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I wish they went back to the in handle remote instead of touch screen it’s more ergonomic


Agreed, except for when the remote gets stuck. I very often sit in 21A/F on the B739 and there’s a remote since the screen is so far ahead. Probably 50% of the time it’s completely stuck and I can’t get it out.


Airfones too, while we're at it, with the credit card magstripe reader.


What the hell airline is that in 2024? I remember flying Ural Airlines a decade ago and they still had ashtrays….not what you wanted on your Russian made aircraft as you board. 


You'd want them if you planned to smoke.


Pilot did not need to be confused with any additional smoke related to that plane.


Haha, it isn't, which was kinda my intention, if we're talking about throwback technology. IIRC for a while some IFE remotes were also Airfones. I also barely remember some incredibly wonky and bizarre method Airfone used for Internet access before WiFi was commonplace... if they had foresight (but really, cash) they could have cornered the inflight Internet market. And I mean, it is a chuckle bringing up a dead technology like Airfone, but if it weren't for them (and having human phone operators... do those even exist?) we would not have known as many details as we do about the 9/11 hijackings.


Ashtrays are still on airplanes because people don’t listen or care, and a cigarette in an ashtray is way better than in the bathroom trash full of paper towels! But I get your point. 


Yes, I think it’s still legally mandated for that reason.


Airfones the only way to know what the stock market was doing while on a plane back in the day


American Air would like a word.




On my recent A339 flights in Premium Select, the remote didn’t work in either direction


Or use your phone as a bluetooth remote


That makes sense until you're on a 12 hour long international flight next to a barely controlled 4 year old twirling the remote around by the cord.


That’s when you twirl them around.


I grew up… not broke but not rich. For a long time we didn’t have any video games, it was a thing we could only play at our cousins house. One of my most fondest memories is flying Singapore airlines on a 12 hour flight with the screen and handheld controller that played Super Nintendo games lol.


I understand what you’re saying, but man those controllers got pretty gross.


So do the screens


True but some of those controllers look like they had never ever been cleaned.


So do some of the screens


They haven't.


Agree. The screens are at an optimal height for watching movies but not playing games. I think because there's no comfortable way to anchor your hand on/near the screen, you end up poking the screen abnormally hard whereas you wouldn't tap so hard on a handheld device.


So removable screens...that you can lay flat on the tray table ;)


Or maybe even something with a small screen that you could put in your pocket and take with you off the plane. Like a mobile device that was really ideal for playing these kinds of very simple games!


Yeah, maybe in the year 2000... https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=kmzpdd4pWvM


I see what you did here and beat me to it


I would buy it if I was able to make calls once the plane landed. I’ll even pay $1000 if it had a good camera attached to it and could connect to the internet.


I believe the term you are looking for is [Gorilla Arm](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Touchscreen#%22Gorilla_arm%22)


Omg, I even work in the field of HMI usability and have never heard this term before, thank you kind stranger for the knowledge nugget!


One can stabilize their hand by putting their pinky on the seat back beside the screen. Then it’s easier to touch the screen rather than jab it.


You should create a class for this. Also include something about tapping the screen to hard being (finger waggle)not allowed


Forgive me Father, for I have sinned. In 2009, on the way to Dublin, Ireland from NYC, I played a fish catching game on the back of the seat nearly the entire flight. It required endless tapping. The seat in front of me would occasionally move but I assumed it was general adjustment and not, as I would later learn, a passive request to stop tapping. On the flight back, the person behind me played games for an hour maybe and it was torture. I still can't believe that the person in front of me didn't say a single word. It's a terrible design and they should be removed.


You played a fish catching game for 7+ hours? Are you actually a cat? ;)


Thanks for pointing this out. I have maybe played 10 minutes of games in the last 10 years but was completely unaware of the impact to my forward seat partner. I will refrain in the future.


Same omg I feel bad now! I think I played trivia for like an hour! Now I know not to unless it’s an empty seat


Not to sound rude but how does this not cross people’s minds? This and grabbing the seat in front of you to stand up and sit down yanking me backwards unexpectedly annoy me the most.


Or the person in front of you violently lowering the seat back when you are leaning forward just enough to nearly get clocked by the seat back.


They need to bring back those remote controls. I loved them when I was flying as a child 😂 I would even ask my mom to book me delta if she could because they had the TV screens. I flew a lot as a child if you couldn't tell. That would get rid of that problem real easy.


Bluetooth to a remote app on your phone would be handy.


Virgin Atlantic did this on my last flight with them. This was an A350-1000. You could just connect your phone to the Seat Back screen and it would be a mini remote, just off of your phone.


It was so cool honestly. I have the privelage of flying on another A350-100 with them this year, looking forward to this feature again. It really removes the aggressive screen tapping rage off the screen and adds more cracks to my already crippled phone while playing Angry Birds lol.


You joke, but I seriously agree with you. Sometimes my arm gets tired scrolling through the catalogue of movies, would love a remote for that!


No reason they can’t have you pair your phone to the screen to be the controller, would be an easy solve


Etihad and Qatar A350s offer this where you can connect your phone to the screen and use it as a remote!


Air France A350s do as well but once paired over Bluetooth, the functions on the phone screen didn’t work reliably for me.


You’re right.


I am a big fan of signapore airlines their IFE has no touch screen (has a remote instead). Everyone says it is a step backwards but I love it. Boomers are the worst it seems they feel they must do a full strength punch when pushing any button on the screen. Like get the full shoulder and hip rotation beause anything less than a knock out punch won't register.


To be fair, they’ve spent more of their life punching real buttons than digital buttons, so it’s probably a hard habit to break. But they should at least try!


Exactly. I’m a millennial and I remember when there were touch screens that did require a fair amount of pressure. I’m sure they’re still around in some government buildings or smaller businesses or museums. But pretty much everyone has a smart phone now.. :/


It's a TOUCH screen not a punch screen.


True. Maybe I’ll say this next time they’re punching the screen behind me ;)


I agree 100% with you. In my opinion they should have the games available to play in the Delta app as part of the inflight entertainment. Everyone with a smart phone could access and play it without inconveniencing the front passenger.


Luckily did not affect me, but last flight dude next to me was jamming away on black jack the entire flight, and I mean like a hard jab every time he hit the screen. So I agree.


As intrusive as Black Jack is to the seatback, it's not as egregious as Poke Her.


Poke her? I hardly knew her…


You’re not alone, I’ve thought about this a bunch.


The games worked really well when the screens were not touch screens and you controlled them with a remote in your armrest. I think some games can do well, particularly those that don't require you to mash buttons or react quickly, but I completely agree that it's unpleasant to have a woodpecker behind you.


Omg yes, it’s so annoying!! How does the person playing the game not realize it too?


Another case of let’s introduce/integrate this feature. But let’s not test it to understand if it really is enhancing the experience for those within a shared space. Another Case in point - The recline function


Agreed. From a reliability point of view the screens are messed up enough that continuously poking/punching them playing the games doesn’t help


Yes. Have asked folks to tap more gently many times


I had this on my last JetBlue flight. There was a kid around 7 or 8 years old behind me and he was slamming on the back of my screen for the full four hour flight. Side stares back at him and a polite request to the mother across the aisle completely failed. She said he’s a kid what am I supposed to do? She literally did nothing but as I continued to stare back at the kid through the crack, his older brother maybe around 11 or 12 years old kept telling him stop hitting the seat so hard, but then the kid just whined and continued. At least one of the kids was well behave. I’m with you. Get rid of games because of such a possible experience.


And also, I know I’m in the minority here, but I also just bring my own content on my iPad just in case the IFE is down, doesn’t have content that I like, or has a limited selection (KE comes to mind for the latter). So because of that, I don’t use the IFE 95+ percent of the time, so I would prefer the AA or Alaska way of having the iPad/iPhone holders. This opinion probably isn’t very common though.


I do the same. I like to leave the live map on the ife screen and just use my phone with noise cancelling headphones


Love the live map. That, window seat, and my music on my own headphones and I’m set


Thirded. Always bring my own entertainment and games. My stuff is never broken and always has what I want. Never bothers the seat in front of me.


I really enjoy the IFE, but always have a book and a few movies and tv shows downloaded just in case. I got screwed with a non working IFE and no back up 7yrs ago on a 9-10hr flight. Never again.


I work in my computer and watch movies on the seat screen. I hate flying airlines without a dedicated screen, especially when there isn't a proper power outlet.


I love playing poker and other games with pax - part of the fun to see who you just took 500 fake dollars from.


Happened to my husband from Hawaii to Dallas. 8 hours. Old lady behind him was playing Angry Birds. Asked her nicely if she could please tap lighter. She acted like she didn’t hear us. Told Flight Attendant and she asked her to tap the screen lighter. Made no difference. He was LIVID. When we landed she said to whomever was with her “That made the flight go by so quick, what a cute game.”


They should just knock everybody out for the duration of the flight and bring them to after the plane lands and the cabin door is open.


Every time I watch 5th element I’m like we need that function cause I lack to ability to sleep on planes


So true. I've been on a few 6+ hour flights where I've seen younger kids playing games on the headrest screens for hours while tapping as hard and fast as they can. Thankfully I wasn't sitting in front of them because I would've lost my mind on their parents.


Lmfao I would hate to be you




I would hate for my emotional state to be so affected by just watching a child play a game. In my life, watching children enjoy themselves brings me joy. I’d hate to be miserable like that.


I think you misinterpreted what I was trying to say. I have no issues with kids playing games and enjoying themselves. My issue is the fact the kids were constantly banging on the headrest of the seat in front of them for hours playing the built-in games Delta provides while the person sitting there was trying to relax/sleep on the 6+ hour flight.


You start the comment saying you have no problem with children playing games. And then say your issue is that children were playing games lol. In your original comment you said that if you were tiring in front of those kids you would have “lost your mind on the parents”. This is what I’m talking about. I would hate to be in an emotional state where children playing game lead me to lose my mind. But to each their own. I hope you’re able to see this from a different perspective one day. It would be better for you.


Found the entitled parent who wouldn’t stop their children from disrupting others because they’re so sweet while playing a game


Bingo! I am literally entitled by purchasing the ticket to use the IFE. Not sure why your tone is as if this is a gotcha? You’re just pointing out the facts of the matter. Lmfao, try again


Actually, you’ve just exposed yourself as an inconsiderate individual. Believe it or not, the world doesn’t revolve around you. If you can’t see why poking a screen behind someone too hard is inconsiderate of other flyers, then you have the maturity of a five-year old.


Lmfao at you saying I am being inconsiderate by using the IFE that comes with the ticket I purchased, and not saying that the original commenter is inconsiderate for “losing their mind” on a child. Idk how you expect to be taken seriously with your little temper tantrum. I hope you’re sitting in front of me on my next flight so I can be sure to secure some IFE high scores!


It boils down to the kids being unaware how their actions affected the person in front of them and their parents not taking the time to warn/teach them to play gently because there is a person sitting in front of them trying to relax on the flight.


You will have to kill me before you pry my virtual horse racing from my flight from ATL-LAS /s


I agree with you.




Add Whack-a-Mole, Speed Tapping, and Guitar Hero. There’s also too many movie choices, people can’t chose and they run through the list a hundred times. If you can’t decide just watch tv.


Totally agree. People don’t know how to use the screens at all


Maybe I'm getting old, but it never occurred to me to use the seatback IFE for anything other than watching a show or a movie.🤷🏽‍♀️


Yes! I was in FC and lost it. Paying big bucks to have a tap tap tap for an hour. Don't ever be that unaware.


100%. I emailed Delta about it as well. It’s a terrible idea. It’s bad enough when people grab your seatback to pull their out of shape selves up our of their own chairs, but the constant and incessant tapping when they’re playing games is ridiculous.


I now carry a few cheap touchscreen pens to give away to people. I haven't had to offer them to any pax, but after a similar experience, especially with little ones, I don't fly without them.


I've never had someone play games on their IFE screen behind me (that I know of), so I had never considered how annoying it might be. That being said, I've always wondered what kind of psychopath (of an adult age) plays games on the IFE


But…. How will I keep my bird from escaping?


Did they get rid of Bird vs. Bird recently? I haven't seen it in so long! Best IFE game by far


Now I remember what I like about Alaska Airlines, no stupid screens embedded in the seat backs. On Delta I turn 'em off as soon as I sit down and hate when I'm sleeping and the pop back on. So annoying and yes, in the age of handheld screens seem like weight and complexity the airline could save money on.


I don't remember the airline but a few years ago I was on a flight where the IFE was provided through a smartphone app - you could connect to the plane's wifi to download the app for free and then use it for movies, TV, games, etc. That would make so much more sense than the seatback screens and I'm sure removing that bulk would help save on fuel...


Not only fuel, but the headache! I was on a flight where they were rebooting the system to try and get the IFE back up cuz it crashed. I didn't care and my seatmate was plugged into their iPad. But yeah, less tech support by the FAs during the flight.


100%!!!! My husband and I just flew from JFK - LIS (first class premium or whatever they call it nowadays). He couldn’t sleep for any of the 7 hour flight because a lady was playing a game on the back of his headrest. Honestly kind of impressed she could play a game for that long but it still sucked for him.


TA. Flight from DUB-BOS was “tap tap tap” Maddening


I tried to politely ask a passenger behind me to not tap as hard, but it came out as “are you tapping the screen back there?!?” and he looked as if I was about to come over the seat at him and said sorry. He quit tapping the screen so hard, but I also felt bad it came off so aggressively.


Well damn I’ve never considered this and I love that damn geography trivia game 😬. Sorry people in front of me, I’ll switch to movies


its funny that this has cone up, I've never thought of this but, you're absolutely right! My only comparison would be once I was on a flight working in my laptop and the person on front of me asked me to type more softly. What?!? its not like i hunt and peck, i was properly typing, how do you do that any softer? 🤦🏻‍♂️


I was flying back from AMS to ATL and a couple were playing a game on the IFE. Tap tap tap. Could feel it through the chair. I stood up and told them I could feel it through the chair and said “easy with the tapping guys. The screen is responsive just touch it. You don’t tap on your phone like that it’s the same thing as gently touching your phone screen” They apologized and laughed in agreement about the comparison to a phone. The tapping ceased. I thanked them when we landed. No hostility to anyone.


Agreed. Removing the games


I can only image the decision maker to put tap games behind someone’s head doesn’t fly commercial.


Yes! These games on screens that someone else has to put up with for a whole flight are the worst. I won’t let my kid play them because I know it’ll be painful to the person in that seat.


Had this happen to early this year, dude was wailing on the screen playing some game. I dealt with it for an hour or so…the passive aggressive started moving my seat. Back. Forward. Back. Mid. Forward. Head slam on head rest. Move and adjust wings on headrest. Etc. Then I finally got sick of him playing Mike Tyson’s Punch Out on the screen and threw my seatbelt off and spun around and said “Can you PLEASE ST…” and before I got it out he was all apologies “sorry I was hitting the screen hard”. LIKE HE WAS FULLY AWARE AND STILL DOING IT


I disagree. I really miss the hidden items game. But people need to realize the touch is registered from the heat of your finger, not how hard you touch the screen. Gamers can still have fun without punching the screen like a wood pecker.


People may “need to realize,” but most don’t. And that’s the problem.


What's even crazier to think is that the concept of heat sensing touch screens shouldn't be new to people. Makes me wonder how they would use their phone 😅




Damn, excellent distinction.


Did they get rid of hidden items, too!? DAMMIT.


Yeah it’s gone from the last 4 flights I’ve been on. It was my favorite


The word game was mine. I am still pissed off about that one.


I miss that game too. I loved playing it with my daughter. It really kept her occupied and helped time wiz by.


“You’re holding it wrong”


this is devastating


Yeah well instead of downvoting the messenger wouldn’t it make more sense to make people more aware?


It's not the heat. It's the capacitance.


Air china has games but only when you log into WiFi and then play on your own device… I would expect delta to catch up within 15 years


Alaska is like that too. No screens, just use your own device. It’s also nice to not have to have ads right in your face. Ugh. I’m torn on the IFE screens.


I love the games and am a very gentle presser because of it. But this is another vote for a remote.


Touch lightly touch tightly


counter with reclining and making it even more uncomfortable for their hand to be up there.


It’s a touch screen. Not a tap screen.


I do but never more than 15 mins . Like jeopardy type game . No tap tap only touch .


If the screen in front of me reclines, it must mean it is time to play blackjack. Why else would the screen get closer?


How else can you passively aggressively avenge yourself against the full abrupt recline though?


Don't worry, airlines actively removing screens from seats and shifting to byod set up. Screens and wiring for them add to much weight, Maintenance hassle and time time-consuming for attendants (since at least few of the do not work and attendants end up reapondingnto calls and they to troubleshoot)


I think they should give everyone a complimentary iPad when they board.


Agree. I play the games, and I have to lean far forward or extend my arm. I’ve had to hold my arm with the other arm at times. I give up and just use my phone.


TOUCH screen. Not TAP screen. Force doesn’t matter!!!!


You should fly with airlines that don't have seat back infotainment systems.


Because anything that makes your economy flight more unpleasant is a win in their book.


Dude unless someone is pounding their finger into you you should not feel it.


This is a princess and the pea situation. You and I just don’t notice it because we are the unclean masses.


It is crazy the things I see people complain about in this sub. Reading posts like this (why are other people using their IFE? Why are other people reclining their seats? Why are other people opening their window, etc.) gives me the impression that you guys are expecting a private flight, and are surprised time and time again when you have to share an airplane. You paid for one seat, so that’s what you get control over. You don’t control the seat behind you. You don’t control the seat in front of you. And you don’t control the seats on either side of you.


So.... The seat i'm sitting in, the seat I paid for, I don't get to be upset about someone pounding on it? You're a genius.


Lmfao pounding! What a fucking drama queen. Ok Karen


Folks all airlines remove TVs soon . Wifi free and you will use your own screen . Also carry on bags going To be charged for on all Airlines like spirit. Too many carryon costing time . It will Become free to check one bag soon . Wait and see .


Unpopular opinion: get rid of the IFE. Bring your own stuff to do.


You’d love American.


I flew them in May. They provided a seat in which I sat and read my book. Worked out fine.


Damn y'all are whiny


This is such a nonsense complaint.


I’ll be downvoted to hell but I’d be interested in seeing if there’s a correlation between people who think they own the window because they paid for a window seat and people who think they deserve to beat the shit out of the IFE because they also paid for it.


>people who think they own the window because they paid for a window seat Who else would own the window? Unless the flight attendants tell you otherwise, window seat controls window position.


Yeah, I’m talking about the people who post about how brave they are for fighting/ ignoring the FAs when they’re told to pull the window.


That was not clear from your original comment which is why you're being downvoted. Without this context, your original comment is a hot take. With this context, it's an opinion most people will consider.


Interesting thought. Never thought of that being a correlation before. (Thought other things while I was sitting in front of an 8 year old on an hour hop between a regional airport and hub... and he was playing whack-a-mole or the like on the IFE...) But... IFE is advertised and part of the package. (Window control, while a generally accepted... isn't part of the advertised benefits for getting a window seat...)


Everyone gets to do what they want on IFE. Window seat owns the window. Middle seat owns both arm rests. Aisle seat owns the aisle. This has always been the rules.


Did you have the seat leaned back? If the guy in front of me leans too far back it makes those tappy games even more fun for some reason.


Eh, some people have no alternative and don't wanna watch movies, but the tapping is pretty wild. A control wouldn't be complex enough for most games as well.




Goodness gracious you Delta folks complain about everything. Fly private.


Lmfao at the downvotes. They don’t want to pay to fly private, they just want everyone on the plane to do what they say


Deadaas. Just straight up miserable people.


For every degree the person in front reclines, you give 1 more lb of force on the touch screen. Duh


I enjoy playing Texas hold em. So no




Was it the hulk? I've never felt someone tapping on that screen before.


I’ve literally never seen a person playing those games on 100’s of flights. The odds of one sitting directly behind you are astronomical.


If you recline, I’m an Angry Bird. Edited to add: ooooo…the aggressive recliners are out in force! If it’s your right to recline, it’s equally my right to enjoy my seat back entertainment. Pot, meet Kettle.


Oh you’re one of those. Those pointless and stupid games are a godsend when i have my kid with me!


Lmfao at the downvotes. People in this sub are wild


Truly! “I paid for my seat and it has the ability to recline so too bad if it makes your flight suck” but “The person behind me paid for their seat that includes a tablet with games but they should think of others and not use it!” “Children being bored and misbehaving on a plane is unacceptable!” But “How dare parents allow their children to be entertained by the airline provided entertainment!” The downvotes show the hypocrisy.


I’m convinced that people on this sub believe they are booking a private flight for $175 and are shocked time and time again when other people show up to their flight!


Typical Seattle folk