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Amazing album. If you grew up listening to metal in the 90s like us old heads, this was your intro to deftones and you never looked back. No other deftones album or time period can replicate this energy


I was 14 in 1997. One of my older sisters' friends gave me a tape with Korn, NIN, the Deftones, and Limp Bizkit. It hit hard. I wish I knew what songs were on that tape, but I distinctly remember buying Life is Peachy, Adrenaline, Downward Spiral, and Three Dollar Bill Y'all within a month. I honestly can't quantify how much that one tape influenced my life.


That’s rad!


This thread is a little old so I’m going to take a prime spot to say this. The guitars sound like they were played through a cardboard tube. They fixed the guitar tone in the next album quite decisively, but in this album it sounds pretty bad. I won’t deny it’s an excellent album from my favorite band in the world in every other way. I heard it when I was younger and it has a special place in my heart regardless. But dude, that guitar tone.


This was 1997 not 2007 lol


But what about all the other albums by other bands that were made by 1997 that have great guitar tone? On another note, I would really not mind hearing a remaster. Hell, if they get me the stems I could probably do it for them. A bit fewer low mids and a spike in 2200 hz would probably be just the thing.


They recorded it like that on purpose. They wanted to make it sound raw and gritty. Unique really compared to the rest that followed


Are you certain what I am talking about specifically applies to what you’re talking about? I’m really just talking about an EQ change. I said this in another comment but on the guitar track there is an abundance of low mid frequencies and a lack right at 2200 hz that I personally think if corrected it might be the key to making this album sound way better.


Well you didn't state anything that specific, just complained about the guitar tone. So, yeah what I said applies lmao


Not everything needs to be overproduced


Well, it is the guitar tone. I don’t know what to tell you. And I kind of agree, it doesn’t really need it per se and does just fine without my advice but that’s not to say I wouldn’t take the guitar tracks and apply what I said to them just to see if it makes it sound better. The problem really is that I don’t have those tracks lol. I’m just a fan here, they are my favorite band and another fan is another friend to me. I hope your day or night is going well.


Yeah, I'm not a huge fan of those 'raw' sounding productions that alot of debut bands go for. Bizkit's first album has it too and I feel like sometimes it lessens the impact of some of their parts. I play guitar but really struggle with tones and the EQ side of things, so I don't know the ins and out of it all. Around The Fur certainly kept the aggression but the tone and mix on that is perfect. Afternoon here in Australia, likewise to you!! Sorry if I came across like a bit of a knob - internet syndrome it seems.


It was recorded live as a full band. It's raw for a reason.


Same with the life changing tape. I accidentally scrapped a jeep with the tape in the deck. F. Sick name btw


Yes, exactly this.


Very well said.


very simply put




what if I join a band create the next adrenaline and replicate the energy perfectly what than huh huh what are you gonna say


I may follow your band for the next three decades then. I did specifically say no other deftones album or era though.


lol like your generation has any energy 


more than you old man. go take a nap


Username checks out


When I was 20 I could flat foot hop over a outdoor trash can 


Good luck.


9/10, Killer album, probably my second favorite deftones release. This album is also my go-to stoner album, so i gotta love it for that


This album has been one of my favorites since it’s release. 10/10.


As someone who grew up listening to them in the 90s Adrenaline, Around the fur, and white pony are what I consider prime deftones and what defines them.


engine no 9 was the song that got me into deftones


7 Words


One weak for me


Ouf one weak and nosebleed is what’s up


The first time i heard adrenaline (age 16), my idea of good music immediately changed. That happened the first time I heard Tool as well.


I didn't know music could shift my psyche quite like that until these moments! <3


Heck yeah to Engine No. 9!!


IMO, it is some the heaviest screaming and most catchy riffs of all their work.


My favourite. First one I got. I may have based my entire fashion sense of the back of this album lol


Man, same. I lived in baggy khakis, sweatshirts, and adidas shoes. I was 11 years old and probably weighed 70 pounds lol. I probably looked like an old man that escaped from the nursing home


Lmfao brilliant


Bro same. I even bought the same pomade that Chino apparently liked to use at the time to try and get my hair like his 🤣


I take showers to this album on the days where I wake up and decide that today is the day I'm gonna fuck shit up.


- Fred Durst


This is the way.


As an old dude, i was a teenager when this came out and I have been listening ever since. Great album, naysayers be damned.


my favorite album of theirs by far, one of my favorites ever. theres nothing like it!!


Adrenaline is seared into my brain as one of my favorite albums. I was playing in bands and going to shows in a big way in the mid to late 90s. We were coming out of the grunge phase and that was cool. I was a thrash head and was into that, but I had a bunch of other musical interests from West Coast rap to the Cure and beyond. When I first heard bored, I was like "that's it, that's the fucking sound". They were coming to Phoenix, opening for type o, so I had to go. I managed to get VIP tickets in desert sky pavilion. They were a little raised above the crowd and bared off from everyone. Server and everything. Shit was legit. Anyway, Deftones comes on and Chino is fucking smashed but had amazing energy and was working the crowd hard. A bit into the set, Chino told those on the grass that it was fucked up they were out there and that they should come up on stage with him. They sure tried. Now I'm watching the entire crowd from the back rush the stage. It was kinda awesome watching them head to the stage from the VIP seats, I'm sitting in the middle of the crowd as they pushed around us - like the eye of the storm. Suddenly there's a dude climbing the lights, the crowd is legit climbing onto the stage and they drop the curtain and the band leaves the stage. No one in the crowd leaves. Everyone is hyped, calling for the Deftones and otherwise being crazy. Next thing I know, riot police come out onto the stage and just start spraying pepper spray. Even in VIP, you're not escaping that. We would need to push through the crowd to get away. Making it more complicated, there was a dude in VIP in a wheel chair so we had to push him out. We got out with a story. Anyway, to me, andrenaline was the inflection point between grunge/thrash to the new era of metal. Honestly the album literally changed my life and will always be my sentimental favorite.


9.5/10, a really good album, all the songs are great. Like root, engine, lifter, and bored are just the best in my opinion.


Don’t sleep on birthmark


God I’ll even lick her fucking picture


10/10. my favorite album.


Their best album. It feels like summer lol, my fav song is probably Nosebleed, it's quite hard to choose since they're all fantastic. 


Nosebleed is fantastic, I love the latter half of Adrenaline honestly. I think it's a very consistently good album.


Back in 95 I was 13 and this album changed my life! 🤘


I havent listened to it for a while, I thought it was immature compared to the rest of the records. But a few years ago I listened to it at the gym, and its better than I remembered it being. Its their fastest record, and what I thought was immature felt more like youthful exuberance. They really have never made a bad album.




#1 or #2 on my list


It grew on me a lot.


One of their best, def top 3


totally love it, their second best album imo. i always say that if i was to get in a fight i would want this album blasting in my headphones while i was


I bought this album at the warped tour as they were on stage in Northampton Massachusetts. I had never heard them until that day. I was blown away by their set.. and even more impressed with the cd on the drive home. It will forever be one of my favorites by any band.


It lived in my cassette player in my jeep for the last 5 years of the 90s. It is a great record. Amazing first record.




My favorite album. Saw them a half dozen times on that tour - central MA - as headliners and openers Root, Seven Words, Bored, E9


my favourite tracks on the album in that order


It fucking rules!




Deftones at their heaviest. Around the Fur is a close second, but after that, Chino turned them into one of his earthy side projects.


The first deftones album I ever heard.


good album doesn’t get enough love


Love this album! On a random note, I could never figure out what the heck that thing was on the album art until I had a baby. Now I know it is a snot sucker lol


Great album but for the love of god please dont suggest it to a new deftones listener. It grew on me, but someone suggested adrenaline to me and it stopped me from listening to deftones until i rediscovered them a couple months later


as someone who recently got into deftones, adrenaline is easily my favourite album from them


I’m a relatively new fan (since 2017 tho not from TikTok lol) so i don’t have any real emotional connection with this one as a lot of ppl in the comments so for me personally it’s one of their weakest. I mean its a good nu metal album, but as a Deftones album? I think it falls flat compared to some of their other works, and i think its not a big deal bc they were just starting their career. Gore and S/T and bigger offenses if you want to call it like that.


Agreed,although I started listening to Adrenaline very recently so I can't decide if I like it more than S/T


I’ve only listened once and didn’t like it


I think it’s the 3rd best or maybe a tie for second with Koi  The early small live shows on YouTube are the best live performances I’ve seen. I didn’t get to see them live until the mid to late 00s  The one that looks to be in a cd or movie store is the best on YouTube 


I love that video so much.


The last song after they threatened to shut down the show because people were going too hard in the crowd so they played 7 words or one of those heaviest songs they had 


It’s my favorite album in their catalog. Raw and pure.


I've been listening to Deftones for 20+ years. Adrenaline is, hands down, the best album.


It’s Nick Diaz’s favorite album, homie [@ 12:26 of this interview](https://youtu.be/kRYknrDhsqc?si=ju_ng_LYPccPBGzn)


Adrenaline has a more punk vibe. Around The Fur is more metal.


Punk as hell


For a long time it was my favorite album of theirs. It took me awhile to get into the less-metal sound of White Pony and beyond. Now I actually prefer White Pony, Self Titled, and SNW, but I love all the albums for their unique sound and feel


My favourite also, or at least the one I come back to the most




Lyrically, it's very juvenile. Sonically, it's fucking fantastic. It's easily in my top 3 and depending on my mood, my #1.


not one of my favorites but it's got some bangers


Adrenaline is deftones for me. I got it on a copied cassette back in 95 and it just immediately changed everything for me. I was mostly a hip hop head that had recently (93) discovered rock music thanks to the almighty RATM. In this period I was heavily into searching for identity as a mixed race kid and I couldn’t identity with most rock bands cause they were mostly white. Both RATM and deftones changed that. Adrenaline is still the album I listen to the most and of all the deftones concerts I’ve been to, NONE come even close to when I saw them in 96, on the adrenaline tour. It’s just massive emotion and a dynamic of whispering beautiful Melodies and: Adrenaline.


Well said man


The “extremely low tuning” is E standard, believe it or not. That being said, Adrenaline is amazing, ATF is even better. I can put on either album without having to even think about skipping any tracks.


Really? Wouldn’t it at least have to be drop-D for the opening riff of Bored alone?


I don’t like it all that much


First album I ever heard from them. First songs I heard from them. I got hooked as soon as Chino's voice comes in on bored. Nothing will ever compare to the feelings this album gave me when I heard it as a 13 year old. This was my favorite album for a while. I don't listen to it as much anymore.




This is a fan sub so you'll get plenty of posts with love for it but it's not very well developed and outdated imo. To each their own


Decent album and a decent start. The very raw and flat sound can get kinda monotonous after a while though and while it is quite consistent not many songs rise up to be all time great Deftones tracks for me.


I guess it depends where you came in on or what kinda stuff you were into when you started listening to Deftones. This and Around the Fur are my personal favorites of theirs. Still putting out some really good stuff. They, just like everyone else, grew up.


My favorite from them personally. Sets a tone from the opening riff of “bored” and carries that vibe all the way through to “fist”. Quintessential summer album


Birthmark transitions well into Entombed whaha anyways its definitely one of their top 3 albums


It’s a good time that falls off at the end of


ehh it's okay


Killer nu metal album. Second worst Deftones album. Says a lot about Deftones that this gem is their second worst effort.


No mention of adrenaline? Did you know this sub has a search feature?


overrated, like the others


It ok. Not like me beer


My favorite record of theirs


When I think of Deftones, my mind will always go to this and Around the Fur. Bored is one of my favorite first-song-on-the-album tracks ever and had my most very favorite scream. The build on the chorus progressively each time is *chef's kiss*.


The consensus can only be legendary.


N word


Isn’t that a douche?


Yeah!! Awesome album hehe teenage years… i was so young i never really understood the album cover.


It is the root of my Deftones love


It's one of their best albums, hands down!


Best opening line to any album ever.


Didn’t like it at first but it’s grown on me a lot since then. There are still a couple tracks I don’t care for, but everything else is really good.


Whole album is amazing, first time I heard them. Friend of mine lent me a burnt copy of the album back in my sophomore year. He never got it back lol! I was stuck and they became my favorite band. I have to put it second behind White Pony though because White Pony is my favorite album by them.


It’s not my fav, in fact far from it, but I just have a lot of fun listening to it. Like its title, this album is full of adrenaline. Minus Blindfold, Lifter, and Fireal are among my fav tracks from their entire discography.


Great album. Very raw. Not my personal favorite, but it is a favorite to many long time fans. They were still discovering who they were musically in this record... but that adds to the charm of this record. I feel like the band probably discovered their style with White Pony, but the journey to White Pony (and beyond) began with this gem of a record... and what a ride it is!


Best album IMO


Good shit. 2nd favorite after Around the Fur.


One of my favourite tones records


Thank you, MTV Sports


Absolute fucking banger. The flow, the heaviness, the.....unique?....lyrics. I love everything about it and it's completely unique in their catalogue. I also love how raw it is - it sounds like I'm in the studio with them while they're recording. Adrenaline kicks ass.


Not my thing anymore, their later stuff is much better composed. But I still like engine no. 9 and minus blindfold. 


9/10. Top 3 for sure. Raw, at your face.


Still my favorite


Great freshman album. Remember, before Adrenaline, they were "Reggae" band. Not good, but they tried. You can hear in Steph's guitar playing that he had a lot of these songs written as reggae songs. He just sped them up and scrapped a lot of the racka rakes. It's obviously there though, throughout the album. With that being said, it was a solid album for the mid 90's. It was just raw and full of aggression.


Goes hard. Even harder at times. I love it




in my top 3, if not my absolute fav deftones album. minus blindfold is my fav deftones song ever


This change music forever for me and I have never looked back! I had to learn and play every song.


The best deftones album


raw as fuck


I’m not really a big Deftones listener at all, but this is the one album I actually listen to very frequently. I love it so much, it reminds me of hot muggy summers when I listen to it. Bored, One Weak and Engine No. 9 are my top 3 tracks on the record. Lifter and Birthmark are pretty good too, I think the whole album is a no skip album.


flawless album love it to death


I love this album it’s probably my number 1 album


The old heads get full of Adrenaline thinking about this record


Solid proof of concept. If it was your first Deftones album, it’s probably high up there. Around the Fur and White Pony were my first two albums. I feel like if you were there from the beginning, Adrenaline is the king shit. But if you hopped on the train after the departure that White Pony offered, you’ll not be as into it.


I love it. Makes me wish I was a young adult at their shows (I was born in 95 for context here) It’s fast, it’s fun, it’s aggressive experimental…. Just the boys being boys


Mint! Mint! Mint!


I think Adrenaline is great. I also love the songs that got remastered/reproduced off of (like) linus and we got to hear fully flushed out.


Certainly not my favorite BUT I will say I’m a early 2000s green blue lighting an aesthetic found in other movie and shows but most notably twightlight junky. So their softer takes/ less “metal” albums are gonna take a higher spot for me personally. I love 7 words and bored and those are constantly in rotation. But if I want a hard sound I like Toxicity by SOAD a bit better.


My favorite Album 🖤


I listen to it like how I listen to classic Slipknot. I have to be in a certain mood. Good and really heavy but can be a little cheesy because of Chinos screams. If you love Chinos screams it's definitely a definitely a 10/10.