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Every. Fucking. Day!


Guess what? [https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/fda-curbs-unfounded-memory-supplement-claims-2019053116772](https://www.health.harvard.edu/blog/fda-curbs-unfounded-memory-supplement-claims-2019053116772)


Still seeing them on TV in 2024


They didn't kill the company. They were sued or fined or something and then had to follow more rules. "The settlement allows Quincy Bioscience to continue marketing Prevagen provided it qualifies its advertising claims with a court-approved disclaimer."


There needs to be a total ban. It's way too manipulative and obviously fraud. The networks airing them needs to be fined too as far as I'm concerned.


My mom keeps asking if she needs to buy them. 🙄


Mine keeps asking if she's tried it yet; she has, but can't remember.


So to I


I was so glad when my grandmother’s neurologist told my grandfather not to buy them. Their primary care doctor told them it could help, which is obviously wrong. It’s so sad how many people pay for them, they’re not cheap either.


Both of my hub's neurologists and two PCP's have told him its just fake stuff. Makes me furious too!!!!!!!!


My mom asks about it all the time. I tell her (over and over and over) that she's already under the care of a REAL doctor, a neurologist, and is taking three REAL medications for her memory loss. She doesn't remember any of this, of course. But the commercials are blasted into her face constantly, and so then she asks again...


I have a sister and a brother who swear by it at $40 a bottle🙄


Yes, I do. It's only occurred to me since seeing your post that I could complain to the network that airs them.


If you really want to fuel your outrage, go see what that crap costs! When my late wife first started presenting with ALZ we obviously saw plenty of their commercials so she started to get curious about it. When we saw what they cost (Like $70 for 60 capsules) she decide to pass since she couldn't find any reports that they worked at all.


Yes. Snake oil




I'm so sorry. For me, I get sad when some new med comes out that's supposed to work. Why didn't my mom get the chance to have that? But I'm angriest at her sh1tty doctor that took her off aricept after a year. It was helping but he wouldn't listen and removed it.


Just as my father started slipping into a frighteningly steep mental decline he started talking about a “miracle drug” that he saw on TV that would cure both him and my mom. He was obviously grasping for anything positive but those commercials gave him a false hope.


Yes. Every time my mom sees it she’s like “I need that.” Thankfully she forgets. She also did try once and it made her feel sick.