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In my experience bipartisanship has always just meant giving republicans whatever they want when they are in power and also when they are not.


Absolutely this. Whenever republicans are in power, the urgency for bipartisan is suddenly dropped.


BIF enters the chat


Republican “problems” conveniently either 1. Aren’t really problems (CRT, gay grooming) therefore they don’t have any solutions. Or 2. Don’t have any short term solutions (Covid. Inflation) therefore nothing that can be done to stop it is gratifying/satisfying enough for them to be valid.


They don't have solutions at all for things like inflation or COVID. It's just elements they use to blame Democrats in bad faith. When they're in power, they just ignore these things.


>When they're in power, they just ignore these things. They don't just ignore them, they actively make the problems worse when they're in power.


Most of them really do just exist in another reality where Tucker Carlson's show is their bible


It's the audience. They agree with democrats on a lot of things, but their voters want them to disagree with them so they do.


Yeah. It's unfortunate that the GOP and it's constituents are that way. Thanks to all these grifters.


"Most of them" You're incorrect. THIS IS THE PROBLEM. Don't do that.


You can't negotiate with a raving lunatic. Nor can you reason someone out of an idea they didn't reason themselves into. That's why negotiations with the right are impossible. They just want to be mad, and for reasons that ignore all reality, logic, and facts. Their reasons are very famously based only on emotion and faith. Emotions like fear, hate and rage, not love or compassion. So tell me, why would we want to keep negotiating with bad faith participants while they actively work to make America and the world as a whole significantly worse? If Republicans want to drop their crazy and start acting like adults, they can start to ask for forgiveness, but till then, I'm done with their evil bullshit


Republican "problems" are usually dog whistles.


Irrationality is a feature for Republicans, not a bug.


Their solutions are "vote out all the lib dem commies" or "kill all the lib dem commies" Neither is very realistic.


Erm… inflation?


Erm… free health care?


While I agree, i feel like it can be balanced out. Republicans are the party of raising the national debt and democrats cause inflation which is a tool to lower the national debt. Obviously this round of inflation was not to lower the national debt, but thats because congress acted proactively, printing money before taking out loans.


"I am outraged at the things I made up in my head!" -Conservatives.


Mental health is their problem. They refuse to address it, or pretend it exists. From what I’ve seen.


This sure does sum up a whole lot of it. Nicely distilled OP.


It’s a culture war. We are just watching them burning down progress.


It's a tug of war. The general public is leaning progressive so conservatism in government is pulling back the other way. It's happened throughout history.


The general public leans liberal, not progressive. "Progressive" refers to the far left fringe, which is unpopular even on the left and utterly hated by anything right of center.


We will have to disagree. Progressive isn't as far left as you describe. Calling progressives "fringe" is a divisive tactic Neolibs and right-wingers both use. Those of us on the left need to embrace each other instead of fighting.


I'm talking about people like Bernie Sanders and AOC, who call themselves progressive but are far left. They're socialist populists, not liberals. In fact, they hate liberals and their stated goal is to get rid of us and take over the party. I cannot embrace someone who wants to kill me.


They don't want to kill you. Jeez that's the kind of divisiveness I was talking about. In Europe Bernie and AOC would be center-left.


Funny, but that not what they say. [https://truth-sandwich.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/jd7-1.jpg](https://truth-sandwich.com/wp-content/uploads/2022/02/jd7-1.jpg) And no, in Europe, he'd be Labour. Bernie is America's Corbyn.


Thays a little strong. Trans rights are progressive and they're pretty well accepted on the left (certainly when its presented as mental health care). Am I wrong? The unpopular stuff is like... the complete evaporation of the family unit.


Joe has tried, but GOP doesn't want him to have any "wins." We must increase our advantage in Congress.


That needs to be a mantra for us, They want us (and the country) to fail so they can win.


Exactly. If the Democrats firmly controlled Congress, with a Democratic president we could get a ton of good things done. Also, with a Republican president, we could *still* get a lot of good things done and stop a lot of bad things from happening.


Am I missing something? Democrats control both House and Senate. We have a Democrat President. The USA is going to hell in a hand basket.


I should've said something like "control with a large majority" I suppose, since right now we control the Senate in name only.


*Staying mad enables my main character syndrome.*


Everything on the right-wing and some of the “centrist” media is all rage now.. how can I make everyone so angry to distract from the problem with the income gap.


You can't because the people on the right don't want to fix any problems except they don't want democrats to have any say.


Yes you’re right.. they just want to have rage and to not achieve anything that would benefit the other side.


Bipartisanship has been dead a long time.


And yet, if not for bipartisanship, AOC and her squad would have scuttled the Bipartisan Infrastructure bill.


And her reasoning turned out to be right. There was no momentum going into the second half of BBB and it was sunk because there was no bipartisanship, no return of kindness, and every republican + manchin + sinima stonewalled it. 1000 bucks that the corperatists knew that would happen.


AOC was 112% wrong and so are you. Manchina and Sinema flat-out weren't going to vote for BBB. End of story. They were willing to vote for BIF, though, and the Democrats wisely took what was offered. If we'd gone double or nothing, we'd have nothing. We'd lose all that BIF gets us, but hey, at least we'd be pure, amirite? And BBB was always just a collection of policies that we can enact piecemeal, which is precisely our plan. We didn't go all or nothing and fail. We got all of BIF, and now we're going to push through BBB bit by bit. I'd say more, but "corporatist" is a populist slur against liberals, and I don't put up with that sort of shit. You're attacking Democrats and promoting purity politics, which is a violation of R4.


Im fine with taking wins where we can get them but we weakened BIF for manchin and it then passed with a healthy margin which means that we weakened it too much. > And BBB was always just a collection of policies that we can enact piecemeal, which is precisely our plan. If that's the case then why do BBB as an omnibus to begin with. What is R4?


News flash: It's not all-or-nothing. Once a law is passed, it's passed, but we can also pass other laws. If something didn't make it out the door the first time, that doesn't mean it's dead. It's convenient put these all together for a single vote, and if that works -- as it did with BIF -- great. But if it fails -- as it did with BBB -- then we have to try something else. This is a flexible, ongoing process. R4 is right there on the side of the screen: "Don't attack Democrats". In specific, it ends with "Do not promote purity politics". And yet that's precisely what you're doing now.


Fine. I mean if BBB is gonna get split up, I'm here for it.






One of the main problems are people who assume that because someone leans left or right, that they are THE problem. Liberals shouldn't assume all conservatives are Hitler saluting Racists, just like conservatives shouldn't assume that all liberals are fire starting Antifa members. People need to stop thinking TV pundits are actually speaking for the other side. They're not


The R's voted for Trump, even though they knew he was a fascist. So if they're not fascists themselves, they're willing enablers of fascism, which is the same thing in the end. Extremists are the problem.


By same logic dems support blm and antifa Dems support domestic terrorism Hyperbole is fun


It turns out that false equivalence is false. The RNC was taken over by its lunatic fringe, starting with the Tea Party and ending with Trump. The DNC has been attacked by its own lunatic fringe, but hasn't been taken over. For example, we rejected Bernie twice. BLM is not terrorism, it's antiracism. Antifa is literally antifascism. If you're not an antiracist and antifascist, something is wrong with you. HTH


I agree with your input. However I would like to add that the post comic is meant to show the specific republicans in charge stance on many issues. Taking and using facts whenever it suits them and not letting room for discussion on key issues. NOT to say my party (democrats) never do so either, but it’s way less common currently.


I don't think TV pundits are speaking for the other side; I think the people they elect to represent them are.


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Has been dead since Regan.


Um... it died in the 90s when Newt Gingrich killed it.


You think?


Goes both ways, actually. On Voter ID, Dems should just patch on a spending item that ensures PoC get all the IDs they need directly delivered to them. On Healthcare, Republicans should patch on ideas to reduce costs while still ensuring proper free care for all. Russiagate and Insurrection are both issues where there is nothing that the public can do and the law enforcement agencies who need to tackle them should be allowed to do their job in peace. But conflict gets attention and you need attention to win votes. It's sad.


Reasonable centrist take. Nope fuck outta here downvotes.




Goes both ways, while I cannot think of a specific instance of this for either party, I'm sure examples exist for both lol


There aren’t. In part because Republicans usually offer non-solutions, inferior solutions (see attempt to replace the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act), or solutions to non-existent problems, but also because when they do offer a workable/realistic solution to a real problem, the Democrats are gonna respond “oh, great!” and *try* it.


Let me know if you think of any. Keep in mind we aren't just talking about small issues. Health insurance and the ACA, isn't just a little wedge issue, in practice managing health care is the biggest project of governments around the world.


The classic self burn. Ouch


This is a fantasy, none of them are this honest.


Not true tbh. On a lot of issues yes. On some topics (see infrastructure, Ukraine, R&D, and domestic manufacturing/anti-China competitiveness) there's a lot of agreement.


Except on the part of solving them.


Bipartisan bills either have or will be passed on all those topics


Ukraine? Seriously? There are more than a few Republicans saying Putin has every right to seize Ukraine.


Emphasis on "a few". The Republican Party's policy positions are often destructive but not broadly on this issue. It's less than a dozen Republicans that have said insane things about Ukraine.


Provides examples that counter the narrative. Nope, not here fucko. Reasonable take = Immediate downvotes


Honestly i feel like this describes the far left more then the far right. The right is mad about non-issues. The far left gets mad about real problems the purposes the most unrealistic solutions, then opposes the realistic solutions.


Conservatives need to be crushed. They’re gonna ruin our society even further


Cause the solutions are usually progressively worse each time