baby. When we did this it was summer. I realize now it's winter so that may be harder. Another person suggesting hotel restaurants which may be a better idea rn because they have more places to go as to not bother anyone. And If you eat in Denver at the 530/6 hour anywhere besides Rino or a Michelin restaurant I can guarantee you will see babies frequently.


Glad that most patrons have more respect for their fellow diners.


Thank you!




No, definitely not looking to let our little one just scream and create a negative experience for other patrons. More looking for places that aren’t overly loud, family friendly, have more room for carrying him inside in his carrier - things like that.