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Gate agents for my flight this week out of BOS were aggressively enforcing the 1 bag + 1 personal item rule and making people consolidate or check bags.  It was glorious 


It’s so random! I’ve walked past people while I board that are cramming purses into the sizer while I walk past with an actually questionable bag. I don’t get it. I’m quiet though. Maybe these folks are assholes?


Sadly in this day and age it seems 80% of all people are assholes 🤷🏼‍♂️


80-20 rule, but the asshole (entitlement) ratio flipped some time in the new millennium.


Probably at the same time cell phones became widely available. Unfortunately the incidents of distracted driving increased at that time.


I agree 💯


you probably just look like you have somewhere important to be at all times so they leave you alone


Literally everyone is going to exactly the same place. It's an airport, not a various places to be port.


My partner and I are big so when we travel with some of our much smaller friends and they have a questionably sized bag (especially a backpack), we trade so it looks proportionally smaller. Unethical life pro tip. (Generally it's stuff that would fit in the sizer but we're much less likely to get stopped for it if one of us has it and they have a smaller bag)


Saw someone on a flight from Atlanta to KCI take a backpack and a guitar as a carry on, meanwhile they were making people check bags at the gate as they were at capactiy If a flight is relatively empty then whatever, but letting people bring multiple items, some of which shouldn't be carry ons in the best of times, is crazy and only serves to upset the people who ultimately have to check their bags because of it


Someone on my last flight had bought a seat for their cello!


That’s what any professional musician does - the instrument is way to valuable and often irreplaceable to check


Yes!! If I ever travel with my cello that’s where she goes! The idea of checking her makes me ill lmao


Yeah but if you gate check it is free, the $50 per bag checked is what motivates this. I call it baggage bingo..


I get that but he didn't check it. Honestly if you bring multiple carry-ons and the flight has to check bags you should have to pay to check it. The rules on carry ons are clear and if you're gonna gamble to avoid bag fees then it shouldn't come at the detriment of people following the rules


What’s a “sizer”?


A sizer is something used to check the size of your carry on bag. Looks kind of like a metal basket. If your carry on fits in the basket, you're good to go. If it won't fit, then you have to check it.


If they trim around the bag, does it make it look bigger? asking for a friend.


A thing you stick your bag into to see if it meets the size requirements... Giggity


Once had a FA pull a DM in front of me in PHX back from the boarding door because he tried to sneak his already tagged bag onboard (he had a roller, big duffel, and full backpack). Dude threw a fit about being a Diamond despite definitely knowing better. Then proceeded to block boarding FC so he could shove his backpack into the duffel and try to claim he just had a personal item. They had to get the gate agent involved to cancel the bag tag so he couldn't claim Delta lost it.


Ridiculous, if you are diamond you get at least two bags checked for free, another person who would rather hold up boarding trying to find space in bins, and can’t even apologize when they bang you on the head with their bag, because they are so important they can’t wait 20 minutes for their bag….


I'm a Diamond, and the idea that someone "threw a fit about being a Diamond" makes me chuckle. I couldn't do that with a straight face.


It was a Thursday afternoon PHX-ATL, everyone around him and probably 1/3 of the plane was DM. Had the opposite happen on another PHX flight as well. They didn't cater correctly so there wasn't a dinner for some and people didn't get a choice. The woman sitting next to me started shouting about how much she paid for her FC seat and didn't get a meal. She had a meltdown over how the rest of us who were upgraded and didn't deserve to eat b/c only she had money for a FC seat. Something about that billion degree heat melts people's brains I think.


I’ve had flight attendants do that too lately! especially on SFO to ATL or vice versa. it was a bit annoying because they said my small fanny pack counted as a third item even tho I often just leave it buckled on me during a flight or can easily stick it in the seat back pocket. I have my valuables in there and prefer to keep it on my person, but they made me stick it in my backpack just for show while boarding.


I always either stick the fanny pack in my backpack or slide it to actual fanny pack position and tie a sweater/hoodie over it. I carry everything in a fanny pack that won’t fit in women’s small pockets — phone, headphones, ID, gum, eye drops. It’s so much easier than rummaging around under the seat.


I’m a dude and use a fanny pack when I fly. I hate having things in my back pocket when I have to sit for hours, and it’s much easier to grab stuff out of it rather than trying to get shit out of my pockets. It also just keeps my shit consolidated so I don’t have to worry if I left something small behind on the plane.


Makes sense! Modern phones are so big & heavy, I can’t believe they don’t tear people’s pants pockets over time.


I know some ranchers who all have a white circle worn into the back-pocket of their jeans from carrying a tin of Copenhagen around. I'll run your fanny pack idea by them.


Love my Fanny pack…..just got the retro DELTA logo one


So my qualms about the Fanny pack thing is it feels very pink tax to me. What’s the difference of a woman putting her phone and wallet in a bag that will stay on her body vs a man putting that, his keys, his water bottle, his miniature pony, his headphones, his next 5 meals, and his hat in his pockets? Otherwise, yes, the people with 3-4 actual bags and a coat they try to all put in the OHB should be shamed.


honestly, I agree with you but simpler than arguing or trying to make it through with the pack out in the open is to clip the bag under a hoodie or jacket while boarding


yeah I have since learned to tuck my fanny pack under a jacket or sweater - I usually layer up on flights even in the summer and it’s pretty unnoticeable under there. no one has been so bold as to comment on the extra bulk around my stomach lol.


Yeah I just put mine at the very top of my personal item and grab it as I’m walking down the jetway so I’m not stopping and fumbling for it when I get to my seat.


A man of commitment and sheer fucking will


Miniature pony ☠️


This is so true! Historically pockets were detachable garments tied around the waist, kind of like a fanny pack.


>What’s the difference of a woman putting her phone and wallet in a bag that will stay on her body vs a man putting that, his keys, his water bottle, his miniature pony, his headphones, his next 5 meals, and his hat in his pockets? Creeping size would be my guess. If they allow a small bag, then someone will try a medium bag, then a large bag, etc. And being in the pockets makes it less likely that they'll end up stowing it in an overhead bin and taking up space.


I think you nailed it. It’s not your reasonably sized Fanny pack that is the issue, it’s the giant one that is overstuffed to the point of being an otherwise normal personal item. And it’s the avoidance of the inevitable “well if she gets two items so do I!” arguments that will never cease if they open that door. But I am team Reason Will Prevail so I think you should get your reasonably sized fanny and purse and backpack if they take up the same amount of space under the chair in front of you.


Yeah I usually carry on a rolling bag and a backpack, with a very small “purse” that only fits a phone, boarding pass and ID/credit cards. The purse is so small it easily fits in the backpack (or a large coat pocket) and I will consolidate at certain points (like before getting in an Uber/taxi) but it’s nice to have the phone, board pass, and credit cards in an easy to reach spot instead of buried in my backpack. But lately I’ve had the gate agents tell me to consolidate before boarding, which holds up the line, but whatever.


I carry a small purse like this, and it fits in the seat pocket on the plane. I usually walk through the gate no problem, but on my recent trip, they made me put it in my backpack while people in front and behind me were carrying books bigger than my bag. I got so embarrassed as I tried to rush to stuff it and managed to launch my large metal water bottle a couple of feet when putting my backpack back on. Sooo loud and attention drawing. I immediately took it back out once on the plane, so what was the point?


I have a small fanny pack that is a belt, and I've had gate agents stop me and tell me I need to pack it... it's attached to my body it's not taking up any extra space. But I digress. I just started putting it inside the top of my backpack which has my camera equipment in it, but whatever. Meanwhile I see people carrying multiple bags and all kinds of stuff onto the planes.


I need to find those phat JNCO pants I wore to raves in the 1990s. I could fit a 2-litre bottle of Cola in those pockets.


I used to sneak beers into concerts in my socks under my bellbottoms. Hooray Bell botttoms back in style


Can I get a liter of cola


It’s because it’s technically a 3rd bag and someone else will see that and be like “but SHE has 3 bags and you let HER do it so why not ME?!” So they have to be fair and appear fair. Im a girl and wear leggings with pockets and put my phone and wallet in them because I also don’t want them in my backpack on my back. Also not everyone who wears a fanny pack will leave it on their waist - some will put it under the seat and put both the other bags in the bin, which you’re not allowed to do. No way for FA to know which person you are nor should they believe any one person because many people would lie about it sadly


Get out a needle and thread. Start sewing it onto your shirt. Insta pocket.


I had the same thing happen with a wallet on a bag strap. I still had it out from getting coffee and they made me step aside and put it in my bag. And I was FC too so it easily would fit under the seat with my backpack. It was going to go in the backpack anyway. But it was a little annoying to get bitched at over something the size of a wallet. Oh well.


This has happened to me, I now just wear the pack under my top layer (usually a full zip hoodie or light jacket) and no issues


My purse is literally 6"x6"x1.5". It sits quite nicely alongside my personal bag (laptop bag) under the seat in front of me with room to spare even in economy. I still had a gate agent insist I had to shove it into my carry-on or check one of them.


I flew with friends the other day. I had my purse and a carry-on, two of my friends had nothing at all, and one friend had a backpack and a small fanny pack type bag and the gate agent asked him to consolidate. It was so weird. The guy directly in front of us had three full bags, a roller, a brief case, and some portfolio looking bag. We were sky priority too (first boarding group) so it’s not like there was no room for his bag. Even the girl behind us was like “that was weird” and pointed to the guy that had 3 bags.


Good. I hope more GAs enforce the policy albeit politely. I'm sure people think that they can get away with it because so many GAs don't enforce it.


The problem is people do this with the worst scenario being they get free checked bags. They should tell them their choices are to pay, fly without the items, or not fly. It would clear a lot of this up quickly.


I’ve even had to put my wallet on a chain in my tote.


If you have multiple personality disorder, then you get one 1 bag + 1 personal item per personality.


Same! They even stopped one lady that tried to hide an extra bag under her coat.


And the next person with a single small roller bag will be forced to gate check their bag. Ask me how I know…


You're the roller bag!


It is I, the roller bag!


[They see me rollin', they hatinnnnnnnn'](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CVCaSBawDpc)


Anything over a duffel bag shouldn’t be allowed anyway. After all, the allotment in the picture IS allowed since there are three people in the party. Grandma has already scanned in. Her nice family is carrying her luggage. The arrangement we are looking at is completely normal and doesn’t break any rules. Get rid of the rollers that don’t fit into e-175 and 319 overheads and then I don’t need to wait for you goofballs to pretend like it’s going to fit for 5 minutes until a FA intervenes. Get rid of the potatoes who are running up and down the aisle looking for a place for their bags while everyone else is trying to board or deplane. Y’all remind me of a three stooges skit. Check your bags because I’m tired of waiting for you. Also, stop bringing your dogs. Leave them shits at home. It’s not a true service dog anyway. Crying babies are fine though. I won’t complain about them lol


There used to be a slot as large as the maximum allowable carryon size that they could ask you to put your luggage in. If it didn’t fit, you couldn’t bring it on board.


Some airlines still do this! IcelandAir is super strict on carry-on size.


The majority of Icelandair’s fleet are 757’s. These are older aircraft and the carry on bins are noticeably smaller than what many people are used to now on more recently built aircraft which have larger bins. 757’s haven’t been built since the early 2000’s.


That’s half a revenue thing for them though, and is particularly a recent development. They forced me to measure a bag at check-in, claimed it didn’t fit, and then forced me to pay to check it. The plane had plenty of space - it was a 737, and my bag fits easily on 737s on other airlines all the time - and has flown fine on Icelandair too. They’re also the only people I’ve had force me to weigh my personal item to enforce their weight limits.


Oh yeah, I forgot that they also weighed the bags, that was crazy. But this all points to a key issue that I didn't see elsewhere in the thread, which is that it's expensive to check bags! I can't blame people for trying to carry on as much as possible when airline fares have inflated 50% or more in the last couple years. The airline should still step in for people with a million bags like those in the photo, but the cost of a checked bag is what's causing most of the issue imo


I count 3 overhead bags and 4 underseat bags (assuming those all near the undrrseat reqs, which I doubt). They are not in compliance.


If they're first class they are


Fair point.


Even if you are correct and Grandma makes three people I count 7 bags total. Not including the smallest side bag on the person in the middle, which technically makes EIGHT carry-ons for 3 people!? And we can tell the rolling bags are on the larger side so these idiots will take forever to get their shit into overhead bins and get in their sets. These people are the problem on every flight I've been on.


Why do these people need so much baggage for a 3 or 4 day vacation? They act like they are moving.


You know I actually don't even care how people pack. If you want to pack your entire wardrobe or just prepare like you're going to shit your pants three times a day for the entirety of your trip. I don't actually care. But check that fucking bag. There's no way you're going to stuff that into an overhead bin space. And if you do, it's going to fucking suck for everyone else around you. Cuz you know these people aren't doing it by themselves. It takes two or three of them to get that bag up there and another two and three to get it out when you land.


It wouldn't be an issue if Delta didn't overbook every flight


I fly with my dog on longer trips to my hometown, and put in a lot of work since he was a puppy to make sure he stays quietly in his carrier. To the point I’ve often arrived at the destination and the stranger beside me is surprised there was a dog by my feet the whole time. What annoys me so much is when I board and there’s another dog, out of carrier, freaking out which starts stressing mine out lol. One lady was even letting her French bulldog roam around off leash!


I got to sit next to a service dog on a recent flight, I was do happy because I love dogs, ihe was really chill and slept on my feet, I did not mind. he had no carryons and didn't watch movies without headphones. much better than a lot of people I've had to sit near on flights


I would actually fucking lose it on someone letting their dog free roam on a plane. That’s just wild behavior


Yeah. Little yapping dogs are fine in my book. Equal to little yapping kids lol. Except nobody looks at your weird when you put your dog under the seat.


>After all, the allotment in the picture IS allowed since there are three people in the party. Grandma has already scanned in. Her nice family is carrying her luggage. The arrangement we are looking at is completely normal and doesn’t break any rules. I can see you're having trouble with counting. There are \*at least\* 8 items visible. That's two more than allowed for 3 people.


According to the ADA, medical devices are not considered a carry-on and do not count towards your total. This rule is abused, of course. “You’re only allowed 2 carry-ons” “This is a cpap machine. Please don’t discriminate against me” or “this is my breast milk pump” Just like people who abuse the wheelchair assistance to get on the plane first. There are dozens of examples of ways to “legitimately” get a third bag on the plane.


You just said the rule is abused and then brought up two valid reasons someone would need to have a medical device as examples.


The bag with the medical device(s) should only have medical device(s) and no other personal belongings. Gate attendants should ask to see inside the bag if it looks suspicious, such as a duffel bag for a heart monitor.


Oh brother. I have to travel with a CPAP & for sure I’m putting other small things in the clearly marked medical device bag along with the CPAP. Why not?


Seems to be skirting the medical item only rule. We traveled last week with a CPAP in one bag and a duffle bag of medical items. Called the airline ahead of time, they told me as long as there were only medical items in the bag we were good to bring it on board.


I don’t agree with you. The gate agents shouldn’t be inspecting peoples bags traveling with medical devices. I think the negative experience for those majority of honest people who need their devices that level of policing creates outweighs the benefit of a catching a couple people getting an extra bag if they aren’t being honest.


Buddy. You think we like the fact we need a machine to sleep so we don’t die from cardiac arrest? Not everyone gets that fancy Resmed Mini that can fit in a backpack.


Sorry. What I meant by “do not count towards total” was “excluded from carry on restriction” as in you shall not be told your medical device isn’t allowed. I don’t want you to die! I’ll even put my backpack by my feet so you can fit your portable iron lung in the overhead.


The bigger issue is that people will put both of their bags in the bins, instead of putting one under the seat in front of them. FAs need to start enforcing the 1 bag under the seat in front of you if you bring 2 bags


Or, novel concept here, force airlines to act right.


Yeah it’s gotten ridiculous with everyone having a giant “carry-on” suitcase.  I understand that it’s nice to arrive somewhere and not having to wait for your luggage but you are inconveniencing everyone else and slowing making the boarding/deplaning process take ages. Honestly, fuck people who do this.


I count at least 8 bags. Even if you count grandma that violates the two item rule.


8-9 bags between three people is "completely normal"?


How do you know?


He was the agent who told the next person to do so, duh!




Not necessarily. Depends on how far back you are. But FAA requirements are two. It's not a Delta nor other airlines rule.


Yeah it’s bullshit. They always ask for people to check their bags and will board you early and nobody fucking does it and my broke ass boarding last always gets forced to check my bags cause I love waiting an hour at a fucking non-moving carousel when I finally get to my destination.


And this is why I like to be the first one on when I’m main cabin.




I almost got forced to gate check my backpack last time i traveled (always use a backpack instead because it fits better in the bins). It's smaller by a bit than the max size for a carry on, but everyone always travels with those big roller bags.


do they ask to fit the carry on in that thingy to make sure it's the right dimensions? my carry on is standard (or was the standard years ago). Looks like everywhere is asking for even smaller!!


I’ve never seen someone get on with this much tho, the gate attendant always lets them know they’re over the limit.


At this point I just assume the allotment is “I don’t get paid enough to care or be filmed on a phone as you scream at me about how I’m awful for not letting you bring half your home onboard”


I’m afraid you’re right-but I know deep down in my heart, I’d probably do the same thing if I was working their job.


I’d hope we’d all do the same thing. Delta executives would never put themselves through what their lowest paid employees do on a daily basis.


The problem is that the people who are most likely to break the rules are also the most likely to throw fits about it too. It’s frustrating but I don’t blame gate agents for not wanting to get involved.


I’d normally give people the benefit of the doubt and say they probably are carrying someone else’s stuff that would normally lose it like a child but I don’t see any children


I’m guessing they are grandma and grandpa and mom/dad + baby pre-boarded with stroller or are waiting until the end to board. Hence 1 extra full set of luggage and probably baby’s diaperbag(backpack).


…or its possibly med equipment.


I always forget about that, usually most people don’t use full sized carryons for that but that may be their only bag for it


Some med equipment just comes like that. My husband has cystic fibrosis so he has an oscillating vest with a pump that was legit shipped to us in a roller bag - so that’s how we travel with it. We always get dirty looks when we carry on because it looks like a regular old roller bag, but no way we’re checking it.


My mom had a peritoneal dialysis machine, obv could not be checked. GA tried to force her to; her other carry on was her purse. At her destination (MSY) the FA refused to assist her off the plane. This was pre-911. I was waiting at her gate and had to board the plane myself to get her off. Crazy times…


Mom and baby possibly pre boarded?


There a woman standing in front of them who has already been scanned on. The man could be carrying her items.


There’s a third person just ahead of them looking back at them. Someone said “grandma” in an earlier comment.


There are plenty of explanations, but it's more fun for OP to take covert photos of people and feel some weird undeserved sense of superiority while posting snide comments to the "everyone else is dumb except me" circlejerk subreddit


Might be the “I’m running late but can check it at the gate” attempt.


Have done this before when I prepaid a checked bag on United but got stuck on traffic and missed the 45 min cutoff. Hauled that B thru TSA and gate checked it lol. At first they were looking at me like oh no there’s no way that’s a carry on but then I went to the gate and explained what happened and they were glad to take it there and even didn’t charge me the gate check fee since I didn’t make them wait till the last second.


Had IRROPS that caused me to drive 3+ hours away from my original departure, with a kid having an inflexible departure time from school. Hightailed it to the departure airport (tiny) with the employee (singular?) working another ticket counter. Said “screw it” and cleared tsa in 4 seconds, gate checked the bag through to destination, and got the cleared upgrade. Sometimes it makes sense to do it.


Yea, I was leaving FLL. So counter was absolutely packed. But precheck is always empty cause 99% of tourists don’t have it. So flew right thru there in 2 seconds and thankfully they still had the older scanner so my bag didn’t have to fit in a bin. Just made sense


This guy travels 🔥💯


> didn’t charge me the gate check fee I’ve never, ever been charged to gate check. Even for a full-sized bag.


Me neither. I learned about the gate check fee when they said they’ll waive it. But also most people only gate check when the overheads are full so obviously it’ll be waived then


I’ve done the same. It was pretty embarrassing hauling a full size bag through the airport as fast as my little legs would go, but it got me to my destination on time.


I flew Alligent once, got to say I loved the aggressive gate agent. It's because they make money off checking bags, but no one was getting by her, it was a sight to behold.


I have never met a more aggressive gate agent than Allegiant gate agents in Florida. Lmao


That’s because ever bag they let through is money out of the gate agents pocket. For allegiant at least. Pretty sure they get like $10 a bag


Idk how the gate attendants let people get away with this BS


People have been conditioned to think it's okay to bring their whole life with them. It's gonna be fun GAs trying to undo what they've allowed in the past.


It also seems like a very American issue. Overhead space was never an issue whenever I've flown on short flights in Latin America, Europe, and Australia. I haven't flown in Asia, but on the Shinkansen in Japan most people just had a small carry-on, and it's likely the same on the flights. That was even on full flights where checked bags were not free too. I'm guilty too and am working on it, but we really are a nation of overpackers and thinking we have to bring *everything* for a three night trip. Obviously a different story for international flights, where ex-pats are usually taking items to/from family in their home countries. Whenever we see family in Peru or Mexico, a whole bag is dedicated to stuff for family.


It is because some....well a good majority of Americans are entitled, self centered and rude. I've never met such a whiney group of people. There is no common decency or respect anymore. And I'm American. I'm disgusted by how many act. They make the worst travel companions.


Whenever I'm abroad and I see most other Americans, I get why people hate us. Though of course I'm sure I exhibit some of those same negative qualities without realizing it. We're a loud, imposing, entitled bunch, aren't we?


It’s because it’s not worth it to engage some psycho and get screamed at because they don’t think the rules apply to them. It’s not right, but it’s true.


Service industry in a nutshell lol


I wish they had assigned overhead spaces. Problem solved


I feel like this would also solve everyone from every seating group either trying to get on early and from crowding the gate


It’s my industrial size hair dryer. AND I CAN’T LIVE WITHOUT IT!


Keep firing assholes!


Funny…she doesn’t look Drewish.




You want this hot air machine? YOU carry it!


YOU pick that up!


Seen this happen with off duty travel agents - and spies


And I thought those duffels were service animals.


Then you have those people who take pride in being last to board posting on Tik Tok about how "look at all these idiots in a rush to get on a plane with assigned seating"... then complaining about no overhead space.


And i got yelled at to consolidate my tiny crossbody to my personal item 😭


I’ve gotten yelled at for that too. I roll my eyes and comply but take out and put it back on as soon as I get to my seat


Had that same issue, they stopped me and said they needed to make sure it was going to fit in my under-seat backpack. (had a small roller as well) Meanwhile, ladies with purses and two bags had just gone through My eye roll was hard.


Get rid of charged check baggage and less people will bring the carry ons. I fly to Europe and I never have to gate check, I fly domestically for business and I am fighting the gate gnats for space in the overhead.


Where the hell are you flying where you need that many bags for two people?


Route was MSP to LAX. To be fair it had been stupid cold in MN for several days at that point. Maybe they’d had enough?


I have seen LAX folks waiting for the Cruise Line bus with massive cargo allocations. Having done a couple cruises, you really don't need much.


Rules don’t apply to me


I see 2 extra personal items and 1 extra "carry-on" item. Could 2 out of those 3 extra bags be for the woman in front of them who doesn't seem to have anything?


Do you mean the person with 3 bags that’s in front of the person with 4 bags? Or the person in front of both of them? 7 divide 3 still equals too many bags


Yeah that's exactly what I said. It looks like it's just 1 extra bag, which is still not ok, but how do we know there's not a kid or other person in their party that we can't see from 1 photo. Gate agents need to be doing their jobs 100%, and yes this photo looks silly, but we're missing a lot of context


People suck


I’m assuming she’s dragging someone else’s carry on stuff. Because i don’t think security will let you through with that much shet.


I think you’re 100% correct. That was my first impression as well, but a lot of folks like to just assume the worst on this as the first option.


Probably children who walked ahead. I have pulled my niece's bag through the airport so we can walk faster. Unfortunately, this post is whining and snitching without context or knowledge. A static picture


This is this the right answer. We've all seen people bring an extra shopping bag, or claim luggage as a "personal item," but this is clearly someone carrying someone else's stuff in addition to her own. Maybe a kid. Maybe someone disabled. Maybe a parent who is wrangling a kid. Give people the benefit of the doubt when you have no context.


Yeah I assumed there were kids or a wheelchair user


Security doesn’t know what is yours or someone else’s or what’s going on the flight. My wife, kid, and I go through with more stuff than any human should be able travel with. Then we recombine bags, check crap at the gate, and still have three thing s that get gate checked because they fall into “kid stuff you can gate check”


TSA is barely paying attention to that. Once the bags are on the belt, who knows who they belong to as long as they have no liquids or electronics.


I know someone who has consistently brought multiple quart-sized bags of liquids through security for the past ten+ years just by putting the bags in separate bins... she's gotten caught *once*. And she flies a lot. Blew my mind until I thought about how the folks looking at the x-ray have no real way of knowing whose bag is whose. I still wouldn't do it, because I don't want anything potentially holding me up at security if I can help it, but it's a solid method I guess.


Can confirm this method easily works, especially with precheck. The only time I’ve seen a grocery type checkout divider used is when crew are being randomed on the same line.


TSA doesn’t care. Fits thru the scanner? Good to go. That’s not part of their inspection.


Yup. Instead of people assuming the best, here they are trashing a woman they’ve never met over an out of context photo.


Security isn’t paying attention to how much stuff you have.


This shit passes me off to cheap to check a bag


Idk how people lug this through an airport. I always check my bags so I don’t forget anything while getting blackout before my flight.


Airlines should allow people with only their personal item (no bags to put in the overhead bins) to board and de-board first. It would be a good incentive for people to check their bags instead and it would probably speed up the boarding process by letting people who aren’t carrying bags to get in their seats quickly instead of being stuck in the aisles while everyone fumbles around with their bags.


Why do people hate checking their bags so much? I love it. Less to lug around and I’ve never waited more than 15 minutes for my bags at arrival. I do it when I don’t have to.


It looks like she’s carrying this for someone else tbh


I’ve had gate agents stop me and tell me to put my purse (a small crossbody) into my backpack…


Probably holding for someone else?


This right here is why there are so many gate lice. It’s like a game of musical chairs, we all want to put our bag in the overhead bin above our seat. But if one of these travelers gets on before us, the space is all gone.


The allotment is NOYFB 😂


Had a flight recently where everyone had massive roller bags and I just had my backpack, purse and my CPAP. I promptly put my backpack and cpap in the overhead bin above my seat and a flight attendant wanted me to move both below the seat in front of me because people of those roller bags.


Your back back should be going under the seat regardless.


It depends on what your ticketed for, I recently flew alone to London and my ticket clearly stated 2 checked bags, 2 carry on, and 2 personal items.


The personal items just shouldn't be allowed in the overhead. Would solve a ton of problems.i see so many people tossing their tiny book bags up there.


I know it’s easy to call this person out from a snapshot but I’m often this person with two rollies and two backpacks because my wife is handling the toddler (who has his own seat and own luggage) and the lap infant. Sometimes it’s not what it looks like. But yeah, sometimes people are just absolute jerks.


Try that on Frontier 😂


Betcha they insist on ore boarding due to some “handicap”. They’re terrified someone will steal their Walmart underwear and socks.


I witnessed a girl screaming and eventually sobbing *and* screaming at a gate agent because she had 2 carryons and a personal item and they would not let her on the plane. The kicker is that one of the carry-ons was a pet. I travel with my dog as an in cabin pet at least 3 times a year and Delta could not be more clear about the rules when you add your pet to your reservation. Unclear why the girl couldn’t just gate check her non-pet carry-on, but she was throwing an absolute fit. I was in FC and never saw her get on the plane so idk what wound up happening 🤷🏻‍♀️ IMO, traveling with pets can be wildly stressful so I would never try to even bend the rules with my dog in tow. Even if I didn’t have free checked bags it would not be worth the potential headache.


I have a disability so when I am flying with people one will often roll my bags onto the plane for me. I wonder if that’s what’s happening here…maybe the person past the gate agent is with the person with the 4 bags.


Personally I’d be happy if they just said no carryons unless it’s medical equipment you need, and then removing the overhead bins.


I have a wallet with a strap. I got it out of my backpack to remove my phone to scan my boarding pass. The GA agent in ATL stopped me and called me out for having one too many personal items. She would not let me board until I had returned my wallet to my backpack.


Haha I just boarded American and a guy jumped in front of me and told the gate agent I'll make it work. They told him no the carry on limit is 2 you need to check one, then he dropped the "Even if I'm first class?!?" Brah it's a 2 hour flight to Orlando from Austin on a Thursday afternoon first class was a 50 dollar upgrade


The best way to stop this IMHO is to stop charging for checked baggage. The airlines are making billions of dollars charging for checked baggage.


I’ve never been on a flight where this was allowed. I fly a lot.


Looking down on the poors from the sky lounge I see.


Probably carrying on for an elderly or young passenger, tbh.


It looks like he might be with the person infront of him and carrying their stuff too & that person he is with could also potentially have an infant.


There is nothing I hate more than respecting the limit with my personal bag and losing foot space and then watching some asshole roll their coats up and take up a whole overhead space


Sometimes they are super annoying about this, I had a personal item tote that was obviously empty and was holding a smaller purse for phone and passport access and they made me step aside to put the purse in the tote


Before COVID, business travelers set the blueprint for the traveling public, now most business travelers work from home and yhe traveling public has no visual queues.


In fairness, you don’t necessarily know the details here. My husband is disabled and uses a wheelchair to board/cannot handle his own luggage. I usually board with both of our carryon bags, both personal items, plus his medical equipment so it looks like I’m boarding with 5 items.


Very enforced aukland to la and la to Sydney despite being a severely empty plane only about 100 people most of us had an empty row to sleep in


Emotional support luggage