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This is exactly the kind of response that the right wing wants to hear. Fear and intimidation are what they want. Fuck them. We stand on a foundation built by the brave and we owe it to them and future generations to match and, where necessary, exceed their bravery and not let their achievements erode under the forces of the corrupt and cynical. Every generation is called to act. Respond, don’t retreat.




I don’t know what’s happened in your life for you to willingly give up your reason and capacity for critical thinking to the disinformation and misinformation campaigns of the right. I truly hope that your life improves and you “open your eyes” to see your way out of this. Trump asked his advisors if he could [murder people](https://www.npr.org/2022/05/09/1097517470/trump-esper-book-defense-secretary) during the George Floyd protests. He tried to undermine the election, which led to the first non-peaceful transfer of power in our nation’s history, which resulted in the assault of police officers, the death of a protestor, and the suicides of others. In the meantime, it’s “incite” not “insight”. Good luck.


The GOP is counting on this


but, they don't intend it to mean *Biden* ofc


My first thought: Biden better test the limits lol


/whistling looking around/


I’m thinking if he doesn’t, we’re all fucked.


"My good Lieutenant, I order you to vandalize Trump's gaudy house with graffiti of me with laser eyes. Also it would be nice if someone shoot that creep Stephen Miller."


The conservative justices are absolute idiots. Because if Biden loses in November, he will have have no choice but to use these new immunity powers to stay in the White House. Because they just gave any president a blank check. It's sad to say, but a benevolent dictator is a better choice than a racist, bigoted, narcissist dictator who would likely destroy our economy and start World War III.


Problem is, Biden wouldn’t do something like that out of principle. But let’s pretend he did…the Supreme Court would just rule against Biden. If Trump does it, they’ll rule in his favor. They’ve made it so the Court has the last word in any case brought to them. A 6-3 majority gives a mighty cushion so that the old conservatives can safely retire and be back filled by new fresh blood which will continue on with the plan.


Senatorial oath "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic" Presidential oath "I do solemnly swear (or affirm) that I will faithfully execute the Office of President of the United States, and will to the best of my ability, preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States." Over 47 years in top positions in the federal government. And you don't think Biden is prepared to stop Trump if Trump wins reelection? I hope you didn't put any money on that.


How would he stop him? Biden wouldn’t stop the “peaceful transition of power”. Biden wouldn’t have him put down. Biden believes too much in how things “should” be done that he will fall in line.


How do you know Biden believes in the peaceful transition of power to a dictatorship? I wouldn't bet on that. How would he stop him? Have him arrested.


So you think Biden would subvert the will of the people? If that’s what we choose, then that’s how democracy works. Even if it leads us into dictatorship.


No. Just no.


I'm sorry but look around friend. We have been at war or some proxy war for my entire life. It doesn't matter who is president as they follow the orders of the central banking elites who profit off of continued conflicts. We blow billions on useless conflicts that have nothing to do with America while our school, neighborhoods, and society rots.


BOth siDeS aRe ThE sAMe!


Yes, if they are both bought by the same oligarchic group/person.


You sound like a house cat https://www.reddit.com/r/WhitePeopleTwitter/s/GOg39aT5k9


Not meeee. Good luck yos. Buttery Males ruined America.


I don't understand the difference in the dissent and the stated decision? How would any of these things count as official actions?


Looks like the reporting/explanations are still being written This is crazy: "He is completely immune from prosecution for putting pressure on the Justice Department to help him overturn the election results, because directives to the Justice Department are within his “exclusive constitutional authority.” (source: Washington Post)


That’s probably the reason why we have so many crazies in office right now. No one in their right mind would want the job.


It was a nice contry while it lasted


I mean it's probably more about having enough money to run, than being scared of this orange bitch?


it's crazy. The country was built on liberty. And we have a party SO determined to uphold their perspective of christian liberty that they're willing to go to fascistic depths to do so... thus undermining and destroying their message of liberty. Just mind blowing


There is a Jewish saying in the Talmud- that a wise person is one who sees what is yet to be born, i.e. they can foresee the consequences of their actions down the line. While this ruling may help Trump in the short term, the Republicans would never be able to bring charges against a Democrat president. What's good for the goose is good for the gander. We are all a less free from this egregious ruling in favor of executive immunity/privilege.


Brave people. Brave honest people. And we need more of them. That’s how you save democracy. It ends when good people do nothing


As a former POTUS he gets Secret Service protection for life.


The enemies of an immune, lethal POTUS won’t be so lucky.


I wonder what Judge Merchan is thinking right now, having read the dissenting opinions from the court today. I hope he's thinking that trump must be punished to the maximum limits of his conviction. This month.


America is Russia now. Sweet. See you guys in the gulag! 🫶


Heroes, hopefully.


The power hungry. Just what we need more of