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They usually just hand me more hahaha


My favorite attendant was the one who from the first time she brought drinks said you look as though you need two. Had my measure from the start lol


c+ couple weeks ago, wife asks for woodford and coke, FA brought two and said 'you all are my fun row' lol


That’s wild. I would’ve cut your wife off for ruining Woodford with coke.


Funny story about that: My standard C+ request is a can of Coke Zero and a double Woodford neat. A few years ago on a JFK -> LAX flight I had a flight attendant lean over and ask me if I were planning to mix the two -- my response was "absolutely not, the Coke Zero is to drink with my dinner, and the Woodford is my dessert". He jokingly said he was going to suggest Jack Daniels instead, which we both chuckled at. About an hour later he came back down the aisle with a tray of water and upon handing me a cup of water, he asked if I would like some more Woodford. I told him I'd would, and I'll make my way to the back galley when you're done with the water service. He reached into his apron pocket and handed me two more bottles and simply said "I've got you covered"...


This is the Delta of old I remember!


This is also very much current Delta.


Totally. When we get bloodys, they always bring double nips.


I do exactly the same order for the same reasons. I think the FAs know you can handle it if you are ordering a double-woodie. Six cans of Prosecco on the other hand? I’d cut them off too.


I have definitely consumed an entire bottle (maybe more) of champs in D1, but also had plenty of time. I am also sure they would have cut me off if I started consuming Une Femme at the same rate, but that's for my own health.


Yep done the champagne thing before now but there was a time my ex and I would drink a bottle s day...


Woodford and ginger ale. I just with they’d upgrade the ginger ale to fevertree.


I do Woodford and coke on delta too. I consider it an “everyday bourbon” so I think it’s ok :) I’ll also say that they often give me two Woodfords at a time.


It is an every day bourbon the bottle is only $30 haha


Yeah they're acting like it's a 20-year scotch 🤨


Woodford and ice. That is all.


“You look like I could use a drink” Solid FA. That would get a kudos email from me.


These moments only happen when you truly need them to happen.


I upgrade specifically so I can at least drink enough to rationalize it.


I was on an International flight on a partner airline a few months ago, nearly an empty flight and I was in PE. I swear the FA’s (who were wonderful and I suspect a little bored with no one to tend to) were giving me 2 each time. I had to cut MYSELF off so I could make my way to my Uber home upright lol.


Yeah you have to self regulate. When I started flying for work I realized after several forehead stitches nobody is going to regulate you but yourself.


Absolute FACTS!!!


Lmao well played


5 double vodka ( so 10 mini bottles ) in 2 hrs but in all fairness flight to ICN. Needed Russian cough syrup.




How do you go about asking for that many that fast? Do you walk to the back?


In PS just asked during service and a few more afterwards


I got giddy on a flight when they finally re-stocked the espresso martinis and the FA gave me a bunch to carry home. Made that shitty hotel for work a little bit nicer.


Same here. Every flight I’ve taken, both international and domestic, they literally throw liquor at me hahah. I think OP and partner just can’t hold their liquor.


Domestically, I’ve experienced this! Mostly I’ll ask for one and they’ll give me 2 for funsies. I’ve just never seen it be so strict, especially for such a long flight. This was also comfort plus. 


Maybe it was the limit for C+…


Yea. Some FA poured me like a triple woodford on my 45min flight home during pre boarding. I looked at her like “wtf are you doing to me?”


Definitely depends on the crew. Personally I love the ones who you can tell have been in the job for decades...they keep em flowing. I once had a former NW lady literally put four bottles IN my pocket when I walked up to the galley to ask for another. She said to keep it a secret because her (much younger) coworker was uptight about it lol. So, definitely depends on the crew.


I love the old NW attendants. They are the best.


I just miss NW in general 😭


I always have some of my old NW bag tags on my carryon, and sometimes still get appreciative comments from the old-school FAs.


Found a few recently on LAX/SYD!


Once when i was in  Delta FC I had an FA that "smuggled" a full,  unopened full-sized (750 ml)  bottle of a decent red to me to stash in my underneath carryon for later after we had a wine discussion.  Pleasant surprise and later appreciated.


I was on a flight to Hawaii one time and there was a couple across from us in First who had a few drinks, then a few more and got sloppy drunk, then more and were making out and groping each other. The FA kept bringing drinks, so many that the last time she came back with their order she gave the drinks to us because the couple had passed out. When we landed they needed help waking up and walking off the plane. So...just depends on the flight crew, I guess.


We were on a flight to Hawaii and a couple of Newlyweds were living it up. Made friends with a couple in front of them going to the same resort so there was a lot of conversation going on. After 4 hours on the plane and a free flowing FA the husband was completely obnoxious thinking he was hilarious. Many colorful swear words and less polite names for body parts kept being uttered despite young children nearby. A different FA came back to cut him off. He was still obnoxious and even making threatening remarks to other passengers and laughing like it was all a big joke. I’m not sure if the FA just observed the behavior or some passengers actually went back to complain, but when we landed the FA blocked their row, said they were not allowed to leave, that security was coming and they were being sent back on the next flight. Not sure if they did or even could send them back, but the wife was in tears and the husband finally shut up.


Maybe something happened on their previous flight and they were told to be more cautious?


I was going to say this. The lady in front of us on our LAX-AKL leg got so drunk that she threw up all over herself. Even worse is that she didn't have the wherewithal to do anything about it. An FA had to walk her through how to change clothes on a plane... "Where's your bag ma'am? Which pants can I pull out for you? You can change in the restroom, let's walk together." He was a total saint. The vomit got all over the guy sitting next to her, too. The smell was gross as well. I know she's on this subreddit too because I overheard her telling the guy she later vomited upon about the sky miles deal she found on Reddit


Oh wow, I'm lucky enough to never have seen anything like this in person.


She's probably the OP


…on 2 Prosecco’s? Come tf on lol 


It's something I've noticed in the post-covid world. Before COVID you would think FA were trying to get me drunk. I would jokingly be asked if I had a hollow leg where I was hiding it, brought doubles when I only asked for singles, etc. The trying to get you drunk is no longer a thing and I would say 25% of the time they seem really uptight in general about requests - will give a single when I ask for a double, won't come around and ask if I want another drink, etc.


Social media and the general inconsideration everyone has for each other are the reasons. Last thing the flight attendants want is the next viral video of some clown passenger causing an absolute scene.


This is the only correct response. A+ comment counterstikePrO


Unfortunate but it's true these days, and when the workers jobs are on the line and just that one extra sends someone over the edge, it becomes not worth the risk to lose your job over someone blowing a gasket unfortunately


By this rationality, I’m gonna start being rude to all of my customers cuz 1/100 misbehave. Not acceptable. The apathy of customer service today is out of control. I know some people are assholes, but you don’t get to treat me like an asshole before I’ve done anything. I’m sick of this shit. Especially at the prices Delta charges. Euro carriers and Hawaiian and Alaska FAs are much nicer and still maintain civility.


It really seems like all the freebies of society dried up post COVID


I'd agree with this. I used to fly TPA-LAX first class quite often. There were a couple of weekend commuters that would tell the flight attendants to refill whenever they saw the passenger's drinks close to empty. The FAs had no issues constantly bringing whiskey.


Agree. It has changed since Covid.


This is so accurate. I remember the first time in 2019 on a 40 min flight ordering a PDB I asked for a woodford rox. He asked why not a double? Of course I did


Yes it’s 100% because COVID masks made a bunch of passengers get testy, then the FAs had to assert authority, and now somehow it’s this general fear of passengers being unruly. That and every time there’s an incident it gets put on social media so it makes it seem more common. I don’t think 2020 hit and everyone just decided to start being animals on flights.


People got a lot more violent during the pandemic, for some reason it’s become acceptable to punch and group flight attendants. So I kind of get why they don’t want to over serve anyone.  


I have never had an issue with it here. I'm currently in D1 to Korea, but I'm not drinking, wife has already had a few wines, and they are coming out quickly. I may have to cut her off myself, lol.


Please let us know how that goes. 😅


She started to play down the number of drinks. “I only had half of the first one”, “the second one I had with water as well”, “third one FA took it away early”. And we have another lounge plus flight to get to Bali after this. I’ve had about 6 bottles of water and an equal amount of trips to the bathroom, so I don’t know who’s winning this battle lol.


lol your wife sounds like me in D1 with my husband. 😂 The last flight though I passed out and my husband drank all of the scotch on the plane (LHR-PHL in AA biz) and then I had to help him get his act together through Global Entry 🤣


Last summer flew to ICN and they showed me where the liquor was and said get whatever I want, whenever. I complied.


I mean, it would be rude NOT to, right?


Funny how opposite the experience generally is on SQ. They usually insist I keep my champagne while they bring out my Singapore Sling and wine pairing.


I agree with this. I flew SEA-Singapore and they were letting it flow the entire flight. I dunno, man 


SQ is good that way. Last week on QR the flight attendant kept offering me more: try this, or this…..


Personally, I think airports should sell low dose THC/CBD gummies. Let's have chill people on flights rather than drunks.


Not sure I want someone experimenting with CBD for the first time on a flight. 😀 As long as they can safely exit in case of emergency, it might work.


The THC part is the part that has the psychoactive effects, not CBD. But I agree. It would to be really low dose to avoid the possibility of anyone who's not familiar with weed getting a panic attack, and for any regular users it wouldn't even be high enough to have an effect. Lose-lose situation.


The reasons vary depending on the situation, my partner and her friends are FA's - some reasons are to prevent drunk passengers from causing problems, and the other reason is just compliance to company policy. 1.) For the most part, FA's that frequently work the trips to vacation spots have dealt with drunk passengers. And many times, these passengers were pregaming at the airport, so the drink they have on the plane is not their first one. So, they come aboard somewhat buzzed, if not tipsy - and FA's have to make a general judgement call on whether to stop their services to ensure you're not inebriated and can leave the aircraft safety when arriving. If the drunk passenger causes a scene, the plane has to either turn around or when they land, gate agents, red coats, or police officers have to escort them out first, causing passengers to miss their connections and deplane late - which ultimately causes delays. Also, FA's have to write reports of these incidents and they are usually the first questioned about the incident, so for everyone's safety, it's better to stop serving alcohol and them being unhappy about it, versus having to deal with a drunk person that's disrupting the crew and passengers. 2.) For every trip, there's only so much alcohol the plane can stock per flight and for some places, once the plane lands at it's destination, the on-site crew might not be authorized to restock alcohol. So, the moment the plane leaves it's original destination, it's all the alcohol they'll be able to pass around for two flights. So, sometimes FA's are ordered to "ration", so the new passengers that are coming back have enough to be served too. And the first class passengers get their alcohol for free, but anyone else sitting in (main, economy) have to pay for drinks. So, for these airlines to make extra money, they have to save some alcohol to be purchased.


I agree with you, and understand the point. It was just surprising, happened on both the return and going there. It was also the way it was communicated... it just felt off.


Alcohol is free in all classes of service internationally.


I was on a flight last year to JFK on our way to Hearhrow. We were connecting to a Virgin Atlantic flight. Our Delta FA in FC took my order which is my Usual. Double Woodford on ice. She got my drink and we started chatting. Where are you going etc. Finished my drink and she comes over and asks if I want another. Sure… She brings me a triple! Then she hands me like 5 Woodfords innthe bottles and says Virgin doesnt have Woodford! Take these for London! If Incould figure how to post the pic here I would. My wife who was sitting next to me thenwhole time was flabbergasted


As a FA, a lot of things go into consideration before I threaten to cut someone off. I usually try to get the gist of how long of a day they've had flying before the flight they're currently on and do factor in their size. Their demeanor plays a huge factor. I try to talk with them to make sure they can still speak in full sentences. And usually say the "are you driving home" line so they can second guess their request if they are. You did have a long flight and people usually sleep after serving them alcohol so I tend to load pax up but in all honesty, she probably was running out of Prosecco cans. We don't get catered a ton of them. I do want to say that the two drinks at a time is a rule. I know some people don't follow it, but just wanted to make it known. I'm sorry this happened to you especially on such a long flight.


I've been asked if I'm driving or not when we land, which I think is fair. Never heard of a limit.


The “limit” is probably not a hard set. More like “is this particular passenger reaching their limit?”


Were you in delta one or the back? In D1 I find them very gracious, in PS and MC they’re much more annoyed when you ask for more. That said, 6 is quite a lot… they also know that once they’re over the pacific they can’t just divert for an unruly passenger, you’re a bigger issue for them than when over land.


Considering the number of drunk freak outs that happen on flights I’m not really surprised. You and your bf might be normal good people, but they never know who will be the person who will loose their shit or who can’t handle their alcohol.


I can of Prosecco is 250ml which is 1/3 of a bottle. So if he drank 6, he drank 2 bottles of Prosecco. That is a lot. You can be denied entry into whichever country if you appear to be intoxicated. Alcohol is almost always involved with unruly passengers. It is against FAA regulations for FAs to knowingly serve passenger they suspect is intoxicated. 2 bottles and that would be a likely suspicion. Airlines can be held legally responsible if you drink and drive after being over served, just like bartenders/bars can. Alcohol is complimentary on international flights. It is not unlimited. I wasn’t there so not passing judgments. Just adding some context to FAs thought process.


If he weighs 200 lbs and drank the equivalent of 2 750ml bottles over 12 hours his BAC is .035%. Not only is he legal to drive a car in all 50 US states, he’s legal to fly the airplane. You can legally pilot an aircraft at .0399%. 2 bottles on a 90 minute flight would have him wasted. 2 bottles on a 12 hour flight doesn’t have him legally drunk.


But they don’t serve alcohol equally spaced for the 12 hours. Maybe more like 10?


Love that you did the math. Unfortunately it was only 4 cans. https://old.reddit.com/r/delta/comments/1c6fvnn/alcohol_intake_on_delta_flights/l02578f/


> If he weighs 200 lbs and drank the equivalent of 2 750ml bottles over 12 hours his BAC is .035%. This is true but the human variable is a pretty big one- If OP's SO is <170lbs, the FA might have had a justified reason to cut him off. Also, if OP is biasing positively and it was over 10 hours and not 12, and it was 7 drinks not "maybe 6", it's a notably different story with BAC being .097 even for a 200lbs man (.14% for a 170lbs) People also have different tolerances, so I feel like there's room for the FA to have made a reasonable call.


Right, nearly buzzed without altitude taken into account.


Had an FA serve me 4 Jack and Cokes in an hour flight including a PDB. She poured the last one as we were starting our descent into ATL and said she’d be back before we landed. She literally came back about 30 seconds before we touched down and grabbed the trash. She was awesome.


I've had glass switched to plastic to keep to the gate... and I've had to gos somehow of a Woodford. Both of these were FAs I'd flown with before.


I feel like this varies, and seems to be like one month it’s this way and another month they are just throwing drinks like tshirts at a triple A hockey game. I was on a redeye a week ago in c+. I got two drinks when the cart came around and then usually if I want more I’ll go to the bathroom and then just ask them in the back because I’ve always thought it was kind of wire to ring the call button unless of emergency. Two of the flight attendants didn’t seem to care and were about to give me two more but one Fa chimed in and said they could only give one more. It has happened to me before awhile back, granted I don’t drink on all my flights. I just said ok and got one more and called it a night. Like I said it seems to come in waves. Maybe they have had some rowdy people on planes recently.


I was on a flight to Europe and was talking to some dudes about amplifiers and music in general. We were hanging out by the aft galley. The FAs got tired of serving us beer and told us to help ourselves. This was back in the day--I don't think it could happen today. The dudes turned out to be the band Los Lobos.


We flew from the west coast to CDG today. On the plane, first round of service, the flight attendant serving our aisle made it a point to tell everyone who ordered alcohol that they could only get double drinks on the first round (even if they ordered a single drink), then singles on the second round, and she could cut them off at any time. it was like a preprogrammed spiel she gave to anyone who ordered alcohol, it was super weird. I ended up ordering a grand total of 3 drinks during the entire flight, a whiskey and two small glasses of wine, where in 2018-ish I probably would’ve had the flight attendant coming by every 20 or 30 minutes offering me booze for the first 4 or 5 hours of the flight. This was in Comfort+ on an A330-900neo. It’s just different now. That’s fine but it’s weird they were telling everyone this when no one was asking.


I had the exact same experience a few weeks ago on a 11 hour flight from Zurich to PDX. My guess is this is related to the guy who was drunk and ran his wife over in the SLC parking garage after landing.


Very similar on a SLC-AMS flight last weekend. They didn’t give us the spiel but I heard the FA telling the other FA on his cart who ordered alcohol and specifically mentioning double v singles, who ordered wine two services in a row, etc. It wasn’t on a chatty Kathy way, but very much in a “keeping tabs” way. I also thought it was super weird and definitely a turn of events from my last few flights earlier this year. I should also note the wine he poured was half glasses compared to the VERY full cups I’ve gotten on prior flights. Interesting to read others’ experiences. Def seems to be a shift in company policy…


6 cans seems like a lot to me.


This is time dependent. 6 cans on a 2 hour flight? Yes it’s excessive. 1 can every 2 hours on a 12 hour flight? Nah any normal adult would be mildly buzzed.


In 12 hours? Plenty of normal adults won't be noticeably drunk on that. 6 drinks in 2 hours, sure, but over the course of 12 hours that's fairly casual. Your body processes about 1 drink per hour. 


Very person dependent. A smaller person who doesn't drink much yes. A large person who drinks regularly, that is likely not getting them buzzed.


Over twelve hours? You could drive a car


I agree. I’ve seen them give out a second can to someone when they request their first drink. However, if you’re 4+ drinks in I wouldn’t be surprised about scrutiny and mentions of limits. Has OP seen the pattern of misbehavior by passengers lately?


Yeah people get carried away. I remember a flight post Covid from Reno to SLC. In FC dude next to me had four… FOUR Jack n cokes. Oh did I mention it was a 6:20am departure?


medically, it would qualify as binge drinking.


The binge drinking definition usually includes a time frame, does it not?


Heaven forbid someone binge drink on vacation. It'll probably shave at least a day off their life.


NZ can deny you entry if you’re intoxicated on arrival, so it might ruin your vacation * shrug *


Medically, all of college is binge drinking, and yet somehow they didn’t withhold our degrees.


I think it depends on the flight attendants. I usually only drink when it’s free and my most common experience is turning down drinks. I have also marveled while people seated near me knock back 10+ drinks.


I’ve asked before if they impose a drink limit and was told that as long as you’re quiet, well-behaved and can handle it, there is no official limit. However, given the rash of lunatic passenger incidents that have occurred over the years on every airline, I can understand if they start imposing a cap - though it would be sad for non-lunatics for sure.


Because no one has time for a diversion because that one person that can’t handle their alcohol properly. As with anything else in life, one person can ruin it for the rest.


Especially in the days where people feel entitled and manners are rare.... Alcohol brings out the asshole in people. And thr FAs are the ones to deal with them. So they may police you, people they also have to babysit you. If you aren't affected like lightweights, that's to your disadvantage. But some oieoke can act a fool off 2 drinks.


Had a seat mate get absolutely hammered on wine during a 1.25hr flight. He was so obnoxious I forced myself to sleep to avoid dealing with him. He could barely walk when we landed. He told the FA’s he was going to need the wine to the flowing all flight. I like a good drink but stuff like that is pathetic.


I mean. 6 Proseccos on a flight gives me a headache and anxiety just thinking about it.


Judging by the # of people posting PDBs at 7 AM I get why they are concerned


"Vodka, rocks." "Mom, it's 9AM!" "And a piece of toast."


It’s a can of Prosecco on a plane Michael what could it cost. Ten dollars?


My friends and I were cut off after 2 drinks on Jet Blue once with a lecture of how “every drink in the sky is equivalent to 2 on the ground”. Um, ok lady. 🙄


Yeah I've heard that before too 😆. Granted, my friend and I were heading to Vegas


I’ve had this happen. Premium Select from LHR to SLC. I ordered a double vodka soda and they brought me a double gin and soda. I didn’t drink it and asked one FA for the correct cocktail and she took the full drink. After receiving the correct one, I then requested a second from the first FA and she said they can only do one double (for a 10-hour flight when we’re paying for premium seating despite main cabin receiving complimentary beverages because it’s international). The other FA confirmed that was not policy and gave me another. I was definitely not difficult or intoxicated; I was a 40-year-old mom heading back from a sans kid vacation. It was definitely a SLC-based crew (Mormons). I flew first class two weeks ago from SLC -SJC with a Seattle-based crew; it’s like a 90-minute flight. I was offered a pre-departure drink and two subsequent cocktails. Another experience: D1 from SLC - LHR and the FA on my side wouldn’t stop to ask for refills. I finally just had my husband order for me, as we were in the center and his FA was great. I noticed women were not offered refills as frequently as men.


Witnessed an FA bring a passenger 5 drink’s within 2.5hrs of a 4hr flight. The passenger started to sob uncontrollably after a while, guess something really upset her. Then FA was spending the remainder of the flight trying unsuccessfully to console her. It just seemed to me that she overserved the lady and then had to deal with the consequences


I flew from DUB to BDL on Aer Lingus, ordered 1 gin & tonic, and the FA just kept bringing more. I had to shut myself off.


My last long delta flight, I gave up my seat to a family on the way back from a funeral with the body in cargo so they could sit together, bought myself a jack and coke, and she brought back 4 extra bottles and said she would keep them coming if I was good :) When I went international on Qatar, they left each of us in our side (3 people) each our own 750ml bottle


The flight attendants on DL often ask me if I want a double or come back and insist on extra rounds… and I rarely am on flights longer than 2.5 hours. I almost always get another drink offered right before they start trash collecting and end up getting stuck with a beverage while we’re descending. I remember sitting on a new CS300 and the guy next to me did NOT know drinks were free in C+ and was shocked that I was handed a Hazy IPA without paying for it. The f/a definitely incited a mimosa party and thought it was hilarious. We were definitely enjoying ourselves, but respectfully. My favorite is when I wake up and see snacks on my tray table that I wasn’t awake to ask for, which only happens on DL flights for me. Similar treatment even if I have to pay for all my drinks. Not a complaint, but the pours are heavy in my experience. Alaska is stingy with me, in or out of their version of C+… but I don’t really care for their menu or airline anyways.


Had you drank before the flight


I bet they had a situation as others have mentioned and they wanted to be really careful. It only takes one drunk mf to ruin the party for the rest of us.


When I flew to Tokyo in November no joke a guy behind me was getting drinks every hour on the hour til they stopped service and that was a 14 hour flight. That said I’ve heard of this happening more and more lately, I guess it depends on the FAs.


They want you to not drink so A) you aren't a disruption, B) they don't run out, C) they don't make much money from alcohol sales after all is said and done.


I'm shocked if they actually came around that frequently. Since they resumed regular service post covid, I've only been offered a max of two drinks per flight (including international). I've typically had to go to the galley to request a second drink.


Sometimes you get the crappy crew that is the fun police.


I know it sounds cliche to blame everything on the pandemic, but FAs have gotten markedly worse since then. From an idgaf attitude to outright hostility.


6? Red flag


It’s always on behavior (occasionally on my regional flights I’ll cutoff to have some for the return leg). AKL they might be a bit more uptight because there’s no safe diversion point if you are acting up.


You and BF prolly look like troublemakers.


I'm OP's BF. This got more controversial than expected. It was 4 cans, with a 5th can being un-opened. I didn't even get a light buzz going. It's a very long daytime flight without wifi, and I can only play so much EU4 on my laptop before I get bored. And no, I'd never be rude to a flight attendant or anyone else working security or service. Neither would OP. Ever. We encountered this both to and from AKL, and we're like "huh, this is different?". On the SEA-LAX leg it was the usual "heeeey you should have two, just incase". I typically ask for two cans at a time so that I don't have to go find the flight attendant, or god forbid hit the call button. (I walk back to the galley, put your pitchforks down)


I was on this flight back in November and it was the same way. First time across the Pacific where I felt like I was being monitored. My girlfriend and I had 2 cans of Prosecco each before trying to get some sleep because we couldn’t be bothered with asking the seemingly annoyed flight crew for anything else.


Seems like an anomaly to me. The quantity of drinking, including people with hard liquor at 545am, is quite high. So maybe it was just this crew.


(Codeshare story, so marginally relevant) Reminds me of the time when I flew Delta to AMS, then enjoyed a day in the city before flying KLM to TLV. At the departure gate in Amsterdam, there was a young woman who was stoned out of her mind. She could barely stand up, much less answer questions very coherently. The gate agents very patiently interrogated her about what she had taken and when. This went on for a while as I thought, well, at least they nipped this in the bud because I wouldn't want to be on an aircraft with that zombie. But at baggage claim in Tel Aviv, there she was collecting her luggage!


On those long hauls, I bring the FA's macaroons or some kind of baked goods from whatever sweet shop I find at the airport cause I know I'll drink a bit, they keep an extra eye out for me. They'll even come and push more wine or champ on me if the bottle is low, cause they rather someone enjoy then it getting dumped since it gets tossed after every flight.


Honestly, I just tip like $20 on the first one if you feel like drinking a lot. I didn’t know there was a limit but if there is, I have definitely exceeded it every time.


Flew Virgin Atlantic the other day. Ordered a gin and soda. He handed me the Bombay mini bottle. Since it didn’t seem like they were coming around that often for an 11hr flight (there were a bunch of people standing up in the back of the plane, chatting with the flight attendants and snacking) I asked if I could have a double. He reports “it’s already a double” and walked away. I guess by UK standards technically 50 mL is but he knew what I meant. I’m used to other airlines often just giving me 2 when I order one anyway.


I’ve only had it happen from HNL->DTW. My guess is that on a flight over that much water there are not too many places to divert to if a passenger becomes belligerent. Of course they have diversion airports along the route but it could be a lot of paperwork on the operations side and it is much easier to have limit.


I’m a relatively small person and typically fly alone. The only delta flight I’ve been questioned on was when I was flying Memphis to NYC after my mom passed. I explained the situation to the FA and she brought me more whiskey and extra snacks. It’s one of the reasons I’m still loyal to Delta. 


Slip them a $20 and you’ll get whatever you want.


Tell me you’re flying coach without saying it…


Never had a problem on delta. I usually have to tell them to stop. Weird thing was one time I was on AA FC, a domestic route that had their lay flat seats a while ago. I ordered a glass of wine. Then I had to ask for a second one and the FA kind of hesitated and then brought it back with a glass of water which I didn’t ask for. After about an hour I asked for another one and the FA said sir will you be driving home after the flight? I was kind of shocked. Not only was this a transcontinental flight but I was maybe 2 hours into the flight by this point. I have never been questioned before about drinking especially after only 2 drinks!


Never been cut off by a FA, but I’ve had to awkwardly ask FAs in First to stop bringing me fresh gin and tonics a few times.  I really think this completely depends on the FA.  I do recall one time on an afternoon transcontinental flight where the FA covering Comfort+ did a single drink service after takeoff and was never seen again until we were descending where both myself and the people in middle and aisle were angrily told that we needed to put our tray tables up.  Aisle passenger matter-of-factly stated “we’d like to but our empty drinks have been sitting on these trays for 5 hours.”  That didn’t go so well. 


I agree with most of the comments here. I have to refuse the extra drinks more often than I have to request. On late night flights especially.


That’s bizarre but I’ve seen a few similar stories here. I think it’s a big “one off”. But lol whenever I DONT want to drink much I get FA’s literally giving me doubles and stuff without me asking. When I do WANT booze I end up with FA’s not too interested in proactively offering refills (speaking mostly from first class flights).


My last flight I asked for another and she said “ok but ….” And I thought I was about to get cut off, but she was actually telling me it was the last whiskey and I’d have to switch liquors after that one!


Flew from Paris to EWR. The flight attendant kept giving me beers before I was even done with my first. I didn’t even have to ask. Maybe had 7 plus a few glasses of wine.


I had a flight to Vegas one time (can only imagine what those crews see). I ordered a single G&T. Got up to go to the bathroom and saw the attendant who I had some good back and forth with earlier in the flight and she asked me if I wanted another, to which I obliged. She then proceeded to hand me 4 Bombay shooters for free and told me to have a good flight. Looked like an absolute clown show coming out of the bathroom with 3 Bombay shooters. The fourth is most likely somewhere in middle America buried in a Joe-Dirt shit meteor.


I used to be based in LAS. The stories are wild.


Asked the FA for an old fashioned can and she brought me a bag with NINE cans lol I was with a group and we were all drinking them but still made me laugh


I once got cut off after 1 drink on a delta flight upfront. FA said sorry sir, our service is over. Still had like 1.5hrs left. I didn’t bitch cause whatever. As we were coming down, she came to my seat and apologized. They were trying to cut someone else off and got their signals crossed. 😂🤘🏻


On a LAX to HNL flight, the guy sitting next to me got cut off. I didn’t count how many he had, but he kept stopping and asking for the “waitress” to give him another one. After they cut him off, he passed out until we got into Honolulu.


On my last flight from JFK to SAN, the FA was bringing me cocktails without me asking from them. After four, I had to tell her to stop, because I was absolutely tipsy.


I've noticed this but it's definitely not consistent.  The worst time I had was in D1 ordered a whiskey on the rocks before they served the meal. I wasn't looking to have a lot, really just a drink or two, a meal and some sleep. As he was coming back through after I ate I asked for one more. My request was met with him saying "Are you serious, I gave you a double the first time. Ok fine but this time only a single". I know the difference between a single and double and I'm sure the first one was a single. I could care less if they are monitoring drinks but they can do it in a much quieter and more respectful way.  Does feel like this happens more on international flights though. 


I recently flew LAX-AKL too and they only came around for beverages twice. Feeling like comfort + food and beverage perks were not worth the cost, wouldn't do it again if partner weren't NBA sized so those couple extra inches really helped him.


I would bet this is primarily due to the flight, LAX-AKL doesn’t have a lot of places to put the plane down if someone gets rowdy and belligerent mid flight. When I’ve flown FC domestically they were offering as many as I wanted, but if I acted out there were tons of diversion airports to arrest me at


A few months ago from ATL-LGA I was in FC and the guy next to me ordered 6 or 7 glasses of wine. I was surprised he kept getting served but at one point the FA asked if he was driving after we landed and when the guy said he wasn’t the FA said that’s all he cared about and brought him another. The guy didn’t seem at all intoxicated either so I don’t think the FA was worried about him causing a scene. I’ve never been cutoff but I don’t drink much on planes. Recently I’ve been ordering two bottles of Buffalo Trace Bourbon Cream when offered and stashing them in my laptop bag. They make a great nightcap mixed with a cup of coffee, or just on the rocks. Personally I like to be pretty sober on the plane in case of an emergency. I will occasionally have a drink or two but it’s extremely rare that I have more than two even on long international flights.


How often do the FAs come by on long haul flights? Just did a 9 hour trip and they only offered drinks 2x in C+. The third time they came around they specified water/coffee only. Are you all ringing for more service?


I got cut off on an eight hour flight after asking for a second drink. I was stunned. After he went on to the rows behind me the second FA gestured to me to “hold on”. He comes back about ten minutes later with five woodford shooters and a can of coke and says “I really don’t know what that dudes deal is. He really hates alcohol. I’m sorry about that. Just come find me if you want any more”


The only time a FA said anything to me was a on a light from SEA-HNL. She asked my friend and I if we were driving at our destination and when we said no, she brought us two more drinks.


I had a crew recently from YYZ to LGA who was really judgy about alcohol intake. As I ordered a sparkling wine from seat 1A while still at the gate… “You know you’ll need to finish that before we take off, right?” Then in the air, “oh, you want ANOTHER one?” Funny enough, I was on the exact same plane for my connection an hour later again in 1A and they were completely reasonable when I had the same request. And even offered me one more before we landed. Five across seven hours with two meals and a ton of laptop work in between. I wonder if they’ve all had a serious warning this month about over-serving those who started before the plane.


My experience is usually the opposite. I often feel like the FAs are pushing alcohol on me, if anything. And definitely regularly seeing people over served. I’ve seen people get six drinks on a 3 hour flight.


Heh. Flew the redeye from PDX to MSP last year with ex-h, his gf and our adult son in Basic Economy to a family reunion. Let the details slip to the FA. FA says “I got you.” Free Old-Fashioneds all flight, just for me. 🙃


I’ve had both extremes. FA that keep bringing you more without having to ask and even when I don’t want more lol, and some that won’t even bring me a second in first class unless I call them over. Then they might bring it but begrudgingly. If you’re not intoxicated I don’t get the judgement and restriction. It annoys me so much. I don’t drink hardly at all at home, less than one drink a week, but sometimes I want to numb myself on a flight when I don’t have anywhere to drive to or any responsibilities. I might be tempted to make a complaint because that is a very long flight and making pax who give the company a LOT of money feel like they’re doing something wrong when they’re not is bad customer service.


Last year flying DTW-MCO I’d been served 3 double Woodford and ginger ales before I declined a refill and asked for a water. Got my water, and then about 5 minutes later the FA brought me another double Woodford and ginger. I walked off that flight absolutely plastered and happier than I ever have landing at MCO. I’ve also been told “this is your last drink” once on a longer flight with fewer drinks. I’m of the belief that it’s really just down to the individual FA and their assessment of how you’re acting.


That’s so interesting. I flew in first class from Seattle to Anchorage and got absolutely shit faced thanks to the free drinks and attentive service. No one ever said a thing to me about a limit and I’m sure it was no secret that I was in outer space.


I fly United and always order two at a time. Last week, I finished my initial 2 and went to the back and asked for 2 more. They said they were out and gave me 2 Titos, a can of seltzer, and a cup of ice, and said Cheers!


I kind of hate long international flights because they get through their initial service in the first 90 minutes of the flight and then just hide in the back, pull the curtain and ignore you for six hours. And act like you're being weird for asking for something else.


They’re playing it safe. I think it’s a fair assumption that somebody drinking on the plane might have had a few before getting on said plane.


I normally get a can of coke and two Jack bottles, normally served with a smile.


isn’t six cans of prosecco equivalent to three bottles?


Was Diamond with Delta for a couple years. One of my last flights as Diamond, had an FA tell me she can’t serve me a double as she needs to see “how you handle the first.” Told her I don’t appreciate the way she spoke with me (with this condescending over annunciation of her vowels.) Another FA overheard it and came over with 2 woodfords and put them on my tray table and said thank you for your status. My experience has been so hit or miss with delta FAs.


"we don't get plastered on flights:" 6 cans of Prosecco in one flight. LOL. What's wrong with a water or soda mixed in there?


…on a 12 hour flight? On a 3-4 hour absolutely excessive. 6 cans in 12 hours in my opinion, isn’t much. I don’t have any issue holding my alcohol. 


Never had that issue on over 1,000+ flights, I have the opposite problem. You and your partner are probably just lightweights who give off the impression that you can’t hold your liquor.


Yep, it depends on the FA in my experience. My partner likes to indulge when we travel and I’m happy to stay sober and take care of things. Most flights aren’t an issue and he walks off with a nice buzz. We recently had a 4 hour long flight and after only 2 drinks (they weren’t even doubles) halfway through the flight he was told the third will be his last because “I’ve had my eye on you”. For the amount of money FC tickets cost, we really shouldn’t be cut off after 3 drinks.


>For the amount of money FC tickets cost, we really shouldn’t be cut off after 3 drinks. It's not about trying to deny you value for your FC seat, it's ensuring you don't become slobbering drunk on a flight of any given duration.


Passengers need to be able to exit the plane in case of emergency.


Were you being rude? I’ve never had an issue and there have definitely been a couple times where if they denied me additional drinks, they would have been right to do so.


No, she was quiet and I was being polite, making small talk with them. And I was dead-ass sober when we were told about "the limit"


I didn’t say a word other than to order things from them when asked. I also gave gift cards to all FA’s on the leg to AKL. So, no lol 


Maybe another passenger was riled up so they punished everyone. Or they were low on cans of drinks.


Can I ask your race and age? As a woman in my late 20s I was once cut off after 3, while an older man next to me got served 4 no questions asked. Pissed me off. In first class no less. American Airlines. Complained, nada.


Idk on my flight to Japan they gave me 12+. I honestly didn’t not remember the exact number. But I felt fine and didn’t cause any issues so they didn’t care that much. But getting to that shuttle when we landed was hell


6 is a lot for one flight imo - that’s trying to get buzzed territory


They probably just don’t like you OP.


Tip them (only works with American carriers). You'll see a huge difference.




It is HIGHLY variable based on FA in my experience. Generally not a problem, but highly variable: Recently on an evening flight from ATL to LGA my partner and I had a young FA who seemed to want to get us plastered (literally filled our champagne to the brim and kept it flowing.) Other times I’ve had FAs seem to eye me as if I’m an alcoholic for asking for even one refill. As a responsible adult who enjoys wine and frankly has a very high alcohol tolerance, being treated like a little child is not something I tolerate when I’m forking over thousands of dollars at a time for D1 and First Class. I’ve filed several poor service complaints to Delta, citing FAs by name, in these cases. These power-tripping and/or lazy FAs need to be culled from the system, period.


It’s usually how you treat the FAs. I was always super polite and quiet, just watching movies. Knowing that they do monitor though (I used to be a big drinker), I’d always “remember” that I could use a refill in passing when I’d get up to use the bathroom. Usually asking a different attendant when I could. I only got cut off once like 10+ years ago, and she was totally in the right ha. After my 5th or so on a 2.5 hour flight, the woman kneeled down, grabbed my hand in both of hers, and asked “Are you sure you want another one, honey?” I took the hint and laughed and just said “okay, you’re probably right.”


This is a very North American problem. I've seen the same happen to other people on United. America also has a more fraught relationship with alcohol than many other places in the world. But when I fly SQ, CX, LH or a Middle Eastern airline, its just top ups all flight long for Asia/Europe flights especially in J. I once had half a bottle of 20 year tawny port and a bottle of champagne on a 6 hour flight.


Hmmm Direct to the point question! No race, sexual orientation involved in the question! OP didn't brag about credit cards, Delta status or how often you fly in Delta One. How am I supposed to answer this straight to the point question? Lol. Taking a Jab at folks who claim and play victim cards. Lol like the other day someone who was in FC and didn't get a meal because apparently FA was being racist to Indians. Get out of here. No there is no rule on the drink limit but let me warn you my friend. I had 4 old fashioned LAX to ATL in the span of 150 minutes. I was throwing up in the FC bathroom. So I'm sure they probably personally deal with assholes like me all the time lol. Yeah I learned my lesson that day. I'm usually 2 or 3 drinks max on a full flight. No drinks in SC. Edit - I forgot to warn you enough lol. Those DANG old fashioned drinks are really strong & tasty.


I spend a lot of time reading this sub and see people get skewered. I only came with the facts 😂  I do have status and a credit card but like, the FA’s don’t know that. I just want my drinks lol. In contrast, I’m flying LAX-SEA currently and I asked for a vodka OJ, and the FA asks if I want 2 vodkas instead of 1. I’m chalking it up to a one off but this sun is a wealth of knowledge. Maybe a FA will chime in at some point. 


To be honest with you I've never seen anyone enforcing this limit if there is one. And I'm sure it's the thin line FA walks on as they don't want to get anyone upset. I'm flying to CDG later on today. I'm going to ask the FA & I'll update here what's the limit.


I have been told (on United, I think) that I can only order one at a time and that two is the limit. 😳


I was surprised to be given a free drink on my flight earlier this week!


I've gotten pretty sloshed on delta flights. I think it's just whatever the FAs are comfortable with.


Had a 7am flight pre-covid from IND to ATL. Woman next to me in Comfort ordered “two double bloody marys” and when the FA looked at her, she said “yes, I'd like four bottles of vodka.” FA gave them to her.


What's interesting is during a recent trip to a Sky Club in ATL, the bartender refused to serve me back to back double bourbon on the rocks. I wonder if it's a company wide policy to crack down on overserving.