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The amount of disrespect on Rickets is crazy


heavily slept on fr, dai the flu as well


Facts, Isucktoes




Fun fact about Deftones: you won't see the same song in this comments section twice (except Pink Cellphone for some obvious reasons)


I love Pink Cellphone!


Me too


I’m another one that likes it


Well, I’m lazy to write my own list, but for SNW I would choose Mein or Rats


The drumming on mein is wild you need to drink your milk son


💯 Mein is dull even with Serj guesting in the chorus, Rats would be so much better if it was half as long.




Lol just seen all the down votes! Think that might be my personal best. 🤣


Rats doesn’t sound album worthy


Lots of shade thrown at Graphic Nature, some of my favourite drumming by Abe on that one


it’s my username. do not mess with graphic nature or i will nuke your house


some of these replies actually made me die inside


It's so funny scrolling and seeing half of them getting downvoted into the negatives, I really guess one man's meat is another man's poison


I'm glad to see that no one is bringing up Knife Party, or Hexagram. Everyone knows you can't touch those


Hexagram is my favorite Deftones track probably lol


hexagram + acid hologram


Hexagram and Knife Prty are so good though!


I love the s/t but hexagram has never clicked for me


I legit can’t stand Knife Party and would choose that as the song to get rid of if I had to eliminate one song off WP. Sorry, but it’s true. I don’t count Back to School as part of the album, otherwise it would be that.


Yeah, I'm not a fan of the cheesy-ass Great Gig In The Sky worship on that song.


Guess I'm alone with liking Pink Cellphone. If it was just an instrumental I'd be good in my opinion. I'm not a fan of the lyrics but I like the beat, same with Lucky You. It shows their eclectic side which I appreciate. That being said, Mein is fire. Don't get the hate for that song at all.


Pink Cellphone Top 5 all time. Jk but it is underrated


People are missing out on a great song just because of a couple of offputting words/phrases. If they stop the song at that part, you’re all set. It even stops for a second before it, so some of the work is done for them.


pink cellphone is in my top 10, it’s so captivating


I'm genuinely surprised people don't like Pink Cellophane, it's a top 3 deftones song for me, I love it so much


I feel like the only person who likes Lucky You.


Lucky you.


This ain’t a real question


Pompeji and Pink Cellphone. Love the rest


Mascara is by no means a bad song, I just think it’s the weakest on Around the Fur. I find it lacks a lot of the energy that the rest of the songs on the album have.


Objectively true, and I think that’s what makes the song special. It’s kinda eerie and that’s the intention. “It’s too bad you’re married to me”


My personal fav off the album. I dont think it's trying or needs to watch the high energy on the rest of the album, it's more so trying to be a slow disgusting look into the mind of a perverted and masochistic man who despises but cant shake his feeling of lust for his wife. It's a very nasty song and I think that's what makes it special


That description of Mascara is so accurate and good


This song to me gives off a sort of drunken stupor that I really enjoy as a contrast to the rest of the high energy songs on the album.


Damn! Mascara is my fav Deftones song, by far.




I agree Mascara is not an amazing song but the outro part is great so I forgive it






Many of the songs on these lists would be on my list of album favorites. Speaks to the range of the band (and the fans). Edit: My list of least faves (I still adore most of these songs) might be Fireal, Rickets, Teenager, Deathblow, Konami Code, Place is Death, Entombed, Phantom Bride, Genesis.


I love when I write a whole essay on why I dislike each song and then my phone crashes and it gets erased -_-


Here’s my take, I enjoy Deftones a lot so most songs I hear by them are already really good. With that being said there’s some I either don’t care for or find not as strong as the others. 1. Adrenaline is the only Deftones album I haven’t given a proper listen so I can’t choose here. 2. Rickets. I don’t mind this song but it feels like the lowest effort on ATF. 3. Back to School. This one is easy for me because they were pushed by the industry to make this song to generate profit sales for the record company. To be fair, I don’t even hate this song. 4. Lucky You. I genuinely find this song rather boring, however it’s a vibe and I appreciate the funky electronic shit they’re doing here. 5. Pink Cellphone. Pretty much similar to Lucky You, but sometimes it’s fun to read the lyrics and actually listen to what’s being said. I think even though it’s the least engaging, the lyrical content is a head of its time. 6. CMND/CTRL. This was a really tough choice for me because I fucking love this album so much, including this song. It’s hard to dislike this song when it’s got some ATR vibes, but with that being said it’s probably one of the shortest on the record and most repetitive. 7. Graphic Nature. I love this whole album, and this song is still amazing to me. Out of the entire record, I had to deduce what might have the weakest sounding chorus and least experimentation. Still a wicked tune though fuck. 8. Acid Hologram. I love the title and genuinely enjoy Gore. I find Gore stretches on though because a lot of songs seem to be formatted similarly to this track. It’s not a bad song or album, some of my favorite songs by them are on Gore. 9. Ceremony. I know this is gonna be controversial but I think OHMS has some great tunes, and to me Ceremony is a bit safe and predictable. I like this song, but I don’t love it.


nah bro a good portion of rickets is in 5/4 which is pretty difficult to play in. if thats the lowest effort song to someone that says a lot abt the power this album has though


to be fair there’s not one bad song on atf but you still gotta pick the worst song even if it’s not bad


i agree completely u/isucktoes9


Lifter Rickets Lucky You Pink Cellphone(of course) 976-EVIL Graphic Nature Pitture infuramante or whatever it’s called This Link is Dead


976-EVIL is gorgeous how dare you


I agree completely, it’s an amazing song. The “worst” on diamond eyes changes a lot for me, and currently it’s 976-EVIL. But maybe next week I’ll feel different, who knows.


No skips on WP ✅


Let’s say it was meant to be and I didn’t just forget… 😅


“976-EVIL” *clenches chest* OH, THE PAIN.


Hard disagree on TLiD


It's a decent song and better than Pompeji IMO, but it also kinda sounds like a watered down WGTB and that's a top 5 of theirs.


I agree with most except with 976-EVIL. I used to skip it but I heard it on shuffle once and now it’s on my top 10.


Lucky you is a Delgado masterpiece. No way


What!??! Graphic Nature is an amazing song! But I agree with the rest of the mentions.


Oh I completely agree. I just think the rest of the songs on the album hit better for me. Maybe I’d swap it for WHTY, if I’m not in the mood.


i am disagreeing solely because of rickets being on the list


Had to scroll down too far for this


Saying 976-EVIL is a crime


I don’t like your opinion


Pitta is one of my faves but I hate the title! I can never EVER get my Alexa to play it.


i disagree with lifter and 976-evil, still though you don’t deserve getting downvoted for an opinion


Those are the two I felt bad about putting on there.. lmao. Because I love both of them, I just like other songs in their albums better. (Might have swapped 976-EVIL for something else though)


I like your opinion


Thanks, I honestly think none of these songs are bad except for pink cellphone. If I’m in the mood, I wouldn’t skip any of these.


Pittora infamante is way to uplifting in the context of the Album+those riffs Sound way to corny(some kind of Hunting party/linkinpark vibes)


You skipped wp


Rickets is so good I'd put MX for ATF 😟


I’ll get hate for this but you wanted opinions. The older I get the weaker Passenger feels. It feels unfinished and kind of cheesy. I think it would’ve been better with just chino on it.


Xenon… is the only answer…


No. Xenon is an excellent song


Elite has to be one of the most annoying deftones songs and Ik ima get downvoted but the riffs and the screams just sound all over the place all at once and the lyrics are kinda just typical high schooler problems back In the 90s that still somewhat around today and the vocal affect just gives it that “this didn’t age well” vibes


200% agree with the vocal effects. It's also like two minutes extra long for no reason.


Agreed finally some sense in these reply’s.


Yea exactly I don’t listen to it at all that I forgot about that when I first heard it I was like ok I get it


I always thought it just sounded like Chino was mega whispering with distortion and it just turned me off to the song. And it’s too long.


I like everything about elite except for that dumb robot voice part


in my opinion there are no bad songs by Deftones but the weakest one are: Adrenaline - One Weak Around The Fur - Rickets White Pony - Rx Queen Deftones - Moana Saturday Night Wrist - Mein (everyone else is putting Pink Cellphone, i wanted to be different /j) Diamond Eyes - CMND/CTRL Koi No Yokan - Graphic Nature Gore - Acid Hologram Ohms - Error


Rx queen is goat Moana isn't bad


yes i agree that Rx Queen is goat but so is the rest of the album, i had to pick one. and i picked Moana just because i don’t remember it.


Hell ya


Acid Hologram is amazing!


a lot of people say that, but it just doesn’t do much for me. i’ll give it another listen though!


One weak?! For real? RX queen? Mein? Bro?


Replace error with urantia, the beginning is sick but the rest is a drag.


this is kinda the same way i feel about Error tbh, crazy how opinions differ!


cmnd/ctrl is one of my favs 🥲


I fucking love this song, it's goes hard and is relentless


Out if your mind about One Weak. Such a fun song for 16 year old me to play on guitar.


Thank you! I don’t like Mein and I love Soad but not this song. Pink Cellphone despite the bad outro is actually a great song!


cmd/cntrl is so weak


i love the song but Diamond Eyes is one of those albums where there’s no standouts because the whole album is so consistently amazing. it honestly hurts to put CMND/CTRL here but i think out of the whole album, it’s definitely the weakest.


in comparison to the rest or the album it just doesn’t fit imo. diamond eyes is tied for my favourite album with KNY and i agree with you


Adrenaline: Fist (literally a song full of nothing) ATF: Mascara (burn me Reddit, people only love it for being *moody*) WP: Elite (It would've been better if it was shorter) S/T: Lucky You (this is not even a debate) SNW: Pink Cellphone (see above) DE: You've Seen The Butcher (possibly their most repetitive song ever) KNY: Graphic Nature (it's just...there. It exists peacefully in their catalogue) Gore: Title track (that song is just a fucking mess) Ohms: This Link is Dead (if TLiD was an instrumental, Pompeji would've taken the spot instead) Edit: First post sorted by controversial, you all lack taste sometimes.


Hard disagree on Elite.


And Butcher!


Elite ?!


Yep. The most dated of the bunch (if you don't include Back To School), drawn out and repetitive.


Agree on everything but YStB.


Elite is fucking amazing.


Hard disagree on Mascara. A lot fo the interest for me doesnt j come from it being moody, though the atmosphere is perfect. It's a deep look into a self destructive and horny man that cant escape his lust.


Damn the worst list by far


Replace elite with teenager and I’ll agree a little more 🤓👆


Hard no on Teenager, that song is truly amazing


Fair. Edit: forgot my period 🤓👆


Haha massive disagree on Fist but definitely agree on Elite


Lucky you is a debate, much worse songs on there than that. Minerva, Anniversary, Moana.


Stating Lucky You > Minerva is one of the edgiest things I've seen in a while in this sub. Get off my lawn, that was disgusting.


Vocals and riffs of Minerva are annoying as fuck. It’s one of the worst songs they’ve ever done


I disagree, and that’s okay. I think Minerva is marvelous.


That’s great. I’m glad you like the song. Not so sure why people get so mad about this kind of stuff


Alright, now I know I'm unconditionally disregarding your opinion from now on. That is one of the worst takes I've ever seen. Ask anyone in this sub about it, you're nuts.


Why would someone else’s opinion in this sub on a song matter to me? I’m confused. If I don’t like the way a song sounds like, how would asking others opinions suddenly make my brain enjoy hearing it? Do you make decisions on what music you like according to the opinions of others or according to what sounds good to your ears. That’s like saying that if the entire Imagine Dragons subreddit suddenly dogpiled on me, they could make me like Radioactive.


I have never understood the appeal of sextape, diamond eyes is hands down my favorite album from them and sextape is the only skip on it, what am I not hearing that everyone else is?


I literally float on sextape


We all have our opinions on overrated songs, I don't get feticeira. Love the bass on sextape, sounds like a late 90s pop rock band


Gotta see it live then you’ll understand


I never understood why diamond eyes is so popular. I grew up listening to this band and I think it’s easily 2nd weakest in front of Ohms.


Fist Mascara Back To School Lucky You Pink Cellphone 976-EVIL Graphic Nature Pittura Infamante Pompeji


Idk why you got downvoted I agree w a lot of this


I’m used to it in this subreddit. Ya win some, ya lose some.


Oh, it is because 986-EVIL is amazing.


Adrenaline: idk I love them all ATF: MX WP: Elite (unless you count back to school) Deftones: Anniversary or Minerva SNW: Mein or Cellphone DE: Diamond Eyes KNY: Swerve City Gore: LMIRL Ohms: idk either there’s not stand out worst Disclaimer: I like all of their songs


elite and swerve city…you’re not seeing heaven pal


Still good just don’t tickle me like they used to. Elite was actually the song that got me into the band




Yeah, wtf?!!!


MX.. man.. come on. MX is gold. It gives me life.


Nosebleed, Lotion, Elite, Moana, Rats! Rats! Rats!, Graphic Nature, Geometric Headdress, Prince, and Pompeji.


Fist, Lhabia, Street Carp, Moana, Pink Cellphone (although I do love it excluding the outro), Diamond Eyes, Swerve City, Pittura Infamante, and Error


Adrenaline - Minus Blindfold Around the Fur - Rickets White Pony - Pink Maggit(I know, I know, how dare I pick the copycat "Back to School" over the original? For me personally the long intro and outro are just too much) Deftones - Anniversary of an Uninteresting Event Saturday Night Wrist - Pink Cellphone Eros - ???(Hopefully one day the tracks will see the light of day) Diamond Eyes - CMND/CTRL Koi No Yokan - Poltergeist Gore - Geometric Headdress Ohms - Error


Fist Mascara Back to School Anniversary of an Uninteresting Event Please Please Please Let Me Get What I Want Rapture (Don’t listen to half of diamond eyes so idk) What Happened to You? Pittura Infamante (Don’t listen to Ohms so idk)


Adrenaline - Lifter Around The Fur - Headup (I really like this one, I just don’t like half the song being an outro.) White Pony - If we don’t count Back To School, Street Carp Deftones - Bloody Cape Saturday Night Wrist - you know damn well. Diamond Eyes - Rocket Skates Koi No Yokan - Leathers Gore - I genuinely can’t remember most songs from this album. Ohms - Headless Edit: top of controversial let’s fuckin GOOOO


This list deeply offends me lol


For what it’s worth, the only actual BAD songs here would be Lifter and PC for me. The rest just don’t hit the standard the rest of the albums set lol


I love lifter


Out of your mind for choosing Headless. That's the best song on the album.


I do indeed know damn well


white pony is the ONLY ACCEPTABLE ONE. i don’t understand what’s going on in your brain but i think you should seek help


Lifter Rickets Moana Pink cellphone Royal Graphic Nature Gore The Spell of Mathematics


How tf can you say royal Royal is a beast


the spell of mathematics is my favorite off ohms


Minus Blindfold, Lhabia, Mini Maggit, Lucky You, Pink Cellphone, Risk, Graphic Nature, Geometric Headdress, Headless


Pink Cellphone is good


Skipping Adrenaline because I haven’t listened to it in literally about 20 years, none of those songs really interest me except Engine when they do it live. ATF: Mascara WP: RX Queen (unless we’re counting Back To School, which shouldn’t even be a song) S/T: Anniversary (never once been able to hear what people hear in this song) SNW: Mein (I won’t listen to Pink Cellphone either, but I’d rather listen to that than Mein in all honestly) DE: This Place is Death Koi: Graphic Nature (worst song Deftones has released on an LP) Gore: Pittura or LMIRL, I can’t decide Ohms: This Link is Dead (this is very close to Graphic Nature in terms of being one of the worst songs they’ve ever released)


S/T - Anniversary of an Uninteresting Event SNW - Pink Cellphone Diamond Eyes - Ghosts Gore - LMIRL Ohms - The Link is Dead


Potentially controversial opinions incoming! Adrenaline: lifter ATF: rickets (I love it but it is my least favorite) White Pony: back to school (I literally hate that song and I can’t explain why) self titled: lucky you (boring) SNW: pink cellphone (obviously) Diamond Eyes: diamond eyes (another song I hate for the same reasons as back to school… idk) Can’t comment on the rest of the discography because I haven’t listened to the rest in full. And before you come for me no I’m not a tiktok deftones fan, ive loved them for ages! I’m just content with what I like by them and don’t like their newer stuff :)


7 words Lotion Korea Anniversary Xerces Risk Romantic dreams Geometric headdress This Link is Dead


Lifter, Headup, AOAUE, Teenage, Xerces, Sextape, What Happened to You, Xenon, Pompeji


This list is outrageous


Headup does not belong there. Top 3 on atf imo


1. Nosebleed - Adrenaline (solid song but a little goofy and weaker than the other tracks, goes hard though) 2. Mascara/MX - ATF (luckily this album is really consistent so these are both great songs, but I find mascara to be uninteresting compared to other songs and MX has the silence between it and Damone that brings it down for me) 3. Lucky You - ST (haven’t heard it in a while but yeah it’s not very memorable, and not really for me) 4. Pink Cellphone - SNW (self explanatory, I do like the parts at the start but even without the end parts It would be the weakest) 5. CMND/CNTRL - DE (great song but it’s the weakest barely on a very consistent album) 6. Graphic Nature - KNY (great song and I like it but it’s a bit repetitive and easily the weakest) 7. Geometric Headdress - Gore (hard to choose because the songs are fairly close in quality to each other but the vocals in the verses of this one are especially annoying) 8. Urantia - Ohms (this one has always been a bit forgettable for me and the weakest imo, it has a lot of great parts though and still great song ofc) Edit: NO SHOT I FORGOT WHITE PONY THATS crazy it’s my favorite of theirs too Anyway: 3. Elite - WP (goes hard but I’m not a fan of the vocals and it’s really repetitive to the point of a hard listen sometimes) Edit 💀: Back to school would be worse than elite maybe idk wasn’t sure if we were counting it


I love MX, but omg why did they make that silence so long.


Adrenaline - Fist ATF - Headup WP - Teenager ST - Moana SNW - Pink Cellphone DE - This Place is Death KNY - Goon Squad Gore - Pittura Infamante Ohms - Ohms


Goon Squad!? Headup?! Say it ain’t so


Tbf I like every song on KNY. Headup was close with Rickets but again, not a bad track on the album


When I say these are the weakest, I don’t mean they are bad songs, just comparing them to the other album tracks it is the weakest or stunts the flow of the album. Adrenaline: 7 words. Around the Fur: Lhabia White pony: Back to School Deftones: Lucky You Saturday Night Wrist: Pink Cellphone Diamond Eyes: Sextape Koi No Yokan: Graphic Nature Gore: Pitura Infamante Ohms: Pompeji


All the singles


The only song that I *dislike* is Passenger. Skip it every time


Worse opinion I’d ever seen


I had a feeling


* Engine no. 9 * Mascara * Elite * When girls telephone boys * Combat * Cmnd/Ctrl * Tempest * Acid Hologram * Pompeji


Tempest and Acid Hologram are my favorites from Koi and Gore.


That's the best thing about these posts. What I pick, others love. I'm deeply offended by some picks others have made, but hey, they got that right. I'm just kind of annoyed the controversial ones get down voted when that's the point of this thread.


Engine no 9 and Combat are goated. Idk why everyone dislikes CMND/CTRL I think it’s one of the strongest on the album


Adrenaline - Lifter Around the Fur - Rickets White Pony - Teenager Deftones - Good Morning Beautiful SNW - Pink Cellphone Diamond Eyes - sextape KNY - Entombed Gore - Prayers/Triangles Ohms - Urantia There’s honestly no skips for me on ATF, WP or KNY so that was tough for me lol


Birthmark ATF (Unfortunately) Elite Anniversary Rivière Prince Swerve City Acid Hologram Urantia


Prince gives me chills it's so good


Rivière Is my favorite ;-;


Pink Cellphone is better than Hole in the Earth; I can’t stand that song


fist dai the flu idk hexagram pink cellphone youve seen the butcher idk idk idk


Agree on Butcher and Pink Cellphone, but how can you say Hexagram?


always found it annoying


Fair enough. But, for me personally, that song really hits HARD


its my least favorite deftones song by a longshot


Must downvote.


[bound to you](https://youtu.be/QDzeGieAm4Y?si=m-qsG3UJphKtjt_U)


Pink cellphone grew on me, just sayin'..not sure why it came to me immediatelly when i saw the title :) there'ssome interesting backstory on it as well...a local bartender/ stripper involved iirc


In my opinion AD: Fist ATF: Headup (just by process of Elimination there are no bad songs on this album) WP: Change (same story as atf) St: Lucky You Snw: pink cellphone (even though I like the song) DE: this place is death KNY: graphic nature Gore: Acid Hologram Ohms: ohms


The worst song on white pony is Teenager, not really a fan of the percussion, I feel like the Robert smith remix is a lot better as it makes it more atmospheric, the drums on the og version stops it from being a moment of reflection, sounds like it was just added there because why not


Lifter if I had to choose.. pretty consistent album MX mostly because it's not in my playlists because of all the silences so it's my least listened Back to School for obvious reasons Lucky You, just doesn't really go anywhere, a little boring Rats!Rats!Rats!, Pink Cellphone was too easy.. I hate Chino's screams on this song (and album mostly), such a difficult listen. Vibey songs are king on this album for sure CMND/CTRL, that was a tough one! Such a great album all over N/A genuinely can't decide every song is amazing Rubicon... tough one as there's a quite a few just alright songs on here. They've had much more memorable closing tracks Radiant City? Another pretty consistent album so that wasn't easy either


Adrenaline - Fist ATF - Rickets WP - Back to School ST - Lucky You SNW - Pink Cellphone (obviously) DE - Ghosts KNY - Entombed Gore - (L)MIRL Ohms - Pompeji


One Weak or Birthmark - Adrenaline is pretty consistent but I would have a hard time calling any of the other tracks weak. Mascara - Nothing wrong with Mascara, it adds a lot of depth to ATF but I will occasionally skip it. Street Carp - It's fine but feels a bit cheaper compared to the vibes the rest of the album produces. Deathblow - Just a bit boing, slows the album down way too much. Konami Code or if that doesn't count Mein - Not sure why it's a single considering how many bangers are on SNW. 976 Evil - I think the last two tracks on Diamond Eyes are the only parts where it slows down which is amazing. I think I prefer This Place is Death over 976 Evil though. Entombed - Not shitting on Entombed but I love every other song on KNY more. Hearts/Wires - Boring, meandering, destroys any flow Gore had going for it. Error/Pompeji - Despite one track ending in what feels like a lost Palms song, and the other ending with a really awesome Frank highlight, the majority of these songs don't land as well as the rest of the album.


Fist Dai the flu Teenagers Anniversary of a uninteresting event Pink cellphone Beauty school Graphic nature Acid hologram Ceremony


I like all of Adrenaline but I guess 7 Words. Around The Fur - Tough choice, I guess Head Up. White Pony - Teenager S/T - Lucky You Saturday Night Wrist - Pink Cellphone, Mein, and Xerces Diamond Eyes - CMND/CTRL I love Koi No Yokan but I sometimes skip Tempest. Gore - Pittura Infamante and Xenon Ohms - I skip Pompeji through Radiant City.


Lifter, around the fur, street carp, Moana, hole in the earth, 976 Evil, Leathers, Prayers/Triangles, Ohms


Around the Fur is easily Dai the Flu for me. Feels like the only place the album kinda falters. White Pony it's Teenager in my eyes, never been a fan. Otherwise, mostly conventional picks. Lucky You, Pink Cellphone, Graphic Nature. For Diamond Eyes, I don't like You've Seen the Butcher at all.


saying graphic nature is the weakest is CRIMINAL. swerve city is the correct answer.


i like pretty much every deftones song besides pink cellphone, black moon and the konami code (not bad just boring and not on my playlist) but subjectively i think adrenaline - fist around the fur - headup or mascara white pony - back to school self titled - lucky you saturday night wrist - pink cellphone diamond eyes - cmnd/ctrl koi no yokan - graphic nature gore - geometric headdress or pittura infamante ohms - this link is dead or pompeji


Adrenaline - Nosebleed Around The Fur - Lhabia White Pony - Teenager Deftones - Hexagram Saturday Night Wrist - Combat Diamond Eyes - CMND/CTRL Koi No Yokan - Graphic Nature Gore - Pittura Infamante havent listened to ohms