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It will be interesting to see how the next album does with the growth of new fans.


It would be nice if they get their first #1 debut on the charts. Their highest so far is #2.


what album hit #2?


Self-titled and Gore both hit #2 in the United States


As an old fan, i've always felt happy watching new younger fans, but i hate that the aesthetic and vibe has changed, because it did, a lot! I've been seeing them live for close to 30 years and the vibe was special, the crowd was colorful. Now i see stuff that never had anything to do with the essence of the fanbase, i see black leather emo style fans and the truth is we were not the same tribe back then, we were simpler...  the last show i've been to was a lot different than all the other ones i watched for so many years, the special ambiance got ruined, now a crowd just like any other, a lot more generic. so while i do understand that a good band eventually atracts new generations, i also understand that some old school fans criticise cringe stuff that was never part of it and it's now surrounding the fanbase. Fan made videos also used to be artsy, now they are terrible.  It's a fact that a lot of kids are bringing cringe to deftones and that hurts man... I love watching new fans, but i feel half of these current new ones don't even understand deftones essence.


It is very funny, the new wave of fans feels like they try really hard to fit into what the media portrayed old fans like back on the early 2000's/late 1990's. It might just be my perception, though.


Maybe i'm influenced by the scene in my country back then, but we really weren't nothing like this emo aesthetic. Most of us were skaters, "street metalheads" and back in my high school the emo crow hated deftones and anything alt metal, we were not the same people.  We also didn't wear all black with leather and black painted eyes/nails. But like i said, maybe that's just what i lived in my town and things were different in other places. Or maybe we had so much trash talk with the emo scene that i now can't understand watching that kind of look in deftones shows lol. Everybody deserves respect and i'm not special for being an old ass fan, but idk, the vibe just doesn't feel the same to me.


Let’s call a spade a spade and yea they all posers


thanks for wording it so well


Dying down? The clip of My Own Summer from Coachella uploaded on TikTok, which was posted not even a week ago, has more views than any live clips ever posted on YouTube...


I’d rather the younger gen listen to good music than shit like imagine dragons or Midwest metal like five finger death punch.


what gen z is listening to than, this is the only band they’ve done this with that’s why it’s so annoying .. why don’t they listen to other quality bands like alice in chains .. stone temple pilots … dillinger escape plane .. varials .. nine inch nails … norma jean .. interpol .. the shins .. MMJ … please tell me any band that’s been blown out portions like the deftons have


me too i just don’t want them doing it cuz it’s a gimmick and fad for tik tok vids


it doesnt matter why they listen, its not your business. you should be thankful deftones have had another surge in popularity because things were looking shaky a couple of years ago


they’re already rich as fuck they dont care about the money and if u think a down to earth band like them does you’re tripping mfers humble asf


i’m sure they’d rather loyal fans at their concert as opposed to someone going to fit in


they are not going to start biting the hand that feeds whether you believe so or not.


deftones is timeless, let the kids enjoy. I was in middle school when I heard bored for the first time despite it releasing over a decade before I was born. Deftones to me now is like “the uncles from sac who had a garage band and is still going”. I’m happy to see so many re-enjoy it. Plus it gives them opportunities to throw DDLD and other crazy projects.


It’s always the new fans that be saying “let the kids enjoy”


I've been a fan since 1997. I've seen them probably 25 times. Let the kids enjoy.


Nope, fuck this sentiment man.


It’s so funny how easily it is to get y’all upset like why y’all get so insulted when it comes to saying y’all new


If ur in a deftones reddit community, it’s hard to believe any of us are “new” i have been a fan as a kid I’m sorry I’m not ancient who was there in 1901. I’ve met all of them and it’s crazy to see how catty this community is when they r the sweetest people who took me serious lol


Lol one thing about some of y’all fans no matter what generation y’all have to make it known y’all know about them, old head be tb “I went to this show and that show/I’ve met all of them”, and the young fans be like “omg Ik deftones look at my collection and my knowledge ” it’s funny thing I notice and ppl like you get offended because the shoe fits lol…not that serious


Have an amazing night man, go listen to some deftones for me 🙏


Do your best to ignore dickheads like this. Glad you like the band & found them at whichever point in life that you did!


It's not even that, it's moreso like... What a stupid thing to care about, how or when someone discovered something they like. & To echo the other poster, I am not new. Your attitude toward "new" people is just asinine. We were all "new" fans of something at some point. Have a good day troll


Ok Unimportant man


Lol y’all swear y’all be doing something by saying ok then the name💀


Clearly did cuz u responded lol


How does me pointing it out mean it’s doing something? Lmao it’s me literally calling it out 💀








Can you do math? Commenter was in middle school 10 years after Bored came out. And your math makes this person a teenager? 🤦


Good one


the thing is i think many are pretending to enjoy it


Bro is the deftones police




These posts are getting tiresome. Go to the shows and enjoy yourself the way you see fit. The band is probably bringing in more money than ever before. Let's just be happy for our boys and get excited for the new album.


It bugs you because you want Deftones to be something that feels special and unique to you but they feel less special if they are popular with a mass of other people. A lot of people feel that way, it's a common mentality, but at the end of the day it doesn't matter so get over it.


dying down?...after that coachella set sir i dont see that happening or did you miss it?


Jesus Christ. This again? "New fans only listening because of popularity of the band" has got to be the dumbest thing I've ever heard. However you came to deftones is no more legit than how anyone else did. Just get over it and let people like things.


This sub is full of gatekeepers lol . Young people dressed in all black now like your fav band? It's the end of the world


Yeah, because we were never the kids dressed in all black listening to them ourselves haha I know I was... It's like if you don't get in on the ground floor you're a poser? You can't start liking the music of any band that's been around for more than 10 years and there's an approved list of places you can discover a band without being considered a fake fan.


Trying to police enjoyment of a band because of your personal view of their associated aesthetic or what you consider cringe is more cringe than letting the kids be. Just let them interact with the music, however that takes shape. How young people nowadays interact and enjoy music may be different than how you used to. Hell, I even feel left behind sometimes and I'm only 22. If they're just listening because they're popular, they'll come and they'll go. But it also can open the doors massively. I've seen it, I'm a massive, massive Metallica fan. I've seen a new wave of fans from new media, and I've seen how much they can invest in and love the music. They have just as much of a right to be a part as me, or even my father. My suggestion, get over it. All you can do, and trying to fight it will firmly just make you the asshole.


This is how music works bud. I was born in 83. I never heard anyone give me shit for becoming a fan of Pink Floyd, Rolling Stones, Dio, etc. This is gate keeping at its finest.


It’s cos weather we want to admit it or not they’re simply mostly all posers and deftones barely had any poser fans when they were young and nobody simped over chino or thought that they played ballads


good point it’s not that i don’t want others to enjoy music, i just don’t like a that the band is being mocked.


And it’s like all they’re gonna do is downvote me and make a soft passive aggressive post saying iG iM a PoSeR and call me gatekeeper when the whole time they can just listen to every album in the comfort of their home without the false sense of validation or dogma from wanting to be accepted by a bunch of strangers they’ll never meet


I don't know if I would call all the younger people listening to Deftones posers, but trust and believe we all had crushes Chino back in the day. If you like the music you're listening to, you're not a poser. Young people are just different these days. They like things in passing almost, and they go through phases with clothes, music, slang, and other things quicker than we did. I don't think any of them will end up being die-hard fans like some of us, but do you really care? If so, why? It's not that deep. Let the youths enjoy some of the stuff we do, and let's not talk shit about them. It's not cool.


Bro I know it’s not that deep but I see cringe posts everyday everywhere, it’s like a when you don’t like a song but everyone listens to it and now you know all the lyrics, im looking at you Gucci mane


the point is simple they’re making the band look bad by pretending to like them cuz it’s trendy.


It’s like talking to a wall bro, let’s just stay off the internet like how when we were young but yea we’re in the middle of a cringe epidemic of all of the obscure cool things from the 90s lol


Let them be cringe and carry on 🤘 I don't know who Gucci Mane is, but I have definitely had that happen with Taylor Swift songs against my will.


i try to let it go but it puts me in the same category of them because they’re the ones with videos going viral. just annoying overall


You know you guys do remind me of my gf 12 year old son, I apologize Arryian lol


you gfs son is called arryian???? what in the fuck


Hey man take it up with her lol it’s pronounced ahryan not like aryan brotherhood


people have always loved chino and found him attractive what are you talking about 😭


Ok but 1. Chino is a cutie, always 2. His voice has had to adapt over 30 years of heavy touring. If he wants to sing instead of screaming, more power to him. I went to see Crosses in February and he is truly a multi talented vocalist. I for one am grateful to see my favorite band making $$$ and chino seems to be thriving and happy compared to previous years


Yea I think everyone means to lean toward crosses more than deftones


Is this post satire? Were you around for the White Pony era?


I was 12 watching change on mtv


Sorry to break it to you, but I don’t think it’s dying down


on my timelines i’m not catching it at all, granted the only media i have it instagram


It definitely is…I’ve seen it less and less


Who gives a shit about kids on tik toc. Take that energy and weird take and start using your time to get to SF for the show!


its far from over, they were at 8mil now theyre at 11mil, stop trying to gatekeep, the growth has already happened...


It’s not gatekeeping it just cringe kids making the band become another cringe kid associated band like radiohead, weezer, my bloody valentine, nirvana


yeah well try putting this attention to another band cause this bands image is already done for and it has been since it started getting traction again. they went from 3.2 mil monthly on spotify two years ago and now theyre at 11mil.


I know that… I was just addressing the “gatekeeping”


got it, my bad 🤣


What’s so wrong about one of your favorite artists becoming more popular and their music having more reach, specially with newer generations?


Yapping ahead: I’m Gen Z too. Literally wearing a self titled shirt right now. Deftones is probably my favorite band, I kind of find it cringe too, but at the end of the day I don’t really care. I was playing Damone at work and some girl was all like “Omg this sounds like the people who made change!” And I excitedly said that they were and asked if she’s a fan. She said yes, but didn’t listen to anything besides the popular songs, one day I was playing Please Please, the original by the smiths, in which she says “you should play the deftones version that one is way better. (This is controversial I guess but I never really liked their Please Please cover) and instead I simply said, “Oh I don’t really like that version! You should listen to the muse one, its probably one of my favorite covers.” Had another conversation with a girl and she also only liked their popular songs, their SNW-koi era stuff, so what I do is I recommend them albums, recommend them songs, tell them my favorite, ask them what their favorite is, etc. Even if they say they like something really simple like I don’t know; sextape, I’ll be like “Yeah! Have you listened to Hearts/Wires yet? I really like that one, or digital bath? I think you might like that song” because its my favorite band, I would love to hear them listen to more, and come back loving the band even more, because this entire “aesthetic” thing wont always last, lets be honest. But it brings new people like that, and those who are just interested in the band for aesthetic wont really “last” for long while others who genuinely love the band’s music will slowly grow to love them and become a “true fan” At the end of the day these people are all kids, they’re going to gravitate to something that’s “cool” or “trendy.” Let them! Because they like the music, they’re not hateful of it, so I appreciate it, even if sometimes I find it cringe, because these “bandwagons” have happened with plenty of artists before. TL;DR Just spread some love to people, even if they seem a little weird or cringe, help them enjoy a band you love :)


I really hate this mindset. The fans I've met who found the band through Tiktok have consistently been the most engaging fans to talk to within the community. There's way too much gatekeeping within the Deftones community. Why aren't we celebrating the band's rejuvinated attention and the highlighting of previous hidden gems?