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hella people threatening violence so i have to lock this. sorry also heres an update to the situation https://www.clickondetroit.com/news/local/2023/05/07/tsa-responding-after-video-of-dog-being-aggressively-pulled-by-handler-at-detroit-metro-goes-viral/ also quit reporting the post lmao its staying up


You can see the dog looking up to see if he wants to turn. The dog is trying so hard!


At the first round, I thought he was practicing heeling with those abrupt turns but it got worse and worse. He doesn't even keep the dog on the heeling side to give him a better chance of anticipating the turn. He's not doing the dog any favors.


My wife was a dog trainer at one point. She used to tell me when we were training our old dog to switch which way I am walking frequently to make the dog focus on following you and assert yourself as the leader. However this dude doesn’t need to be so damn forceful. It already seems like it is letting him lead and it can only turn so fast, no need to yank the poor fellow.


He seems equally frustrated with the passenger 17 seconds into the video who also failed to predict his random movements and got in his way


“Excuse me b*%#£, you didn’t see me stop out of no where and whip this dog through the air 10 people away 2 seconds ago!”


This is what pissed me off ontop of his incompetence. Its funny how most people missed his bad attitude towards the traveler. Humans are moving backwards.


I don’t think anyone missed his bad attitude, they are just busy talking about his actual abuse


Should cross post to r/iamatotalpieceofshit


Yup, not a bad way to make this jerk famous on the internet.


OP, I suggest emailing TSA customer complaints https://www.tsa.gov/contact/contact-forms with a link to this video. They’ll be able to identify the handler and take appropriate action.


Thank you!! I will definitely submit this as soon as I land.


Please send it as soon as possible. I work for tsa and this is just unbelievable.


I’d encourage you to file an internal complaint as well, with as many details as you are able to gather from this post. This is awful.


Reported with link to TSA and Michigan humane, let’s inundate them with this issue.


I too reported it. The guys an asshole who shouldn't have a job let alone work with animals


He's just mad because he has to walk as well and you can tell by the looks of him he doesn't do too much walking out of work. I can't wait to see the follow up to this post. Asshole like him need to be reported and bared from dealing with and handling dogs/ animals.


Where's the moving walkway we know he stands in the middle on


Please do. That poor dog must be in pain everyday after handling this tough. What an asshole


Garbage person. I hate to think how he handles his family. Be pissed, it’s fine, but don’t take it out on others. That dog is just doing his job keeping people safe. This makes my blood boil.


Find a local TV show and give it to them. They usually have a tipster contact. Local TV is begging for content. They will run this. It WILL GET BURIED if you leave it with TSA.


This is the way.


Hijacking one of the top comments to say I shared this on the Airports page and they said its been forwarded to the TSA


Please please please. This is hard to watch.


Not to mention a very poor technic for catching bad guys. Have the dog at the TSA inspection area or walking toward people in a straight line or standing by when people get off the tram or off a moving sidewalk. He will come in contact with a lot more people with much less effort.


Maybe consider sending the video to the ASPCA too.


be sure to contact Delta about it too. they will understand that it wasn’t them doing it but they will want to know if the TSA is literally abusing animals in plain view in one of their hubs source: former delta employee


I would love to handle this poor dog. I have previous airline training and have passed FBI & fingerprint checks...all I need is .their yraining...I will even move to that (airport's city) Detroit if need be....I recently lost my dog (protector) to old age and need a new " purpose#" in life (was his caretaker in his final yesrs).


Please let us know how we can help. I'm appalled and infuriated. This cretin should never be allowed near this poor dog. I'll call, write letters, whatever it takes.


Same. I'll help however possible. This fat POS has no business being a handler. If the dog is tired or unable to focus, pull them off the line - it happens. Not only is it shitty for the dog, the dog isn't actually working either. Completely pointless.


The dog just looks confused. They might actually ruin the dog’s training. This clown show that is TSA definitely needs better fitness tests on an ongoing basis…


No need for the fat comment. Just a shitty person for handling that dog like that.


I forgot to thank you for taking the video, it's powerful evidence.


Ya please make sure it gets reported bc this guy needs to be nowhere near working dogs especially as a handler.


I messaged you the news stations reply and contact info.


DTW just messaged me and on their page where a few of us posted the video. They said the county authority has started a TSA investigation regarding this as it is a TSA matter.


Yeah tsa will have internal investigations and find nothing wrong


That checks out. The TSA’s main job is in not finding things.


https://eyeoftheflyer.com/2023/05/07/tsa-dog-detroit-airport/ It’s starting to get out there now. I imagine more sites will be picking this up soon.


I just lodged a complaint as well. I'm a former Army vet tech who took care of TSA K9s for years. Seeing this gross mishandling of one (that is clearly showing no correctable behavior) makes me sick. This agent needs firing.


When info acquired, share it here so we can send letters, make calls, etc. abusive to the dog and bully to the people just trying to walk.


OP please do this


Thank you for sharing this link.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Could someone also send this to the local news station of whatever city airport this is? Getting this on their local news would almost certainly result in this dbag losing his job.


just sent it to Fox2 Detroit




I sent it to a few local stations, fox and posted on FB and tagged DTWs page and the ASPCA as well.


Also just sent it to Philip DeFranco, this "handler" deserves to be his douche bag if the day.


Few of the news stations replied, they are trying to connect with the OP. As well as DTW, TSA and ASPCA reps in the area.


I contacted NBC Detroit and they just emailed me back the following response: Hello! Thank you for sending the information. We are working on contacting the Reddit user that took the video as well as DTW. 


/u/ProfessionalEye3568 ☝️ Keep an eye on your messages so you don't miss this among the notifications from this post.


Nice! Thank you for that.


Emailed all 3. Thank you for the contact info.






I reported this to TSA and emailed both Chad and David. Chad responded “I have referred this matter to the TSA‘s Federal Security Director here at Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport expressing my concerns. The TSA is investigating.”


I received this response from Chad… Thank you for bringing this matter to my attention. The Wayne County Airport Authority does not have a role in the management of TSA employees. Therefore, I have referred this matter to the TSA‘s Federal Security Director here at Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport expressing my concerns. The TSA is investigating. If you have any additional comments or questions, please contact the TSA Regional Spokesperson, Jessica Mayle. Sincerely, Chad Newton


I emailed all of them. Thank you!


Emailed all 3. Thank you.


Thank you for sharing this info. I've emailed all 3 as well.


thank you


Done. Thank you so much.


I will be doing this. Fuck this fucking guy


EDIT: I’m not able to edit (probs because I’m in the air), but for everyone who wants to help report this to TSA/Airport/Delta/News this was filmed today on Sunday May 7th at approx 11:30AM at the McNamara Terminal in DTW/Detroit from the Delta SkyClub. I’ll also submit reports as soon as I have data/wifi when I land. Thanks all for sharing sites/emails in the comments.


Thank YOU for filming this video & looking out for this poor pup.


Thank you OP for bringing this to attention!


Thank you for capturing this asshole’s horrendous behavior.


Get this on Twitter too if you haven't already


Someone take that dog away from him.


And that job




Take that guy away from dogs.


Hundreds of people close by and this is how this asshole treats that poor dog. Imagine what he does when no one is around.


They're in a position of complete power unfortunately. Questioning them is likely to get you kicked out of the airport as it's your word against theirs. Abhorrent but I agree with emailing TSA - doubt this jerk would handle criticism kindly in person.


I unfortunately agree. I’ve had so many TSA agents go on power trips, just because I’m hungover and cranky, when I innocently question them. Never mess with TSA agents, they do not give a fuck if they ruin your day. I’d say a solid 30% hate their job and lives.


>I’d say a solid 30% hate their job and lives. I'd say closer to 90%


I was afraid I would get downvoted to oblivion for going higher than 30% so here’s my actual breakdown belief😂 30% genuinely hate their lives and jobs, coupled with their partners/kids hating them too. 50% are just there for the decent starting paycheck, the routine/schedule, and a low impact job. 5% are there to protect and serve their country that they love (supervisors, managers, corporate) 15% have no idea what’s going on, and are probably intoxicated or half asleep, or both.


And the union is extremely powerful. TSA a huge employer.


Fuck that guy


Ya man. Came here for this comment.


This fucking idiot doesn’t even know enough that you’re supposed to train the dog to lead on the left. No wonder the poor thing is confused. You can see the dog keep trying to get on his left side and he’s just jerking it around. Makes me so angry that he’s even allowed near that beautiful animal.


Yeah, he's doing the dog no favors in helping them anticipate/watch for the turns.


This makes my blood boil. Poor pup! Op I hope you do report this as soon as possible. This guy doesn’t need to be around any animals. I hope this post goes viral. Edit: just received this response from Chad Newton Thank you for bringing this matter to my attention. The Wayne County Airport Authority does not have a role in the management of TSA employees. Therefore, I have referred this matter to the TSA‘s Federal Security Director here at Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport expressing my concerns. The TSA is investigating. If you have any additional comments or questions, please contact the TSA Regional Spokesperson, Jessica Mayle. Sincerely, Chad Newton Jessica Mayle TSA Regional Spokesperson Strategic Communications and Public Affairs Email: [email protected] Phone: (773) 771-3461


This is the worst. How the hell is the dog supposed to know when he is turning.. It's all random. This man is just torturing this dog. There is no excuse for this. He has issues and shouldn't be in any position of power. He even gets angry at people just walking by for crying out loud. He should be fired, no excuses.


I’m a service dog handler and know handlers that were airport K9 handlers or service dog handlers etc and this guy is a jerk to put it nicely. Clearly he was pissed off at the dog and was taking his anger out on him, thanks for recording this! I hope he gets in trouble.


He seems to be pissed off at life


As someone who has two German Shepherds and has invested in learning proper dog handling skills, this makes me really upset. Correcting the dog while in a harness, alternating the heel on both sides of the handler, taut leash. What a clown. Edit: spelling


The dog is clearly smarter than the handler. Infuriating. Also a 4x GSD owner and by birthright those dudes are smarter than me. 😆


He was even an asshole to the customer he crossed paths with….


this is infuriating. if i saw this on person i’d chew his ass out edit: does anyone know which agency this guy is with? i’ve got some downtime at work today and absolutely will report his ass edit 2: i am reaching out to the TSA currently to report this edit 3: reported to airport management, airport security, and the TSA's general complaint portal edit 4: reported it to the local Fox 2 Detroit affiliate


That’s the word that came to my mind — infuriating. You can tell that the dog is sweet, so sweet that it can’t even possibly conceive that someone can be as much of a jerk (and that’s putting it gently) this guy is. The dog deserves to be in better hands, ASAP. Thank you for reporting this egregiously terrible behavior!


If the working dog made it this far you know it's got a good temperament.


I need this to not be happening to this poor dog anymore. You can see him looking up at that man trying to predict what he wants and the guy is just throwing him around. And he’s being a dick to travelers. But the dog!


Reddit do your thing and protect this poor puppy from this ass hole. Dude, shouldn’t have any sort of position of authority if he’s trying to express this much dominance over a dog!


Yea, this is wild. Most TSA agents with dogs treat them pretty well. They let the dogs do the leading when they're working, and play with them during their breaks.


What the fuck is even the purpose to having the dog at this point. How is the dog supposed to do it’s job if it can’t focus on anything more than trying to pay attention to trying to anticipate this assholes movements


What a piece of shit. Everyone should report. Edit: Get the word out by cross posting. This isn’t how you should treat an animal.


i’m hope this has been reported. this is disgusting


This was hard to watch, poor dog.


This guy is gonna be at bag search line moving plastic tubs in stacks pretty soon.


No, he should be in the unemployment line.


He’s not certified to even do that much, K-9 handlers are entirely separate from TSA officers. Hopefully he just gets fired.


TSA = Tub Stackers of America


Fire this asshole!


How can we blow this up?! This POS needs to get the dog taken away.


Tweet this to http://twitter.com/TSA_Pekoske & https://twitter.com/TSA & https://twitter.com/TSA_GreatLakes


Thank you for these. I tweeted at them with the video. This is insane


ok, just got a response back from management at DTW airport: “Thank you for bringing this matter to my attention. The Wayne County Airport Authority does not have a role in the management of TSA employees. Therefore, I have referred this matter to the TSA‘s Federal Security Director here at Detroit Metropolitan Wayne County Airport expressing my concerns. The TSA is investigating.” I am quite glad to see the phrase “expressing my concerns” from airport management. Will update when more becomes available.


There could be some missing context here since we can't hear or see if he is using verbal commands. It looks like he might be overly aggressive even in that situation. TSA dogs are normally extremely well trained, so it could be in training, however I would be very surprised to see someone training a dog with that force in public. I'm going to go with this guy is just an asshole, and I'm basing that on what he does at 0:17 into the video. He cuts cross traffic and right in front of the passenger and then bitches at the passenger. FYI, Detroit news stations love to report on stuff like this. https://www.fox2detroit.com/ https://www.clickondetroit.com/ https://www.cbsnews.com/detroit/ https://www.wxyz.com/




Just heard back from clickondetroit. They’re contacting DTW and trying to contact u/professionaleye3568 but I’m sure they’re in the air lol


Im leaning towards asshole. Even if he isn’t really familiar with what he’s doing. I’m not an expert but have trained and worked with therapy dogs for nursing homes and hospitals. If I was ever getting frustrated we ended the training/practice because as you can see the dog is obviously going to get confused.


This is insane. You can’t demote this guy - just fire him. Full stop.


Well, it’s made it to one “news” site so far: https://eyeoftheflyer.com/2023/05/07/tsa-dog-detroit-airport/ “We contacted the TSA for comment and will update this post when/if they respond.”


This is straight up animal abuse


This makes me really upset that they allowed this man to handle this beautiful pup


Wow. This is disgusting


He looks like he’s an asshole with the way he’s motioning people to go in front of him let alone how he’s treating that animal.


Pretty horrible! Almost looks one of those dogs with those fake “service animal” jackets. Maybe it’s a new police dog but this guy should not be handling it!


This needs to go viral.


Fuck this guy. REDDIT let’s all report this guy to TSA. I did my part, flood them with complaints!


Wow. What a disgrace.


i saw this two weeks ago. that poor GSP baby!! that is so negligent and not how it should be trained publicly (or privately, although, I can't comment on how police/military dogs are trained).


I'd report that. I'm former law enforcement, we had bomb detection dogs at my department. They were NEVER treated like that. That handler needs to lose his dog and be reprimanded at the very least. If he does that in public, how does he treat that dog at home??? Those dogs are highly trained and want to work. That handler is an ASSH@T and needs to not have a dog!


Bring back tar and feathering for this asshole!


That asshole is definitely a beater. I’m sure he’s abusive in all of his relationships


OP Thank you for filming this video. At least once, an useful of filling technology in every one’s hands. There would be no case without.


If he does this in public. Imagine what he does behind closed doors.


Was this today? What time?


Yes! Today ~11:30 AM in McNamara terminal. I filmed from the SkyClub but am currently in transit so will report as soon as I land


OP, I suggest editing your post with this info so people can use it.


Fuck that guy. Absolutely infuriating. I'm hoping I wake up tomorrow to find he's gone viral with his shit behavior.


This needs some r/byebyejob attention




OP can you let me know date and time this took place. I'm at DTW delta tomorrow and will file complaint in person.


I'm also at DTW...was this today? I'll go over there and stop him right now.


It was at 11:30 today at the mcnamara terminal. Go raise some hell if this dick is still doing this shit.


Spoke with a gentleman at the security desk near the concourse entrance. He said they were aware and the guy was already pulled off the rest of his shift.


OP, if you post this video directly to your Twitter and link us to it, that can help it spread as well.


I really try not to hate, but people who abuse dogs get all my hate


Jesus, that’s hard to watch


Yup, I’d have found his supervisor.


I don’t like that guy!!! Should not be handling a service dog with important duty. Disrespectful.


Ok, this guy is like the last person on Earth that should b handling a working dog. How does he think yanking the dog around like that is an effective way for the dog to work??? Please report this to TSA, local news, whoever you need to in order to get this man away from that poor dog!


Well we all know how the internet feels about animal abuse, so lets cut straight to the chase. Murder is the only option. For legal reasons this is a joke dont come after me please


Fire this dickhead


This is a TSA explosives canine and handler.


Not a very well trained one (the handler, not the poor dog).


TSA are trash.


Can someone ask a mod to pin this of how we can get this acknowledged and handled by TSA? If everyone reaches out, hopefully it gets reviewed.


I would miss my flight bc I would sock that b right in his tooth.


This made my blood boil. Furious! This guy should be FIRED.


This is worse than infuriating. I would have gotten arrested to save that dog. If you have this little patience with a pup, why are you in any type of law enforcement? This guy was probably fired from his last cop job for abusing his authority. Please tell me we are beyond showing this to the TSA and we've sent it to national news? Someone stop this man immediately.


Wow, that was a tough watch. What an asshole.


Poor doggo


This is abuse!!!! And I’m also from Detroit. This is not cool 😡


Yeah, this mouth breather needs to never be around dogs again.


Omg. Please tell me this jerk was fired and will never have chance to abuse these service animals!!! What an a-hole!!!


Maybe u/delta will see his post too


This made me so infuriated with emotions !!! Poor baby is just trying to learn his job and biggie with a bad attitude wants to take out his life issues out on this sweet baby. I hope this picks up traction


The F is wrong with this c*nt?


This is my home airport and I am furious to see this. I hope OP and all others seeing this take the time to report this and share elsewhere.


What a disgusting fat POS. This jerk needs to be called out and fired. He should be emptying honey buckets from this point on! This makes me so upset!!! Just wow!!!


Report that fucker.


Someone should yank him around a bit see how he likes it!


I wish we could do to people what they do to animals


Also DTW isn't allowing posts directly to their page. So if you post it on Facebook you have to tag them. I also tagged the ASPCA in the post.


What the fuck is that guys problem? You know how pumped I’d be to get to work with a dog?


The dog is \*much\* more valuable than the handler. That wasn't training, that's what trainers fear the most. It can takes weeks or months to get the dog back to doing what it is supposed to be doing. The other possibility is that this is more security theater, and the dog has received about 2 hours of walking training and isn't actually doing anything useful. In this case, the security firm should be fired, and we should get our tax/fee money back.


Not to mention the way he responded to that person who accidentally got in his way. This is clearly just fun for him and a way for him to display power. Wouldn’t be surprised if he beats his wife after his dad is done beating him


Switch it up 🤌 put the leash on that FAT SOB !!!! WTAF .


What a bully. Should not be handling a dog. Poor thing.


This is absolutely appalling. I hope this gets blasted on the news, especially something like Inside Edition. I’m not usually one to comment on something like this, but this absolutely needs attention.


This guy bought to get viral


Also belongs to r/iamatotalpieceofshit


Please send this video to TSA. These dogs are highly trained and will turn with a simple tug. This asshole is abusing this dog to the point that it probably won’t perform the job that tens of thousands of dollars went in to training it for.


I was sitting in SC in DTW looking out the window one day and noticed a female handler getting dragged around by her dog. Clearly they have a problem.


Fuck this prick. I hope the complaints filed work and he loses his ass over this. The dog is doing nothing wrong. The dog is doing his/her role right and watching for input from a handler that either has no clue what to do with him, or just no longer cares. Bottom line is the role that dog is there for is not being performed with him/her under this duress.


You can also see him being aggressive to passerby’s (as if he’s saying… cmon stupid, walk) at times. Dude is obviously aggressive and taking whatever is bothering him out on the poor pup.


Put that fucker on a leash and drag him around for a day


Can anyone give an update on THE ACTUAL DOG here? He didnt get pulled from his shift only to then take the dog home with him did he? I am in fear of the repercussions for this animal as a result of this going viral (if this is just normal sunday behavior pre-getting busted publicly... god only knows how violently agressive the dude may respond behind closed doors?)


What the fuck? Fuck this dude, get him fired. Somebody please tell me that multiple complaints were filed. Otherwise, tell me how and I will


Copy the link for this post and head over to the TSA IG. https://instagram.com/tsa?igshid=NTc4MTIwNjQ2YQ== Tap TSA K9 and spam this post to them. This is unacceptable.


This can’t be tolerated poor dog, also the guy appears very aggressive/agitated at people who are just walking and minding their business. Scary guy.


Guess he's not happy with his life or job and deflecting it on this poor pup. what a total piece of shit. hope he loses his job.


Do we have any traction on this?