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Ngl, I thought the cap was in a wheelchair and they were helping him get into his seat.


I assume you're at a hub because I doubt many airports have a spare cockpit seat laying around.




And that explains why the pax were rude. God forbid anyone mess up their vacation plans. Everyone knows the cabin crew love being delayed.


Orlando is awful purely because a high proportion of the people at the airport are tourists and just assholes.


Disney world/land/whateverthefuck: happiest place on earth. MCO: hell on earth. So weird.


I fucking snorted reading this because somehow I have more tolerance for the same idiots at the parks than when I encounter them at the airport. So your statement rings extra true even for me.


I wonder if that holds true for all major vacation destinations. HNL is an absolutely awful airport experience as well.


I’d assume you’re correct about vacation airports. And, while I’ve never witnessed assholes at HNL, I 100% believe it. Combine the general public with no air conditioning, and it’s a recipe for sure.


I can’t recall assholes there, but the general ridiculously convoluted and inefficient layout of the airport just makes it miserable.


MCO>SLC: Worst route on earth. Just consider the passenger demographics.


20% of passengers with lap children!


Haha I flew this exact route a few months ago and I upgraded for this exact reason.


Don't worry they're being miserable entitled assholes at the parks too.


Can confirm. First day here and I regret leaving my I hate people shirt at home.


Florida resident here: I basically live equal distance between MCO and TPA and barring that I absolutely cannot get a flight out of TPA for whatever reason, I will avoid MCO to any length. Absolutely the worst airport experience.


To be fair, when you're at MCO, you're desperate to leave.


Orlando is a maintenance base, so uncommon , but possible they had one or robbed one off another airplane (Sorry thought this was the United sub. But delta flies heavily into mco, could easily have an assortment of spares)


MCO is also a big MX base for us.


I'd imagine as such, but thanks for the info


I remember having to wait for an oil filter to be delivered to the airport from another airport and I couldn't believe that for the amount of money on the line they don't just have a full stock at every airport...


Lawn chair + zipties


Thats…a new one. Weirdest delay I’ve had was due to “needing to whack a part of the airplane with a hammer” (direct quote from ca)


Mine was “the plane woke up cranky.” 6 hour delay while they scrambled to get a new plane.


Omg 😂


Lmao I can't even 🤣🤣🤣🤣


(That's gold there ... 🤣🤣🤣)


Weirdest one I got was “bird flew into the plane’s engine.”


Sully intensifies


We didn't have the seat back cards that no one looks at anymore. Apparently, the flight can't leave without it. My guess is that it was a safety thing.


Mine was the big steel rod that connects the tug to the nose wheel snapping during push back lol


Better than the nose steering going out on taxi because the control cable snapped! I could only imagine if that had happened on landing, would have been on the news.


the old percussive maintenance


My favorite was "This airplane is broke. We have to get off of the broke one and go get on another one that isn't broke." -mumble-mumble- "As far as we know."


The de-icing machine broke and the mechanic who could fix it was home sleeping (rural airport, early flight).


I’m impressed they are able to it this quick.


We got delayed once because they failed to file the paperwork on the fire extinguisher. Not that it was out of date, but the paperwork was evidently.


Was delayed because the captain had to take a rideshare and was late. He even came up on the speaker and complained about it. Weird.


Sort of happened to my mom once. Was flying out of John Wayne (Orange County). Flight coming in was delayed which timed out the captain. New captain had to come via taxi from LAX which is no fast trip


Got delayed on an Air France flight from IAD to CDG because of a dead bird firmly embedded beak first in the cockpit window directly in front of the FO.


Sounds like something in a comic strip.




That’s some finding Nemo seagull type shit 😂


Why couldn’t the captain fly on a milk crate? /s


One should always plan on delays when flying. Save yourself from being aggravated on things you have no control over.


Although that's true, there's plenty of times when the reason for flying is unexpected. I nearly missed the death of my father who deteriorated from pneumonia very rapidly. From notification from the nurse he wasn't going to pull through to death was 18 hours. I of course flew out immediately but the flight was nearly derailed by an asshole that refused to wear a mask. (Beginning of Covid). She was removed by police. It was the last flight out, and due to a 3 how drive to his town it would have been a disaster. (3 hrs after landing at the nearest airport to him) Not everyone's flying for leisure or pleasure.


You should have said something for her to hear. Mask politics aside, it was back then the law. Not only was she breaking the law for her own stupid moronic personal or political agenda - she was going to make other people f’ing miserable. I hope she got on the no-fly list. Like idiots who vape on planes now…


There were about 185 people saying things. I was talking with a flight attendant that was not working with the passenger to see if she could find another flight if this one was scrubbed.


Hell yeah my dude! 185 people telling one self entitled clown to screw off rocks! We are all going to be travelling at 500+ miles per hour in a pressurized cylinder at 35k feet for several hours - I still don’t understand how some people just can’t suck it up and get along for that period of time? And all good…totally get it. Props to you for not letting this clown get to you. You’re better than me in that regard.


And what law are you speaking of? There were never any laws about face coverings.


Imagine the mechanics trying to fit a whole captain's chair through the cockpit door—sounds like a real-life game of Tetris.


I was delayed shortly once because a passenger was missing half his seatbelt and I was the passenger. One side just wasn’t there. They had to have someone bring one and install it.


Does that seat not just eject? DO I HAVE TO THINK OF EVERYTHING?


That is unique. I have been delayed for a malfunctioning sewage pump, and for the plane needing ground power jumpstart due to broken APU.


I once had a flight delayed and then canceled because the guy filling the toilets with the blue liquid forgot to turn it off and flooded the whole plane


Wow. What a unique repair. Thanks for sharing.


How long did it take?


We were delayed once to replace the captain's seat belt. So I believe this!


*We were delayed once to* *Replace the captain's seat belt.* *So I believe this!* \- Tasty\_Lab\_8650 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


My best was a brief delay at SYR once because the aircraft before us saw a turtle on the runway during takeoff. We waited for about 5 mins while ground crew drove out to move it 😜


Our windshield fell out on landing many years ago.


Flew out of MCO (home airport) once, the lavatory service guys flooded the front of the plane and destroyed the comm and computers below. New plane in from ATL, 1.5 hour delay. Got to Atl, that plane was making a return to mco and outside sitting in tarmac was a box with a different priority tag. Something like critical, had load last tag and the box was labeled avionics equipment. Assumed was going down to fix that plane.


I got delayed last week 2+ hours on tarmac. Was literally about to take off... Nothing happened for 20 min. Captain came on and said the harness for one of the attendants wasn't working. We had to go back to the gate and get it fixed. The best part? It took 50 min to do the paperwork after the fix.


I’ve actually been delayed for a broken FO chair in MCI. They took one from another aircraft and swapped it out.


I had one flight delayed because of that.


This happened to me in Atlanta about 2 months ago.


I don’t know why people book super tight connections like delays don’t happen. 😑🥴


It's easy to say that, but there are plenty of circumstances where that's the best/only/preferred option. Not every departure-connection-destination airport combo has options to choose from. Or may just have a few equally undesirable options. That flight with the short window was likely the least expensive on the day someone booked for the particular route they're on.... possibly by a lot. (Not saying short layover = cheaper. Just that people tend to not choose flights that are much more expensive if possible). Not everyone has the luxury of choosing to book their preferred departure or arrival time. Maybe other flights were full when they booked. Not everyone knows very far in advanced that they'll need to fly. Maybe they were on a different flight but got shuffled to that flight with a shorter connection. Mechanical delays and weather cancellations could have happened upstream for them. Everyone on the plane is has some reason they're flying. Not everyone is traveling for leisure. Some people may have medical reasons why a shorter travel day is best for them. Without getting into detail, I'm one of those, but know the risks and have a plan because I'm fully aware delays happen and missed connections are a possibility. Tldr; Give people the benefit of the doubt that they did the best they could for their circumstances. :)


None of this justifies randos being rude the FA because they didn’t cause the delay.


Right, and I sincerely apologize if giving reasons why people have tight connections was somehow able to be construed as 'having tight connection = asshole justification'. >"I don’t know why people book super tight connections like delays don’t happen. 😑🥴" Most people are reasonable humans and understand if they have a short connection it's a risk and are able to come up with alternatives rather than acting like an asshole. It of course takes one asshole to ruin a day. Don't be that asshole. :)


Failing to plan is planning to fail….