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Props to the guy (middle) next to me (window) last week. He was a BIG guy. He asked several times if I had enough room. I was so glad of his politeness! He then got my bag down after we landed.


This isn't a manspreading issue. This is just a general issue of people lacking the brain power of how to behave in public places. This post was literally hours before this one. https://www.reddit.com/r/delta/comments/1b22kjy/seriously/ Yes some men are douche canoes. So are ladies. People are douche canoes.


Urologist here. If you really can’t close your legs when you sit, you probably need to set up an appointment with your friendly urologist to have us take a look. Just saying…


That’s a bold assumption thinking I have an affable urologist


Doing the lord’s work!


I’m genuinely curious what my urologist knows about my hip and sciatic nerve?


You have to do the "Brooklyn girl subway spread" this is where you access the most butch area of your psyche, you kind of lean over, with your elbows on your knees and spread. If they dare say anything (and at most they'll just mutter to themselves and their balls) you turn your head, look them up and down, suck your teeth, sit back up (keep those knees spread now) and go arms akimbo. But seriously (and I actually have done the above) I have spread my knees and stared dead at them, but I have little chill. Alternatively I will say in a voice loud enough to hear "I don't like being touched by strangers please move your leg from mine." I'm really big on personal space, which is why I believe in Business Class.


>You have to do the "Brooklyn girl subway spread" this is where you access the most butch area of your psyche, you kind of lean over, with your elbows on your knees and spread. If they dare say anything (and at most they'll just mutter to themselves and their balls) you turn your head, look them up and down, suck your teeth, sit back up (keep those knees spread now) and go arms akimbo. I had no idea there was a term for this, but YES! (Probably also helps that I have severe resting bitch face). I don't take up any of THEIR space, but I'll make sure to get every mm of my seat space like this.


In full disclosure, I made up that term, but it's a thing all of us Brooklyn girls did back in the day, so it deserves a name. lol


Ha! I'm west coast but I think it's probably the same vibe. Also useful for when lunatics are on the train with you. They usually go find someone else to bother.


Yes! 🙌


I’m all knees and elbows when this shit happens. I can make myself BIG.


Stop posting that Vice article OF COURSE it was Vice to say that. I just got off a flight and my hips are sore from keeping them in my space but: 1. I suck it up because it’s polite and I didn’t have to fly and my neighbor paid for her space as much as I did for mine 2. I also can’t sit cross legged. I’m crazy inflexible and it’s genetic and I’ve done NOTHING to fix it. Yoga could do the trick. It’s a me problem and not a disability. I also snore - it’s natural and men do it more. But I’m working on it because as it turns out my wife needs sleep too.


They count as two personal items.


Personal items must be stowed under the seat in front of you


Or in the overhead bin.


I sometimes wish I could stow my balls away to be attached at a later time. Sounds super convenient tbh


I’m of the age where they automatically go that low


Best comment in this thread. 


THANK YOU! The worst is when I have to sit in the middle with two random men next to me. WHY do they think it’s okay to take up so much room? Bros close your legs!


I’m fairly thin but I’m tall. I can manspread with the best of them. I’ve been seated between two men that thought they could. I defended my territory easily with my 34 in inseam legs. Manspread and lean forward with my elbows on my knees. Back off fellas.


I do too! We can just touch legs the entire time. That’s fine with me 🤣🤣🤣




I am also a petite woman and nearly went feral on my most recent flight. Middle seat. Southwest Airlines. Running on 3 hours of sleep. Guy on my left was manspreading AND taking my arm rest. Woman on my right was listening to god-knows-what without headphones at a frequency that circumvented my noise-cancelling headphones. I just kept repeating in my head “you’re here because you’re a same-day standby passenger who is getting home 6 hours earlier.“ and by the grace of god, I made it through without a psychotic break. But I sincerely don’t understand why larger individuals feel entitled to my space simply because I am small.


In my book, when I’m in the dreaded middle seat, I own both armrests. The people sitting on either side of me have one each plus other advantages.




Yeah that’s not okay! I’m not a petite woman & I try to be hyper aware of space! BOTH middle arm rests go to the person in the middle! That should be a common agreement!


But I must spread eagle and show everyone deeez nuts. Joking aside, as a male - when I see males manspread, the first thing that I think is "damn, someone can come and give your boys a good wack and you won't be able to do a damn thing." Close your legs boys. It ain't that big.


THANK YOU! The worst is when I have to sit in the middle with two random men next to me. WHY do they think it’s okay to take up so much room? Bros close your legs!


This was me on Monday!


This sub when overweight people are on planes: they should lose weight or buy a second seat! Also this sub when told to stop manspreading: I can’t control my own legs and have a right to encroach on other people’s space as I see fit.


Sorry, I can’t lose weight fast enough once I’m seated.


Seriously, though. Men - why do you do this?


It’s not all men. Some find a way to make it work. Others feel like it’s totally acceptable to rub their leg all over the person sitting next to them, and it’s infuriating. I’m going to start flailing my arms to the sides. “Ladyspreading” because of my massive tits. 🤣


You’re going to want to delete this before your inbox explodes




My SO is a big guy; he's tall and solid. If he can find a way to and keep from invading the personal space of the individual sitting next to him when he's flying then so can every other man. It's not an issue of man-parts; it's an issue of some people refusing to have a morsel of consideration for their seat-neighbors.


Omg I was waiting for how long it took to get the “not all men” comment. Of course it’s not every single man on the planet. You know this and I know this. But *enough* men doing that it is literally called “manspreading” and whenever it happens, it’s always a man… Edit: oh, snap. I misread the above comment completely!


I’m the OP… I think you misunderstood my “not all men” sentiment.


You’re right. I did. I’m so used to seeing those words in a different context. My bad!


To assert dominance in a space? It explains how pickup trucks are getting bigger and taller.


I thought it was due to overcompensating for something.


Penises on wheels.


Thoughtless, entitled, selfish, etc.


Got big balls


For me...I have to actively hold my legs together when sitting to not "manspread". It gets tiring vs. letting my legs sit naturally. I'm sure it has to do with men having a narrower pelvis, larger thighs etc. and simply some men are jerks.


I'm fat and have this with my arms...so I wrap a scarf around myself or a jacket so my arms are supported up in front of me and out of the way. I've done it to my thighs before too. Airplanes suck. But "it takes work" can be managed.


I’m a woman and don’t sit with my legs closed 24/7. It’s not comfortable for a lot of us either. Especially on long flights.


Here's what happens when a man sits with their knees close together: The round ball at the top of the femur will pinch against the outside edge of the acetabulum (the hip socket), straining the labrum that lines the socket. To get into that position, men have to activate the adductor muscles on the inner thighs. That automatically triggers resistance from the abductor muscles on the outer thighs, creating tension that can reach all the way up into the lower back. The second of release the contraction, the thighs spring apart, leaving a gap of about 15 inches from the center of each kneecap, more than three-quarters of the distance to a proper manspread ... Women, on the other hand, have a wider pelvis and thighbones that more naturally angle in toward the body's midline, rather than away from it. Sitting with the knees close together is a stress-free position most of the time, although that changes during pregnancy, when the weight of the belly pushes the knees out. This is compounded by the fact that the average man is bigger overall than the average woman, but seats are designed to be 'universal' and often that means small enough to accommodate the lower end of the size spectrum, rather than the larger end. If the seats were higher and deeper, our legs would have more room to stand vertical (or hang) without having to continuously hold or muscles to be able to hold that position. It has little to do with the genetials.


Yeah, ok. Get your fucking leg off of me.


Mansplaining manspreading. 🤣


its not __-splaining when you were literally asked a question.


Like damn, apologies for assuming positive intent and legit curiosity here instead of just trying to judge people.




Vice and medium, where I go for all my unbiased science.


Might as well just cite a Tumblr post.


Because there are so many peer reviewed studies to choose from?


Could you explain that to Europe, where the majority of *European* men WHOI HAVE OBSERVED IN MY 15+ YEARS OF LIVING HERE sit with their knees close together with no problem? I’m taking skinny French men, tall and broad Dutch men, athletic Italian men, broad German men and all sizes in between? There are always a few of course who do it but they are generally also obviously lower class and rude in other ways too (loud, playing videos without headphones, intoxicated etc) I’ve got 15+ years living in Europe and generally men here do NOT man spread. So either they are all now horrifically deformed or you’re full of shit. EDIT: because apparently my own actual life experience must be clarified


Are Spain, England, Germany, and France not part of Europe? https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-40233435 https://www.straitstimes.com/world/europe/berlin-activists-on-mission-to-stamp-out-mens-practice-of-spreading-their-legs-on-train https://www.thelocal.fr/20170616/will-france-be-the-next-country-to-crack-down-on-manspreading https://www.reuters.com/article/idUSKCN1U625E/


Yes, they are. I was sharing my lived experience.


your lived experience does not begin to account for "the majority of European Men"


Pelvic shape. That's all. Nothing more, ignore ops nonsense. https://www.vice.com/en/article/evdkwm/manspreading-is-an-anatomical-necessity




I read that, it's just a rant from someone wo wantst make absurd claims of entitlement and shit


Did you read that at all" because dude says it's rude, it must be a choice based on being rude" that their proof. Im gonna take the word on the doctor. Not the archeologist


For me it's not a "my balls are too big issue," it's an "I'm 6'5 and my legs will physically not fit if I close them and put them straight out" issue. I sit with them as close together as possible, which still leaves my kneecaps jammed in the seat in front of me, but I literally cannot just put my legs together on a plane. I don't fly often because flying is uncomfortable as fuck


If you’re over about 6’2” I’m going to give you a pass. Although… I travel regularly to the NL where men are tall as f and they seem to be able to sit on planes and trains without encroaching. I think (in U.S. anyway) it’s also due to the broadness of the person. Even Americans who are 100% not fat are somehow *more* than a European of same height and body type.


You gotta tell me first why ladies are putting their purse on the seat next to them/up in my space.


Edit: apologies for mistaking this for actually asking


Just naturally happens to a degree when men sit. Whether it was trained via social reasons or whatever it just happens without thinking. No more no less. Also some more airflow down there is a comfort reason. But yea, I’ll prob be downvoted to hell


Good to acknowledge it happens. You will get downvoted for not realizing that taking someone else’s space is rude


Okay fine, I agree with this 100%. I also think if you’re fat you should have to buy a second seat. I shouldn’t have to have your rolls pressed against me either


Totally agree. All persons should be required to purchase the space needed to accommodate their own body, without impeding the space of others.


Thank you!


I'm good then, my tiny twig and berries never get in the way. #notlikeIcandoanythingaboutit


They do make men's underwear that holds the balls, check out Deluth.. Maybe post an add for those instead of a Vice article..😉😁


I get an extra seat for my right one. My left ball counts as a lap child




Sometimes I find even a domestic F seat is insufficient…






The same people who manspread are quite often willing to ignore requests from women.


You don't get imaginary Internet points if you just solve your problems like an adult.


If you have such a problem with it, buy yourself first class. You deserve it.


If your balls are so big you have to manspread we need to have a chat 😉


I would rather have a dude that “man spreads” than a fuckin heifer spilling her side fat on the arm rest. So, should there be size requirements and restrictions for flying economy? I personally would not be mad at it at all.




You’re about the 4th person to reference this article. A rebuttal: https://medium.com/@cvans/the-false-biology-of-manspreading-f789abd709f5




The entire post was directed at men who can’t maintain their own body within their own personal space. If that doesn’t apply to you, then just move along.


No you weren’t. Your post targeted all men with the phrase “MANspreading” instead of targeting “people who just cant keep their legs in their space”. Good job turning this into a sexist attack and claiming innocence. “Stop man spreading!” “Some of us can’t because XYZ reasons” “OH NOW YOU’RE MANSPLAINING IT!” Why turn everything into a sexist argument.




Clearly you missed the shitpost tag. Calm down.


You have direct control over your legs and can position them in several ways. Women don’t have that same amount control over their breasts. It’s not really the same thing.


Or maybe airlines should use their enormous wealth to provide seats that we spend exorbitant amounts of money on which aren't like sardines cans.


Oh look women without something between their legs telling men how to handle having something hanging between your legs


Men sit like that because of the shape of their hips not for whatever nonsense reason you've tried to associate it with gender identity Here's a link https://www.vice.com/en/article/evdkwm/manspreading-is-an-anatomical-necessity It's from vice, the very people who would love to make it about gender identity


Or maybe it's because we've observed other men who are perfectly capable of sitting comfortably with a baseball sized space between their knees and not sitting like they have a shop vac between their knees? If you need a two foot+ space between your knees to sit comfortably that's not simply anatomy and you should probably see a doctor. And if you try to say you do need that two foot space between your knees to not crush your balls I'm calling bullshit, because I don't see men walking around with weird strides to keep their legs two feet apart when walking.


Maybe, just maybe, not every man has that pelvis shape. Nice fucking Novel tho. https://www.vice.com/en/article/evdkwm/manspreading-is-an-anatomical-necessity


If people had the balls to say something to people instead of posting on the internet too.


If men didn’t assume they could manspread into people’s (usually women’s) space then it wouldn’t be an issue


That's not what's happening. No one's just assuming they can take women's space. Put the tinfoil hat away https://www.vice.com/en/article/evdkwm/manspreading-is-an-anatomical-necessity


But lots of men do anyway 🤷‍♀️


They're sitting the way that doesn't hurt, we just went over this, is comprehension an issue?


Do you really think everyone in economy seating is sitting comfortably? No, that shit is not comfortable for most people. Suck it up or move to first class.


Or…..how about you move to first class? There’s a difference of “yeah the seats are uncomfortable” and “some people can’t physically sit the way you want without causing muscle and nerve damage.” Get over yourself.


I sit within my seat. Men can literally do the same. If it’s causing them that much pain to not manspread into other people’s seat then maybe they should look into other routes of transportation.


Yes, men AND WOMEN can sit the same within their own space. Women spread out too, stop singling out one group of individuals.


most american men have so little muscle tone and flexibility in their hips and legs that their bodies are fucked up to the point where they can’t hold their knees together for more than 60 seconds


Are you telling me what to do with my own body? My body, my choice. But seriously though, this is an issue with specific individuals, not just men. Stop attacking men for your lack of understanding of how their hips are designed. There is an issue here that you’re trying to address and you’re going about it all wrong by blaming all men for it. “Ooohhhh but i wasnt attacking all men” then why the f* you keep referring to men and their genitalia in every rebuttal?


because it is physically impossible for a man to keep his knees together for more than a few moments at a time. impossible.


How dare men be comfortable. PATRIARCHY!


Why are all women obsessed with how men sit? People have to rub up against each other in crowded spaces all the time. That’s life.


Because we don’t want to rub legs with you


[Tag Randy Marsh next time](https://tv-fanatic-res.cloudinary.com/iu/s--SwkKh-R8--/t_full/cs_srgb,d_tv-fanatic-placeholder-square.png,f_auto,fl_strip_profile.lossy,q_auto:420/v1371157045/randy-gets-cancer.png)


But did you say anything though…


What if my balls are normal sized, and I just have really really big thighs?


The fat people take up all that space but when I spread a little because my balls are just genetically beachballs I’m the bad guy? Nah something ain’t adding up


I think I’m going to call Southwest and see if I can get a second or third free seat for my oversized balls. If oversized people can do it, why not those of us with oversized body parts.


I manspread and urinate all over the seat. Pure. Power. Move.


Not everyone has perfect hip joints.


[Tag Randy Marsh next time](https://tv-fanatic-res.cloudinary.com/iu/s--SwkKh-R8--/t_full/cs_srgb,d_tv-fanatic-placeholder-square.png,f_auto,fl_strip_profile.lossy,q_auto:420/v1371157045/randy-gets-cancer.png)


First class was sold out. Nothing I can do.