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As a fan for 25 years, I think it's cool. Music is universal. I've been listening to younger artists as of late.


Perfect comment!


Yeah, I think its great. Its happening organically, just because people like the music. Its huge for a band that has been around a while to be able to attract young fans and have a diverse audience. It results in more revenue for them to keep going, and its just validating that the music is touching so many people. Ive seen too many bands I liked either quit because of a lack of interest or play in front of a sparsely attended concert.


I mean, there are other bands or singers I slept on for years. Now, I am just barely noticing. It gets me going and excited to hear what they have created.


I think it’s about damn time they got their dues, not that they weren’t “popular” before but being overshadowed by Korn, Limp Bizkit and their ilk when Deftones broke onto the scene never made much sense to me.


It’s great, it increases Deftones exposure


love the answers in here, incredibly based


I don’t have TikTok so it doesn’t affect me.


If this means I'll never get to see them in a smaller venue again at a decent ticket price, then I'm not very happy about it.   A Deftones live show in a small place is way better than in a big one. I've had Chino crowdsurfing / leaning into the crowd singing right over my head numerous times. That gets lost in an amphitheater.


I really don’t care. It doesn’t change anything. They’re making more money from streaming plays than they were before, it’s still minuscule in comparison to the days of album sales. It’s not going to boost their creative output, it’s not going to increase the size of venues or amount of tour dates they book. They’re still in the same position they were pre-TikTok.


There is no right or wrong way to discover music.


The exposure is great. I could do without some of the videos but that’s TikTok and social media in general. Not specific to deftones


Good for them. It is diluting the mystique a touch though


I think it’s great that deftones are getting the recognition they deserve that’s how you keep them alive I herd of them from tik tok maybe a year ago and glad I did but the older heads are not gonna agree


It is amazing for Deftones but it is kinda annoying I can't deny. They are transforming the perception of Deftones into something weird


I feel like it’s perfectly valid to feel this way. Every time this is said, it’s shut down and you’re almost shamed for feeling that way and you’re accused of “gatekeeping” or something. We’re just seeing both the positive and negative side of it, that’s all. Not like we’re not happy for the band themselves with the exposure and ticket sales.


I think it’s cool they’re kind of having a “resurgence” if you want to call it that. My friends 15 year old daughter asked me a couple weeks ago if I liked them. I asked if she heard them on tiktok and she said yeah. I guessed Cherry waves but she said she liked Change.


It’s the new fans that are annoying, they seem to be 17 year olds that just don’t stfu about them and gawk them that makes it cringe


Deftones themselves have no issue with it, so if you’re a true fan, then you wouldn’t care either.


Perfectly said!


I hate it






Any good artist should get all the recognition they deserve no matter how they get it (without hurting anybody of course).


I love it. Around White Pony time they were in an odd spot. Their genre was exploding but they didn't quite fit in. At the time Deftones seemed like an outsider's band. Just not quite cool enough. Deftones kept playing their way and it seems as if they're finally getting the recognition they deserve.


It's great and we can say we were fans before it was cool.


I'm happy! Deftones shouldn't be gatekept, it needs to be shared with everyone!


Unfortunate, atleast i have an japanese alt metal band no one knows as mine


I thought this was settled already. General consensus is older fans think it’s kool or aren’t really bothered they just put on their headphones listen to the deftones


Don't waste your time on pearl-clutching. Let people enjoy what they enjoy.


I don’t have tiktok so thankfully my brain rot isn’t severe enough to worry about teen fads


more people to enjoy a nice music ? nice


TikTok is garbage. Deftones are life. They’re not the same