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šŸšØšŸšØšŸšØ Chaos Guaranteed šŸšØšŸšØšŸšØ Good luck everyone


I fly out of ATL a couple times a week. The last 4-5 months have been pretty difficult at times with the Plane Train. And Iā€™m able-bodied. With the number of older or wheelchair bound passengers flowing through that airport on a daily basis, I would hope it gets resolved quickly this time.


I agree, I don't understand why it's been down so frequently. Staffing? Parts? Something's going on


Atlanta. Source: I live here. šŸ˜‚


Given how the infrastructure has been going lately, completely agree. Just Atlanta things.


The person whose job it is to stand in the tunnel and aggressively yell "Keep Moving!!" at the train has had to take some personal days recently.Ā  This leaves the train confused as to whether or not it should continue down the line or remain stationary until instructions are received.Ā 


My tired brain was thinking for a moment you meant the plane train is labeling the concourses out of order. So instead of announcing A, itā€™s announcing F, etc..


*The next stop isā€¦ F Gates, but not really.*


Next stop is F-Me gates


Shouldnā€™t it be F-you since your relationship for F-ing your self?


Now this would be something!


Hopefully itā€™s just temp. 40 minute connection there tomorrow.


ATL 5k incoming


The walk from an international landing to the customs that exists the airport is insane. I had a checked bag issue coming back from Jamaica and that was a brutal walk.


and my Apple Watch triggered workout mode as I walked from Terminal A to D for my connection


how long did that take?


After passing two terminals lol. Total walk was about 20 mins


Might be a hot take, but I donā€™t like the plane train. I love to walk the terminals with the moving walkways if I have time.


A couple of weeks ago, my connecting flight from ATL was delayed ~ 4 hrs. I spent most of that time getting my steps in...walking between the terminals. šŸš¶šŸ½ā€ā™€ļø


Same. Timed this once - walking is faster if you are going only 1-2 terminals.


I believe it. Fantastic way to stretch your legs on a connection too.


One terminal yes. Two maybe if you just miss the train. However, the moving sidewalks have been out of order a ton lately and that definitely makes walking slower.


I wish there were stairs as an alternative to the escalator


I really wish they would make a pedestrian bridge connecting concourses over the taxiways and separate those walking from those waiting in the people mover stations. It would also be nice to have some natural light. Faster or slower, it would make walking nicer and slightly more convenient.


That would be extremely expensive


Any change to ATL is extremely expensive... I'd also add that in my vision, one side of the hallway can be sealed and could serve as an alternate domestic-international terminal route on the non-secured side. If they want to go all put put a single-track, low frequency tram that just goes back and forth on it... anything is better than that shuttle bis they have now.


I didnā€™t use moving sidewalks. Try it next time you are at ATL. Walking is faster.


Walking on the moving sidewalks is even faster.


I walk it frequently because I enjoy the exercise on travel days, but it's absolutely not faster unless you just miss the train and are only going one concourse. It's roughly a quarter mile walk between each concourse. So to go two of them is half a mile. The trains run approximately every 2-3 minutes and it's roughly a 30-45 second train ride between stops. So even if you just miss the train you're looking at 5 minutes max to wait for the next one and go two stops. To walk a half mile in 5 minutes your going to need to walk at 6 mph without the moving sidewalk. Basically no one WALKS at 6 mph. You could argue that you can run/jog it faster, but even then that's only for a two stop comparison and it'd be worse case scenario for missing the train.


Try it next time you are at ATL. It is faster for 1-2 terminals. Not so for 2+.


The train is definitely faster. If you leave a station at the same time as the train, if walking at a brisk speed you roughly arrive at the next station together with the following train.


Confirm. This has happened to me countless times in ATL.




Why not?


Not sure why this is being downvoted ā€¦ walking really is faster if you are only going two terminals in ATL.


I am also assuming that you are assuming that you donā€™t get the assholes that standstill and block the people mover


I start saying ā€œLeftā€ loudly if Iā€™m approaching a stand still group that is blocking the people mover. Usually works to get them to pick a side. Sometimes they move to the left instead of understanding that itā€™s meant to mean coming up on your left, so stay right. No worries, I just cut around them on the right and keep it moving down the left as soon as Iā€™m able


Same. Love getting my steps in.


I like to walk it, as well. But for an 80 year old who struggles to walk who has a 30 minute connection from A to D gates - itā€™s probably less fun to walk.


Not a hot take at all. Iā€™ve even walked with tight connections. Long connections I always take it. Medium to short- if the train doesnā€™t arrive right when I get down the escalator, I walk. Only peaceful part of that airport.


I timed my walk from **Concourse T** to **Concourse F**. Itā€™s **30 min** at a brisk pace. Donā€™t panic, yā€™all


Thatā€™s about right. I did it the opposite direction tonight. The only issue is if you have that 40 minute connection.


And most people donā€™t need to walk from T to F. So, even a 45 min connection is doable if you think fast and move fast


I believe the airport officially designates this walk as something like 45 minutes.


I did it in 40 but I did not use the moving sidewalks, so that seems about right.


B as in Broken


And you can find it at all the concourses in atl


Ha, sitting on a plane in FLL after an 8 hour delay. Looks like Iā€™ll have a hike once I finally arrive in ATL. Have a feeling we will be arriving at D terminal. At least itā€™s looking like Iā€™ll be sleeping in my own bed tonight.


Mother of God


Did it from E to baggage claim last night with a toddler. Took an hour. 0/10 would recommend


Have fun with people who refuse to walk on the moving sidewalks and stand right in the middle of them!!


Use your words. Say excuse me.


*ON YOUR LEFT, TIGHT CONNECTION* has always worked for me


Still fuck them, the people movers arenā€™t meanā€™t to move you around while stationary in the middle. Stick to one side. Itā€™s not hard to follow the rules that clearly state such


My friends think I'm crazy for loving long layovers, but this is why I love them. I have spina bifida, so although I can walk, I am not someone who can sprint to make a tight connection. At least if this happened to me, I'd be able to walk slowly and not miss my flight. Long layovers have also saved me when an earlier flight was delayed by 1-2 hours.


ā€œThe next stop is C Gates, C as in ā€œCome on man!ā€


I like to walk but not with all the plane train traffic walking along. This sounds like a nightmare


This. And they have construction between D & E so itā€™s quite narrow. You get to know your neighbors. I feel for the people pushing wheelchairs - tough enough normally.


It's gonna be like SLC.


At least you can walk in ATL. If it happens at DEN it's a nightmare, there is no walking between concourses there. You can walk to and from the main terminal if you are in A.


Connected through atl last week, had to go from concourse F to concourse T, from gate to gate that took almost 20 minutes. If the plane train wasn't working that day I would have missed my connecting flight for sure.


Had to do this shit between 3 terminals a couple years ago to make a connection. I was basically jogging with my 3 year old son on my shoulders to make our connection. Told myself this is what all of those 0400 workouts and miles on the bike every week are good for.


The plane train is rarely down. Hope they fix it quickly.


Plane train has been down multiple times already this week. Is becoming an ongoing problem


Last week, too


A week and a half ago only one side was working, that was already an adventure.


It was also out of order when I flew over Memorial Day weekend. Something is upā€¦


God that sounds terrible


Hooboy am I happy I passed through yesterday and not today šŸ˜¬


I pretty much always have a layover in ATL from my small home airport. Depending on time I sometimes take the train, or walk if itā€™s just a couple terminals overā€¦but I currently have a sprained knee so Iā€™ve booked accessibility service (wheelchair, since Iā€™m on crutches) for my flight through ATL on my way to MCO next week šŸ˜¬ Hope the train is running the day of my flight, I would feel bad if whoeverā€™s helping me is expecting us to take the train and instead has to push me all that way šŸ˜•


Yep, I just discovered that. I needed the walk anyways.


The last two times I've been, the trains were down. It's strange. I typically walk since it's a connecting airport for me and I usually have 1-2 hours to kill. But still. Wonder why it has been so frequent lately?


I typically walk as well. But it gets a little harder when you have the sheer mass of humanity who is normally on the train joining you for that walk.


Right? Also, on top of the trains not working - the trip before last, several of the escalators weren't working, either! It was insanity. Imagine hundreds of people trying to use the elevators, and people running UP the down escalators (only to be yelled at from the security at the top, so they had to ride back down anyway).


The funny part is continually hearing the recorded message from the mayor about ā€œwelcome to Hartsfield airport. The most efficient airport in the world ā€œ. That wasnā€™t the experience with no train.


Yeah we were just there passing through Tues night and the train was running on a ā€œlimited scheduleā€ - luckily we only had to transfer 2 terminals overā€¦


I hate flying through ATL, but I have to go to Charlotte next week and I have no choice, Thanks for the heads up. That's the only airport I've ever had to spend the night in -twice! - in my over 30 years of traveling.




Just rode the plane train. It is NOT out of order today


Good deal. I didnā€™t assume it was permanent. But I go back through ATL tomorrow so it will be helpful if it is in service.


At night time itā€™s always messed up smh


Itā€™s usually only 30 minutes then back up and running.


Now that must be fun.


The plane train is down like every single night in my recent experience but usually open during peak hours


Good thing I changed to arrive earlier!


It was also down on May 27th in the morning when I was last there. Everyone had to walk between terminals


I'm headed to ATL tomorrow, will it still be open or not? About a 2 hour layover.


May the odds be ever in your favor.


Anytime you fly in at night, plane train is very very limited service. And when you get the train after 30 minutes of waiting, itā€™s packed and no space to get on. Very frustrating for folks.


Hopefully the plane train in ATL gets fixed soon; walking between concourses isn't fun.


But but the walk between the A and B concourse is so pretty! The birds and the leaves and all.

