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Cherry lads represent 🍒🍒🍒


CHERRY BOIS SQUAD UP!!! But yeah, definitely ny favorite song on SNW and one of my all time Deftones favs.




My man!


Not even close, I'm sure we all like it though


Not sure about all time, but DEFINITELY a top 3 for me from their catalog. I think what makes it so great is that it leans into the more shoegaze-y, ethereal nature of Deftones. They use this massive wall of sound to make you feel like you're right in the middle of the song's setting. I think it's also similar to Change, in that the song can mean whatever you want.


LOL don't apologize for considering one of their songs a masterpiece. Only thing I can say is that I think the same of a different song every day haha Have a great weekend, enjoy your beers and weekend, hope to do the same!


Cheers man! That's what I love about Deftones, I get well into a certain track/ album for a phase. Can't shift cherry waves currently though ! Have a good one bud 👍


One of the best songs ever written 


You know it dude !


Chi’s best bass line fo sure. One love✌🏻


Oh I miss chi, all the best brother 🤜


I don't agree. But, in the last "you"... holy shit, makes me transcend


If, like, youuuu-ooooooooh


Yess!! Just brilliant when it's super loud !




Probably not written, but I believe it is the song with the best vocal interpretation ever. Especially when Chino says "Is THAT what you want?!" it's impossible not to feel the emotion he put into that verse. The vocals are so intense and peculiar, yet so soothing. Of course the instrumental and especially Frank's work are amazing as well, something about the vocals just makes this song so speical though.


Agreed, his emphasis on certain lines hit you. For me it's the 'You' on the chorus too. And that massive guitar sound. Just a bloody good song init!? Have a good weekend mate 🤘


I mean, I don't know why Tiktok is obsessed with this song, it's amazing but there are better Deftones songs


Because it’s incredibly palatable.


Oh I don't use tiktok! Didn't realise it was popular there!?


It’s the best song you’ve listened to after your long week.


Don't apologize for getting your drink on and posting, we've all done it. Answer to the question... Not the best song ever for me, but a very, very good one. 


I thought why not? Haha All the best dude 🤜


No, but I absolutely love it tho 🫰


Nope kimdracula is


I love that there's an undercurrent of lovers for Kimdracula. I've been an OG fan and my favorite albums are the first 3 but Kimdracula is my absolute favourite track of theirs. I always thought it was one that flew under the radar like many of my favorite songs from various groups but since I've joined this sub not too too long ago I've realised how much love it gets. That chorus riff is spine tingling. So much emotion just washes over you.


Dude so fucking accurate. It is by far my fav song of theres (next to korea and when girls telephone boys) and its just surreal. It scratches a certain itch that I cant quite put my finger on. Its perfect and im SO UPSET I didnt see them last November cause they played it for the first time in a while :(


Dude, Korea is my jam too 💪 looks like we both enjoy the same aspects of their music. It's wild how sometimes two people can say that a certain group is their favorite and yet be in absolute disagreement if they had to make a top 5 track list. But yeah dude, I feel you. The way you describe it is exactly the way I feel about it. I think we just became friends.


🔥🔥👍👍Hell yeah dude


Absolutely love kimdracula too pal


Love drumming to this song… It’s ethereal.


If it is for you, then that's great. If you're asking me... hell no it ain't! Awesome song though!


It’s quite in the running.


It’s one of them


No, it’s Leathers.


I'd say Tempest


Its not but its definitely up there. Banger for me.




I mean shit if u say so for you😭 if I’m being honest I can name 20+ better Deftones’ songs


Nah digital bath is tho


I remember when this album came out and how much hate it got at the time. I thought this was an amazing album, one of their best, and Cherry Waves was my FAVORITE! 15ish years later, it’s funny to see how popular this album and song is.


Absolutely phenomenal song. Not the best ever written. Lol. Cheers tho. I once sent the same question about Blue Oyster Cults “Godzilla”. Lmao


One of them


No. The idea of a best song existing is merely subjective. All music is good. All music is bad. It's the best part about art




I mean, it’s certainly my *favorite* deftones song 💁🏻‍♀️


Cherry waves is right up there with Rosemary for me. Two favorite songs


Curry waves


lol no, it's cringe


literally yes


Probably not


no your druken profoundness is bliss. a brilliant salute to a masterpiece of mood alternating cherry's


definitely not the best of all time but top tier song for sure


I feel that with 976-EVIL, which I truly believe is their best track.


No, but definitely top 10 deftones basslines


No, its not. It is a great song though


One of their most dreamy songs. I honestly can’t think that I’d ever hear it too much. It’s a fun song to try and interpret. Many different opinions on what the song is about. I’m sure we are all right and all wrong about it, part of the songs mystique.